Abandoned House Frozen in Time for 60 years!! Unbelievable Time Capsule In The Mountains

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[Music] okay Explorers so we are inside the house now just had a quick walk around to make sure it was safe what a Time Capture this place is it looks like an old abandoned Farmhouse that's been stuck in time since at least the 1960s maybe even earlier absolutely Frozen in time everything that we love on this channel blown away so with all that said guys we're going to get straight into this absolutely amazing time captal creepy Vibes and see what's left inside this place wowow hidden deep in the Welsh Countryside sits an abandoned house that time completely forgot today I explore an abandoned home that is the definition of what we would call A Time capsu The Farmhouse sits on the outskirts of a tiny Welsh village and was built in the early 1800 hundreds inside I find the remnants of the family sat completely Frozen in time undisturbed for decades with the table still sat beds still made and artwork still hanging on the walls the home has been completely lost to the modern world I find artifacts and vintage furniture sat untouched for nearly 60 years and some even dating back to over 100 years with the house slowly becoming derel this could be the last chance to see how this family once lived all those years ago so join me as I take a look inside and see what [Music] remains all cobwebs which shows this place hasn't been open in a very long time a quick step back and you can see all this moldy wallpaper peeling off the walls absolutely sodn and damp would not trust that electricity that looks like it's ready to blow up in the slightest bit of power we've got the old wooden beam above classic to any Farmhouse and look at this the wallpaper draping down covering this Corridor absolutely aming days in place we've even got the old wood paneling which was classic for those days some sort of themometer or barometer but it's Fallen apart over the years and I am not surprised in such a damp house I mean the place smells like nobody's set foot in here for at least 40 years the old light switches check them out not a chance not a chance but we have have to try it don't we I mean concrete flooring it looks like the old Victorian tiles the red tiles you can only just see it under the carpet though and look at these door frames look how low they are I'm stood up straight I'm saying about 56 5'7 who lived in here bloody Hobbits there is funny noises happening I think it's D from the ceiling there is a few slates missing outside but just completely adds to the the explore we're going to start in this way this one's got a slightly higher doorway maybe added on afterwards but let's just step foot inside and look at this energy saving light bulbs there is no way that absolutely blacks my head it looks like energy saving but check this it looks like vandals have been in here at some point or could that have just happened over time not 100% looks like an elderly person lived here got the old Zimmer frame or maybe even somebody injured you don't know dear but look at that armchair just covered in white mold just sat in the corner quite haunting still got the throw over it the pillow and an electric heat it makes no sense guys it makes absolutely no sense but check these the old air fresheners they would have been sat on here at some point Glade nice and you can see where people have been in in the past check that out that is completely rotten you can almost put your finger through there cobwebs look at these curtains hanging down very strange when you see the old curtains I thought that would have had some sort of pattern on there oh this one does Queensland Australia but obviously sat here for so long old fireplace look at this it's even got the old Fire Guard there keep the birds out I suppose you can see how wet it is it's abely dripping down the Walls crazy black mold should 100% be wearing a mask here but you know me I forgot it these newspapers don't look too old 2009 there's no way someone was living here in 2009 they can't be I suppose that is 15 years ago wooden beams classic for the old farm houses I'm exced excited to check out this room we'll do that one last let's head into this one first bit more light in here oh check out the old Budgy cage wow even got little bits of detail in there speaking of detail look at this wallpaper very retro but that is cool to see even got the little thing where the budgie would sit on still cwe just over the top of thermos we got stuff in the cupet here oh we have a few bits of a couple of jars no idea what they' be for if anyone knows let me know in the comments but look all the debris falling from the ceiling just all resting on this work toop now oh my God knows what's in there God knows biscuit tins nice nice nice they will be rusted to be fair oh look at the plates gravy jugs so damp in here look is that fly eggs rabbit um rabbit eggs magot eggs that's the one little tin there with a few bets in check this out what would that be putting spices on maybe possibly another older electric heater on the floor there but look at the debris all along the floor which has come down oh God we're going to have to go up there oh that's completely r rusted got the soap sweat in there another Broken Window but we have paint glasses probably stolen from the pub little dining room table here incredible scales a microwave cookery book you don't see that there you do not see that anymore still looks quite clean inside check that out oh my feet are squatching on the floor oh God but look at that Tim is still going switches still work that's incredible can't really see what that is whole picture there that's pretty cool and what what's this look at this got the towels hanging up still and the little tea tow holder but look at this little doorway wow goes under the stairs let's have a [Music] look oh wow it's like a little hidden part of the house look we have in here God knows but look how old that is Bristols cream all this stuff is just left here absolutely incredible nails there's even an old handbag with soaps in it wow it's amazing to see this place in good condition I know obviously it's got a little bit of vandalism but nothing major we still have grape is that like a wine a homemade wine it looks like looks like they hung their washing up in here as well so like a proper little utility room the train blue not sure what some of this stuff is but wow Another Broken Window got a few broken windows whether that's the weather or people getting in back in the day I'm not 100% but more Bristol Cream there oh wow look at this all wooden pirate ship still in a case bit of damage on it but not too bad you can still tell what it is this is such a cool little hidden room and a few more big bottles on there and old bottles at the top here as well look at that guys besides ooh besides the like light bulbs and those papers from 2009 everything else is like 30 to 40 years old so it's so strange to just see those two little bits just left in here like it's so contrast to the rest of the house including like the little doorways like this it's very strange everything else screams like 70 60s except for those little bits but I do want to check out this dining room it looks absolutely amazing possibly the best room down here look at this dining room big dining room table chair still around even got a a little Canta piece here a silver teapot not sure what that is inside there's a little showers and balls and we have the wine blackberry wine 1983 so homemade wine just sat on the table here rose with wine 1968 elder flower 1966 incredible just sat on this table just been here for decades big daming room table too few plates on the top here bits of silver see if we can check out this view it's a misty day foggy day but still absolutely amazing view out the window there armchairs artwork and look at this old cooker it's rusted away it's actually got a cookbook rusted into it here but look at it how Bros I can't even read it it's so rusted got this big chain above it I wonder what that for would you hang a a kettle off there a teapot or something back in the day and look at this just completely rusted there's your hot water this is unbelievable to see something like this and it was obviously still used because there's no of a cooker in here that slate fuses all bits and Bobs big old brush to clean it off mixed fruits travel sweets and an ashtray even the old look the old lamp wow ow just cracked my head off this fireplace oh that hurt wow but look at this dining room absolutely beautiful probably a center point for the house even a little office desk here would have obviously been working here nowadays you plug your laptop in there wouldn't you oh look TV aerial so I wonder if they had a TV on the side here make sense wouldn't it it would make sense another armchair wow look at this next to it old vinyl Player record player Bush oh God knows what year this would be from but look at that still plugged in I think to an aiel anyway not really sure his master's voice the Gypsy by William Edwards wow incredible just sat on there still but what a room this is oh absolutely unbelievable so there's your downstairs what was that did I I'm not sure if I knocked the chair or what the hell was that anyway there's your downstairs living room amazing dining room kitchen and even a little hidden Pantry area it's a big house isn't it to be fair they amazing wallpaper but we're going to head up these stairs now check out the bedrooms no idea how many bedrooms this place is there is a lot of noises in here though so coming up these stairs got the runner up the middle got the brass to hold the carpet in place banisters Come Away yep Come Away here as well but look at the size of this Landing all the wallpaper peeled off oh my days I'm not even upstairs yet and look at this artwork oh I missed the step that's the problem when you're looking through the camera look at this who's this girl amazing piece of art here and look at this beam I could not live here I would be smacking my head off this 24/7 I'm not even up the stairs yet not a chance but here we go bedroom number one I'm going to be careful on these floors cuz they are a bit dodgy single bed possibly a child's room wow look at this jasser somebody's broke the mirror so 7 years bad luck for them we're not going to damage anything in this house wow old records for the for the record player downstairs Philip Watkins all in wsh so obviously wsh speakers no some's just touched my back something has just touched my back as I was leaning over here it felt like a little shove I thought it was the door but I am too far away from that door hello it was a full on straight in my lats anyway we're going to keep going single bat ashtrays the bed is still made underneath as well which is incredible always nice to see that as well freaked me out if anyone's in this house can you give me a little knock uh a bang on the wall maybe can you do that for me okay thank you okay so there's somebody here with me right these floors are so dodgy so we're going to be so careful walking around big double bed here maybe a master bedroom the floors are so crooked I'm not too happy about walking around on them but we're already here June 23rd 1989 oh is that a shelf no idea oh these floors man look at this dresser absolutely amazing arm chairs not arm chairs dining room chairs and they're using this as a nightstand you'll have to tell me if there sum down there I couldn't see look at this wallpaper though peeling off whatever touched me then has thrown me off I came here to do an explore not a paranormal anyway third bedroom bedroom number three and look at that the whole wallpaper Has Come away together all the way down oh this floor feels a bit sketchy to be fair so I'm going to be extra careful in here but look at that wonder what it's covering armchairs oh a [Music] dresser we've even got a coffee table in here but there is a big double bed Wardrobe full of rapoo and another dresser which has been smashed there's no glass anywhere though so maybe that one was broken prior to the house being abandoned but very strange I literally don't even have any paranormal equipment with me and I feel like there is something in this house what are the odds look at this banister I wouldn't mind possibly trying to have a look at this fessa so if I can maneuver that and hopefully it won't fall down the stairs I think it will I think it will okay so we're just going to put that against the dresser and we'll still get be able to get down here is that the same lady possibly also a fan of budgies is there anything in this wardrobe no just really old hangers and some alcohol just hidden at the top here this wine should be served chilled another dresser oh look at the old brownie camera rusted to the bloody cloth but check that out just sat here obviously not been moved in years and years oh we actually have two bedrooms here possibly definitely got one Oh my days look at the Decay the whole ceiling's coming down you've got this full ceiling just all over the floor here there's a few bits in here though nice big double bed oh right we've got a piss pot haven't seen one for a long time oh do piss pots we've got two Happy Days you know it's a good explore who's this all blue eyes here hugging this massive dog that's more like a wolf and a brooch oh wow check that out looks like there's diamonds in there maybe I'm not going to touch it though oh there's bugs under that Jesus and this girl here playing the flute oh look at the old jewelry box we have bits of perfume in here old earrings so rusted though nice Heart-Shaped Box oh happy days we've got piss pots who's this valer here oh don't want to break anything who's this look at this guy playing Cricket here who are you I'm just going to move this around sorry guys just give me a sec Sarah okay we've got a name Sarah Sarah the girl that touched me then Jesus I'm saying Sarah and it felt like a little girl's room that I was touched in you guys are going to think this guy is off his head but 100% just felt like somebody just a little jab in the side and I was like oh it's the door turned around that was nowhere near the bloody door so that's strange what do we have here an old money box and a vase a tobacco in it is but from a hell of a long time ago look at that little makeshift key wow incredible what a place we've even got some clothes but look at the color of them all discolored they're almost brown now oh my days look at that Hoover looks I so off bloody Ghostbusters oh wow that could be one of the oldest Hoover I've ever seen in my days nice old fireplace detail in that incredible what a place this is guys this is for time capsules it's got to be up there you know and it's dark and it's creepy oh and something's touched me God is light okay oh who is that who the hell is that got to hold that up to see it but he better not be in here he looks creepy as little uh that's like your salt and pepper holder they plates I'm just taking these off for a sec just so I can see what's in here this old chest looks like a war chest oh Behave how am I going to do this pull that pull it that back there we go empty bag beding look at this this looks handmade and again but there's actually clothes in here a little shoe looks like s Nana would wear it wouldn't it you don't see them uh in the club anymore oh there's LS down there but they've got add dresses on so really don't want to like give this place away because it's such a nice house and Time Capture and it's horrible to see them when they go to waste but I can't believe the size of this house as well and we've got another room here more like storage maybe but there's all artwork in here and a bit this first step is uneven so it's not good it's not good oh there's a creepy ass attic up there look at this old handbag got two handbags these are the old wash basins the the marble tops so the piss pots would probably be underneath here and then you'd have the wash basin and the big jug to wash your hands with of course we have a Bible you have to have a Bible in these old farm houses a checkbook and is that what I think it is oh it's fell apart an old sun hat and we do have a few pictures here Elizabeth Hughes is that for a funeral oh wow born 1877 85 years old died May 12th but I can't see a year so maybe she actually died in 1877 maybe wow how long's this house been here then look at this God these are Victorian if I've ever seen them check that look at that just come off it disgusting I need a Bloody shower oh my days Elanor so another funeral picture 1874 wow I never knew that people did this like little remember um pictures that's incredible I'm just worried about who the hell bloody touched me look at this more of these work tops marble TOPS oh my God the floor I'm going to go through this I'm going to be in the kitchen making a sandwich oh look at the old radio war time if I've ever seen it wow a medium I can't see the make on that but it's got an M MB I can't really see it I'll try and get closer in a sec old newspapers but look at this artwork what a throwback Oh my days I'm trying my hard dis guys not to damage anything if God is be there for us who can be against us look at it it's all Fallen apart there's bloody wood louse all over the shop wow the religious paintings I'm trying to see what this is as well I can't really tell oh they look like lights or heaters maybe look at those crutches oh the floor man all right I'm going to have to extra careful here guys look at these crutches they look like they're from the first or even second World War there why are they just sat here and these frames I'm trying I'm trying I really don't want to damage anything I'm trying my best I've actually done really well but I'm also very wary I'm a big guy and these are old floors that nobody stood on for a long long long time more artwork look religious artwork I think there's one more we can just get to there that they wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength guys piss spots more piss spots oh I can't even get to them more piss spots okay let me get out this room okay Explorers so there's the house wow what a place some of the stuff in it 1870s those um death pictures funeral pictures what I don't know what you'd call them I've never seen them before in that last room absolutely amazing the bed's still being made in these other bedrooms I can't even wipe my face but what a place something definitely 1 million per touched me in that room that is very strange maybe I'm going to have to come back to this place in an evening bring my paranormal equipment let me just get into a bit of a lighter room but what a time capsu I need to go around now take some photos get some b-roll for the video and I'll see you downstairs wow what a place okay Explorer so that's the house explored some sort of strange paranormal activity in there I was going to take a look around the out buildings but they are all locked so I don't want to do any damage to any other property so we'll just leave it at the explore for today but what a beautiful absolutely amazing time capsule just left here in this foggy Countryside I've absolutely adored this house creepy derel smells terrible like abandoned but amazing place so I hope you've enjoyed it guys I'm on to the next one and I'll hopefully see you there next week let's do it sh
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 235,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, abandoned mansions in america, abandoned mansion in uk, abandoned mansion in france, abandoned mansion in italy, Abandoned mansions, ABANDONED MANSION, ABANDONED PLACES UK, ABANDONED, abandoned places
Id: idCq_5Zb0xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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