Book of Revelation Explained 61: Great White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20:11-15)

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[Music] [Music] tonight I'm going to start with the chart because I want you to be able to see the big picture and I want to make sure that you understand the correct sequence of events that are going to occur during this time period you know my major objective when I started this book is for people to truly have a good understanding of the book of Revelation and where everything fits in and that's why I've given the charts but we're going to start with the chart let me kind of work through this if you don't mind and then you'll see why I'm doing this in just a minute but anyways this cross symbolizes the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ now what's kind of interesting is that in the Old Testament the prophets were looking for the Messiah but what they didn't understand is that there was going to be a time period between the first time that the Messiah came in the second time in fact they didn't understand that he would actually come twice and they didn't see that now as we look back into the Old Testament prophets or prophecies we understand that but they didn't so they didn't understand that there was going to be a church age and that's why Jesus taught so many parables is because he was teaching on the church age and so this is the church age here now after the church age we're going to have the rapture if you notice I have Christ descending it looks like it's in the middle of the tribulation that's not what that means it simply means that Christ is going to descend and they put it here because he's going to physically descend and touch the earth after the Tribulation Period but before the tribulation he's actually going to come in the clouds we're going to hear the shouts we're going to hear the trumpet and we're all going to be translated or transformed and caught up in the air to be with him and so we have the rapture now once the rapture takes place we have the tribulation now the interesting thing is when the rapture takes place and we're in heaven this is also known as the marriage supper of the Lamb we're going to be up there enjoying in a sense the honeymoon phase but actually before that takes place we experience something known as the judgment seat of Christ I'll teach on that tonight but that's going to take place when we're in heaven and then Jesus Christ is going to return after the tribulation so we have this revelation of Jesus Christ he's going to come we're going to have the Battle of Armageddon now if you remember the Battle of Armageddon is not much of a battle because immediately when it starts the Antichrist and the false prophet are captured alive and they are thrown into the lake of fire alive and everyone who's taken the mark and has worshiped the image of the beast they are slain and then this angel descends and he has the keys to the abuso or to the abyss and he also has the chain and he grabs hold of the Satan and he throws him into the bottomless pit he's chained inside they locked the entrance to it and seal it for a thousand years now that thousand year period is known as the millennium now here's something that takes place that's interesting notice I have tribulation Saints raised in other words resurrected because there are actually in a sense two resurrections the first resurrection has two parts the rapture of course in which we miss the tribulation we actually are resurrected and our bodies actually come in a rejoined with our souls in heaven but there are going to be those that are saved during this tribulation period and for those that are beings that are saved during this tribulation period most of them will be martyred now I've already talked about where people go when they die depending upon whether they're believers or unbelievers but those who are martyred for Jesus Christ there so will go to heaven but their body will still have to be buried why they missed the rapture so they don't get to come back with Jesus Christ when he comes but before the millennium starts the more the souls of the martyrs are here their bodies are resurrected and there's a we're going to find out another judgment and I'll explain that a little bit later all right now we're going to have this millennial period Jesus Christ is going to on the earth for a thousand years and it's going to be as close as possible to heaven on earth we've gone through all the characteristics of this millennial period will there be sin yes what do you mean there will be mortal mortals and they will have free will and we went over that most people will live as long as trees in the trees they're referring to the trees that live a thousand to 2,000 years but it also says that there will be those who died if they died a hundred years it means that they were cursed in other words they've done something wrong and it also means that we're going to be ruling and reigning over them now if you remember after the Millennium Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit and what does he do he deceives the nation's those mortals and they actually come with him and surround the city of Jerusalem they want to overthrow the King of Kings they want to overthrow Jesus and it's kind of amazing to me because if they'd done a little bit of homework they would have known what happened at the Battle of Armageddon it's not going to be a battle people it says that they're all destroyed by fire from heaven now this is where it gets interesting after that takes place then we have what is known as the judgment of the wicked right after that period where the nations who rebelled with Satan at the end of the millennium are destroyed what do we refer to the judgment of the wicked as the great white throne judgment and that's what we're going to be studying tonight what's kind of interesting we're just going verse by verse and we're seeing all of these things revealed as we go and they're revealed in chronological order so now we've had a very brief description of the Millennium we understood Satan was locked up for a thousand years then we were told that he was released we saw the rebellion we saw them wiped out and now we go to the next sequence of events or I should say the next event in the sequence which is the great white throne judgment so let's study that turn to verse number 11 and chapter 20 and I saw a great white throne and that said on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them now John's description of this throne tells us who's sitting on it he describes it as a great white throne it's not just a white throne people it is a great white throne the work grade is translated from the Greek word Magus it means great in size and stature now if this word sounds familiar to you it should because we have an English word that's translated from this word it's the prefix mega which also means huge or large in size and stature but my point is this this particular throne is much greater in size and stature than the Thrones that are mentioned in verse number four remember those who come back with Jesus they're sitting on these Thrones that are mentioned in verse number four who are the people sitting on those Thrones it's us the Christians we are going to rule and reign with Jesus Christ during the Millennium and we're gonna find out what we rule and reign over depends on what we do on this earth while we're living right now that's very important now this tells us that this person who's sitting on the throne is far superior in power and status to those who are sitting on the Thrones that are mentioned in verse number four now the color white symbolizes purity holiness and righteousness which implies that the verdicts that are being handed down are pure righteous and fair they're not going to be any unfair or unjust verdicts issued from this throne because the person that is sitting on this throne not only judges the actions of a person but he has the ability to discern what their thoughts were what their intentions were and what their motives were when they carried out those actions so who is the person that's sitting on this great white throne well of course it's God and that's verified in verse number 12 now we're not ready to move on to verse number 12 I just want you to notice that when we do but what I want you to do is look back at the last part of verse number 11 it said from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them now this is very interesting because it tells us but the great white throne judgment is not going to be held on the earth or in heaven Wow well it's not on earth it's not in heaven where is it we're not told because we're in a transition period at this point from the oh that's going to pass away and the new that's going to be created but let me just say the great white throne judgment is not going to be held on the earth or in heaven and let me explain why I say that the phrase fled away is translated from the Greek word whew go which means to flee or to flatten or to vanish to be gone the phrase was found as translated from the Greek word Hugh risk which means to find after searching of course it says that they could not find it so they could not find after searching now both of these terms are written in the heirs tense which means that when the great white throne judgment occurs the ODE heaven and the old earth will have vanished and you won't be able to find them anywhere you can search wherever you want but you won't be able to find them they have vanished they are gone and that's what it means by there was no place or there was found no place for them now when most people read verse number 11 they think it's saying that those in heaven and those on earth are trying to hide from God but there's no place to hide how many you've ever read that and that's what you thought it meant and be honest I would say everyone here that's ever read the book of Revelation you have read verse number 11 and what you thought when it said heaven and earth fled away you thought oh well that's meaning the people on earth the people in heaven whoever that is they are trying to hide from God that there was no place found to hide from God but people that is not what this is saying it's not talking about people people are not even mentioned in this first it's talking about heaven and earth so what this is saying is that the great white throne judgment won't be held on earth or heaven because the ODE earth and the ODE heaven have banished they've been destroyed they no longer exist and of course this is verified in chapter 21 verse number 1 as soon as we finish this section the great white throne judgment and the next time I teach we're going to start in chapter 21 verse number 1 and we're gonna see what he's talking about here in verse number 11 so go ahead and turn to chapter 21 verse number 1 we're gonna kind of peek ahead if you don't mind notice what it says and I saw new heaven and new earth why is there a new heaven and new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea now Peter spoke of this very thing in his epistle in fact if you remember when Peter was teaching and his second epistle chapter 3 verses 7 through 12 and these are the words he penned but the present heavens and earth by his word are being reserved for fire what does it mean reserved for fire means okay one day fire is going to come upon the heavens and the earth can't for but actually that should be translated kept until in other words it's not going to happen until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly man now when is the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men the great white throne judgment that's the day of the judgment and destruction of ungodly men but do not let this one fact escape your notice beloved that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day the Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with the roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up since all these they all these things are to be destroyed in this way what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the elements will melt with intense heat now let me give you one more fact to support what I'm saying just a minute ago I told you that the word fled in verse number 11 was written in the air is tense now I understand that probably very few of you have ever had any type of Greek grammar lesson so I'm not going to go into that but I want you to understand that it is written in the airs tense and that makes a difference in how it's translated in fact this is translated from the Greek word evigan which is the air stuff you go just getting technical here now according to Kittel the way that's written in Greek in the air is tense pictures a sudden and violent termination of the physical universe and it coincides with what Peter is talking about in his second epistle in chapter 3 verses 7 through 12 where fire is the instrument for consuming the ODE heaven and the Old Earth they literally burn up and they're found no more and that's what Revelation chapter 20 verse number 11 is saying the heavens and the earth fled away it's written in the air since which means they vanished they went up poof they're gone and there was found no place for them in other words you could search all day long and you won't find them because the old heaven in the old earth are going to be burned up and they will be gone now we're going to study this more in depth when we get to Revelation chapter 21 verse number 1 but for now let's just move on take my word for it and then I'll prove it when we get there verse 12 and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works now we get to the judgment part why we call it the great white throne judgment but before we do that let me clarify just a few things first of all this is not a general judgment for there is no such thing in the scriptures now does everyone know what I mean by general judgment everyone understand I mean a judgment where everyone is at the same time both believers and unbelievers people that's not going to happen now sometimes when you're reading certain verses it sounds like the wicked are going to be right are going to be resurrected at the same time that the righteous are and we're all going to be judged at the same time no those are just general statements but more specific scriptures tell us that there is no such thing as a general judgment where everyone is judged at the same time that will not happen believers will be judged at a separate time than unbelievers in fact just as there are two resurrections the resurrection of life which is the first resurrection and the resurrection of damnation which is the second resurrection there are also two judgments the judgment seat of Christ where believers are judged and the great white throne judgment where unbelievers are judged and these happen at two different periods there is a thousand year period between the two now I know that some of you been taught that Christians will not be judged but that's not true Christians will be judged we're going to be judged at the judgment seat of Christ says for we must all underline that word all for we must all pallas writing to the Corinthian church he is writing to believers and he's telling these believers we must all we believers must stand before Christ to be judged we will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body now let me explain something believers are not going to be condemned when they're judged in fact Paul wrote in Romans the eighth chapter verse number one so now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus so the question comes up well if we're not going to be condemned why are we going to be judged or we're being judged to determine our rewards you see we're saved by grace but were rewarded by our works most of us think because it says we're saved by grace than when we get to heaven it's going to be a communistic and everyone's gonna have the same thing people that doesn't work that way I don't like the way our country is going because it's going towards a socialistic agenda socialism and that is not scriptural that is not biblical let me just tell you when we get to heaven not all of us are going to be rewarded with the same things the Bible says we are saved by grace but the Bible clearly teaches that we are rewarded by our works so when we stand before Christ is to find out what rewards were going to receive the people is not that way for the unbeliever you see Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sin or of our sin the scripture says that Jesus condemned sin in the flesh in other words in his own body he took our condemnation upon himself and he paid the penalty for our sin in his own body and all a person has to do is accept Jesus Christ get to forgiveness through Jesus Christ and he is forgiven but if you reject Jesus Christ you're rejecting God's gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ in a sense you're telling God I don't need Jesus to pay for my sin I'll pay for my own sin and you will you will be condemned for your sin and that's what the great white throne judgment is all about every unbeliever is going to stand before God to be judged for their sin they're not going to be judged to see whether or not they're entitled to eternal life because you are not saved by works every man has fallen short of the glory of God no one is worthy to obtain eternal life except one and that was Jesus Christ and he coveted with us he became one with us so that he might be made our sin so we could be made the righteousness of God in him now we need to understand that the unbeliever is not going to be judged to see whether they're entitled eternal life but only to ascertain the degree of their punishment I'm not going to go into this but let me tell you that the Bible clearly teaches that there are different degrees of punishment Hitler will be punished to a greater degree than some one who maybe was a good person but they didn't receive Jesus Christ everyone will be punished if they're an unbeliever but there are different degrees of punishment I'm not going to go into it but you can look at the parable that Jesus taught and Luke the twelfth chapter and I just don't have time for that so anyways having said that I want you to look at verse 12 again and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened in another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged said of those things which were written in the books according to the works now I want you to underline the word dead it appears twice in this verse it's translated from the Greek word necross in fact we actually get some of our English words from this it's transliterate transliterated hate to use it but necrophilia you've heard of that word well it's coming from this you know what the term means so you can understand what necross means but necross refers to spiritual death so it's talking about the souls of the dead it's not referring to physical death your body it's referring to spiritual death your soul so it's talking about the souls of the dead you see the Greeks had two words for death necross which refers to spiritual death and Thanatos which refers to physical death so what John is seeing in verse number 12 are the souls of the Dead standing before God both small and great what we're going to find out in verse number 13 is there's going to be a resurrection and their bodies are going to be joined with their souls but at this point in time all he's seeing are these shows up from Hell and now their bodies are going to be resurrected in just a minute and in the very next verse but now when he sees the great white throne judgment all he sees are all these souls now if you remember in the rapture I told you when a person dies before the rapture and they're a Christian there so goes to heaven but the body goes into grave but one day the soul is going to come back with Jesus and it's going to be in the clouds in the air and then our bodies are going to be resurrected if we died and they're gonna go and they're gonna be rejoined to our soul we're getting the very same picture here in verse number 12 one sees the necross the spiritual dead he sees the dead souls around the throne of God and then it says both small and great in other words every unbeliever will be there cain pharaoh a hab jezebel judas all the scribes and Pharisees and the chief priests who caused the Crick's crucifixion of Jesus Christ and never repented Hitler Stalin Jeffrey Dahmer you the list goes on and on and then there would be people like John Doe the small and the great every unbeliever who's ever lived will be there and then it says the books were opened now the word books is plural and another book is opened singular which is the book of life now if you noticed as we read this book that the people are not being judged out of the book of life these people are being judged said of the things that are written in the books now let me give you a principle if you're taking notes you write this down everything we do on this earth is being recorded let me say that again everything we do on this earth is being recorded now let me give you a couple of scripture scriptures to prove that and we could go further in detail but I'm not going to do that it's want to give a few turn to Psalm 56 eight you keep track of all of my sorrows you have collected all my tears in your bottle you have recorded each one in your book now look at Malachi 3:16 it's kind of interesting he's talking about the wicked but now he comes to the righteous and he says then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other and Lord listen to what they said in his presence a scroll of remembrance was written and then it goes on to say to record the names but we also find out the Book of Isaiah and some of the other prophets but it's not just the names that are written but every deed that we do so as I said everything that we do on this earth is being chorded now if you're a Christian it's still applies to you if you're a Christian everything you've ever done or will do is going to be recorded in a book including sin but the great thing is all the sin that is recorded in that book if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is going to be blotted out because Jesus paid the penalty of our sin so the only thing that's left written in the books are the good things we've done when our books are opened up and remember we are going to be judged not at the great white throne judgment we're gonna be judged 2,000 years before then we're going to be judged to find out what rewards were going to get but when we're judged those books are going to be opened and then it's gonna speak blotted blotted blotted alan said bless you blotted blotted blotted alan preached a sermon and three people entered the kingdom of heaven blotted blotted blotted i hate to say it but there's gonna be a lot of blotting there turn to Colossians chapter 2 verse number 13 and you've being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together in other words made alive together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross in other words everything that you ever did Jesus had to pay for you couldn't go to heaven every sin that you ever have committed or will commit if Jesus doesn't pay for it you can't go to heaven so they took these handwriting of Ordinances everything that you've ever done or will do and because Jesus is omnipresent which means that he's not held by time and because God can see in the future knew everything not only that you would do but everything that you could do and every possible situation God was that able to take the sins of the future and he was able to lay them on Jesus Christ so that when you committed those sins those things were blotted out because Jesus paid for them now I'm gonna read this very same verse from the NLT do you mind because it's a better translation of what this is really saying here it goes you were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away then God made you alive with Christ for he forgave us all our sins now notice verse 14 he cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross he cancelled the record of charges against us in other words all of those things that we've done wrong that were written in the books Jesus paid for so there's a little staff that comes in and it blots it out and it says paid for Wow so every sin we've ever committed has been blotted out the only thing that are left in the books are the good things we've done and we are rewarded for those things but for unbelievers their sins have not been blotted out because they rejected Jesus so their sins are still recorded in those books and the things written in those books are what they're being judged for it the great white throne judgment everything they've ever done Rome as well as the things they've done right but the Rome just as it is for Christians will far outweigh the things they've done right because dot God doesn't just look at your deeds he looks at your thoughts he looks at your feelings he looks at your intentions he looks at your motives because God is able to discern what's in your heart Wow verse 13 now get the picture before we read verse 13 John sees the great white throne judgment he sees these dead souls and they're gonna be judged out of these books but it but right now they haven't been we're gonna see what takes place it verse 13 of the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works so in verse 12 it's just the souls and the book is open and the books are there and they go this is the judgment but they're not judged until their bodies are resurrected so in this verse John is going to give us a little more information little more detail in fact let me show you something interesting as I told you the Greeks have two words for death necross and Thanatos so let me show you how these two words are used in verse 13 and the significance of it because both words are used here in this verse so look at verse number 13 and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death the Greek word there is tan itas and he'll delivered up the dead the Greek word for dead there's necross which were in them and they were judged every man according to the works now as I told you the Greek word Negros refers to spiritual death so it's talking about souls and the Greek word Thanatos refers to physical death so it's talking about the dead bodies rotting in the graves so I want you to notice what verse 13 is saying instead of putting in those Greek words and bringing we're we're gonna actually insert this in this verse what these Greek words mean notice what it says and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death delivered the bodies and he'll delivered up the souls which were in them and they were judged every man according to the works now did you catch what this is saying it's telling us that one day the wicked will also be resurrected it's the resurrection that Jesus was talking about in John the fifth set chapter when he says there's the resurrection of life and then there's the resurrection of damnation every person will be resurrected it just depends on which resurrection you're resurrected at whether it's the first or the second now it's telling us that one day the wicked are going to be resurrected their soul is going to rise from Hell where it's been tormented and their body will rise from the grave and their body and their soul is going to be reunited and they will stand before God to be judged so even unbelievers are going to be resurrected to stand before God in order to be judged so don't get into your mind that it's only believers that are going to be resurrected look back at verse 5 in chapter 20 this is the first resurrection what was the first resurrection the martyrs they missed the rapture and remember the first resurrection is the rapture but you also have a second part to the first resurrection because the martyrs may miss the rapture they didn't get saved to the tribulation so that's also part of the first resurrection but notice what it says after that the rest of the Dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended that's the NLT so the wicked are going to be resurrected also but it's going to be after the Millenium and they're immediately judged verse 14 and death Thanatos and hail what's kept in hell so we're cast into the lake of fire this is the second death so the souls along with the body that has been reunited with it are going to be throwing the lake of fire now does anyone need any clarification on that it's pretty straightforward if you're at the great white throne judgment it's over man you're being thrown the lake fire and there's nothing you can do that's just gonna happen first 15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire now let's talk about the book of life first of all what is it well basically in layman's terms it is a divine register listing every person who's ever accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior now does everyone know what a register is women do but do do men know what a register is a register is an official recording of names written in a book there's that again a register is an official recording of names written in a book so the name of every person who's ever accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior has been registered in the book of life now if your name is not written in the book of life you are thrown into the lake of fire and you will burn forever and ever you do not burn up the doctrine of annihilation is a false doctrine why is it a false doctrine because God created man to be an eternal creature that's when you that's why when you die your soul still lives on yes your body rots in the grave but one day it will be resurrected but your soul is eternal and when your body is resurrected if you're a believer when your body is resurrected you have a body like Jesus Christ had when he was resurrected it is an immortal body now here's what's sad when the bodies of an unbeliever is resurrected the only thing that we can infer from the Scriptures is they will have a body but it's immortal - but their body and soul is thrown into the lake of fire let me read verse 15 again and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire so I would say that the book of life is the most important book that has ever been written it is the most important book that will ever be if your name is not written in the book of life I would be scared to death because if you die without your name being written in the book of life you will not get a second chance the moment you die your soul will go to hell hell is a temporary holding place it is still a place of fire and punishment not taught on that but one day hell will deliver your soul your body will be resurrected at the great white throne judgment you will stand before God you will be judged out of the books and everything you've ever done you're gonna have to give an account for and then you're gonna be thrown into the lake of fire that's what the scripture teaches now because it's such an important book let me give you a few more scriptures to talk about the book of life these are not the only scriptures but I want to be here just read scriptures on my alone Psalm 69 28 erase their names from the book of life don't let them be counted among the righteous now this is kind of interesting because of this verse and several others there are some scholars that believe that every person who's ever been born their name is written in the book of life but when they die without Jesus Christ if their name if their sins have not been blotted out in the books then their name has blotted out in the book of life their name is erased and that's why the book of life they believe that the book of life is pulled out at the great white throne judgment because it's to show them you had a chance your name is written in here when you were born God desired for you to have eternal life for him and he wrote your name there but you rejected him and you said I'll pay for my own sins and so I couldn't blot all these sins out of the books but because I couldn't do that you can't be in the book of life and your name is blotted out and so the indication from Psalms is that you can your name can be erased if you remember Moses Moses was saying God if you're going to destroy them and just take me out what was referring to this Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 at that time Michael the Archangel who stands guard over your nation will arise then there will be a time of anguish greater than any sense nation's first came into existence but at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued book of life Jesus was talking to his disciples he sent them out they were doing all of these great miracles and when they did all of these great miracles they came back and they were rejoicing what did Jesus tell them Luke 10:20 but don't rejoice because evil spirits obey you rejoice because your names are registered in heaven now if you don't mind I'm going to look at this chart and I'm going to show you something interesting you guys don't mind if I take two more minutes to you okay when we are raptured and we missed the tribulation I told you that we're going to experience what is known as the Bema judgment that is the judgment seat of Jesus Christ we're going to stand before him Bhima is actually a Greek word and basically what it was in the Greek culture was kind of like a platform and you came for a kind of a tribunal but what was interesting is we're going to stand before the Lord but it's not going to be this one of these places where you're scared to death it's gonna be a little apprehensive what are we gonna be rewarded with but those books are gonna be open and everything's gonna be blotted out except for the good things that you've done right so what happens is we are rewarded right there now when we come back with Jesus guess what those who were martyred during the tribulation note now here's what's interesting it says that we are sitting on Thrones why are we sitting on Thrones because we get to rule and reign with Christ but where we rule in what we reign over was determined by the judgment seat of Christ now here's the interesting thing the martyrs can't come back with Jesus Christ until after all this takes place and their bodies are resurrected and then they are judged right there but here's what's interesting the Bible seems to imply that judgment cannot occur until your body has been resurrected because now we come all the way over here to Satan being loosed after the Millenium all those people are destroyed by fire and then we have the great white throne judgment here it says the judgment of the wicked now what's interesting is it tells us in verse 13 that their bodies are resurrected now why can we not be judged until our bodies are resurrected well it all goes back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 10 if you don't mind let me turn there and read it it says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body it is very clear the judgment that for Christians you're being rewarded for what you do now if you're not faithful with the small things how in the world can it give you the riches of God to be faithful over and then even for those who are unbelievers when they're resurrected it's for the things they did in their body why they were here on earth and God makes it very clear you were sent to this earth for a purpose you either fulfilled your purpose or you rejected your purpose but when you stand before God he resurrects your body and you are not judged until your body has been resurrected does that make sense that's why the martyrs don't come back with Jesus and why that not sitting on the throne until they're judged also you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: the book of revelation explained, the book of revelation explained bible study, the book of revelation in the bible summary, apostle john, four horsemen, apocalypse, torah, is this the end, holy ghost power, bible mysteries, how to understand the bible, how to understand the bible better, the resurrection of jesus, 666, yom kippur, the feast of the lord, messianic, bible stories, allen nolan, end times ministries, revelation explained, the book of revelation, bible, end times 2020
Id: J3VDeN1fn2A
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Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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