BONNOT DEATH MANSION They Both Was Found DEAD long after | the house will never sell

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what's happening YouTubers so in this week's video we're exploring the lives of Herbert and Anna this Mansion dates back to the early 1900s so this was her family home so later on she met Herbert as she was growing up her book was in the actual Army of France so he served his time but his love was Anna so apparently they wrote to each other all the time as he was away serving and he kept sneaking out apparently when he was based back in France he was sneaking out to meet Anna sadly later on when Anna's parents died Herbert and Anna then took over the family home where they loved each other it was like a true love story people said all the way through they held hands and they were absolutely in love like they just met sadly they had a child that's passed away due to an illness and he left Anna and Herbert again once alone when Anna sadly passed Herbert apparently went completely within himself shot himself away from civilization people said when they passed the house it was chained up just like as if no one lived there he completely gave up people used to deliver food to the gate because they just fought to help him as he just gave up but as I said sadly later on a friend of the family then returned to check on Herbert and found him asleep in the chair and the saddest thing is her photo was next to the chair on the floor maybe had it in his hand while he was drinking his whiskey and just went asleep and never woke up so guys and girls let's step back in time to 2008 when Herbert was last here the place sits exactly how he left it God bless love you loads enjoy the video [Music] just arrived at this beautiful house known as a mancion or Mansion which I believe's house in French or Chateau whatever you want to call it I believe there's a house though this is quite a big house absolutely unbelievable I just can't wait to get inside it makes me so excited honestly I'm like a kid in a sweet shop when I see places like this so stepping through this front door of this beautiful house with a mansion it's incredible already just looking around in this hallway you can see memories on the wall you can see the paint cracking in the ceiling a little man's jacket there old man's jacket look at this to be a beautiful wife a little full of an animal there certificates here you see the paint just the way it's just crackled off the walls I told this was empty for over 15 years I'm back in these front doors the crack and pain all the way around the audit radiator the beautiful flooring leading through this hallway you can imagine it was lit up with a light back in its day heading down it's like a decanter there with some drink [Music] that's really incredible so we're gonna go in here afterwards but we're gonna go and check out another part of the house first I'm gonna go to the kitchen right you see this kitchen's been pulled about slightly so obviously by the looks of it we're not the first so-called explorers should I say that have been in this place hence why it's been pulled about I try and imagine the food being cooked the little radio playing some tunes and they can see how much dust and Decay have built up all over these bottles thank you everything's still here the Uncle Ben to us they've got no gloves all over you want to pull around too much stuff I mean if we can get like a date this has two thousand 2004. 16 years [Music] doesn't mean it's been empty for 16 years weird it's been 15 years it's been abandoned at the bottom of the stairs the beautiful grandfather clock a little Broly sat here you can see just look how much damp and decay in this place if anyone says there's no dust I promise you there's dust another little room all little pods and suds do you know what I never do this but I'm gonna do the Basin first there you go look at this I have a stone support all the way through the house let's get all hot there the toilet was so creepy down here [Music] what is that [Applause] I've seen this before it's like a tunnel oh did I just see that look at this it's completely flooded that's a good foot and a half of water it's like an old Air Raid shell running out [Music] actually felt like that one sweet good name here let's open the doors up it's like a dungeon [Music] you know these places excite me it's the history and it must be quite sad for these people always little garden stuff I had a clock stopped there twenty of tonight twenty past nine little compressor there's a few things in here that poke bug me that this place has been abandoned a little bit less than 15 years sir why don't you love the ring this meltdown is terrible I'm gonna take you back upstairs I'm gonna go check out the other rooms upstairs that is so creepy [Music] obviously little wine racks and stuff so many little bits here [Music] it's like nearly 20 down here it's still pretty warm down here and then some bottles out you can see as well in the bottles so as decay it's embossed in the fridge as well hello besides we're getting out of the basement you call me whatever you want an absolute wind get out of there you go there's something jumped in the water sounded like [Applause] all the drinks left okay the spiders are made at home yet wow and the coffee guys it's completely rotten away anyone fancy like a little chip crisp [Applause] I was trying to imagine as I said people sat around the table sipping a drink eating some food [Music] fire going not today it's already hot enough [Music] trapped in the Sharks as well [Music] beautiful paintings here the wind is completely broken swinging open letting nature just come in just a thing this photo with a lady sat there with Italian a bit distance there's the chair and you can see the TV she asked about through there which I think it's been empty over 15 years she was sat there probably I don't know nearly 20 years he was here on his own afterwards after losing his wife incredible isn't it that's what it won't just do something look at her other peaches that was behind him on that picture still here he stepped out of the dining room into the hallway into the living room so there's a little TV that you just seen a minute ago I see a lot of adult movies a minute ago under there I'm guessing after losing his wife maybe who knows [Music] I have cigarettes there as well I just think it's all still left everything [Music] the books and it's all like retro sort of I don't know what this materials but I can see the paint everything's completely left a fireplace so it's just obviously the paint and stuff and the chimney maybe it's just falling down now it's not used [Music] it's incredible way guys looks like Hitler [Applause] thank you this key here is probably the key it would have been for this wow I will lock it up I promise it's amazing isn't it the key still sat there probably hasn't been turned in years who knows let's lock back up take the key back out try and secure this one as well all right it's incredibly easy places are absolutely amazing you know that I love exploring abandoned houses she wants to wonder what he's lost it's not a movie in there no maybe what his last thing was [Music] check some of these I absolutely love it guys it's an amazing spot I think we should head upstairs and check this place out even more [Music] here we go hopefully you don't need that yet probably done my time ah look there's your clock face is missing thank you just standing upstairs in the upstairs hallway again greeted by another beautiful French that he is so high in their honestly you think there's just no air everything's sealed this makes me sad kind of makes me think that he's left this room exactly how it was when she passed it shows them it's nearly 29 in here I'm absolutely sweating I'm just gonna say to you as well if you wish um if you wish to receive one of the masks head over to abandon World explore drop me a message I'll let you know across the shipping and everything um but yeah get yourself a mask keep safe spin this around it's weird isn't it when damp kicks in over the winter months things just full it's kind of a strange little cupboard in a bedroom not really deep I could have covered I like this as well it's really nice really vibrant as well the colors and it was suitcase uh you can feel it's empty but it's a cool I love the old vintage suitcases and look here next to the bedside the glasses a little clock a little girl buckle it's a little picture there I actually shocked I haven't seen a cross in here I don't know normally these older houses are very religious people that lived here you could say like this place needs two of an apps all the paint from the ceilings just dropping off and the doors are just crackling up you can imagine if it's a lovely summer's day and having these two huge windows open look at this completely Stood Still there we go there's the cross a little bit confused now because I felt like this was the other room was hurting starting to feel like this was her little shoes left a little blouse handbag it's probably evens out with the family traffic that was downstairs on the wall nothing yellow black and white photos sorry pretty soon this was at the back near the wall pin there look at the Flies the shoehorn I believe on that Chanel case there I believe that what was that Gucci it's Gucci oh look at these International about how to translate these because they're very it's my Google translate a translator or let me do it here we go no it's struggling with that one so what we're going to do I'm gonna put a couple of screenshots up of these struggling okay well I'm gonna say to you is this letter dates 26 at the 11th from 1948 I hope he might be able to see that I'm not sure I'm going to take a year in a light I say I'd love to know what this says foreign so many memories oh this is in the backyard again if I look at the difference now wow so this here is the water fountain I'm going to show you that again remember this picture that is the water feature around the side of the house if I remember hopefully I will but I did show at the beginning of the video anyway so I'll look she can read that guys it's an old postcard just trying to protect the address is it like 1948 as well another document this one's 1946. it's going to be very difficult to read this but I'm going to try and put some stools in as well so if you can translate French please let me know what they say this is 1948 as well [Applause] guys I'm going to put this in for stills though turning around this room there is a little ensuite see it's suffered a little bit of damage and abuse but into the last bedroom I just want to stand back here and say look at this wallpaper I like The Tartan blanket bless [Applause] so many things here 2006 Peugeot I want to move it because it's got the address on this we don't want this getting out anymore and it has just love it like the way the little desk is set here a little newspaper bits [Music] it's incredible it's like a secret door there oh is this about huh so it kind of Blended in the ensuite in this room what is this I forgot what this is called now I know you're gonna laugh and tell me off because in the Belgium home it had the same is it the law firer or something probably got that completely wrong sound like an absolute idiot but it's that sort of fluffy sort of fairy wallpaper [Music] stacks of memories I think his Focus can't be replaced so I don't know why that someone hasn't did she's come and save them so beautiful and the way he's tired has draped over the curtain fold the tire back thing we've got adult movies loads of adult movies some abduction one loads of stuff but we can't judge him for it he's just a man I guess I'm saying old man watching but all the clothes hanging up here as well like all these little trousers and shirts these absolutely love these I'm going to put them straight back but I'm going to chill see if we can see a couple of these slides oh it's so difficult to see oh these are actually wedding pictures oh that's cool ah do you know what I thought that was the Pavarotti Mansion I did then it's the same kind of roof loads and loads and loads of memories so these ones are already out so I thought I'm gonna put them all back in the case all those away I'm gonna take you little man and put it back up there up there I'll show you that if we had all those system wouldn't it be good if we had to slide here we had electric we could set it all up and go through someone else's little memories away obviously the Titan wallpaper the other bedroom and then the one with a little dress hanging on and if I didn't check but it's probably a load of clothes I've seen out here but you can see just like how the gate is completely overgrown wow I noticed a lot of these little French houses I've been doing lately they all use their Loft space there's a little like sheds little workshops see there's damage started coming from the water throw the water damage so I start it's always going to be much up here that's pretty cool it's like a little hangout room in the loft and a little burner going up here I'm kind of want to shut the window but I don't know if I should try and let the water at least stop coming in I'm going to see it's just packed a little just old bits of Timber and bits and pieces just to make a roof loads of little old jars and you said I mean how much space you've got in the French roofs of these places scene down here as well I had little postcards foreign maybe at some point was a bedroom cool isn't it come on this is cool what I do to have a loft space like this my last tiny on my attic before I do need enough space I found another box of photos [Applause] I don't know we could sit there all day and look through these we seriously need to be saved a lot of these need to be saved I might just chucked away the floor upsets me [Applause] of old postcards and some old photos in there as well [Applause] I'm so hot guys wow what a beautiful unit it's a stunning that's still the key in there that see how old things they last this is so cool it's sad though I think that maybe someone's coming here and I've already took loads of valuables and stuff why it's all been pulled out some more of his books here and it does it really does upset me the people think it's acceptable to come in there and just ride it rip it apart I mean you can see in my video is exactly what I'm doing is all I do do there's so many love documentations wouldn't it be good if you could translate all those if I could anyway and sit there and just go through everything and find a little bit more of this person's life what he did and who really was down on the ground floor this place is truly amazing it really is it is like stepping back in time into someone's life as we keep saying in all my videos that's a little baby foot there as well you have an old statue or molding they've done at some point but yeah this is absolutely crazy I'm gonna head outside now it's getting so hot in here so you remember to find it like I showed you in the photo earlier now look at the Garden and try and get a shot from the front but I don't want to get cold now do you know what I'm going to come from the gate the other side so yeah the backyard's completely taken it's so overgrown on the side of the house the little shot is there rotten away [Applause] it's incredible [Music] we explore another day never explored that a pure time capsule and what an amazing place this was everything completely left there [Applause] said if you wish to obviously follow me follow me on Facebook Instagram Twitter absolutely amazing guys as I said there's a obviously we started up with patreon abandoned worldexport um Facebook page Instagram Twitter all links will be in the description there is a playpower if you wish to donate I don't ask for it but if you do wish to people do ask me if we can donate so that is obviously all in description anyway and there's a PO Box guys don't forget to crack onto that P.O box whatever you send over I will open on the live chats I promise anyway we love you and leave you off off to the next explore what's up Explorers so you've made it right to the end of the video hopefully you enjoyed that video and you didn't have to skip through it um what I will say to anyone if you watch my videos please remember to drop a message after you've seen a video not before because YouTube look at that as people are not interested in my videos which is a very bad thing for me because my channel will dip and then abandoned World Explorer will fizzle away anyway a little update on these letters I'll give you a quick brief one on them little bits I found out one of the letters are addressing a family member maybe him or her saying that we're really sorry for your loss um it was so sudden it was not expected I mean no one expects to lose anyone but they also said on there that maybe it's for the best so maybe he was fighting some illness or she was fighting some illness so and then the death was so sudden the other letter was very interesting it was three years after World War II but the guy is a soldier and he's explaining his time on the warship what he's had to eat what he's had to drink what he's doing his day-to-day um but he's also talking about a war that's happening so with is Algeria um could be completely wrong on that but it's definitely a war that he's talking about taking over some land or fighting for some land and where they're getting told they're staying they turned up and thought it was going to be a mess and it was actually like a palace they were staying at so he was really happy with his accommodation writing back to his mum so please screenshot them save the letters you can have a read yourself if you know anyone that can translate France uh French um yeah and guys and girls please share all my content love you all stay safe and I'll be seeing you soon on the next adventure but as I said if you want to see more of awe please don't forget to share love you all [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 92,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zcsY8Lb1pnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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