GUARDIAN ANGELS Explained: Angels and Demons 2 with Allen Nolan

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this morning is week two and our series on the subject of angels and demons now last week I explained why it's important to study angels and demons and basically there are two reasons the first reason is because it helps us to understand the world around us you see we wouldn't be them we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in if it wasn't for Satan because he played an important role in the fall of man but he's also playing an important role in the world today it wasn't just back then in fact according to Paul we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities powers rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places so we need to know what we're fighting against and how we can win when we are experiencing this battle the second reason it's important to study angels and demons it's because there is an invisible world all around us and most of us aren't even aware of that because it's in a different dimension but people it is real and it impacts us every day you see sometimes we think that if it's spiritual then it's not real but I assure you that it is in fact if you could see into that other dimension you'd realize just how real it is and we're going to talk about that at the end of the sermon this morning now we're gonna study angels this morning and hopefully we'll be able to move on to the subject of demons next week and then after demons we're going to talk about the spiritual armor of God so let's begin with the basics and what are the basics well what are angels anyone know what are angels well if you look it up you're probably not going to get the definition that I'm going to give you but let me tell you first what they're not because if I just tell you what they are then I'm really not going to come in and help you with the confusion that most people have so let me begin by telling you what angels are not they are not the souls of the dearly departed the belief that they are can be traced back to a man by the name of the Emanuel Swedenborg he taught that God never created angels as a separate race of supernatural beings instead human beings turn into angels when they die if they're going to heaven and demons if they're going to hell now he based is teaching on the fact that the creation story in Genesis doesn't mention angels in fact he made the claim that nowhere in the bible does it ever mention that God created angels therefore it's logical to assume that people turn into angels when they die unless of course they're going to hell and in that case they turn into demons now here's what's interesting Emanuel Swedenborg who's lived from 1688 to 1772 wasn't a theologian in fact he wasn't even a pastor instead he was an inventor / scientist but on April the 6th 1717 44 he began having dreams and visions which culminated in this spiritual awakening inside of him whereby he received revelation but he was supposed to reform Christianity Yeah right well according to him the Lord opened his spiritual eyes and from that time on he could freely visit heaven and hell whenever he wanted to and he also had this supernatural ability to be able to talk with angels and demons now just about everyone who knew him thought he was mentally ill and he was mentally ill because he talked about conversing with spirits from Jupiter Mars mercury Saturn Venus and the moon in fact he believed that all of the planets in our solar system were inhabited by a another race of people but he also wrote a book and this book was entitled heaven inhale and in this book he laid out his belief that human beings become angels when they die unless of course they're going to hell and in that case they turn into demons but what he taught caught on with people who were irreligious people who were skeptics of the Bible people who were agnostic and today you still have people who believe what he taught they don't believe anything else that he taught because of course he was crazy he was mentally ill but they believed the part about humans turning into angels when they die now had he actually studied his Bible rather than relying on his dreams visions and conversations with the spirits he would have found that angels were created before God ever laid the foundation to this world look with me if you would in the book of job chapter 38 verses 4 through 7 and I'll show you what I'm talking about now in this particular passage of Scripture God is talking to Joe you know Joe has been complaining I think we can safely say that if we'd been in jobs situation we would have been complaining too but the main reason that he was complaining is because Joe believed that were rewarded by our righteousness that the reason we get to go to heaven is because we've kept God's commandments we've kept his laws now of course Joe was written before the Mosaic law but there was also this moral law that everyone believed and he believed that by his works he could earn God's favor and so good things happen to good people bad things happen to bad people so when these bad things start happening to him he starts complaining so the so at this point in the book God's having a conversation with Jobe and this is what he says or this is what he asked Joe where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth tell me if you know so much who determined the dimensions and stretched out their surveying line what supports its foundations in who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the Angels shouted for joy so as you can see the angels were created before God ever laid the foundation to the earth the cornerstone because they were rejoicing as he was creating the earth and yes the Bible states that God created them as a separate race of supernatural beings look with me if you would in the book of psalms chapter 48 verses 2 & 5 it says praise him all his angels praise him of his heavenly hosts let them praise the name of the Lord for at his command they were created in other words they didn't turn into angels they were created to be angels in fact had Emanuel Swedenborg continued reading in his Bible after he finished the creation story in Genesis chapter 3 he would have came across the story of the Fallen ad of Adam and Eve now Adam and Eve failed before they ever had any children and so when they fail God expelled them from the Garden of Eden but when he expelled them he actually placed two chair of them there to guard the way to the Tree of Life less they came to the Tree of Life eight of the Tree of Life and they lived in that sinful condition forever now up to this point no human being had ever died no one had ever been born yet Cain and Abel were not born at this time they sinned before any children were ever born before any human being ever night and yet there were chair of them why because the Bible clearly tells us that the angels were created before the earth was created does that make sense now what's sad is we still have people today that believe that we turn into angels when we die I know it's ludicrous but there are still people today that believe that in fact let me read two points for you that are commonly printed in the handouts that you normally receive when you go to a funeral you know what I tell you who's officiating the service sometimes it has the obituary in it and I've always wondered as a pastor why if they have the obituary in the handout why do we read the obituary when we're doing the funeral service and we'll know why because the family wants to see their names and they want to hear it read so we do that anyway we do that in the south they don't do that in the north but anyways normally in this handout that you receive sometimes there's a appointment let me read the two most common poems that are put in and I see them all the time I do quite a few funerals notice the first one heaven needed an angel and God had sent for you you're gone from me forever no what am I to do I miss you now like never before but I have to let you go I will never forget you and this I need you to know my heart it broke with sadness for the ones for the one that I adore when our Heavenly Father sent for you he must have needed you more so heaven needed a new angel and that's why they died that's what the poem is basically saying right yeah here's another poem this is probably the second most common poem that you'll find in the handouts here it is heaven has a new angel your pain is gone your stay was short your memory will last forever you but so many you were loved by all bear for us we were about to fall and angels whisper your words will be our new guardian angel you will be heaven has a new angel you know every time I read those type of poems I just cringe because I know that when we die we don't turn into angels people we don't get wings we don't get a halo we're not issued a harp we're not gonna be floating around on the clouds all day long no that's that's what that's not what's gonna happen people we were born as humans and we die as humans and we're gonna remain as humans after death yes we receive a glorified body but it's a glorified human body an immortal extra-dimensional body in fact let me expand on that just for a second when you die let me tell you what happens your so goes to heaven but your body goes into the ground and it begins to let's just be honest right away it begins the corruption process and begins to disintegrate but one day when Jesus returns and we're not talking about his physical return when he's on the earth we're talking about the rapture when he brings all of those who died with him the souls that have died back to him he is going to do what we know as the rapture and all of the people who have died who are believers their body is going to be resurrected to join in to meet the Lord in the air and their body is going to be joined and reunited with their soul and at that point everyone is going to have theirs glorified immortal extra-dimensional body now the Christians that are on the earth at that time they're going to be caught up in the air to me to the Lord in the air and their bodies are going to be changed our bodies are going to be changed into glorified immortal extra dimensional bodies now why in the world do we need this body because when Jesus does return he's going to rule on this earth for a thousand years and we're gonna rule and reign with him so we're gonna have the type of body that's able to operate in the spiritual realm but also able to operate in this three-dimensional world yeah and that's what the Bible teaches so what are angels if you're taking notes I want you to write this down it's kind of a lengthy definition so I'm going to say it twice angels are celestial beings created by God to serve him in different capacities depending upon what type of angel they are let me say that again angels are celestial beings created by God to serve Him in different capacities depending upon what type of angel they are there's not just one type of angel there are many different types of angels they serve in different capacities because they have different purposes or different functions now when I say that they are celestial beings what I mean by that is that they are supernatural spiritual beings that exist and what we call the spiritual realm but as I said last week the spiritual realm is in a different dimension than us it's in a higher dimension and that's why we can't see them unless they manifest themselves in our 3-dimensional world and sometimes angels do that they are able to exist and even manifest themselves in this 3-dimensional world but their normal habitation is in the spiritual realm now let me give you some facts about angels first of all there's a hierarchy when it comes to angels turn with me if you would to the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 and I'll show you what I'm talking about says for through him who is him Jesus Christ for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth you see Jesus existed before the Incarnation Jesus has always existed that's why we worship Him he's part of the Godhead part of the Trinity and he was never created Jesus always existed but he humbled himself made himself of no reputation and he came in the form of a man that's what the Incarnation is all about that's why we celebrate Christmas but you need to understand something everything that was created in this world the things that we see the things that we don't see they were created by Jesus now here is telling and notice this for through Jesus God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth he made the things we can see in the things that we can't see what are the things that we can't city well now he's gonna list them such as Thrones dominions principalities and powers in the unseen world everything was created through him and for him now if you study the Greek words for Thrones dominions principalities and powers you'll see that this is a ranking of angels in descending order you have Thrones at the top and then you have dominions and then you have principalities and way down at the bottom rung of the ladder you have powers now let me go a little bit more in depth in this Thrones is the Greek word throne us and that's referring to Archangels so the ones at the top Thrones are at the top all right it's the Greek word throne us and they're Archangels dominions is the Greek word kurios and curiata is refers to the angels that rule over nations or large geographical areas turn with me if you would to the book of Daniel chapter 10 verse 3 and I'll show you what I'm talking about everyone remembers this daniel has been praying but it takes three weeks before the angel or before his prayers are answered but notice what it says but for 21 days the spirit Prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way then Michael one of the Archangels came to help me and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia now of course if you read this in context you realize that this is referring to a demonic spirit but this demonic spirit hooks the very same rank as a curio days because it means Lord or ruler over a kingdom and as you read this you realize this curio days is ruling over the kingdom of Persia yeah but this is why the NLT translates it as kingdoms if you read the NLT and you're reading Colossians chapter 1 verse number 16 and it's giving you the ranking of angels in descending order the second one will say kingdoms why because it's the Greek word kurios and it's referring to the type of angels that rule over a kingdom or a very large geographical area do you realize that there are demons they rule over America yeah or trying to influence the rulers that's what was happening there then you have principalities which is RK in Greek they rule over smaller geographical areas like a state or a province and finally you have powers which is exuse eeeh in the Greek they're either individual angels or those who rule over localities like neighbourhoods so as you can see there's a hierarchy among the angels with different ranks and different classifications and of course we're going to find this out next week when Lucifer fell and you had a third of the angels follow him those classifications those ranks remain the same but it also gives us into it gives us insight into which of the Angels followed him and which of the angels did not but anyways that's next week anyway now we know for a fact that Michael is an archangel turn to the book of Jude verse number 9 and I'll show you how we know that here's what it says but even the Archangel Michael when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said the Lord rebuke you now the word Archangel is translated from the Greek word arc Angelus and our Cangelosi is a compound word that simply means that's made up of more than one word in this case it's made up of two words the word Arco which means to rule or to leader to be the chief in other words the head honcho when you see Arco it means he's the leader the head honcho and then you have in John Angelus which means angel now you'll see a lot of theologians saying that angel means messenger sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't sometimes it simply means representative so we can't always say that now if it refers to a human being because sometimes they're referring to human beings angels and they'll use that word Anja Angelo's then in that case it does mean messenger but it does not always mean messenger basically what it means is representative alright now when you combine these two words it literally means the chief angel or the lead angel or the one who rules over other angels so Michael is the top guy when it comes to the angels who are warriors that's the category of angels that Michael is over in fact he's the leader of God's angelic army look at Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 through 8 and I'll show you what I'm talking about notice what it says then there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon in his angels and the dragon lost the battle and he and his angels were forced out of heaven now notice that it says Michael and his angels indicating that they're underneath his command we do that today you know if you go back to world war two you talk about Patton's army or John MacArthur's army or you might talk about Admiral Nimitz his fleet or his navy or today you know or Desert Storm it was Swart coughs army now let's be honest those armies were not Swart coughs they worked patents they weren't John MacArthur's now the United States of America but why do they say paint Patton's army why do they say things like that well I'll tell you why it's because they're under his command and so when it says Michael and his angels what it's telling you is he's the general he's the top guy when it comes to the angels that are warriors he is the person over God's angelic army now Daniel tells us that Michael is just one of the chief Prince's which means that there are other chief Prince's or what Jude would call Archangels turn with me if you would back to the book of Daniel chapter 10 this time let's read verse 13 I'll show you what I'm talking about but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me 21 days then Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia now this implies that there are other Archangels but we're not toad who they are now I grew up hearing that there were three Archangels how many grew up hearing that there were three Archangels Michael Gabriel anhu Lucifer until he fell right how many grew up hearing that I mean never heard that what church did you go to oh you didn't go to church okay that's all right you're in church now I'll tell you what else I heard growing up I heard that there were three Archangels and basically these three Archangels actually were head over the different angels that represented by the Godhead you had God and his Archangel was Michael you had the Holy Spirit and it's Archangel shouldn't say it but it's actually neutering Greek so we say it so it's Archangel was who Gabriel right and then you had the Morningstar you had Jesus and who would his Archangel be Lucifer and so when Lucifer fell that's why Jesus was the one in the Trinity Jesus was the one in the Godhead that had to come and suffer for us and died on the cross pay for our sins so that we could go to heaven because it was his Archangel that failed I'm you ever heard that one no one I don't know where I was but I heard some crazy things but anyways for those of you heard that the three there were three Archangels and they were of course Michael Gabriel and Lucifer I hate to burst your bubble the Bible doesn't say that Gabriel is an archangel we get that from the Book of Enoch and Jewish tradition says that there are seven Archangels and Gabriel just happens to be one of the seven but Michael is actually the only one that's listed in the Bible that's named and that we're told is an archangel so we really don't know the names of the other Archangels Gabriel might be one but we're really not sure in fact the reason we think that is because of the Book of Enoch as I said and because of Jewish tradition and Lucifer was never an ark angel or so it seems maybe he was maybe not but the Bible never says that he was the Bible cat categorizes him as a cherub turn with me if you would to the Book of Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 13 through 16 I'm gonna prove this to you if you remember this was the passage of Scripture we read last week in the very beginning of this passage starting in verse number 1 Ezekiel chapter 28 he is actually addressing the king of tyre or the Prince of Tyre that's a physical human being but then when it gets to verse number 13 he starts addressing someone else even though he calls him the king of tyre who he's now talking about his Satan or Lucifer because he wants us to understand he does this quite frequently in the Bible in the Old Testament he wants us to understand that there are demonic influences that's behind these people in authority or power and so let's read this starting in verse 13 we're going to 416 now has been in Eden the garden of God so you can see who this is talking about this is talking about Lucifer who we would call Satan every precious stone was thy covering the sardius the Topaz the diamond the burro the Onyx the Jasper the sapphire sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle the goat the workmanship of thy tablets or tablets and of thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou was created that's why some theologians believe that he led worship in heaven let's keep going now aren't the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set thee so now washed up on the holy mountain of God now has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire in other words he was there before God's throne he's in the very holy of holies or was there let's keep reading now was perfect in my ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee Wow who could this be only one person he's talking about Lucifer Satan then it goes further by the multitude of them art merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now has sinned therefore I will cast the app caste as profane out of the mountain of God and I will destroy the Oh covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire now in verses 14 and 16 were told that Lucifer was a cherub and cherubims are goat now I want you to understand the difference between a cherub and a cherubim a cherub is singular so if you're only talking about one it's cherub if there's more than one you don't say cherubs you say cherubim because cherubim is the plural of cherub so the Bible tells us that Lucifer was a cherub and cherubim are guards if you remember I've already talked about this when Adam and Eve sinned cherubim were placed at the east end of the garden to guard the Tree of Life so that Adam and Eve would not sneak back in eat of the Tree of Life and then live forever in their sinful condition so they were placed there to guard the tree that's no longer necessary we'll never know where the Garden of Eden was you can speculate all that you want but after the flood new rivers could have been created all the topography changed so we have no idea where the original Garden of Eden was but this passage of scripture tells us that Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covered God's throne so there's a possibility that he was one of the chief Prince's before he rebelled so he could have been over all of the cherubim which would make him an archangel but we really don't know for sure if you speculate he probably was an archangel and his responsibility just like Michaels was over the angelic army of God his job was to be head over all of the guards to cherubim anyways that's just speculation but that's the first fact that I wanted to give you about angels there's rank and order among the Angels and there are different classifications of angels with different functions as you read through the Bible we won't go through this you'll find out there are those of their hosts of the army that word host is a military term that means that there are warriors then you have messengers and then you have cherubim which are guards and then you have Seraphim and then you have what the Bible calls living beasts and then there's a few more Christian creatures that would probably all fall underneath this so we know that there's probably six possibly more different classifications of angels but that's the first thing you need to know about angels there are different ranks and different classifications now let's move on to the next fact about angels angels have superhuman strength and intelligence Psalms chapter 103 verse 20 says that angels excel in strength notice what it says blessed the Lord Jesus angels that excel in strength that do His commandments harkening into the voice of his word now the word strength in the Hebrew is true or I should say the word strength is translated from the Hebrew word and it refers to physical strength so they have superhuman strength they excel in physical strength second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse number seven refers to them as powerful angels and again this is referring to physical strength they are powerful and the Greek word for powerful is Dunamis our our English word dynamite is transliterated from this Greek word now what do we do with dynamite we blow things up we bring things down we crush things we blow it apart we move mountains we split mountains we make mountains in fact most of you don't know this but we're built on a rock here yes the rock of Jesus Christ but when we decided to build this building we bought this twenty acres it literally was a hill up here you can see it as you look back here you can see how we went down then we flatten this out and then we took all of this rock and we pushed it in for a parking lot this the only place we could really build or at the other end of our property we owned 20 acres here because that's where the rocks were well here's what's interesting we brought a dozer in here and we couldn't even scratch the rocks so we had to pay $75,000 for a person to come in and blast they drilled all these hoes they put all this dynamite down and let me tell you it was a process because this was after of course 9/11 and you know after then you couldn't go down to masters hardware and just buy dynamite anymore how many you remember being able to do that we're going fishing yeah anyways blasting it but that's what Dinah my does but you need to understand what saying when it refers to them as powerful angels what it means is they can move mountains these people are maybe they have super natural streams in fact it only took one angel to row back the stone at Jesus to the people that was a three to four man job because the average stone at the entrance of a tomb was four thousand pounds two ton it normally took three to four men to do that look at Matthew chapter 28 verses two and three and says and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow now do you see that one angel rolled back the stone and sat on it like no big deal now you really don't understand this unless you ever go to Israel you get a chance to go study the way they did this they would carve out for a tomb they would carve out of solid stone kind of a cave and it literally had two places in it many times it had six or seven because sometimes you had multiple people in the family died but they were those were family tombs so when a person died you would actually put them in and they would lay it down here you would anoint them and do everything you needed to and then you'd roll the stone over and in about six months you would go back because of the environment of the climate there they'd be completely gone except for the bones and then you would gather at the bones and then you would stack them in another room and all of the father's bones would be there or all of the family's bones would be there in fact that's why the Bible says they were gathered unto their fathers what that meant is they were buried and then when all of the flesh and all of the other gunk had already corrupted and was gone and all you had bones you went back and you gathered them to their father's you placed them in all of the family's bones but here's what's interesting you didn't want that smell coming from these tombs so when they carved this out they also carved out this huge stone and it would roll over the opening to the tomb now to keep that 4,000 pound stone from falling out or from tipping they also would carve into the stone this groove and it was pretty deep and it was the groove that the stone would roll in it would keep it from falling out everyone with me but you didn't want it to just roll really easy so right in front of the opening to the tomb you were coming and you would carve out what was called the seat and you would seat the stone so literally it was sitting down in this little place that was carved out so in order to move the stone you had to push it up to get it out of the seat and rolling down now something weighs 4,000 pounds let me tell you one man couldn't do it two men usually couldn't do it unless it was closer to 1 ton maybe if they were strong they could normally it took 4 men you had 1 men that would get down low you had another that would get down mid oh and you had someone that's got a high and then on the other side they usually had a hole drilled in that they took a metal bar and put in and these people would pull as someone pushed now the Bible tells us that this angel comes down and he moves the stone and then he sits on it like it's no big deal he's sitting on top of it that's how strong angels are yeah they also have superhuman intelligence turn to Matthew chapter 24 verse 36 and I'll show you what I'm talking about however no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen not even the Angels heaven or the Sun himself only the Father Knows now the implication is angels know just about everything but they don't know that they don't know when Jesus is going to come back but do you see what I'm talking about it's like wow even the Angels don't know that and the reason this makes this so special is because man the Angels know everything yeah people they were with God when he created this earth they were with God when he created Adam and Eve they've always been here in fact we're gonna find this out in just a minute they're called Watchers they've seen everything there's nothing new for them justice just two solvents that there's nothing new Under the Sun those dangers know it and they know it all and so to emphasize just how stinking smart these guys are it says even the Angels don't know that because the implication is they know just about everything in fact let me show you something interesting because there's one thing that really puzzles angels I mean you know what it is that puzzles angels well let me show you turn with me if you would the first Peter chapter 1 verses 10 through 12 says concerning this salvation in other words concerning salvation so this passage of Scripture is talking about salvation so now you know what I'm going to talk about dachi you know it really puzzles angels salvation and I'll show you what puzzles them about it just a second let's keep reading concerning this salvation the prophets who spoke of the grace that was to come remember were saved by grace through faith but were saved by grace so these prophets who spoke of the grace that was to come in other words salvation searched intently and with the greatest care trying to find out the time in the circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah Wow now keep reading and the glories that would follow now what are the glories that follow the sufferings of the Messiah why did Jesus died on the cross why did it so descend into hell why did he have to suffer those things so that we might be saved that's the glory that follows the Messiah's suffering so this is all talking about salvation let's keep reading it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you what's the gospel it's all about salvation Jesus died for you Jesus so went to hell for you he paid the penalty for you God raised him from the dead and now you get a chance to go to heaven because of what Jesus has done for you but let's see what else it says by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven even angels long to look into these things in other words salvation is a particular interest to angels it's like I can't grasp it but do you want to know why they can't seem to grab salvation it's because they can't understand why God would want to save such stupid weak creatures think about it these angels have superhuman strength they have super intelligence they do what God wants yes there's a third of them that rebelled they've been cast down they're fallen but the ones that follow God continued on they're watching God create this earth they're watching God created Eve they're watching all of this take place and think about this they're watching you right now many of you fall for the very same sin over and over again you just keep circling that mountain remember yeah and every time you did oh God forgive me and the angels go really good lord couldn't you learn about it from the first time and stop doing it and then there's some of you they're just whiners oh god what this happened to me and angels are going really and so they've been watching all of this and they still can't quite grasp why God would love these stupid weak creatures called humans to love them so much that he sent Jesus his own son to come in the form of a human to come as a human to become our sin die for us on the cross descend into hell pay the penalty for our sin and then be resurrected so we could be resurrected in him man they can't grasp that that's why they they just keep looking into it because it's like why would God do that but the reason they think like that is because they have superhuman strength and intelligence compared to us and God wants us to know that I understand what they're thinking and sometimes I probably think that day but anyways why do I love them so much anyways before we run out of time let me answer the one question that I know everyone here wants me to answer what would that be do we all have guardian angels how many you want to know that all right do we all have guardian angels well the answer is yes definitely turn with me if you would to the book of Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 so see that you do not despise one of these little ones for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father in heaven now I want you to zero in on that last part all we see the face of my father in heaven this is a figure speech it doesn't mean that these angels are always in the face of God know what this means is a figure of speech it means that they have unlimited access to God you see not every angel gets to come into the presence of God that's why you have cherubim their guards yeah and depending upon your rankings depending upon your classification as the angel that determines your function but here's what's interesting it's talking about these little ones that says their angels have unlimited access to the Father that's how important their job is to God but I want you to notice what else it says it says for I tell you that their angels notice that it says their angels that word there is translated from the personal pronoun Altos and it's possessive which tells us that every one of us has our own personal angel watching over us in fact in Daniel chapter 4 verse 17 angels are called Watchers they go home and read that in fact read it in the King James Version and then when you see it other places if it's in ot to see messengers but look at that word in the Greek you know what it is it's not even a Hebrew word guess what it is it's an Aramaic word and it literally means Watchers now why are they called Watchers they are called Watchers because they watch what's going on and they watch over us now let me give you two more scriptures to prove that we all have a garden angel the first one is Hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 notice what it says are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation do you see that angels are sent to serve those that are saved in other words God sends them to earth to help us the second scripture is found in psalms chapter 91 verses 11 through 12 notice what it says for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways in fact this is where we get the term guardian angels if you say if you want to know where do we get this term guardian angels psalms chapter 91 verse number 11 he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone now I'm going to be honest with you knowing this affects the way that I pray for my kids let me tell you how I pray for my kids I've been doing this for years when I get when I get to the end of the Lord's Prayer when it gets to that part lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil I pray that they won't be tempted because I understand what my kids shortcomings are and I know that we are tempted when we're drawn away of our own lust and enticed so I understand their shortcoming so I'm praying for that but did I get to this last part and deliver us from evil so this is what I pray to God you could have a little seat into my prayers god I'm just asking you Lord for you to put a hedge of protection of guardian or aunt angels around Michael Julian makes the Michelle god I ask that you would instruct those guardian angels as to where danger is and where danger will be in the future god I also sku Lord to instruct them on how to manipulate the situations that they find themselves in and the circumstances surrounding them and even people in time so that Mike and Macy are never in the same place at the same time that dangerous keep them from evil God you have charge over them command those Angels to manipulate these things instruct them on how to do it and then I go further but I won't go into that because I don't have time to do that but I want you to understand one of the reasons we study this and so that we can apply the principles Psalms chapter 91 says he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways but in order for God to allow that to happen you have to channel his will in through prayer I'll go further God hold them in your right hand father I thank you Lord that you're hiding them from wickedness and wicked people and god you're bestowing upon my children favor I thank you Lord that they have favored as Joseph had favored I thank you God that they have favored as David had favored I can't tell you the number of things that my kids have had the honor of doing simply because I pray that God will do that but God has given us the ability to know these things so we can pray anyways meeting office I'm gonna finish in about three minutes let me give you their job description as guardian angels and we're gonna close with this number one they provide for us Genesis chapter 21 verses 17 through 20 first Kings chapter 19 verse 6 you need me to give you those scriptures again Genesis chapter 21 verses 17 through 20 in first Kings 19 6 the first ones Hagar and Ishmael they're thrown out if you remember they think they're going to die Hagar leaves the baby he's not David any more 17 years old but he's over there she goes oh there's such cries and an angel appears and says no there's water same thing with first kings it's Elijah he's running from Jezebel he wants to die and he just wants it to be over and he goes to sleep and an angel picks him on the show says you need to wake up and eat you still have more to go and the angel is cooked him some food got some water and tells him what to do number two they protect us Daniel chapter 6 verse 22 Daniel chapter 6 verse 22 the angel shut the lion's mouth when Daniel was in bed lion's den Matthew chapter 26 verse 53 Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane Peter pulls out the sword he cuts off the year of the servant of the high priest Jesus says picture sword up don't you know I could call 12 legions of angels number three they deliver us Acts chapter five verses 18 through 19 in Acts chapter 12 verses 7 through 11 let me give you those again Acts chapter 5 verses 18 and 19 Acts chapter 12 verses 7 through 11 the first one has to do with the Apostles being arrested they're in prison the Angels lets them out the second one Peters in jail the whole church starts praying for them an angel doesn't just open up a door he opens up a door he takes them through to different levels because they learned the first time that when they put the Apostles in someone let him out so this time they put him so down at the very bottom he's got to go to three stations doesn't matter angel gets him out number four they strengthen and encourage us Matthew chapter four verse 11 Jesus is fasting 40 days and 40 nights he's tempted to the devil he overcomes those temptations doesn't give in to them angels come and they strengthen and encourage him Acts chapter 27 verses 23 through 24 acts 27 23 to 24 Paul is an i-told-you-so kind of person he's getting shipped to Rome everyone's kind of have hands off on him because everyone knows what Paul's been doing in emphasis they understand how powerful he is so he's given special treatment so he's on this ship and he tells them we need to stop here there's going to be a storm they don't stop because he's got a command to get him to Rome so they keep going that run into a storm and when they're in this storm it looks like they're gonna die the ships gonna burst up everyone's going to drown it's going to be over and an angel comes to Peter I mean de Paul and he says hmm and not one person will be dead so Paul goes to tell the captain what the angel told him but here's what's interesting about that he said I told you so kind of so he says I told you we shouldn't have done this I told you it's going to be bad but I'm also telling you right now that we'll all be saved all right that angel came to strengthen courage and last but not least number five this is what guardian angels do they're used by God to answer certain prayers Acts chapter 10 verses 1 through 7 Acts chapter 10 verses 1 through 7 and Acts chapter 12 verses 5 through 11 now in acts 10 Cornelius is praying and an angel comes and tells him what to do he tells him exactly what to do send some men to Joppa you're gonna find this man called Simon here's where you find him he's at a Tanner shop you tell him to come with you all preparing for it then you find in Acts chapter 12 verses 5 through 11 Peters in prison the whole church is praying man there's that there no he they know that he's dead they're gonna kill him the next morning they all start praying angel lets them out now next week we're going to talk about demons but as we close let me say this if you could look into the next dimension if you could look into the spiritual realm you know what you would see right here you would see angels all in this room you'd see some big honking angels up here at the stage because my angels are bigger that's teasing you would seriously you would see angels here you see angels kind of around it but you would also see some demons and that's what we're going to talk about next week
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 32,192
Rating: 4.8998747 out of 5
Keywords: Angels and Demons Explained: What You Don't Know About Them (Episode 1) with Pastor Allen Nolan, angels and demons explained, demons explained, with pastor allen nolan, allen nolan, angels in the bible, demons in the bible, angels and demons bible study, angels and demons cornerstone fellowship, angels and demons allen nolan, demons christianity, demon, demon description in the bible, demons, satan, devil, 666, end times, apocalypse
Id: XlHjgHL8Nr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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