Exploring a Kidnappers ABANDONED House in the Middle of NO WHERE | Everything Left Behind

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what's up guys it's big Banks we are back again for another video today we found an abandoned Hideout for a kidnapper apparently many years ago they found a little girl chained up in the basement here we're going to check out what's left the guy has been in prisoned for so long that the grass is just completely overgrown the driveway is unrecognizable anymore and there's still a lot of things left behind in there so you guys aren't going to want to miss this episode this one's great can't wait to show you guys I'm with Alex today we're going to check it out we're going to go inside but first let's take a look at the outside and let's hear the story behind this kidnapper's house let's go all right so This Is Us walking up on this abandoned kidnapper house and it is super secluded as you can tell out in the middle of literally nowhere in the woods the grass comes literally up to my chest this was abandoned many years ago which you guys know in the beginning when we talk about the history of this place but the driveway that's the driveway right there guys you can't even see it anymore it's just grass that's how long nobody has been here ever since they caught the guy and found the girl in the basement it's literally been sitting like this it looks like some squatters came in a little bit for the most part a lot of stuff's left behind and we're going to see where the girl was was when they found her but we're going to walk up on it right now it's a little cold today weather's starting to change check it out it's just like a like a ranch style house goes that way and then it drops down cuz it's on a hill over here let's go around to the garage and see if we can see anything oh it looks like there's a car let's go check it out looks like a Volkswagen so coming around to the backyard here looks like there's a fenced in part right back here see how tall this grasses yeah fenced in backyard here so they must have had some animals maybe a dog or a couple dogs or maybe they just had this for their kids the kids wouldn't run off into the woods check it out guys there's a literally a yellow Volkswagen Beetle back here in the garage looks like they were fixing it or maybe somebody was stealing the parts off of it cuz it's kind of Jerry rigged right here using the tire but just a yellow Beetle sitting in the back of this garage nice little Grill back here a recliner the lawn mower obviously hasn't been used in so long obviously this little uh thing right here this Volkswagen you can see looks like it's a manual can't tell really what year this car is and this car would have had a terrible time getting up that driveway if it was anything recent the motor looks like it's falling out out of it actually it is falling out of it I'm going to walk around to the front of the house again we're going to go through the front door and uh see what the front porch looks like little kidnapper house definitely creepy creepy Vibes being out in the middle of the woods here also shout out to my girlfriend for finding this spot big shout out to her all this is Thorns everywhere just walk right through here see how like overgrown this place is so it looks like it drops down there to a lower level so from that side it would look like it's a two-story but from this side it's just a little one-story house it's all made of this brick this is the front porch I don't know what style this tile is guys I'm trying not to sniffle too much but my nose is I have allergies so bad right now it's cuz it's cold probably have a cold and uh trying to get over it but it's really tough nose is just constantly running but either way let's go inside let's check it out but first let's hear the story and see what happened at this abandoned house let's go today we are heading to the Deep South to explore the deserted House of a kidnapper years ago a man who had suffered the loss of his family took a dark turn and kidnapped a young girl the house is incredibly isolated and he was convinced that no one would ever discover his secret but after some time the man was eventually arrested and apprehended and the girl who had been kept chained in the basement for weeks was reunited with her family today the house sits completely empty but filled with many things left behind so join me today and let's see what's left all right stepping in for the first time in here just saw that the front door was open it's all this Green carpet looks like it goes throughout there's a hallway there kitchen there and there's stuff left in here it's very interesting Che out this little chandelier when he first walk in it's like blue and yellow stained glass I think this was the little girl's backpack that was left here what a sad sight to see knowing that that happened makes it Eerie see a food balll looks like for a cat yep I was right cat litter box this house is so Eerie feeling then it goes down to the basement and that is apparently where the little girl was held that's where they found her so we'll save that for a little later let's check out what's up here first so for some reason there's like three vacuum cleaners in here and I imagine that this was more of like a formal living room so what this feels like like this would have been a formal living space but a lot of the furniture is gone there was even paintings hanging up here as you can see there's hooks on the walls or really we don't really know what these were used for these hooks but I'm assuming paintings this definitely feels more like a formal living space along with this which would have been the formal dining room but from the looks of it it looks like somebody was using this as their little TV watching area with this fancy chair which is so strange got the TV right there that's a that's a bigger TV that's like a 50-in TV but I am saying this is probably the dining room because there's a chandelier here which is surprising that this is here chandelier are like one of the first things to go so this was probably formal dining makes a lot of sense the 50-in Panasonic TV though that's that's crazy and then this goes straight into the kitchen like this little glass panel you can see right into the kitchen looks like there's a griddle right here but we'll see what's all in there here and in just a minute what a cool little place all right now we're going to walk right into this living room and oh my gosh all this stuff that's left so there's three couches there's this one longer couch this like recliner couch right here with the cup holders more like an entertainment type thing along with a recliner here to match everything else and by the looks of it looks like they smoked a lot of cigarettes and there's a table in here along with it's like a little mini TV there fireplace nice fireplace by the way kind of matches all the brick that's outside but this uh this floor like this carpet really feels like a 70s Vibe like a shag carpet which we've actually been seeing more of that than anything check out what's up here a little Min violin oh look at that the strangers funny enough that is like one of the scariest movies of these creepy killers that are masked and they come in they break into a house and they uh you know they kill the people funny enough that's in here this is what we're seeing in this room and the way that this living room is set up kind of gives it a uh cozy Vibe like it it feels kind of cramped in the same way though like cuz there's not a lot of space here and it's weird that there's like an entertainment area but the TV is not in here it's in there but there's not really a place to put it in here so maybe this was just where they chilled out and uh relaxed and all that stuff who knows this is just what it looks like when we came in and this is like all wooden paneling all through here so you can tell this is definitely like a little older hasn't been updated or anything you have these like pass through things right here with these glass shelvings where you can put knickknacks things like that it looks like there's a few things up there but I can only imagine what was up there before if there was anything up there because this guy was a strange man after the loss of his family and started doing things that he shouldn't have done for some reason there's this scary Halloween decoration in here looks like it was supposed to light up it's creepy just sitting there on the table like who want this in the house like I feel like you want that outside but that's like a little look into the the living room like the main living room of the place and I I noticed this right here too this is like a decoration that look like a banjo made out of completely out of [Music] wood [Music] [Music] check this out this is like their little dining table looks like there's baguettes and all that stuff sitting on the on the table too the plates are still set up but it's all dirty and filthy see you can tell this house is like laid out kind of strangely because of the way this is all set up then you walk back through this way and I want to say this is like it's hard to say what this was used for like I have no clue there's a couch here there's all this open space like this could have been another living area or another living space of some sort it's really hard to to tell what this was used for check out this chandelier though it looks like a a wheel they put lights on top of it's very interesting along with this floral couch it's a very interesting house let's take a look at these knickknacks like a little poison dart frog yo is this a shank real it's a shank sh yeah oh my gosh dude oh that's this house is weird ah it's a shank bro this house is strange what is this thing I can't tell what this is guys if you know what that is let me know in the comments but I don't know what it is this is welcome 10 cents like a little gumball machine piece of decoration the fan TNT only at dve and Busters I feel like I see these everywhere these little wooden chairs with the hearts on it I feel like I see those everywhere little flower pot and a ripstick I used to always want one of those but I knew I would never work cuz I'm I'm I don't have them good a balance but you guys let me know down in the comments what you think this part of the the house was used for cuz you have this little dining space living room kitchen and then this area what is this used for right here what is this supposed to be used for let me know down in the comments now let's make our way into the kitchen first thing I'm noticing is all these pans that are hanging up by this this thing right here which I haven't really seen that much in abandoned houses especially little like smaller houses this house is probably give or take 1,500 ft or so maybe a little bit more maybe 1,800 still got the plates the bowls tiny little teacups sitting in here all the stuff that's left stuff still in the sink that needs to be washed the stuff that they did wash all sitting still here microwave is still here we haven't open these cab it's that yeah there's like some tee pots some cups pots and pans hanging up here is really cool typically you don't see that a lot and we have an older oven and stove here ew ew that's so gross slap your mama and you know guys we got to open the fridge we just have to part of the videos okay just a beer some coffee creamer and some sour [Music] cream [Music] we're going to start heading to the bedrooms now to see what's left inside of them so we're going to go down this creepy hallway first thing we're going to look at is right in here this little closet nothing seems to be left in here then we have a bathroom now the bathroom doesn't look too bad it is dark in here but it's not bad at all yeah it's like not that bad in here it's just like you know it's very outdated check this out though I have that same toothpaste in my bag I don't really like it that much but it works toilet of course and if there was squatters in here it's weird cuz the toilets are empty like they've never been used shower not too shabby still have this Green carpet going out through this then we got one more little closet here another nothing really left it's like a little blanket up in here but that's it walking into first bedroom and I mean this is definitely the master bedroom it's huge there's a bed here but this bed gives off total squatter Vibes I mean there's not really a frame or anything there's two tiny little pillows there's like some rugs here it looks like they tried to make themselves a home but didn't really do that great of a job there's a recliner sitting back here there is a criminal notice right there on the floor the talks about the whole thing but I'm not going to show you guys that check it out in here this place is very neat but I can only imagine what was all in here and I bet the bed was more like over there um or maybe even like in the middle over here or something like that but I bet it was not in this spot cuz it's just doesn't make as much sense as it being over there I think that's just what squatters are something turned it into but it's so much space right here so much space this bed I did sit on it just a minute ago and um it's the most comfy bed I've ever sat on honestly like I can't even lie I like fell into it and like it like felt like memory foam like it was nice like where do I get a mattress like this from my house again Green carpet throughout this place look there's even like a fishing pole here and I think this is for like crappie fishing or maybe fly fishing I'm not 100% sure if you guys know let me know in the comments my grandpa used to have stuff like this but I remember him using this for Crappie fishing for the most part closet has just some weird stuff in it little tiny space heater but this is the bedroom the master bedroom right here this little blue reclining like a Band-Aid and some like charging cords cigarettes all of that stuff foot powder more cigarette butts what a strange room it's just like it feels so empty even though there's stuff in it guys this is like a weird house this is one of the strangest houses and I'm sorry if my nose is running and it looks gross it's it's just so cold and like it's been like this for the last few days and it's bothering me a whole lot so I'm really sorry that this is happening um it's just such bad timing but anyways we're going to leave the master bedroom we're going to go to the next bedroom and then we're going to go downstairs and see the room where they kept the girl so let's uh let's keep walking through walking through this room and I can already see there's a little bit more stuff in here check this out little nurse's outfit but this doesn't feel like a real outfit this feels like it's a costume of some sort but it might be it might be real just a little older more cigarette butts this looks like maybe a little thing for like a tablet yeah I'll check this out we've got a TV in here little Samsung Box TV within this like nice dresser how cool is that so yeah in this room still there's this bed got the blue comforter on it definitely still gives off a squatter Vibe look at this stool here I mean this place is wild guys and we're going to go back here here's the bathroom not a bad looking bathroom they got this like nice little rug in here then you got like the Clippers cigarettes of course they're cigarettes nice black sink shower looks really similar to the last bathroom so that's bedroom number two everyone and as you can tell I mean it's got a little more stuff in it than the other but now the moments you've been waiting for we're going to go downstairs and check out the basement and see what's left down there and see if it's creepy just like how I would imagine it would be so let's head down there and let's see the room and let's see what else has left [Music] [Music] [Music] there all right you can see this strange pattern on this carpet going down the stairs it gets really eerie as we walk down here's what I'm seeing looks like a whole another kitchen is down here like a whole kitchen is down here little mini fridge looks like they took out some things there's no fridge there's no oven or stove cabinets are all here there's like a little kid's toothbrush it looks like something was cooked and then just left right there it looks so gross was not expecting a whole another like kitchen to be down here and maybe this is even like a little living space like shelving and all that stuff and even goes further back that way so I think that way is where the girl was kept but there's another room right here so if we walk in this room check it out we got shoes Left Behind even some Jordans at that some heels on the shelf right here this is like a den area probably for entertainment leads outside all these clothes are left so like all the clothes got left behind when they were here what this is this is pictures of the family when they were in this house but all this stuff is still left down here from his family the pictures of the Family itself all that stuff even their blankets hair ties all that stuff left behind up here here's even some kids books and the Bible story for children more like kids things isn't it crazy there's even an air mattress down here so maybe they had guests that stayed down there found a Gucci hat I bet it's fake actually has the tag in it it might not be fake there's a Gucci hat so if we're walking back through this area there's another door right over here and looks like we have a room this way looks like a bedroom of some sort we have clothes all scattered out through here hair straighteners um underwear pants more the same more clothes all just left here including a bathroom and this looks like a Jack and Gill type bathroom situation maybe or maybe it just has two separate rooms for the same bathroom cuz you walk through here and now you're in this part which all these clothes being left here is crazy now it's time to see the creepy part you can see had this lock down here for this door so nobody could get out this is where the water heater is underneath the stairs so down here is where it gets a little bit more creepy there's this mirrored wall all this brown this looks like a living space of some sort there's like desk back here little workpace looks like they did use it as a desk and there was stuff all up here but it's gone wonder what all this stuff was but apparently it was back here where the girl was found we walk back and we can see all this wiring here for the HVAC and whatnot but guys this part is creepy this feels like a dungeon in here washer and dryer still sitting here what was this for May this was for hanging clothes and whatnot but apparently guys it was right back here where she was found so it gets really creepy when we see it back here apparently they found her chain somewhere in this room which I don't see where it would have been there's tarp here for some reason all the breakers and the cinder block wall this this is just like the most creepy Vibe I've had inside of a room before knowing what was in here but no telling what actually happened down here only the girl would know it's insane this is the room where the girl was found chained up and this might have been like the only blanket they gave her um looks thick and maybe that's where the guy kept her super creepy Eerie Vibes right in here [Music] all right guys that's the end of today's video hope you guys enjoyed this video and this walkthrough of this really creepy kidnapper house uh one of the first times we've been into a kidnapper's house where things happen like right in here and everything so if you guys enjoyed this story and enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe if you're new check out gray X down in the description and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 667,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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