The HANGMAN’S House of DEATH - They Hung Men & Women Then Buried Bodies in The Grounds

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sh look at the stuff grown in the tree wonder what the so obviously the Harrison fencing's put around there as this place is really condemned but we're going to go in there we're going to say a little bit of history about this place as we get in or to start of the video but yeah welcome to the governor's house hello explorers and welcome back as I explore this 1820 eight-sided building that used to have other buildings attached to it so this was the jail where the governors lived where they could look down at the prisoners so at one point there was reports found where it had 32 male and 16 female prisoners here where executions were a big thing here most of the bodies buried on site and in later years the hanging took place on Gallows Hill as we explored this place we even found an original loose found on the gr this place closed in 1902 yeah going to say a little bit of history as we walk around this place and what a unique place this is and the guy that lived here was a complete holder like the last guy that lived here as you can see look at the little kitchen so if I've got this slightly right I'm going to do obviously the intro you'd have heard a little bit more so um so the guy used to live here back in the day um got short of money and he robbed the local bank and he got there was a a big struggle with him trying to rob it and uh he then actually killed the guy so we're standing in this place it was Montgomery or something um and obviously the governor then of the area took over lived here used to walk around the balcony looking over to everyone you'll see outside this place it's incredible there's so many like old things in here got the glass jars a little old tape player little copper copper bits candle holders I think this place literally is like your local store it's got everything you probably want in here there's a brand new cooker still sealed there more appliances see we got a welder there little engine you can see just a Decay around there little copper stack border there I don't know what that's going on here it's like a hole dog in the floor it's just hard to stress how much stuff is literally run packed in this little house loving the little sewing machine the Molly instrument measuring gauges this is Lally like tools everywhere and I just want to show you in this room pects in the way look at the ceiling guys up there is a ward Rob literally piercing through about to fall down any moment I don't know what this room would have been can't even get in there oh my days it's literally the joy of falling down and everything this place is in serious need of TLC I don't know if it's TLC I just pulled the thing down you see this little Compu computer desk over there there's a fire stat that you can just about see let's go well if anyone's going to go through the stairs it's going to be me oh the floor I don't think I've never seen this much hey just don't know how this guy lived in here it's everything random is a random bathtub sitting in this room okay maybe this was the old bathroom toilet there then you've got like a chest of drawers in here honestly it just feels like the most random house I've ever explored loving the little bell there would I want to live here probably not I gu all oh what the hell why is why is there a massive hook hanging in there guys it's like a a big metal hoist and again just in the in the hallway there's a random VHS and books I just don't get this what is this about this is that wardrobe guys literally about to fall from the floor look at the size of it and look my foot's just going here this got CO Parts these rooms you just can't get to anymore be interesting for me to look back as well flooring is just going everywhere and this is what I'm talking about guys it's just so Random so much hold in one place and when I feel like this is going to be my house one day not not this specific house but my house I'm literally I don't like throwing nothing away so it's just collect collect do I want to throw that no do I want to keep that yes but it's worth money yeah I know but I don't want to sell it I just feel like that is the start look at this here it's just so much random stuff the complete drivers Atlantis I think this place literally holds everything that you could probably ever want or find in an old house loving the tall high ceilings as well and you imagine this place when it was all in its Glory day where you could actually go out onto the balcony and walk around the outside of this place the fresh painted windows the old old sash type Windows loving these little draw slots as well a little bit of glass in the front of them oh wow I love bottles guys just the shape of them you can just see by even the back wall there just falling out so much this place is literally in need of so much work I can see some uh is that a jungle can't see oh the junior science book it's all like kids books there educational books you got a floor I think that's a sand or is that a floor washer it's amazing in it how I've got to admit that I do actually really like that light shade there but is how many mirrors do you want standing out the hall here look at this this really old little sewing machine maybe a family member here oh wow look at this that is so cool to call on my people to prayer dedication we are not unmindful of our own shortcomings I'll let you have a read of that guys it's absolutely amazing little clock here yeah so these you think these are the doors straight out there to the balcony bit everywhere's just falling down so as we head up to the next set of stairs what the hell is this for I understand that big hook there oh wow loving that old sign look at that just a de in Decay on the stairs look I'm loving this Scotch whiskey sign guys I've never seen so much random stuff this whole place is literally clut and then the book stand up here I don't know what's safe and what's cool to walk on oh look at this Woods of Windsor let's just take a couple that and have a look okay dictionary Rebecca hard to draw pocket French English dictionary I just I'm I'm really loving this little stand look at that would you want to hoist anything up on that kill you if that fa guys it is just literally like a jumbo cell he literally kept everything can't believe how high I'm up trusting this [Music] floor no some of a bladder problem look at that little radio just how everything was made out of like jit Bal with a like a tight fake veneer sort of finish set set player there wow guys loving the old pram look at that is that a silver cross maybe oh it goes round as well it's it's so interesting when you're looking through someone's life and you kind of think this person's built this collected his whole life for what in the end for it to sit and R away that rewrapped everything like they were going to move I actually love this little monkey cup the purple monkey hydren peroxide imagine how cold it would been as well keeping these windows like kind of sealed up it's such a random house I'm sorry but it is so Random in here little cabinet s this little Kitty's mattress love a little donkey the little rabbits do love that prown though guys need saving so this reminds me of like I'm walking through some really old charity jumble cell and I'm not taking the mick in anyway cuz like I hold myself and you know some holding as well it's a way that people can't let stuff go through maybe a trauma in their life or a loss of a loved one that's the same as me losing my n in February everything my nun's bought me now even up to a set of pajamas that I don't wear I just can't seem to let them go co you imagine that illuminated that lamp shade that's some of his old suit jackets just trying to work out where the guy actually slept maybe the room that's collapsed through just feel like there not like a a stable room in this place that you could say yeah I call that my bedroom it just feels really like cold in here look at that just so they've put like an old door frame over there to block the hole just want to show you how high but you can't really probably can't really tell from here I'm trying to picture this place in this he though but if you could actually say it' be nice so just think how many people have been hung in this place when it was back built in the uh it was the late 1800s went it this place going to try and find a lot more on that so don't hold me to it at the moment is definitely Dody size p croppers and then look at the ceiling guys held up by an Acro just shows you how maybe they are trying to restore it or someone is or was planning on restoring it can you do a little stand up a set so this this jumper guys I've had a lot of people ask me so if you do want one of these please email me on the abandon World explor and I'm going to try and get a few of these made but they're only going to be a Selected Few so I like size of that that's Northern Irish whiskey do you know what that is though it's a welder is it yeah that's a big arc welder there the sledg hamers everywhere it's like oh yeah look oh yeah okay yeah but you found it's like a shed but inside a house I love this for my floors sorry ladies but I feel like this is a proper man's cave and I'm sure a lot of women are watching this being like I would want my house like this would you want this look at it no if your husband or your boyfriend whatever you went to his house and it was like this would you stay no if this was his man cave Li he just Liv oh look at that that's cool tell me you know what that is aness um I saw it's a plane plane okay this is a really old one so this here is the release you would pull that out to release the blade and then you'd sharpen the blade it's seized stomach just can't get over how much stuff is in this but is I mean I know holding is kind of so the way I put a holding isn't it like a trauma and stuff in people's Liv that can make them hold yeah it's usually someone who's lost something and then they can't part cuz I was trying to say upstairs when my n passed for me it was hard to let go now I steal anything in my n bought me even up to a pair of jamas or a pair of socks you know like I'm never going to wear them pajamas but I don't want to throw them out yeah it's usually after old glass glass doors what's that it usually starts at after a loss yeah there's an old chimy sweet brush there it's like some resin or something oh wow I didn't see that how old is that chainsa that looks like guys I've never seen an air so this is run on compressed the air I've never in my whole life ever SE a compressed air chainsaw so you literally need a big compressor pipe on to that and it' probably be like a that is actually really cool so what is this Irish whiskey yeah it's bushs the old Bush Ms yeah it's Northern Irish whiskey so I set up this place reminded me like an Old Mill upstairs especially with the big hoist so yeah this was like an old courthouse at one point where they actually hung people in this building reading the article someone said this was an original loose found in the grounds of this property used for hanging many people it looks like and whatever reasons you are favor extended of these L bro so some paperwork here but is an address on one side so we're not going to show that the easy to Accent of the Holy Bible line of what education does not so this is about Christians all handwritten the pre- Irish Province to study the Holy Bible if not their style of their future ideals so we would just saying I don't even want to think about it but obviously in the square of this area where obviously were people were hung was this an old loose I wouldn't like to say I wouldn't like to think it was look at this ceiling the way it's yeah let me know guys I want to put an age on this I've literally never seen one so I just know this is obviously like a little piston in there and I think or it could be oil but I'm sure it's air looks like an air compression fitting so look at this guys as well this old measuring thing obviously it extend out the top so you can it looks like there's another tight plane here as well oh wow guys look at that one I know oh there's an actual name on there as well I just literally can't make out what it says so you can see a northern Irish regge over there if anyone wants to put that in and see if a car still comes up just find out what car it was you got to love this little chair actually look at that yeah is that heavy even like I even like join on like look at the that's called a dove tail a dove tail no that's not do Tail cuz Dove no from here it look like it was in the car see I watch I watched the Great British Uh Wood remember I told you the the woodwork and they are like they make whole things with no nails and no glue no you don't need Nails this be brilliant to bring you should watch that look at the old or lamp so you can just see how much this guy was a hoarder as I said going to head into the basement and have a look down there as well oh no oh no no no no so yeah finally made it to the door I don't think you to get through here it's old like cast iron fire place there thought this place is going to fall down on me so guys this is literally oh my God how the hell was this guy living what the [ __ ] obviously I'm pretty aware that holding is some kind of like Illness but it's Lally kept everything I've seen less stuff at my local tip wow oh my days what the hell how do you even get this much stuff it's like without being rude it's like there a dashboard there of a car yeah right being rude this this is like you run out of stuff to buy and collect yourself so you start collecting everyone else's stuff I don't even have F to get in this place it is literally so jam packed so I said how do you keep putting this much stuff in your place filling it up for this place honestly I got it wrong I said around about the 18 it's built in 17 1760 something or something I try and get a lot more history on this place so the governor of this place obviously back a long time ago used to be the hanging area so people were brought here to be hung and I don't know if a lot of the laws were put down in this place here and a lot of things will happen but so the governor of the area run the whole place actually robbed one of the local banks and he murdered him so there's a lot of history this place holds but you think when he'd be here walking around his around the balcony bit look at it it's literally Ram packed just stuff hold everywhere don't know if that's part of this as well but [Applause] it's like a little Fortress house and you think obviously the front door there so obviously the front door there main front door probably I mean that looks quite original but I'm thinking that the front door may have been something like that look at that building old double gar well it would have been an old bar this car picture has probably would have been a fortune before it was put in here oh guys look at the old crate what's that say leaders of Flyers oh wow didn't realize how much is above my head about to fall down everything's held up by Acro even in the house hey guys and girls sorry for the sudden ending love you loads and thank you for everyone who supports awe go and check out the new channel the Bros links in description love you loads
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 150,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dckyYCVvuCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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