His storage unit was ABANDONED FOR DECADES... I bought it - Lets look inside!

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all right what's up Locker nuts we are in Turlock Turlock and uh my mom and I just got done with the stocked and flea market pretty successful day right not not a fantastic day but it was pretty successful pretty busy got the trailer it is empty for the most part uh wind's picking up rain is coming we are at this unit right here 301 we're going to be quick here we're going to load this unit in the trailer bring it back to our storage facility and go through it later so so my mom has not seen it nope she's heard the story we paid $ 350 for this one and uh the gentleman passed away so it makes it very interesting oh you kidding about it being Dusty I told her it was dirty oh my gosh said this is a dirty one you need a broom so look at this guys this looks like he's not been here in maybe a decade and uh very interesting here so like I said the gentleman passed away and I guess he'd been a long time customer and they knew that as soon as he didn't return their call he'd never been late didn't return the call uh they knew something was wrong and it turns out he did pass away so um what I liked about it I like those deer antlers right there and uh this looks like a corking like a press for a cork so you can cork bottles and it does look like he probably made his own wine you see these boxes over here it says cherry and pear and blackberry I don't know if you can see it but uh grape got all the flavors the people who wear work here are very nice and they they did confirm he did make his own wine they said we can't imagine that being good but we're going to get into it look at the amount of dirt look at how the dirt just like where does it come from I think the door I think it shakes off the door when we open it we do have some black and yellow bins here it's kind of machine to dirty those with this stuff uh right here we see a cie CL look at this super dirty though yeah boy bunch of parts in there so I like the deer antlers those little antlers right there it's one of the reasons why I mean anytime I find a locker that they say the gentleman passed away or our lady the last one the lady had passed away makes me much more interested I am definitely willing to take a gamble on it but uh dear to me says this might be a hunter and we see lots of tools so it's a handy fellow probably mom's getting bra paperwork a little surprise yeah do you feel the sprinkles no it's already starting the rain really yeah for real great this going to turn into mud yeah the D fast yeah well I can load this fast what is this these are tools huh this is a press for a uh putting corks on wine bottles you're kidding no it looks like he made his own wine but anyways um I got the Feeling maybe he's a hunter right cuz the antlers maybe and uh the lady at the office I think she might be the owner I'm not sure she told me that he used to work for a gun store I guess there's a gun store right up the street and he used to work there so she's like I don't know maybe there's something in here this is a big surprise and now I'm like now I'm even more curious curious if they had told us that before uh this Locker probably would have been a lot more expensive all right guys what do you think 350 bucks would you have paid for this would you have bought this of course it looks like it's a dirty job and it looks like a lot of garbage going to come out but I think it looks fun right yep it's going to be in oh this is empty the Box empty box paperwork paperwork I hate paperwork all right guys we're going to um just start cleaning this thing out uh really we'll update you if you find something interesting but I mean literally I'm feeling raindrops and those SK are not looking so great looking a little darker the wind's what makes me nervous cuz stuff could come in ooh there an old license plate yeah that's a little bit older that's like what 80s yeah yeah the Golden State this is going to be a little fan capsule got these gloves here which um pulled out of that Locker I got with the clothes rack and the duffel bags these were in there very nice gloves [Music] all right guys here's what it looks like we got maybe half of it cleaned out and I don't know what that is there some kind of trunk back there on its side maybe cabinet or something but is not looking that good really it's a lot of garbage all right I cleared this off let's see what's in here oh not been open for a long in time uh some vintage board games not not big money here not big money all right okay this piece is kind of cool this is probably the first cool piece that we found besides the deer antlers the antlers is maybe 10 bucks this is this has got some potential right here this this could be a working Cannon um I don't know H very cool we have to dust it off and get a better look at it that's a neat piece is super heavy yeah otherwise it's not getting any better in here I'm starting to be thankful for empty boxes all right guys get to the back get to the back here's a cool piece look at this Saddam Hussein's Operation Desert Shield game set looks like a dart board um oh wait a second it's not in there bummer okay well that was light down this is a glass jug right there that's kind of neat and there's two more right there glass jugs very cool but this is taking up way more room than I thought I'm actually starting to freak out a little bit I've got to clean out the rest of that 10x25 the one that I said looked bad on the outside but was better on the inside I I got to clean that one out I was hoping to fit that in here but this little I thought it was a 5x 10 this is a 6X 12 apparently so I just went in and said uh how much to rent that maybe I'm going about this wrong I probably should have processed here cuz there's a dump not that far away so I could have process just G the dump and dump the garbage now all the stuff's jammed up in here and I got to figure out how to go through it and take separate garbage and good much much more work so I said how much would it cost just to to uh keep this for a month it's $2 bucks I got a pro rate till the end of the month and then rent another month $100 a month cost me 112 bucks so I said nah that's all right I'll just bite down and finish it off all right we're down to just the last few items def what we pulled out there this is interesting right yeah what do you think's in there I don't know is it heavy it's not too heavy but it's not too light either two hols huh doesn't oh yeah all right wellbody made it themselves this little box is cool but it's not impressive just old tools it's old level I was hoping for rifles nope nope all right there it is empty and fortunately did not pack that very well and it took up way more than I thought way more than I thought so this is quite a big job I got ahead of me to clear all this out and uh figure out what goes to the dump all right what's up Locker nuts okay we are back I'm back and uh this is the next day man I was tired yesterday flea market and then cleaning out this 5x no as a 6x1 12 turned out to be a 6x2 and wow a lot more stuff than I really thought and what a mess it I couldn't really stack it taller because it's just so sloppy and boxes falling apart and so many different sizes of containers uh would not stack well but also um that sloppiness and so many random items and stuff it really slowed us down I I realized that later I told my mom I said you know when I went back for that Madam cocoa Locker last year that was right before my heart attack uh it was way bigger it filled probably 80% of this trailer and it was way heavier than this stuff but I loaded it I think quicker because there were big boxes snap them on the hand cart roll them in stack them up easy this was way harder but as I said earlier this this guy did work at a gun store and I was very hopeful there might be a gun in here and I still am well actually and I kind of found one let me show you all right at least I found a picture of one in this box of uh junk mail and junk find a couple cool things it'd be great to find that in there there's a knife book i' love to find some knives too um couple cool things I found this little farmer tool right here I don't know what that's called for getting the hay Bay bails right this right here I'm the lady in red it is a metal metal plate right here I think that's from the 80s cuz that's that movie right lady in red jean Wilder and then an old uh license plate right here and I think we have more older license plates coming out looks like the last time it was registered was in 2005 so 19 years ago um this one is cool this is different anyways not a lot of filming I'm going to get to it and just go through as much as I can today all right guys found my first cool thing and it was just a few minutes after stopping the camera this is a 10-in subwoofer and my mom even said oh it's a subwoofer uh unless it was a different subwoofer but it's not a subwoofer check it out way better Sega Dreamcast right here that's a pretty good find and I don't remember the last time I found one of these it's been a while controller too this is a good find I don't know how much that's worth but I say it's at least 50 bucks all right guys maybe one more cool little fine maybe that's how this is going to go it's going through this little basket of garbage really it looks like garbage um but look at that little red line Hot Wheels a little smashed up rough condition but still red lines 1973 on that so not bad all right this is going to be a little bit tricky this Locker apparently look at this we got some Pokémon cards graler um 1999 so not too new right 25 years old that's how we're going to do it this I saw this I just thought that was kind of cool the Renaissance Pleasure Fair never been there but it's not far from our house1 1999 wow there's another Pokémon card sweet Haunter okay look at this guys this is the box and the bag that I'm going through I'm just finding those the Hot Wheel and the Pokemon cards and then look at this little jewelry box looks like a little kids jewelry it's all fake stuff but still it says Amber uh still it's kind of cool right it's still fun to find this stuff yeah all right there's hope in this right there's hope oh wait what's this there's a little sterling silver piece right here a little charm a sterling silver okay that's not bad what I'm find in this I did find a pacon gift card in here $28 I don't know maybe there's 20 bucks left on it maybe look at the bag I'm pulling the stuff out of though it's like just it looks straight up like a garbage bag I'm might have to be careful with this Locker though there might be some good good stuff that's easily missed and then here we got a bunch of metal and an old hot ride magazine all right guys it's been a while I've been going through a lot of boxes found a few Pokémon here they're usually with junk mail this box right here is a little bit interesting so check this out I could already see in here look at this got some more Pokémon cards right here Kingler 1999 again and then we got all these uh try not to spill these they're spilling um they are Beanie Baby it says collector cards is there such a thing I mean Beanie Babies are barely collectible are the collector cards these are like little pamphlets for them but I did find some collector cards we're going to have a nice lot of Pokemon cards to sell a little bit here a little bit there starts to add up this stuff she is spilling everywhere I don't know if this is worth anything at all I think the cards are underneath but these are all the booklets on top they're all sticking together too Beanie Babies trivia scratch scratch them off they're kind of sticking together though but is there any value here I didn't know okay and then there's all this so there's I mean these jez they seem like they're sticking together there's Slither that's one of the Beanie Babies right so that's what the cards look like uh I don't know I'll take it all home go through it and see see what's what and then look they got packs of these nice uh fers right here for the cards that's kind of good I guess let's see if there's anything else in here I think this is probably mongala game right here yep that's a nice one some very old headphones right here Radio Shack just bunch of paperwork here like school work okay think this guy had a couple [Music] daughters bringing on Mary Kate Ashley Adventures or something haunted summer book I want to find some more there's a Britney Spears uh CD Titanic I want to find some more Pokemon cards this what I want Superman uh temporary tattoos that's kind of cool and a cigar all right guys what's up it's been um I was was about to say a couple days it's actually surprisingly been a couple of weeks since I've worked on this unit uh for one I went to vacation with the family for spring break went out of town for about about 5 days and then came back and uh did the dianza flea market which was pretty good day uh it's a little slow but it's still a good I mean still better than most days in uh Stockton I mean better than basically every day I've done in Stockton over the last eight years except for maybe two so like a slow day at deza's you know top 5% in Stockton but anyways um it was a good day it was a good day however I think what I did is I I pulled a muscle so this week I've been out almost the entire week haven't been able to make any progress on any lockers it's very frustrating cuzz I've been trying to heal and it's been very painful it's a it's a deep muscle tear in my chest but anyways the doctor is not concerned I was concerned cuz I was in pain but he's not concerned so I'm not that concerned anymore and I'm back working today we basically I just loaded the truck you can see the shot of that right there loaded the truck uh with all the garbage I've already sifted out of here and a lot of that garbage I didn't show uh being sifted on camera because it's really freaking boring there's just so much junk so much junk so here's uh here's just a Overlook of the little stack of I mean it's almost all trash really a little bit's going to the market but it's almost all trash but I do have to sort it here's the games I pulled out of that Foot Locker I don't think there's anything good here that twister unfortunately is missing the mat looks like an old a vintage one there I don't know if anything's are worth anything maybe the Pocahontas scheme I don't know that's um I don't know maybe that's more rare I don't know I don't know found a little triangle here that's funny right little I don't know musical instrument found some old paperwork here design and tooling handbook right here that looks very old ' 50s maybe 60s an old Sketchbook there also 50s or 60s here's that cuu clock I don't think I'm going to do anything with it maybe dust it off but just bring it to the market I found a few cool things but one thing I wanted to I mean the reason really why I'm starting the camera I grabbed this box and I was about to shove it on the truck cuz it looks like a bunch of garbage however luckily I mean look at this it really does look like a bunch of garbage I was looking at this and I'm like n that's not nothing grabbed this I'm like that's got some weight in and then weight little play on words there the weight made me wait on this look at that guys it's a whole bunch of change in this bubble wrap and it's not all pennies there's a there's a few bucks here okay yeah okay that I mean that's pretty good that's a nice little find at least made me feel like I there's a validation for going through this thing a little slow and going through everything even though 98% of everything's garbage I mean some stuff I'm pulling out for the dianza market maybe these glass jugs will go to deanza the stuff I showed you over there maybe deanza all this stuff here I'm bring home and maybe put into our live auction I think I showed some of it oh yeah I definitely showed that the game system there I've been just throwing miscellaneous stuff in all these little Nintendo booklets especially the game manuals like this I brought those to dzo we're selling them IND individually um there's value there the the resellers were snapping them up the the games guys you know the games guys and they they said oh man I bu I find games all the times with missing the books they were happy to pick them up they're like do you have any more and I'm like next time maybe so that and there's a Game Boy manual uh little Hot Wheels there yeah Hot Wheels that's a good condition it's a little watch I found I don't know sport Disney button from 2000 it's vintage and then I found this box of Hello Kitty stuff so I put it aside cuz all looks brand new nice little calculator Hello Kitty stuff is somewhat now datebook 2000 is probably not going to sell but this stuff will it's nice little notepads or that's a notepad what of these I don't know sticky notes or something it's cool Hello Kitty stuff always sells even if we make a big lot out of it you know that's what we have to do make a Big Lot o oh that's right I almost forgot I'd found these Hello Kitty stickers elsewhere like this little box of stuff came out of like two very large boxes of almost all paperwork boxes like this size all paperwork and I bought the just a little bit of stuff and there's some some decent stuff in there but that's going just to the stock and flea market this stuff as I mentioned is going to Danza and I I think I showed this before but if I didn't I found a whole bunch of these so I think it's for grabbing hay bales picking them up I don't know it's a whole bunch of them I'll last five bucks each probably see if we can sell them all right let's go through this one now this is one of my bins that we just threw the stuff in when we were there some of this stuff we may have already peaked in oh my goodness look at the condition on that how did it get so hot there that's crazy I don't think anyone's going to buy that serious heat damage now that one has no damage at all which makes me think the heat damage maybe wasn't from being in this case maybe it was somewhere else best of Blondie just wrecked huh okay I don't I don't know what to think about that I guess I'll bring it to the market but not very not real optimistic on the high value on that piece okay Bibles we always bring in the market to give them away if people are interested in it it's an old ashtray it's pretty dirty little paint here spray paint sells pretty well we have a don't ask don't tell policy out there oh this is good stuff here clear wood finish gloss some veneer and stuff that that will sell also this stuff I don't think goes bad drain cleaning tool that's good that will sell old softball I don't know I don't know about that sandpaper that stuff's good old magazine okay this more cassettes let's see okay not warped like the other stay cats nice I've been listening to some Brian seter recently I've seen him in concert before he's he's pretty amazing more cassettes in here I'll bring it to the market let those guys go through it and see if they want anything let's see this is scrap metal I'll take that to the scrap metal Place little beads in here little craft stuff but okay let's fill the paperwork and it is oh here's some more of the RSVP wait oh my goodness we found these cards recently in a different Locker how funny guys and now we're finding only part of it these are some of the postcards that we used to do in our old business 2005 oh sanding Valley how funny how funny this is funny so this wasn't our company this was one of our neighboring franchises also a very good friend of mine one one of my best friends and uh neither of us do this anymore but I definitely going to be sending this to him I think he'll get a kick out of it oh my goodness and this company right here is also uh one of my best friends the owner of this company or what used to be the owner of that company not anymore his company um still in business but moved out of state um but still how funny what a what a throwback for me all right I'll go through all this garbage here junk mail stuff man they should not keep this stuff but I'll go through it and try to hunt for some Treasures oh jeez okay I'm sure we probably already peaked in a lot of these boxes but it's been so long I forget I forget how many of them look terrible here's another one junk mail well there if there's one good thing that we found in that finding that RSVP coupons the postcards uh this guy was a homeowner we only mailed those packs to homeowners and uh that was like one of our you know competitive niches we we had one of the few products on the market that was only mailed to homeowners which was great for home improvement companies cuz almost every one of our recipients was a potential customer for a home improvement company so wind up being a great match so if the guy was a homeowner again kind of follow follow the logic a little bit that he maybe had a little bit more money especially disposable income perhaps if he's a homeowner he's a little more wealthy That's The Stereotype not always true sometimes people are house poor when they own a home but uh this looks like a pretty decent nice little toaster oven uh it's very dusty but you can look past the dust I think it's I think that's sellable piece right there sellable piece oh boy here's another really terrible one looking oh jeez son of a gun well I'm going to be on my knees getting that one out and oh looks terrible jeez terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible that one looks a little decent right there but I don't know they don't look that good really at that one down there splitting open junk maill boo all right guys it's a different day I am back and carving my way down this side here with nothing but junk mail so far boo but I got this box it had newspapers and sloppy stuff on top some Little Dixie cups or whatever plastic cups with business cards and screws and safety pins buttons but then below look at this it's getting a little bit more interesting maybe I mean there's a little little jewelry boxes I have found a couple so far and they've been empty so ah just want to get the camera started just in case there was something in them some little pin paint or glue or something wait wait wait wait wait what's this huh that could be some silver possibly maybe not Nah if you see like a reddish color shining through it maybe it was uh silver plated oh yeah you can totally see the plating wearing off right there so that's not anything a man Car Wash token and then these little charms or whatever recall them well angels on them whatever nope not what I was hoping for oh man little ring box this Locker has really been disappointing is I mentioned earlier in the video which has been um actually a couple weeks from me since I started this or more than that a few weeks oh my goodness how embarrassing yeah the guy worked at a gun store and he passed away we knew he had passed away when we bought it we did not know he worked for a gun store I learned that that after the fact got my hope super high but this has been a really disappointing Locker it really really really has H I think the guy had a couple daughters and uh it's a lot of girl stuff like we saw the H Kitty oh man coffee mug with the handle broke off they put the pieces back in but not sure why they kept it don't think they ever plan to use that again all right that one's a dud let's grab this one for whatever reason I thought this one looked interesting on Second Glance I don't know why I thought that that's [Music] empty hering hering Dodger is that a fishing lure I don't even know what that is yeah it is a lure okay put that aside okay there's some spray paint looks like it's fora your engine or something it's got the key in there parts to a lock I don't think that's complete though it's not complete I don't see the sliding part the dead bolt part okay what's this High Sierra I thought maybe military I was way off they do have that military look color's a little off but um yeah maybe we can sell them don't think though but we're going to try a little piece of art there it's aluminum H song's canina insata Mexico hm went fishing be back in about an hour how funny that's a look at Mar that was a note to somebody John I'm at Mom's grandma died wo that's not a nice note to leave somebody sad news on the back of a Mexican bumper sticker people are funny here's New Mexico that's cool oh wow really cool 1984 on that one oh that's neat okay we got a couple I think decent license plates right there oh things are looking up guys we're into like the $2 item section here and I'm getting excited little coping saws we'll sell those oh man I don't know what is flaking into powder in here oh no someone's high school diploma I should probably get that back to them but you see all this like Mouse poop and Flaky stuff like I think rats have been chewing in here on stuff and it's just oh that sucks too cuz oh my goodness there's some old postcards in the area where he's got the old postcards has to be the most grossest area I've been in yet m bummer rusi license plates you can clean off paper a little bit harder old map cigarettes oh man why did I think this look so good there's some card sleeves but it's also you see wrappy in there dang it that sucks I thought this box looked good and it's unfortunately it is okay but it's contaminated all right let's see what's in here this might have got protected now I'm thinking these shorts are just going to go to the dump to the dump some cassettes in here yeah nothing too exciting in there all right that's just going to go the garbage to this box okay we're I feel like I'm finally starting to get on top of this thing really we're down to just this right here all this well actually this too never mind all this has been processed but um yeah that pile is getting manageable this is all starting to get nice and tucked in there neatly got some of the sloppy stuff out all these wine bottles I'd rather just dump those well you know if I could bring them home pop them open dump them in the drain recycle the bottle no one nobody's buying those but um I don't know if I get them all out of here there are so many but I did pull this right here and it looks a little more interesting let's take a peek take a peek aluminum plates right here with the 12in Lazy Susan it says all right spoonge junk mail oh that's good right there very good adhesive back discs right there nice battle cell okay what do we got below it's just a cord there sell the cord um oh boy got a bunch of magazines but I saw the shoe box I thought was interesting what's in here receipts and Medicine oh I see a penny he's got some friends party's always better when you got friends all right there's a few other coins in there too those need to get sorted from the garbage I'll do that later it's an old encyclopedia right here it's all right oh what's this vinyl tablecloths okay that's good Halloween brand new those will sell this stuff won't though this is just straight up garbage right here okay what's in here though looks like more junk but you know the sometimes these boxes have some surpr prizes so I do got to go through it look at that there's a Volkswagen key fob right there nice I've been keeping my key fobs lately we don't get much for them in our live auction and I know they do have a little resale value so I might just start putting them aside in a shoe box and figure out the best way to sell them there's some value there we listed those individually they're 20 20 30 bucks each used I believe I still I think you can still get that used a little piece of jewelry here I don't think that's anything though put a side oh man couple of coins here not much not much I did just uh realize what these magazines are there's Cabellas there's a catalog for Mossberg very nice rifles yeah yeah that's cool a lot of gun gun stuff in these catalogs here so man knives old cars yeah pretty cool he's into some cool stuff anyways all right right guys ah I've been through almost everything I would have started the camera there something good there was nothing good so here we got two garbage cans I'm just my truck's full so I can't fit anymore and that Garb and this right here is also garbage this box but um I mean hey there's a lot more garbage here but I'm going to try to sell as much as I can but man is crazy how much direct meal there was junk maill and old paperwork I pulled only a few things aside old Macy's department credit credit card right here so I I think these are are starting to go up in value uh these old department store cards there's some collectibility and then with Macy is you know really starting to fall apart I think that they may go out of business I don't know but those cards I'm going to hold on to that for a little bit this old Donkey Kong 64 unfortunately just a box but looks like it's got some paperwork in there I don't no maybe it's not maybe it's just a uh old newspaper but box is thrash but still it's it's got of have a little bit of value we have a bunch of these Beanie Babies no um there are some Beanie Babies this actually this one I think is a Beanie Baby it is but um a lot of Happy Meal toys what I meant to say not all Beanie Babies there's a whole bunch of stuff little bit of vintage Barbies I think these are '90s so not too impressive I found one little piece of jewelry I think it is nothing all right but every one of these little boxes I found was uh no it says 14 k I don't think that's it though no it's a diamond ring that's not that jeez where's all that jewelry I don't know I didn't find hardly any jewelry Just Junk Jewelry and I think that's junk also this is also another disappointment the Cinderella handheld game right here looks vintage oh it is 1993 so but look at this the batter's popped and um missing the the plate too so this Locker just sucks um this belt buckle right here maybe it's silver I don't think so but um yeah it looks old though maybe a piece of turquoise right in the middle came in this glass couple of uh little beaded pieces there again nothing nothing that interesting just a little bit better old license plate if I didn't mention it when I pulled it out this right here Millen Millennial Edition the only reason I pulled this side these pieces right here are worth some money um I think the pieces alone are worth almost as much as the whole game so oh this kind of funny how the translucent money but because those pieces I think you can put the pieces alone on eBay I might be wrong there there are some of these Monopoly games the special editions that have pieces that are worth a little bit on eBay so I put that aside but not that big of a deal there's a couple things I want to go through with you guys one is this military bag right here it's got some appears to be military clothes in there this right here kind of interesting look at this chemical protective suit military issue in a sealed bag that might have a little value I don't know it's very dusty let's see what this is some pants John clo I think that's the guy's name so looks like he was in the military when he was younger got some pants more pants more pants more pants wow those are thrashed oh what's falling out here looks like the mice or the rats have gotten in here I don't think that's poop I think that's oh jeez maybe it is poop what the heck I did not expect that they've chewed these all up dang it son of a gun totally ruined well maybe there's some pieces that weren't touched doubtful wow they totally ate out the crotch area on that no maybe those tore out I don't know now I got to sweep all this up oh dang it I just realize I took the stinking broom out of here oh man this Locker is just such a dud all right now we got one more bin here I peaked inside just a bit what I saw I said okay I'm going to save this for last he had it in this garbage bag for some reason this this is pretty gross it just almost looks ratty it almost looks ratty there's rat poop in there dang it I thought I saw some vintage stuff in here which made me excited but this contaminated really brings it way down here's Harry and the Hendersons Universal something from Universal Pictures okay that's just a cover there that's kind of an odd thing to keep for somebody prop knife oh man but look at this it's got rats have gotten in here such a bummer well so far I haven't really found anything good so maybe it doesn't matter it just doesn't matter all right that's junk but below it looks like the mice gotten in here too I think that's what's happened to this okay here's a couple naughty magazines here uh with Madonna in it that's kind of strange cuz I haven't found anything like that in this entire locker and most of the stuff was his daughter stuff girl stuff this box is definitely going to the garbage I just want to make sure we're not missing anything big money in here like jewelry or something there's a little jewelry box in here if there's any jewelry in here I would need to pull that out but guys I don't think there is these I got to drop out in in my storage locker uh cuz I have some other paints and stuff that's got to go to the Hazardous Waste uh disposal little bit of scrap metal there a little bit of stuff for the danz flea market not much oh and then this bed stuff is uh from the big Locker the the uh Reverend Locker so uh the rest of the bed is there still I only grabb part of it so we didn't sell it last time at the market but that's funny so much stuff I can consolidate to just a couple layers here but two of my Honda pickups to the dump uh full packed you know tons of stuff to the dump to uh bring it down to this level here and there's still dumped there but uh my Honda is full right now so anyways the Honda when it's full cost me about 20 bucks per load at the dump so we're looking at about 40 bucks in dump fees so far 350 for the locker so we're about 390 into it I'm not thinking we're going to likely see it well 390 is not that much money maybe we'll break even but obviously a lot of time put into this one a lot of aggravation too with how I loaded it and trying to get through it it was not ideal the facility is like an hour and 15 minutes away so I was trying to save myself 2 and 1/2 hours of driving I uh well maybe not 2 and 1 half hours cuz on the way home from the flea market it's about 30 minutes there so I probably saved myself an hour and a half of driving but um by doing it at the end of the day at the flea market I was very tired loading it and in hindsight I'm like I do not like doing it that way I want to go through stuff at the facilities I don't want to put it in here or I have to unload it here into my locker and go through it I don't like doing that either it's a lot of extra work and in this case there wasn't really any reason to do any extra work so I really really really really really wish I had gone through it there most of that I could just take it to the dump locally there and not ever had to hassle with it but hey you live and learn but um you know as I said before guys this one was a strikeout but anytime I find out that the previous owner has passed away and you see the dust in there you see that no one's got in there for years even though we didn't see anything like super valuable super interesting in there I saw enough to make me intrigued and I had to know and then the money I spent was to get to the bottom of that story and we did all right it just didn't have a happy ending but it did have an ending this is it all right guys next Locker is going to be better than this one I can almost guarantee that cuz they don't get much worse all right thanks for watching until next time good luck to you God bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 55,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, trains, train collector, model train, Lionel, German trains, Marklin, Faller, Roco, Athearn, Overland
Id: gBlwlgweojk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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