Book of Revelation Explained 2: The Last Days (Revelation 1:1-5)

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[Music] [Music] the end of time as we know it is rapidly approaching the great battle Armageddon is upon us how will this final chapter all play out in the final days of man answer is documented in the book of Revelation the book of Revelation has become extremely relevant to us because of the time period that we live in we are in what is known as the last days what we're about to study could actually happen at any moment now personally I think we have a few more years now when I say a few more years I'm not saying 40 50 60 years I'm thinking we might have one two three maybe as more as much as 10 years but I don't know I'm here to tell you as we go through the book of Revelation what you're gonna find is everything is set up where Jesus could actually come and call us up to him so what I want you to do is turn with me to the book of Revelation chapter 1 verse number 1 and we're just going to go through this book verse by verse now if you have the King James Version I want you to notice the heading it reads the revelation of st. John the Divine that's not entirely accurate in fact if I was to be honest with you it's not accurate at all and the reason it's not accurate is because this book reveals very little about John it tells us that he was on an island called Patmos it tells us that he had a vision and he was commanded to write what he saw in the vision and that's about all we learn about John in the book of Revelation so it's not about John it's about Jesus in Chapter 1 Jesus described her John describes Jesus as he is in heaven in his glorified body in chapters 2 and 3 we see Jesus as he relates to his church in chapters 4 to 5 we see a revelation of Jesus as he receives the glory the honor and the power that he deserves as a result of his redemptive work upon the cross chapters 6 through 18 revealed Jesus as the judge of the world in chapters 19 through 21 we see the future of Jesus in his kingdom reigning as king of kings and Lord of lords throughout this period in period known as the Millennium in the last chapter we see him raining for all eternity in the new heaven and the new earth so as you can see this is not about John this is a revelation of Jesus Christ which the translators would have gotten right had they just used the very first clause in verse number one as the heading look at verse number one the revelation of Jesus Christ now is that a no-brainer I think they should have gotten that right but let's keep reading it says the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John now as I've already stated and I think you get the picture this is a revelation of Jesus Christ the word revelation is a translation from the Greek word apocalypsis the word apocalypsis means to reveal or to unveil to disclose the truth now that's very important because a lot of people say that you cannot understand the book of Revelation it's written in symbols and no man can understand the symbols so we shouldn't even try we shouldn't study the book of Revelation but people I the reason I know that's not true is because that's the the exact opposite of what the word revelation means revelation means to reveal or to unveil to take the wraps off so that you can see what was previously hidden no man knew what was going to take place at the end of time as we know it but God has revealed it to us in this book of Revelation so the whole purpose of this book is to reveal the events that are going to take place in the last days and to reveal the road that Jesus is going to play in this whole process so look back at verse number one this is the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his it's now who are his servants we are his servants if you're familiar with the epistles of Paul you know that he always classifies us as servants in the Greek it's a duel us a bond servant a slave so he is going to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass so the whole purpose of this book is to show us the things which must shortly come to pass now I want you to underline the word shortly because it's a very important word it's translated from the Greek word taxes which means soon or imminent now does everyone know what imminent means I think sometimes we use the word imminent and people actually don't use it in the way that it's meaning it's truly meant to be used so let me explain what imminent means imminent means that it could occur at any moment but let me go a little bit further according to William nool taxes not only means imminent but also rapidity of execution once action begins in other words once the first event occurs all the other events will quickly come to pass it's kind of like a domino effect how many of you ever played with dominoes did you enjoy setting them all up and and then you would get fancy you get them to go up books or maybe down books and it would fall off the table and hit something else and you'd like to see that chain reaction well this is kind of like the domino effect once the first seal is opened then all of the other events begin to occur one after another until seven years later Jesus Christ returns once it happens everything's going to begin to take place and it's all going to happen in chronological order the way God has designed it to take place and all of those events are revealed to us in the Book of Revelations or revelation singular what a cool book we actually get to see through the eyes of John everything that's going to happen during the seven-year period called the Great Tribulation we also get to see what's going to happen after Jesus comes back and it's all laid out for us the book of Revelation and that's why you're here now I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is we're going to see all these events the bad news is I'm a teacher that means I don't pass over any little detail and that doesn't begin to occur until chapter 6 we have five chapters we're going to go through but you need to understand if you don't know who Jesus is and you don't understand all these things that are written in the first five chapters you will not appreciate what's gonna happen in chapter 6 on in fact all you're really wanting to know is what's going to happen but you don't really want to make application to your life you see I'm here to help you make application and the reason that's so important we're going to find out later is because we're blessed if we apply it but that's a little bit later we're going to see all of these things through the eyes of John but if that wasn't enough on top of that we get to partake of a special blessing just for studying this book that's what I was talking about look in verse number 3 says blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand now before I explain what this blessing is let's talk about what we have to do to receive the blessing because it doesn't do us any good to talk about the blessing if we don't get to receive it so let's talk about what we have to do in order to receive it contrary to what most people think you have to do more than just read the book or hear someone else reading it to be blessed people if that were the case all I would do is stand up here and I would read through the book of Revelation and I would let you listen to it and we'd all be blessed and go home but there's more to it than that just reading the book or hearing it read does not qualify us to receive the blessing and I know most of you go I didn't know that I just always heard if you read it I didn't understand it I would just read it I've got news for you after you read through the book of Revelation and you didn't understand it did you feel blessed No because you see just reading the book just hearing the words written in the book will not qualify you to receive the blessing if you want to receive the blessing you also have to keep the things that are written therein did you notice that little clause or that little sentence in verse number three now what does God mean by that what does Jesus what is he trying to say well underline the word keep and let's find out keep comes from the Greek word Toretto and in this context it does not mean to do it means to give heed to you see in the Old Testament they would talk about keeping the law and they would use this Greek word Toretto when they translated it from Hebrew to Greek but Toretto can mean one of two things it can mean to keep in the sense of to do if you keep the law it means you're doing the law but it doesn't mean that in this context it has the second nuance or the second meaning and the second meaning means to give heed to so according to John those who give heed to the prophecies that are written in the book of Revelation will be blessed but this is harder than it sounds because the only way a person can heed the things that are written therein is if they understand the things that are written would you agree with that well yeah that makes sense that's why John writes blessed it is he singular that reads it and they plural that hear these words and keep those things written you see John expects one person the pastor to read while they the congregation plural listen and ask the pastors reading from the book he's teaching the congregation so they can understand what's written in the book and give heed to it so as I go through the book of Revelation I'm going to explain each of it and as I'm explaining each event and I'm bringing out all the details I've all so going to be making application and if you give heed to watch written in the book into the application we're making you're going to be blessed does that make sense so my goal in this series is not for you to find out all these cool things my goal is for you to understand what's taking place and for you to get a revelation of Jesus and who he is and what's going to take place because if you get a revelation of who Jesus is then you're going to begin to apply it right now you see most of us we look in the future to point Jesus is coming back and he's going to be king of kings and Lord of lords but I've got news for you right now Jesus is king of kings and Lord of lords and if you don't have a revelation of that you're not going to be able to apply that to your life you see the reason God wants us to get a glimpse of the future is for us to say wow that's who Jesus really is and this is what's going to happen well how does that affect my life today is that going to change my perspective is that going to change my actions is it going to change the way I view everything it ought to now once you begin to give heed to the things that are written therein God says you will be blessed now let's find out what this blessing is I want you to underline the word blessed in verse number three hopefully you don't mind writing in your Bible you need to go ahead and highlight it you won't get in trouble for that that's God's ladder to you for you young people if it was a text message you would sure read it right will you get the chance to take notes and write all in your Bible but I want you to underline the word blessed it's translated from the Greek word macario's now to keep it simple most scholars just translate this word as blessed or happy but it means more than that you see technically macario's means privileged recipient of divine favor did you know that Wow that's good so what's the blessing divine favor you will receive divine favor I want you to think about that if I have favor with you that means you treat me differently than everyone else it's that right you're going to treat me differently than you treat others you're gonna treat me special now if we have divine favor with God guess what's going to happen he's going to treat us differently and it's not that he's not righteous or just but we're going to be his star pupils it's because now here on earth we have a revelation of who Jesus really is and because of that revelation it's making an impact in her life and God looks down he says ah those are my prized pupils look at them they have a revelation of who Jesus is and as a result we're treated special we have divine favor now this is available to all of his servants and it doesn't mean that God will love us anymore it simply means that were excelling in his classroom of life does that make sense now verses four through eight comprise the salutation look at verse number four John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne as you can see this book is written or was written to seven seven specific churches in Asia and John gives the customary greeting of the time grace be unto you in peace now grace and peace are known as the Siamese twins in the New Testament how many of you knew that yes they're the Siamese twins but that's because they seem to be joined at the hip now what do I mean by that well what I mean is that these two seem to go hand in hand when you see one you see the other they're always together let me give you a couple of examples look with me if you would in the book of Romans chapter one verse number seven it doesn't matter who's writing the Epistle if they're our servant of God and they're writing this epistle in the New Testament they're going to give this customary greeting notice what Paul writes to the Romans to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God now look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse number 3 grace be unto you and peace from God our Father now it's not just Paul who does this is not just John if you read the book of Peter first Peter 2nd Peter Paul's in 1st Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians you're always going to see this customary greeting somewhere in the beginning of the book grace unto you and peace from God our Father but the interesting thing about this is that grace is always mentioned first why it's mentioned first because you can't have peace with God without first experiencing the grace of God which is salvation turn back to verse number 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace he says this because he wants everyone to understand what's included in salvation you see sometimes we think all salvation is is that we get to go to heaven we're saved but salvation means more than that actually if you use the verb of save it's Sozo if it's the noun sotirios it literally means to make ho to make complete you see our salvation is not going to be completed until we're out of this mortal body and in our glorified immortal body at that point our salvation is going to be complete but salvation means more than just getting to go to heaven and so one of the things that all of the writers New Testament want to get over to us is that we have grace we have grace for salvation to make us whole wherever you're lacking Jesus has what you need and so he writes to Yunus says grace be unto you and peace because once you experience the grace of God now you're no longer an enemy of God you're no longer at enmity with him you are reconciled you have peace with God then he goes further this grace and peace is from him which is and which was which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne now what's interesting is that this message of grace and peace is from all three persons of the Godhead if we would have kept reading in the very next verse it also says it's from Jesus but I want you to notice that first of all it's from God he's referred to as him which is and which was and which is to come now why did he just say from God because this is a revelation to his servants he wants us not only to know the events that's going to take place in the future but he wants us to know about the characters in this ho drama he wants us to have a revelation of who God is who Jesus is who the Holy Spirit is and so he doesn't just say and Grace and peace be to you from God he says from him which is and which was and which is to come in other words the eternal self-existent one who is the giver of all life God was not created God created and that's basically what this frit phrase means he's the eternal he's always been here and he's the self-existent one we owe our existence to our parents and they owe their existence to their parents and we can trace it all the way back to Adam and Eve and they owe their existence to who God who does God owe his existence to no one he is the one which is he's right now he was and he is he is to come and then he goes further he says it's from the Holy Spirit this grace in peace now you might not have caught this because this is in a very unusual reference to the Holy Spirit you see the seven spirits which are before his throne refers to the personality of the Holy Spirit it signifies the Holy Spirit's completeness fullness and perfection in fact the seven spirits that make up the personality of the Holy Spirit is actually found or listed in Isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 & 2 turn with me if you would to the book of Isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 & 2 what you're gonna find and this is very interesting in the book of Revelation much of what is prophesied in the book of Revelation you can go back to the Old Testament prophets and you'll find these things you'll find these symbols that he's talking about but they've already been mentioned before they've been mentioned in the Book of Isaiah they have been mentioned in the Book of Jeremiah they had been mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel in Zechariah and Haggai and all of these Old Testament prophetic books now when he talks about the seven spirits that are before the throne of God that's already been mentioned before the personality Holy Spirit was listed in Isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 & 2 out of the stump of David's family will grow a chute yes a new branch bearing fruit from the old route and the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of the fear of the Lord seven spirits one person you see the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord or the Lord's Spirit the Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom the Holy Spirit is the spirit of understanding he is the spirit of counsel the spirit of mic'd he is the spirit of knowledge he is the spirit of the fear of the Lord that's the seven spirits that's before the throne of God it's just another reference to the Holy Spirit you get a chance to see the seven different aspects of the Holy Spirit now verse number five tells us that this grace and peace is also from Jesus Christ so look at verse number five notice how it starts off and from Jesus Christ now verse number five doesn't just stop there once he mentions G once he mentions Jesus Christ he begins to give us this wonderful description of who Jesus is who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead in the Prince of the kings of the earth and to him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood now notice the first description he gives of him he says he is the faithful witness what does he mean by faithful witness well he's referred to as the faith witness because he was faithful in giving men a revelation of who God is and what God is like look at Hebrews chapter 1 verse number 3 Hebrews chapter 1 verse number 3 talking about Jesus says the son talking about Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and he is the exact representation of his being now I want you to underline that phrase exact representation I'm reading out of the NIV if you have the NIV that's exactly what you see if you have the King James Version whatever that phrase is it's going to mean what I tell you it means that phrase comes from the Greek word character character means the exact image of a person or the exact likeness of a person so if you want to know what God's like look at Jesus why because Jesus is the exact likeness of God he has the character that Greek word of God now guess what word we have that's transliterated from the Greek word character character so what it's saying is Jesus has the character of God but we could take it further Jesus has the characteristics of God it doesn't just mean that Jesus was made in the image of God we're all made in the image of God we talked about what that means when we were teaching on the doctrines of Calvinism and we were refuting them but here when it says that Jesus is the character of God it means he has the character of God he is just like God so if you want to know what God is like look at Jesus Jesus showed us what God is like in every way with one exception what is the one exception he was in a physical body and God his spirit in fact do you remember when Philip asked Jesus he said Jesus could just show us the father do you remember that what did Jesus say he said Philip anyone who's seen me has seen the father look at John chapter 14 verses 8 through 11 fell said Lord show us the father and we will be satisfied jesus replied have I been with you all this time Philip and yet you still don't know who I am you see they had been with Jesus but they didn't have a revelation of who he is now I hope you're getting a whole new perspective on the book of Revelation yes it's about all the events that's going to take place but more than anything else it's a revelation of Jesus Christ when you understand all these events that are going to take place and realize that the central figure in this plot is Jesus hopefully you're gonna get a revelation of who he is the disciples didn't get that he said Philip have I been with you all this time and you still don't know who I am anyone who has seen me has seen the father so why are you asking me to show him to you then he goes further and you can continue to read that but he's saying why are you asking me if you want to know the father who the father is just watch me in fact he goes further he begins to talk about how they're one let me just read it don't you believe that I am in the father and the father is in me the worst that I speak they're not my own but they're the father's my father who lives in me does his work through me just believe that I am in the father and the father is in me or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do people Jesus did everything the father told him to do he said everything that the father told him to say look at John chapter five verse number 19 so Jesus explained I tell you the truth the Son of God or the son can do nothing by himself he does only what he sees the father doing whatever the father does the son also does so Jesus was a faithful witness the best way we can witness about someone is to show them what they're like you want me to witness you want me to be a character witness for you maybe you don't because when I get up there and I promise to tell the truth I have to say what your characters what you are like you say Jesus came as a faithful witness to do what to show the world what God is like now if he hadn't acted and done everything that God wanted him to do he wouldn't have been a faithful witness because they would have caught us at whoa well I'm here to show you what God is like but don't look don't look at what I'm doing just listen to what I'm saying see that's what we do right I don't do what I do do what I say but Jesus wasn't there if you want to see the father just look at me Jesus was also faithful unto death look at Philippians chapter 2 verses 6 through 8 though he was God he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to instead he gave up his divine privileges he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being when he appeared in human form he humbled himself now notice this in obedience to God and he died a criminal's death on a cross that's why Jesus is referred to as the faithful witness and what are we supposed to do now let's talk a little bit about application because it's not just those who hear the book or read the book that are blessed it's those who give heed to it so let's make a little application here we're supposed to follow his example we're supposed to be faithful witnesses as Christians we are to be like Christ now why is that because that's what Christian means what does Christian mean Christ like Christ like that's why when you tell people at work I'm a Christian they really watch teams they don't know what Christian means they're really watched to see how you act and the reason they really watch to see how you act suppose you said you're a Christian you're supposed to be like Christ and then when you screw up what do you do gosh I am such a bad person I'm not showing you what Christian is like you're not a faithful witness but you see Jesus was a faithful witness he didn't do anything that he didn't see his father do does that make sense he's also referred to here in this verse as the first begotten of the Dead and I love this let's go into this in other words what he's saying is he's the first one who was raised from the dead and given in M glorified body now the reason I make a distinction I say that that the reason he's called the first begotten of the Dead is because he was the first one who was resurrected and given an immortal glorified body is because he was not the first one resurrected there were others there's one in the New Testament that we're all familiar with who was resurrecting the New Testament you're familiar with Lazarus Lazarus was actually raised from the dead before Jesus so why is he not the first begotten of the Dead because he died again why did he die again because when he was resurrected he still had a mortal body Jesus on the other hand when he was resurrected had an immortal glorified body and we see a picture of that when he comes back all of the sudden his disciples are in this room and Jesus appears now if you read this in the original Greek it means he was just there he didn't come through the door he didn't crawl through the window he was there unbelievable why because for us in a mortal body we can't do that if a magician make someone disappear we want to know what the trick is right because we know with a mortal body we can't be here and then be gone or we can't be there and then be here without is actually physically walking there but you see Jesus was resurrected in an immortal glorified body that's why he's referred to as the first begotten of the Dead now I'm gonna go a little bit deeper because I want to show you something what I think is very interesting and you got to remember I'm a little bit weird so what I think is interesting you might not think but it's really interesting to me I want you to underline the word dead in verse number five citizen from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead Dead is such an interesting word that's because the Greeks had two different words for dead or death they had the word necross and the word Thanatos and they're different necross usually refers to spiritual death what is a necromancer someone who talks to the dead right someone who communicates to them where do you think that necro comes from necross now let me say this if they can talk to the dead that means there's a spirit there right so here's what's interesting necross usually refers to spiritual death while Thanatos is normally used to designate physical death now let me show you the difference between the two by showing you a Bible verse and we're going to go through this and I'll show you where they use these different words in different ways turn with me if you would to the book of Revelation chapter 20 verses 12 through 14 the great white throne judgment Oh scary John sees the dead how many remember the movie okay in Revelation chapter 20 verses 12 through 14 John said I saw the dead now the word dead there did they put it up in there yes is the Greek word necross that's not a V that's Anu alright it's pronounced necross that's not a P either that's a row it's pronounced with a R so it's necross so he saw the dead in other words I saw dead people what did he see he saw their spirits they were spiritually dead both great and small standing before God's throne and the books were opened including the book of life and the dead that's the Greek word necross the spiritually dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books the sea gave up its dead necross I noticed this and death that's not necross there it's Thanatos and the grave gave up their dead now we're back to the word necross so death is not necross it's Stan itas so the physical dead and the grave gave up the spiritually dead people yes there's a spirit there but we're gonna find out what spiritually dead means in just a minute and all were judged according to their dad's deeds now notice this in verse 14 then death what word is it Thanatos yeah that's that's a theta there sorry in fact what's interesting is if you go to Bible College and the professor is up there writing on the board the symbol for God is always a theta because the Greek word for God is Vyasa alright so here I am and I'm in my first Bible class and and the professor's up there and he's riding and all I'm seeing is this funny symbols and after class I have to go up and he starts laughing I'm gonna sign you up for Greek and I got my degree in Greek but anyways that's fan of toss now notice this then death the physical dead and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire this lake of fire is the second death now why is it called the second death because all of these spiritually dead people are gonna stand before God and they're gonna have to be judged now if you don't know what happens the moment you die you need to go get my series on the moment you die the three-part series you need to find out that when you die your spirit is not going to go into the grave your spirits going to go to one place or the other and in your with your spirit you will be able to feel your being able to see you'll be able to experience and that's why hell is a very scary place and let me just say this when you die if you don't know Jesus Jesus you go to hell but that's not the final resting place for like a fire is so all of the sudden death and hail give up the spiritually dead those who are separated from God and as they're separated from God they come up here and they're judged and now they're thrown in the lake of fire the scripture tells us and one of the parables in the Book of Luke that there are different degrees of Hell scary thought and the worstest reserved for those who knew the Lord's will and didn't do it not for the ones who didn't know to whom much is given much is required now when it says now let me just up here does everyone see the difference between necross and Thanatos first that should give you a good idea between physical death Thanatos and spiritual death necross now what are we talking about spiritual death when Adam and Eve sinned did they immediately physically die no but God said before they ate of the fruit that the day you eat of the fruit you will die did God lie no why because the day they aided the fruit they spiritually died you see spiritual death necross means separation from God they were banned from the Garden of Eden they were separated from God by their sins and so from the time of Adam and Eve all the demonic spirits here on this world had never seen a spiritually alive person since Adam and Eve when Jesus comes on the scene that's why wherever he goes in your reading the New Testament he comes along and there's someone that has a demonic spirit what do they do they begin to cry out they start recognizing who Jesus is why do they do that why do they freak out because they never seen a spiritually alive person since Adam and this is just freaking them out the Messiah is here does that make sense all right so spiritual death means you are separated from God now here's what's interesting here in verse number five it says that Jesus was the first begotten of the Dead which word do you think is used there necross or Thanatos it's multiple choice a or B you got a 50-50 chance necross first Thanatos is Jesus the first begotten of the spiritually dead or is he the spirit is he the first begotten of the physically dead now remember Lazarus Lazarus was resurrected he's not the first begotten because he was still what spiritually dead so Jesus is the first begotten of the spiritually dead necross well-laid him it I thought you said Jesus was spiritually alive yes until he was separated from God by our sin do you remember when Jesus was on the cross he said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me it's because God turned his back on Jesus do you want to know why because at that moment he was made our sin because he was made our sin he was separated from God and he never ever experienced that and why it was so hard for him was because he knew when he was made our sin that he would be separated from God he would spiritually die that's why he wanted this cup to pass from him if it was possible not because he was afraid of death you know let's be honest if it was only the physical death that Jesus was so worried about where he was sweating huge drops of blood he was really a Howard we have seen men withstand torture why was he so ahead of it about not having to do this if it was any other way because he knew he would be separated from God once he was made our sin and he was people Jesus didn't just die for us Thanatos and then go to heaven if he had done that he would never paid for our sin because what our sin did was separate us from God so what happened as Jesus was made our sin and he spiritually died and the scripture tells us that he first descended before he ascended why did he descend cuz he went to hell and when all of our sin was paid for God looked down and he saw so that had never sinned now this isn't in my notes this isn't in yours but you can look it up and according to Leviticus Leviticus the 18th chapter verse number five it says that the man which doeth these things shall live by him talking about the law God could legally raised Jesus from the dead because he had always done what God had told him to do he was a faithful witness even unto death and becoming our sin even when he didn't want to do this at God I'll do whatever you want me to do and because he was obedient and never sinned when our sin was paid for God looked down into head into hell and he saw so that never sinned and what does his law say the man which doeth these things referring to the law referring to God's will she'll live by that and God was able to resurrect Jesus Christ and so he is the first begotten of the spiritual dead he's the first person who has ever separated from God to ever be resurrected and reconciled to God so he was the first person to ever spiritually die and then become spiritually alive again that's why he's referred to as the spiritual death Jesus is also described as what in verse number five he's described as the ruler over the kings of the earth Wow we're just to number five we're gonna finish this up hmm you see I'm a teacher when you're a teacher you've got to teach we'll stop right there I'll make a little note now let's make a little application because the Bible says he that readeth and they that hear these things and keeps the things written therein is what blessed how do you keep the things that are written therein well first of all we recognize who Jesus is he's the first begotten of the Dead but we need to understand why he died he died for us and if you're here tonight you never received Jesus I'm here to tell you I'm giving you the way of salvation Jesus did everything all you have to do is receive it you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 73,233
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Keywords: book of revelation explained in detail, the book of revelation explained, revelation explained, revelations explained, revelations explained bible, how to study the book of revelation, the book of revelation, Allen nolan, revelation explained chapter by chapter, book of revelation, Revelation, The Bible, eschatology, Jesus, revelations, prophetic literature, apocalyptic literature, revelation chapter 1 explained, introduction to revelation, book of revelation explained
Id: 7r5SNIoVZhc
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Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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