Remains Discovered Underneath The Floorboard Of Abandoned House

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do you think Goatman is out here tonight? do you think that? it's very dark as you can see can you see me? yes, hello welcome  back folks and to another video with me so well today we are at a little house close by which we are going to see if we can get something  if there's any hauntings in this house as you can see it's pretty old it's at least 100  years old so people have definitely passed   away in this house definitely it was very  normal back in the days so we have some   Gear with us and some rempod, Spirit box  and the EMF meter aswell so we will try   out some if there's anything left here  that's want to talk with us or something   so let's go in and check out the place bringing that in and this in those old Swedish houses   they're pretty damn  small so let's see if i can close the door up a bit it's not it will not help much with the wind it's pretty stuck there i guess door have like shifted so will not close because  the gap down there is it's very narrow up there so we cannot close it so as you can see in the main entrance the house is pretty pretty rough shape people have been here and been  handling it pretty bad let's go into the other place so as you can see the the inner  roof is falling down it's not the Upper Floor because it's two sections  with this old uh isolation stuff here   and it have fallen down here  on this old bed here as you can see but the upper roof is pretty much pretty much   good in most places yet but we will not  go above this at least but here's another bed where probably people passed away in the  chances are very high because it was very normal back as you can see it's very roof as well tilted  a bit and it's I'm pretty tall but you see the the roof is it's not high I'm 2 m tall I cannot  stand uh like my full potential look at those old paintings here the people who lived here were pretty christian pray and you shall  get seek and you shall find Jesus the Lord is my shepherd it means you will not have nothing less  you will get things if you like believe in it as you see those the kiddos do you find anything interesting? just a little star but imagine uh imagine people used to live  live here and all the memories and all the all the all memories that have passed through in this  house like all the families and everything and everything is now gone like nobody cares anymore  it's pretty strange yeah it's very small for all the people who us to live here yeah exactly  you can see they have many beds in the in one room but before people got here too much  there used to be a lot more things on the walls like there were a big axe actually on the  on the wall as well but it is now gone too bad this old flower for the walls and this is tapestry but they put it in the cupboard as well can we open this? every drawer is ARGH stuck you know it's stuck in there so let's continue is it working? no but they had  lights out here electricity so that's not too bad look the old stow here the old stove and the a bit newer stove but not so new tray or something for cleaning out the ash these are pretty cool actually do you find any food? no every food is Stolen everything is gone but these refrigerators is pretty actually not so ugly actually they're pretty retro yeah it's like in great condition too yeah it's very cool with this it's like you opening  a spaceship or something yeah like they are cool here's another picture another Godly picture I would like to translate that for  you but my translation is pretty bad but if you want I can show tell you later did you find a scissor look that owl that's a owl for something I don't know maybe did I put pans on it or something  I don't know? when they were hot no idea look the the house looks like a space  ship or something like everything is so unusual really and every cupboard is like stuck so here's the stairways up yeah someone definitely been here since last time this was not put up so someone have been here and over here is the toilet actually see it here wait where? the toilet is in there can you see? oh yeah it's like a bucket yes that's  a shit bucket how could they fit in here? I will see here if I can go in there so they had this bucket here and they did their stuff on this one because they had no toilet so they went in here in this little or maybe they did or maybe  they did the poopy outside I don't know but the shit bucket is in here so I think they did take  the poop outside here and put the bucket inside here look it's one of those old the hand drills pretty cool very tight in here so it's hard to get out here little bottle let me get out from here those drawes are probably Untouched by  people so here you can find some old matches is there still anything in  there? those are pretty hard to open now because they are stuck I don't want to break it to much they're full I don't know what year those are  from so here's another pack of matches here let's check this out there's no year when  they're made but they are fine condition very fine condition I think people have not opened this drawers for years they have some candles here candlesticks some muffin candle jungle olja that's the jungle oil three Mygg for the mosquitos and the knots was there anything more we could  open? no let's not make the ghosty angry if there are any but those are  probably those are Christians who lived here so they're probably  in heaven now and walking on the clouds is that the axe you talk about? no the other axe was much bigger it was like  double the the size or even more so we managed to open up some stuff actually I was not expecting that   should we head up? yeah do you want to go first okay the floor is bad very condition yeah so this old  freezer here we did open last time but let's show you again oops imagine getting in  here and finding something like a like a body it's a squirrel look it's a squirrel oh my God he's living in here that was unsuspecting I thought it was a big rat first but this was a squirrel did you get scared? yeah I I didn't know what it was that was unsuspecting a giant squirrel coming from just nowhere and there's a lot a lot of things in here a lot of old school stuff and stuff here a squirrel where are you his MTV crib place look there's some remains remains from something there I don't know maybe  it's a the squirrel buddy I don't know do you like that light uh flashlight it's  pretty hot yeah so we did explore the house abit and but do you think it doesn't feel  haunted no you know but who knows if we call on them maybe something will join us shall we go down and see if we can dial in the spirit world? yes so where did I put the fun stuff here you have a nice old chair and let's see if we can get something in here no it cannot let's put it here so it's far away from everything and I shall put my my mobile away aswell let's try and restart it okay good are you freezing? yeah abit yeah we will not stay too long today I do not get any feelings from this place it feels very  stable and squirrel Mr squirrel is up there so we have to keep that in mind and it's  very windy so now it's Cozy here Cozy the place up but I do not feel anything I  do not feel anything but who knows maybe something wanna say hi we should put the glass down I don't want to get those in the wrong end like that okay what was that? okay do you mind if I sit down in your chair? is it okay? okay if you won't answer I will  do it anyway so don't get angry now okay?? do you not like that? do you want me to stand up? or can I sit down again? or can I sit down here  is it okay? or should I stand up? oh my God okay I stand up I'm standing up now yeah okay let me close this door a bit here is there anyone here with us? you did not like me sitting on your  chair? it was pretty weird.. yeah it felt like it got angry when I sat there yeah right when you sat down it started to Blink is it okay if I sit down? okay... okay I will not sit down I will not sit down okay? I will stand up is that okay? someone definitely don't want me to sit in that  chair it feels weird like it's not working or something but like why would it react just when you were about to sit down? what? was that? that completely died okay is it all right if I sit down okay I sit down? okay i sit down now I'm going to move this thing far  from here now the orange lamp is blinking.. now the orange lamp is Blinking? yeah but now it's the light on that side like now when I moved it it was the blue light but now it's the orange light again or the orange now it's stopped good I want to move this to like here but this time the rempod like reacted immediately like last time it did not and I have  not used the rempod since last time yeah uh but when I been to other places I get  this dark Moody feeling it's feeling not good yeah last time when we were ghost hunting we  got like headache and stuff- exactly it felt not good but I don't get any weird feelings  from this place so it feels pretty calm but who knows it reacted weird first I'm sitting right behind the window imagine if the Goatman is coming and picking me out from here where did I put my little let's try the ghost speaker once and.... so thank you for letting  me sit in your fine chair here it's lovely you did not want me to sit in it first oh my  emergency lamp on the on the thing started speaker yes oh the lamp died but it was full  battery before already drained? wow that drained very fast it was full it should last a lot more but let's turn off this light try the  ghost speaker just a little for a little while is there anyone here? aa=yes Is there anyone here? do you know my name? aa can you tell me your name? Joel? sounded like they said my name but I'm not sure what is your name? no I don't get any vibes no or any any time actually yeah I didn't feel feel anything either before when that machine started to work no but last time when that machine started it felt a lot more yeah like something was present with us so I guess I guess I feel abit satisfied with this  little hunt we did here what do you think? yeah we are pretty satisfied? I think this place is pretty good actually and there's the people have left this place it was a bit weird there  first but who knows maybe it was nothing so let's uh head off and um it's very light let's head off and uh leave and pack up all right yeah it feels pretty good so thank  you for watching and see you in the next video and if you want like And subscribe I don't want to be that one but it's pretty hard with YouTube so if you want so I will be very happy thank you for watching and see you
Channel: Rannsaka
Views: 9,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CP0voheNDfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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