The Fall of Adam and Eve | Book of Genesis Explained Bible Study 7 | Allen Nolan

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[Music] tonight we're going to be studying the fall of Adam and Eve and the consequences of it now believe it or not this is a highly debated debated topic among theologians and most of the debate centers around the question of original sin now I probably need to explain what the term original sin means because it's not what most people think it is the word original means first or earliest so most of us think that the term original sin refers to what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit let's be honest how many of you when you hear the term original sin that's what you think of it must be what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit but you know what that's not what it is the term original sin refers to the spiritual condition of man as a result of Adam and Eve's sin in other words the effect that Adam and Eve's sin had upon all of mankind so this is what theologians spend the most of their time debating is men totally depraved as Calvinism teaches or does men have the ability to recognize to understand and to respond to God even though he has a sin nature so turn with me if you would to the book of Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 through 6 and let's see how the fall of Adam and Eve affected all of mankind and I want you to follow along with me as I read this passage of Scripture says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the surface said unto the woman you shall surely not die for God does know that in the day that you eat thereof then your eyes will be open and you shall be as God's knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and she gave it also unto her husband with her and he did eat now there are only one of two ways that you can interpret this passage of Scripture either literally or allegorically you see some theologians believe that this story is an allegory now does everyone know what an allegory is just in case you don't know what an allegory is let me define it an allegory is a story in which the people things and events have a symbolic meaning so those who believe that the story of Adam and Eve is an allegory don't believe that Adam and Eve were real people they don't believe that they were ever tempted by the serpent or that they actually ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil it's just a story with the symbolic meaning it's caught it's kind of like the the kids fairy tales or fables except this one has a spiritual meaning to it now let me explain the symbolism and this is the way those who believe it's an allegory interpret the story Adam represents the rational part of man Eve represents the sensual fleshly side of man and the servant represents the voice of enticement so in this allegorical interpretation we see an explanation of how sin works in man our sensual side gives into the voice of enticement causing us to sin and then we rationalize what we do so we see Adam Eve and the serpent all playing a role in sinful behavior now let me be brutally honest that the allegorical interpretation does not hold water it sounds good and it sounds right but it's sloppy exegesis exegesis conducted by incompetent scholars the only true interpretation of the story is a literal interpretation and let me explain why I say that I'm going to give you four reasons first of all Adam and Eve are presented as real people and chapter 2 verse number 7 God created the very first man from the dust of the ground in Genesis chapter 2 verses 21 and 22 God created the very first woman out of the man's rib the man was named Adam in Hebrew Adam literally means human being or man but if you dig a little bit deeper you'll find that it's derived from the root word which means red dirt or red soil so Adam means dirt man or mud man now if you're Native American Indian you might think this is interesting most Hebrew scholars believe that Adam had red skin that's why he was named Adam from the red dirt or the red soil so you could truly say that Adam was the first Native American all right I guess though he wasn't in America but anyways now this is interesting if Adam means dirt man or mud man because man was made from the dust of grass of the ground and he returns to dust when he dies now the woman was named Eve in its simplest form Eve means life or life-giving but the full meaning of the name is mother of all life look at Genesis chapter 3 verse number 20 I want you to notice that Adam named Eve and he tells us why he named her what he did and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living now what's interesting is that in Genesis chapter 5 verse number 2 God calls both Adam and Eve Adam he refers to both of them as Adam look with me if you would in the book of Genesis chapter 5 verse number 2 says male and female created he them who does he refer to God and God blessed them and he called their name Adam in the day when they were created so when Adam and Eve were created refer to both of them as Adam now why in the world does God refer to both of them as Adam was because Adam means human being and whether you're male or you're female you're a human being Adam in fact as you go through the Old Testament 90% of the time when you see the word man and it's not referring to a specific man but mankind or man in general it will be the Hebrew word Adam and that's what man or Adam means it means man or human being now in Genesis chapter 2 verses 21 through 25 Adam and Eve are married by God and in Genesis chapter 4 we read about Adam and Eve having children and finally in Genesis chapter 5 verse number 5 were told that Adam lived for 930 years go ahead and turn to Genesis chapter 5 verse number 5 if you don't mind and follow along with me as I read it and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died now why am i bringing up all of this why am i bringing up that he created Adam out of the dust of the ground and created Eve out of his rib and that they had children oh well God married them first and then they had children and he lived for 930 years it's because I want you to understand that after reading so much detail about their life I have to conclude that Adam and Eve are not symbolic but they were real people if they were symbolic why would you give all of this detail why would you name their children why would you tell a story about the twins Cain and Abel why in the world would you come in and say how long that he lived and be specific 930 years it's because we're talking about real people that's the first reason that we know this is not allegorical secondly Genesis is a historical book and it's regarded as literal history we have the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis Jacob and Esau Moses and the children of Israel all of these people and the story that's recorded in the book of Genesis are real they are not fictional so why would you think that Adam and Eve are fictional they're not they are real people just like the other characters that are in the book of Genesis number three the geographical locations in connection with the story are historic in other words they are real places so when he's describing the Garden of Eden one of the reasons that scholars can come in and say we think that the Garden of Eden was located about right here in the Middle East the reason they can do that is because they look at the description of the rivers that are flowing out of the Garden of Eden and the description of the story of the setting of it they can say it must have been this place let's read Genesis chapter 2 verses 10 through 14 and you see what I'm talking about and a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and it became into four heads in other words it branched off into four different rivers the name of the first is Pisan that is which can put compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there's bdellium and the onyx stone and the name of the second rivers gyein the same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia that a real land uh-huh and the name of the third Rivers had nickel Hickel that is it which goes toward the east of assyria do we know where they're talking about in a serious we can go back and see that and the fourth River is Euphrates do you Friday's River now if you've got a fictional story you would set it in a fictional place but they didn't why because this story is not fictional it's literal and last but not least the curse that's pronounced on the man the woman the serpent in the earth are all literal they're not symbolic listen to me the reason that people physically die is because Adam and Eve sinned the word Genesis means origin or beginnings and so we're going to go and we're going to see the origin of man but we're also going to see the origin of sin this is why sin is in the world these are the consequences of sin entering into the world this is why man dies so we're going all the way back to the beginning of the origin this is not an allegory this is a true story and Adam and Eve were real people so for those four reasons we know that the story of Adam Eve is real it literally happened and it explains how sin entered into this world and that is how it all started so let's look at the results of the fall in other words how it affected everything and more specifically how it affected us as human beings turn with me to the book of Genesis chapter 2 let's read verses 16 through 17 and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but it's tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it : what does it : do editing it explain or it introduces an explanatory clause so when it says but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it so this is going to explain or introduce an explanatory clause which is going to explain why you should not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now did you notice what God told Adam and Eve he told them that they could eat of any tree in the Garden of Eden with one exception the exception was the tree of knowledge of good and evil he told them that if they ate of that tree they would die let's read it word for work for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now the insinuation is that they would die that very day but if we continue reading through the book of Genesis we find that Adam lid for how long nine hundred and thirty years Wow we know that Adam and Eve must have sinned before they had children and the reason we know that is because the sin nature was passed on to their children and we don't see any perfect children running around in the world right but had they sinned after they had children we would have seen two groups of people we would have seen a group of imperfect children and breeding imperfect human beings who sin and we would have seen perfect children who grow up to be perfect adults who have perfect children who are righteous and holy but we don't see that what we see is Adam and Eve passing alone is Adamek nature this sin nature so we know they must have sinned right before they had children so get to get a perspective on time let's read Genesis chapter 5 verses 2 through 5 let's kind of get her head wrapped around the time frame in which Adam and Eve must have sinned and how long they would have lived after they sinned says male and female created he them and he blessed them and he called their name Adam again he's calling both Adam and Eve humans in the day when they were created and Adam specifically talking about the man lived a hundred and thirty years and he begat a son in his own likeness now why is that important was important what does it mean in his own likeness doesn't mean that he looked like him does it mean that if Adam had brown eyes his son had brown eyes if Adam had curly hair a son had curly hair hmm in his own likeness means he was just like him spiritually he begat a son who had nature his sin nature so let's continue on and Adam lived 130 years and he begat a son in his own likeness after his image and he called his name Seth in the days of Adam after he had Seth were eight hundred years and he begat sons and daughters in other words Seth was not the only child he began a lot of sons and daughters and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died now again this doesn't mean that Adam only had one child said uh but we do know but he had at least one child by the time he was 130 years old because it specifically mentions the hate that he had Seth when he was a hundred and thirty years old and then he lived for how long after that eight hundred years so Adam must have sinned at least eight hundred years before he died now how do we know that we'll remember Adam passed to say it's in nature on to his children so he must have sinned before he had children and of course because it mentions Seth at a hundred and thirty we don't know you know we had the story of Cain and Abel but what's interesting is it's mentioned Seth so we know that he must have have sinned at least before the first ones mentioned here is Seth so he lived another eight hundred years after he sinned so if that's the case why did God say that in that day that you eat thereof you shall surely die now what's interesting the word day is the Hebrew word yo now when we were studying creation what did we find out the Hebrew word yo meant when it said day 24 hours God said in that yom in that day that you eat of it you will surely die so why did God say that and then we see as we come in that Adam must have sinned before he had children and he lived for 800 years longer so he must have sinned and then lived for another 800 years at least so why did God say that well I'll tell you why it's because they did die that day just not physically they died spiritually physical death came later as a result of spiritual death but on the day that they ate of that tree they spiritually died and that was the most important time type of death they did exactly or I should say it happened exactly the way God said it would in the day that they ate of that tree they spiritually died not physically in fact they lived another eight hundred years after that or at least Adam did and then he physically died but his physical death was a result of spiritual death had he never sinned he would have never physically died so let me explain what it means to be spiritually dead because if you do not understand the concept of being spiritually dead you really don't understand the concept of salvation you don't understand that when you physically die you're so still lives on you don't understand the concept that you either go to heaven or hell you don't understand the concept of the great white throne judgment you don't understand the concept of the second death you must understand spiritual death to understand the Bible at all and to understand where we come from when we talk about Jesus and about being born again so let's talk about this concept of spiritual death we all know the physical death occurs when a person's spirit Lisa's body you see the first sign that someone is dead is that they quit breathing now here's what's interesting the greek word for spirit is Numa and it literally means breath so when the spirit leaves your body you quit breathing and vice-versa when you create breathing your spirit leaves your body turn to Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 I gave you the Greek word for spirit now let's look at the Hebrew word for spirit and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now I want you to underline that word breath he breathed into his nostrils the breath underline that word breath it's the Hebrew word neshama and it can be translated either breath or spirit some translations translate this and he breathe into him into his nostrils the spirit of life and he became a living so because this word neshama can either be translated as breath or as spirit you see God breathed into man the spirit of life so when we talk about our life we're talking about our spirit so when a person quits breathing the spirit of life is gone it leaves the body because in genesis chapter 2 spirit and breath are synonymous now when Adam and Eve sinned they spiritually died basically the same thing happened to them spiritually that happens to a person when they physically die let me say that again because this is very important the same thing happened to them spiritually that happens to a person when they physically die the spirit left their body not their spirit or they would have physically died but God's spirit left Adam and Eve's body at the moment they sinned you see what most of us don't realize is that before Adam and Eve sinned the holy spirit lived inside of them just as it does us today when we become Christians you see when Adam and Eve were created they were righteous and holy and they were free from sin their body was literally the temple of the Holy Spirit just as ours is if we're a Christian but when they sinned the Holy Spirit was forced to live there leave their body and just as we physically die when our physical spirit leaves her body they spiritually died when the Spirit of God left their body so let me define the term spiritually alive and spiritually dead if you're taking notes I want you to write this down spiritually alive simply means that the Holy Spirit is living within you if I were to walk up to you and I was to say or I was to ask you are you spiritually alive some of you Michael I don't know basically what I'm asking is does the Holy Spirit live inside of you if the Holy Spirit lives inside of you you are spiritually alive if you are spiritually dead it means that the Holy Spirit does not live inside of you so if you don't have the Holy Spirit inside of you you are not spiritually alive you are spiritually dead now pastor of where do you get this will we get it in the New Testament here's what's kind of interesting sometimes the Bible is kind of like science we assume certain things in science but the more technology that's discovered and the better technology as we begin to discover more and more facts about nature in the world that we live in so now we can go back and we can look at this and go the reason this person was right is because we now know blah blah blah blah and the reason this person is wrong is because we now know bla bla bla bla well it's the same thing we come to the New Testament there are certain doctrines that are taught so now that we know those doctrines we can go back to the Old Testament and go this is why this happened does that make sense so I just got through telling you that spiritually alive means that the Holy Spirit is living inside of you and spiritually dead simply means that the Holy Spirit not living inside of you turn with me to Romans chapter 8 verse number 9 and let me just give you a scripture that supports that you however are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the spirit it now noticed that that word spirit is capitalized what does that mean it means it's not talking about a human's spirit your spirit it's talking about God's Spirit if it's talking about man's spirit it will not be capitalized right okay you however controlled not by the sinful nature but by the spirit if the Spirit of God lives in you and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ and the Greek gets cristão usually it's Christos which is non the TV that this is genitive ablative which means it's Christ's spirit and Christ is not Jesus name what does Christ mean anointed one it's a title of the Messiah so what it's saying is if anyone does not have the spirit of the Messiah why would it be this termed the Spirit of the Messiah is this different than to God's Spirit the Holy Spirit no the reason it's termed the Spirit of the Messiah or Christ spirit is because the Holy Spirit cannot come and live inside a human being anymore not since the Eibon Eve sinned unless they receive Jesus Christ therefore the Holy Spirit sometimes is referred to as the Spirit of Christ now every once in a while you'll have someone who's not educated and I don't mean that in a bad way but you'll have a pastor that's not educated and he'll make a doctor and on the Spirit of God is different from the Spirit of Christ and they don't understand that Christ is not a name Christ is derived from the Greek word Christos which means Anointed One or anointing the Messiah was known as The Anointed One and the reason the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ is because the Spirit of God cannot live inside of anyone who's not accepted the Messiah that's the means by which we are reconciled to God and are made spiritually alive by the Holy Spirit coming in and regenerating us okay I'm getting off but do you understand what I'm saying so let's continue to read this if anyone does not have the spirit of he does not belong to who Christ he does not belong to the Messiah so how do we know if we belong to the Messiah the Messiah spirits inside of us the Holy Spirit now look at Ephesians chapter one verse number thirteen in whom you also trusted who did we trust in the Christ the Messiah who is Jesus in whom you also trusted Jesus after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that ye believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise I want you to underline the word sealed sealed is translated from the Greek words fragged zu Spragg enzo refers to a mark or impression that was placed on items to designate ownership you see every once in a while the king or someone who was wealthy would sense something maybe on a ship or through a courier and what they would do especially if it was a letter or maybe it was some type of contract is that they would roll it up and then they would put a wax seal on it and then he would take his seal his frag Enzo and he would seal it there and no one was to open it except the person and it was deemed to go to but that seal designated that this was from either the Emperor or the king or from someone who was very wealthy or someone in an important position but that seal was basically a marker impression that was placed on the item to designate ownership that it was coming from that person now I want you to notice what he fees in chapter 1 verse number 13 is saying it's saying that when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit came to live inside of you and that's the seal that you're a Christian it's the proof that you are a child of God and it means because the Holy Spirit is inside of you that you're spiritually alive now if you don't have this Holy Spirit you are none of his as the Bible says you are not gods bottom line which means you are spiritually dead now let's kind of bring this back to Adam and Eve God told them in the day yom in the 24-hour period that very day that you eat of that tree you will surely die they ate of it their eyes were opened they knew something was missing for the first time in their life because they had a sinful nature they had guilt they had shame they realized they needed to cover it up they tried to hide from God but let me tell you why they tried to hide from God worse before they walked with God before the Holy Spirit was inside of them they communed with God but when they sinned and that left he wasn't there and they tried to hide from him the Holy Spirit was no longer inside of him and when the Holy Spirit left it's a spiritual death that's analogous to physical death just as in physical death when you die your spirit leaves your breath leaves when you when Adam and Eve spiritually died the Spirit of God left and they became spiritually dead now as a result of being spiritually dead eventually they physically died and that's why we physically die not now now let me show you something interesting in the New Testament concerning the concept of being spiritually alive turn with me to the Book of Luke the fourth chapter verses 40 through 41 now when the Sun was setting all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto Him and he laid his hands on every one of them and He healed them and devils also came out of many crying out and saying thou art Christ the Son of God and He rebuking them suffered them not to speak for they knew that he was Christ now what does Christ mean is the Greek word Christos it means Anointed One that's a title of the Messiah so they knew that he was the Messiah now I want you to notice that the demons instinctively knew that Jesus was the Christ how did they know that Jesus was the Christ and I want you to think about this because everywhere that Jesus went and he started to cast out a demon they would always say we know who you are and he would silence them because it wasn't time he was building his ministry he was he was actually coming in and disciple of those who were following him he was preparing them for the time that he was going to be crucified and after and then resurrected and then ascending the Father and would have to leave them so there was a time period when he did not want people to know that and every time that he came and someone was possessed by demons and he would start to cast them out the demons always knew who he was do you remember the man who used to be among the tombs and he had the chains on and they came across the Sea of Galilee and what's kind of interesting if you ever go over to Israel and you're going on the Sea of Galilee you can look over there you can see where this would have happened he comes running out he doesn't know who Jesus the disciples are in the beginning so he comes running out and and everyone was scared of and I can just imagine this because when they came across on that boat and they got out I'm sure when Jesus touched on that ground and he started walking towards the shore up on the shore and the disciples were with him when they saw this demoniac this this man that was possessed by demons demoniac I'm sure that all the disciples jumped back into the boat except for Jesus can you imagine that let's be honest here this guy comes everyone knows about him if you've been around the Sea of Galilee you told all your kids don't ever go over there don't ever be around Matt if you're fishing and your boat starts sinking swim to the other side now believe it or not the Sea of Galilee is large but it's not like any of our lakes you could probably do that swimming as long as it wasn't a storm but here's what's funny everyone's already told them that when they see that coming man the disciples were back in the boat except for Jesus but the most interesting thing happens when he gets to the point where he can see Jesus then he falls down immediately and remember this is lead because there are many demons inside this person and boy they fall down how did they know that Jesus was the Christ they knew because the Holy Spirit was living inside of Jesus and they had not seen a man spiritually alive since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden do you realize when Adam and Eve sinned and they spiritually died and they started having children these demons who had been around since then and remember what it looked like when Adam and Eve were alive and the Holy Spirit was dwelling within them for all of these years they have never seen a man with the Holy Spirit living inside of him in fact in the Old Testament if you were a prophet the holy spirit did not live inside of prophets what happened the Holy Spirit would come up on a man and if you've heard me teach on prophecy they would go into an open-eyed trance and they would literally speak the words of God and that's why the sign of the Prophet held in the Old Testament but the most interesting thing about this is these demons had never seen a man with the Holy Spirit living inside of them since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden so immediately when they see a man spiritually alive a man who has the Holy Spirit living inside of him instantaneously they know this must be the Christ this must be the Messiah because every man that is born is spiritually a dead every man that is born has the Adamek nature but not this guy so immediately when Jesus comes they know who he is he's the man with the Holy Spirit living inside of him and you see this all through the Gospels every demon that Jesus encounters immediately recognizes him as the Messiah who else could he be no man has ever had the holy spirit living inside of him now can you imagine what happened after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and all of the sudden these people start believing in Jesus and poop they become righteous not righteous on their own but the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and as a result of that now because of his righteousness not ours the Holy Spirit can come and live inside of us all of a sudden they start seeing these people become spiritually alive buthe and that is a scary thing and that's why they attack churches and Christians who are doing things for God because they don't want to see the spiritual light coming on they don't want to see people coming from spiritual death and being transformed into spiritual life now let's get back to the subject of sin I've kind of gotten off track and let's look at how it affected mankind when Adam and Eve sinned and they spiritually died they passed that condition on to all of their descendants turn to Romans chapter 5 verse number 12 that's why I knew back in Genesis when it said after his likeness and in his image it wasn't talking about physical likeness and physical image it was talking spiritually I know that because of what the New Testament says Romans chapter 5 verse 12 says when Adam sinned sin entered into the world Adam's sin brought death so death spread to everyone for everyone sinned so this condition that were born into we were born with is referred to as original sin now remember original sin does not refer to the first sin ever committed it doesn't refer to the sin of Adam and Eve of eating the forbidden fruit but it refers to the spiritual condition of mankind as a result of Adam and Eve's sin now the whole reason that the scholars chose to use this term to signify the spiritual condition that man is in is because were born with it that's why they refer to the spiritual condition of man as a result of what Adam and Eve has done as original sin let me see if I can explain this better the word original means what first or earliest when coca-cola tells you that it's the original remember when they came out with the new coke and everyone goes we don't like the new coke we like the original coke well coke came back and said now this is the original coconut which this was the first coke the earliest coke so knowing that if we go back to the earliest point in our life what is the earliest point in our life when does life begin we're going to go ahead and just settle the issue once and for all it doesn't matter what politicians say what does the Bible say when does life begin begin conception so if we go back to the earliest point in our life our conception do you know what we find seeing when you go back to your earliest point of life at conception you find sin turn to psalms chapter 51 verse 5 surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me oh my gosh from the moment that sperm made contact with the egg and it was truly contact ready to go adam's nature the Adamic nature sin was there so from conception I had Adam's nature I had his sin nature that's why in Genesis that says that Seth and that's why it brings it up it's coming along and it starts with that child and okay from the very beginning we want you understand that this child came in the likeness of him in his image and what it means is it was it was born we Adams sin nature so the term original sin refers to the spiritual condition that we're born with we are born spiritually dead because of our sin nature the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell inside of us we are physically alive but we are not spiritually alive and so when Jesus comes along and Nicodemus has to come at night and he wants to know how all this works and Jesus says you have to be born again and Nicodemus scratches his head and says well how can a man be born again can he climb into his mother's womb again then he's not trying to be funny he's trying to understand this and of course Jesus says man you're supposed to be an expert in the law you don't know these things and then he starts talking about the Spirit why does he talk about the Spirit because he was telling him that when Adam and Eve sinned the Holy Spirit left but when Jesus came and when we accept him we are righteous not on our own but we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus according to the book of Galatians and as a result of that and also the book of second Corinthians as a result of that the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and we become spiritually alive now let me show you something else interesting in the New Testament as you're going along these lines do you remember when God breathed into man the spirit of life he created Adam from the dust of the ground and he gets ready to make him alive and it says that he breathed into him the breath of life and of course the word breath in Hebrew means the spirit of life and he became a living soul well let me show you what Jesus did after his resurrection turn to the book of John the twentieth chapter verses 19 through 22 that Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders those Jewish leaders had crucified Jesus Christ and they were hiding out suddenly was talking about after his resurrection Jesus was standing there among them peace be with you he said as he spoke he showed them the wounds in his hands and aside they were filled with joy when they saw the Lord again he said peace be with you as the father has sent me I am sending you then he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit this is kind of interesting he breathes on them and he says receive the Holy Spirit this has spiritual significance it is very symbolic because as God breathed into Adam and Eve and they became alive they were also spiritually alive but because of sin they had spiritually died when Jesus is resurrected he comes to the disciples he says peace with you I want you to know that I'm alive and what does it take to be born again I must believe in thine heart that God hath what raised him from the dead and you must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord that he's the Messiah and so he says touch me feel me hit their boards like peace be with you is like he's look and Jesus says receive you the Holy Spirit because man has been spiritually dead since Adam and Eve sinned but here they are and this is symbolic of what's gonna happen to every person who believes every person who believes in Jesus the breath the Spirit of God is going to come inside of them and they're going to become spiritually alive Wow now when we go back to the story of Nicodemus Nicodemus is there and he doesn't understand these things Jesus talks about the wind he says we see the evidence of the wind but we can't see it and he's talking about the Holy Spirit he said you're not gonna be able to look at a person and say well I can see the Holy Spirit in him but we're gonna see the evidence of the Holy Spirit in them and that's something that we should understand that when we believe in Jesus Christ there is a change within us the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and as before and indifferent as before where maybe we just had a conscience and we knew the difference between right and wrong this time we have something much more we don't just have a conscious but now we have the holy spirit that's guiding leading directing us and even though Jesus didn't come to us directly and breathed on us and saying receive the Holy Spirit when we receive Jesus the very same thing happened his breath came upon us and we received the Holy Spirit so when he does come upon you you are literally born again the Bible says that you are regenerated we talk about regeneration does anyone know what regeneration means I am a generation of my dad and of course the second generation is my girls from my dad when Jesus came and regenerated us what it means is he came in and made us alive and the reason it's called r-e where we were once dead he has generated spiritual life within us and so now we are regenerated that's what regeneration means the Holy Spirit has come inside and has generated you you're a generation after Christ you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 30,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall of adam and eve bible study, genesis adam and eve, fall of adam and eve meaning, fall of adam and eve explained, fall of adam and eve bible story, the fall of adam and eve, book of genesis adam and eve, how adam and eve jacked up everything, fall of man adam and eve, genesis fall of man, why adam and eve disobeyed god, why adam and eve hide from god, adam and eve bible story, how adam and eve disobeyed god, how adam and eve populate the world, allen nolan
Id: z97-OR_jh2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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