We Found an Abandoned Mansion where a SHOCKING Murder Took Place!

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in the south of England lies this 16th century 8-bedroom Mansion although picturesque this grade 2 building hides a Sinister secret an elderly gentleman who once owned the property stabbed the burglar with his own screwdriver after a scuffle broke out he was later cleared of any wrongdoing though we didn't know this info at the time of recording we were straight away on edge after hearing random bangs 9:00 and pm. to be this place is like but as always if you enjoy the video don't forget to subscribe and join us inside oh [Music] yeah oh thank you sir still you on now something nuts God's sake and with through you're a gentleman Ed you oh friend TR it's a bit windy for you mini defin it is see the there looks there don't it the that's spit fire it is is it oh there is still down there only in DOA usually is it what view we got today guys slightly windy but we got some rain clouds in the distance so hopefully that stays at okay see we bring you action guys yeah it looks like it could be that where I saw that's where I saw the container I mean another building there's like another shed in the woods W it yeah come right sounds like I can hear loads of dogs he's coming back I think that's a spit far he's gone lower don't hold on to that tree by the way what oh you could have just walk around there then it's flattened say don't no it's um like dead yeah a that's too thck it's too thick here apparently yeah it's t yeah ni time capture with got no name on it that's an old um is it g in Bottle don't know it didn't have anything on it ow hold my should can't get up that's teamwork that is that's his legs gone I do the old good what's up never hotter things that was perfect could write that could you you wh it here he goes that's how it's done the holding the tree what is that don't no this is just a ramp should yeah we I think [Music] Hang Me On [Music] Steve's foot's gone through it let's go I think I'll just go out the bank right there J yeah this looks like an orchard like apple trees Maybe cuz we got Rose staked up staked this the Old Orchard look at look at the water we got bikes we got on the bikes oh no way was it trust dead end up dead what's the say in there trusted wind up dead never go near a PO got we got push points ped you're getting on this y it's your turn mate he don't want to get his uh lumber jack hey nice B bloody hell look at this that is a well that's a six out of 10 bath if ever I've seen one tap there oh yeah yeah oh oh look at them oh wow you can if you really want you could go on that tree there that's going to snap oh yeah that's tempting is it when were these last used look covered in twigs and leaves and we'll come back to that oh yeah can't get it though look at that huge m is this just open is it oh wow they used to do washing these are good that's hit up the water on there and do your water in there you have a wooden lid bloody that's cool is it that's really old you can trim some edges for that Tri underneath for that that's for grass edges yeah window oh old Leed Windows yeah old airon unit Jay Herbert sitting born look at the bars on the Windows Steve yeah must be [Music] some can't focus on that but that it's full of gear wow look at all the cob Works wow H that's not been open for a while wow look at the of the size of this place there's a way in trashed from this side those chimneys mate that's nice is it that is mad oh my God jeez look at that wait this is proper Tuda mate this is you a see the rest you ain't SE the rest it's NE coming he's keeping an eye out for the look at this one look at that that's like old um Indian isn't it wow and the Scorpion at the end look magazine don't see anymore that's vinyls for there as well look what have they got out I'll just check that quick the beautiful blue danu no way oh wow oh the nauy book that's got to be old All Aboard for Toy Town Toy Land look this painting gear mate yeah that ain't cheap I'll tell you that for nothing you've never seen a fridge like this in a house have you why no oh my days even got the old bottles in it mate you sure that's not they bodies in look at this that's B American f is it yeah that is 4 bottles that's Industrial put your but look at that fridge that's a ladder there there's a bit of a smell I'm not going to lie 50° you know look you look at that there it looks like you put a body in you could think now nothing in that one I see old PL that say see but insane mad I've never seen one like wow what the hell man be you it's not too bad oh wow y old alarms for proper light W and St it we' have to find some w we wow wow wow wow oh what's that a basement light on panel I think it's a a far panel yeah it's no sense look at the bow and arrow have a look around there tell me what you reckon that fire alarm oh yeah that's a fire alarm look above your head be very careful that glass WS oh yeah Jesus look at that guys got a bow no Arrow see that is smart it look how rot that is I can see Steve through there [Music] look look at that your Waring that yeah what talking no bang bang a door bang that wasn't me there a massive bang oh yeah it's not working it's red it's CL red working we might need to get out there oh my God I don't think on look at all this stuff in it it g on old golf clubs made you look the old grandfather clock look at this old toy wow it's got to be a quick look guys cuz we think we might have just triggered an alarm Old English Village models that's just a box lid alarm is that an alarm panel not a fire I think it's alarm panel in here now just do it look at that fireplace mate wow this is crazy Place mate it's not bad for a show actually I mean it's not a full show well but we got rooms filled with stuff handles even there's a person on the penel just about make out can't you that's Chimney Sweep as well it that's wild quick C upstairs yeah look at that that's actual it's kind of tapestry embroidery all right let's be quick about this beautiful stairs Henry Henry oh yeah that's him now that's a cat it's a cat pige you scared the have you seen the paintings in there no we still on edge aren we what is he doing to pigeons Pig pigeons what the hell what's that go again we got a look a we look at the wallpaper now oh my God I don't no I don't we got to look now here wow look at this oh my god did you just that yeah I think that's a fire line wow this is mad I found the G you found the gun [Music] case what's that noise then that's a swing on the back I'm getting well sketched down can't see Ned anywhere no that's we got service still down there yeah I can't see Hime really the size of this door gun care this is real gun care kit is it yeah this is pretty mad mate big it huge see this one ready is this whole room bathroom oh wow that is the grandest fireplace I've seen in the bathroom mate wowow yeah you're not joking there's some honeycomb on that yeah that's a bit random yeah is that Victorian I'd say older we got paper in there I think that's about two 300 years old mate fireplace the independent wow for a bar FR mate this is pretty special I'll getting that 7 out of 10 I it would be better if it had the bath still in there maybe that was the bath in the garage right yeah what gun case I in no key in it where does that go do we come up here yeah no there another way I want there's a room up here with some paintings in mate just lovely is it yeah oh look at this wood paneled room then that's where the PCT were yeah they've gone now oh wow this this is original this is all original there's the beled no that's why that's gas oh was it gas that's a gas eater oh okay there's a b that there you go look meum we are on edge St well they've got spirit level so the house is still Level that's new cuz it's a flat flat screen TV yeah it's got cobwebs all over it photo Sho while we they do paint boiling oh yeah look at this like they' had a photo shoot here but these paintings mate I'm a look at this one first we got a signature and we' got signature cor wonder if this is the house cuz we got the big lake the whe what's that behind it just a horrible water color well old water color I find that one I find that one nice that might be the place you know clly what a mad old place beans beans sensors come on again behind you I think I think well this looks painted makes sense the chimney Parts on on the room fireplace in every room this is neat mate oh look at this I thought that's was going to lead up to something what I just you thought that's going to lead up to something thought that's going to lead up to something F get out yeah look at this clock mate just sat in a wardrobe pendulum's fallen off 1975 that one we saw it lovely in the drawers you look remember is it 9 what 75 oh yeah yeah good up 9:00 a.m. or p.m. St be this place is [Music] like me to um he reckons this it was this door they bet they all done up oh yes the pigeons they're doing this up in they slowly slowly oh look at that fireplace why you got door knockers must be rooms yeah just got to keep checking outside just in case it's a tiny sink look at this oh was one hand in you got to that sink two that Christ yeah sit in that one could you that's not real look at all the iy there I'm saying 1936 57 think top right a bit more the dust look at that dust can't get it we never know Steve we'll never know these what he's doing that [Music] wow should we go look at that front room I see yeah I think we need to yeah now we're less on edge oh there a doggy on this one spaniel we missed that one on the stairs oh yeah firl oh let's get a right in of that oh that is a light yeah there fixture that's quite cool and soap but yeah nice uh nice Airy bathroom toilet it's got to be a six out of 10 where you gone down here is that a seller oh no I keep forgetting I found the seller oh you have yeah look at this let's do it you actually found the sell oh sh yeah red he found the C yeah look at this a big step downst you've watch itate to yeah look I'll show you on camera even for Steve's long legs yeah but even so it's cool to see is it well look at that look at the door would have had a hefty old lock on [Music] it the keys in it look wow that's Hefty old key it's got to be a wine seller in it that is crazy let's go check that room out then um this way it was through we can go this way actually what was that another bathroom oh it's this way Steve that way what was it you got here I didn't even see the piano mate I didn't even have a look at [Music] that yeah you know to [Music] play that so this has been the old front door oh that's a door there is it look at this weird Arch what you have in there clo coats [Music] boots this it's got to be one with a hidden panel is it yeah really nice those old beams look and with a hook on it as well wow it's amazing mate this is ready yeah we got light that's not good is it there something it looks like Works happening but yeah where look at this look at this all right have a little closer look here now can't we this is crazy thiser didn't even see that mate yeah is that like oh snooker where's the snooker table mate the record the radio the radio I did know Steve foot yeah six oh they scw stamps oh they are stamps yeah do the old gold Mark SP anyone that believe that that's for your testicles that's that's look castration castration human stuff right yeah get them outed look the old gun trench wall they made it into like cig a good spot mate I know don't do that you always do it don't you but yeah look I was just talking about glad you provided um Steve you opening that box oh you go and see that uh maybe not you got to go and see that yeah I will well look at these I don't want to step on them those suitcases dudly d right what is that it's the body body mate this old uh oh hang on barometer down the bottom wow it's been smashed though at the bottom seom like that on the wall that's a couple of hundred years old mate that is yeah look Steve found the uh Q cabinet we can't even get a 147 no anyone who knows their golf clubs though we've got Petron you know but the old golf cases let us know let us know what they are if they're any good these windows this hasn't been used in a long time this imagine what this was like when it has everything in it yeah do we see what's in the case nothing just books nothing just books books dly wow you no you you know he is he's not do it again not joking living proof of right there so we got this toy tractor on top of this old clock and a really old knife as well yeah there's a load of keys in there mate put the little kle one hea the kle up yeah nice bit in Shell there big shell look that shell there it's nice beautiful beautiful beautiful she come on come on I don't get it very weird this for me though this yeah never seen one like it that's original mate that is is that like a thought no I thought cheah Rose in minute but wow stunning do what I do bang on chandelier bad that is massive is it would nice picture on that wow kind of feel he's us yeah he's kind of missing out there a he steamer we need one of them for some of the places we got in there 1800 steam okay I feel like we're missing something no hidden panels that's what I'm looking for usually get the panels welcome to my oh wow champagne down there champagne there that's another one I ain't going to touch it but that's old yeah duty3 can't be that old look at that one full up PTO abolutely full up why would they leave there that's mad that's crazy that Cherry Brandy is and it's all SE up finish up finish yourself off if you're an alcoholic we'll give you the dress later yeah then you got then you got Nick a bua glory yeah glories yeah yeah yeah I think it's uh time to get out I think we've outstayed our welcome we keep hearing noises whether that's cuz it's haunted we just don't know but what a mental place so we think we may have uh people turned up so we're just going to try and get out of here I'll keep the camera rolling let's get out of here Steve see two people with fluorescent jackets at the gate so you didn't see anyone Ned yeah I have I don't no I have but obviously I don't to say anything but we can just walk up there for a bit yeah let's let's do that yeah let's walk as far away as we can so maybe poos going have a look at the church oh it's not police no I didn't say it was police I just said jacket coast is clear it just looks like an old volunteer in a fluorescent jacket so cheers Steve well yeah got to be careful you have that's totally we all got some funny Bo driveway just like a couple of people in hi was like was that security or yeah I mean it could have been what we do yeah what they're the L Pickers oh that's what they are but yeah coast is clear hope you enjoyed the video guys if you did leave us a like leave us a comment in the comment section and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you're new it just notifies you when our next video is out which is usually once a week every Sunday so hit the sub button guys we' really appreciate it and until next time take care we'll see you [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 58,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0DCpHO9q2Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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