#BONERCAST BRUH! | Gmod: Prop Hunt (Funny Moments)

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oh I never I'll wind aleena mouth he might be over here good job little buddy good job got it I'm on your side where'd he go with that [ __ ] go well I didn't smell baby I can't find him kill me now Boyle I am oh man I don't know where he went you're the worst bloodhound ever all right I can't find him you might as well kill with it I guess then I'll hold him out come on ghost little buddy help me I'll get him where are these oh there you you know he's a book he hook he's running up the eastern stairs Oh might be coming behind you where's easy to follow so what's the smallest thing on this map I bet it's this or this Oh God that's not what I wanted to happen I mean it is no joke God [ __ ] [ __ ] no that's not it either none hi I'm it oh just keep trying right in that spot yeah oh god no this is a very hard map to find people huh Osama boom boom nope nope no no some I'm moving my mom nyah all right I'm saying that's my eye okay right now we go grab the other side oh no no no no no it's Bob you and I back here no no yeah Bobby Bobby are you okay what were you I was a can I only got again clever clever girl Jack clever girl inside never grill leopard bear grylls cashew luta shooter stress up Eric man uh Jack you should not have done that what did he done uh he may have announced his presence to wait a little bit what what Oh rotation lock all right wait this is funny but it's not fair Jackie's not at that desk at all no I'm feeling Bob I've even confused me damn it whose leg alone uh I think it's safe to come out then it's safe to come out a dick jack dick okay I got this I got this don't worry you got are you doing you an actual hint yeah Dan tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten yet Oh Jax is so much more clever than mine yeah my mate and I'm a social I'm a can okay and I'm not a oh I'm close but I'm not there or no he said like the hallway no he's not back there either he sees he's towards the other part of the map oh that was the wrong way to go alright so good looking one rule never trust Bob never okay right now I'm being totally serious and you you walked right past [ __ ] goddamn it so hard to hit did you mean wrong crowd on hand I'm shooting him the entire life is blood everywhere good this one I just want to point out did everyone notice how legitimately helpful and honest I was that time oh except the first time when your weight kills yeah for that exact opposite and and by the server okay that makes sense well ah the wind allene alright hmm I'll just uh you know they made a beeline to the same air here area you don't you don't need to concern yourself with that wait I want to know what band prompt mark was trying to be the perfect I see a computer and I think it sitting work oh wow your boss doesn't work that's stupid it's too small it's - don't mind me oh ha ha ha ha ha reminded you I was having fun by myself you have moving a bunch of [ __ ] around I know will you to walk past me first like the whole office was chaos really wait everywhere and you guys didn't even look oh man that's did you we thought you were the purple team I got this mark don't worry I checked for ways being a giant check to smiling calf they don't if they don't know the area Wade that actually word would work yeah what would work he's a table oh yeah are they wait oh can it work alright keep a lookout so I can see if I can change think about boxes Wade what is fragile a mean it means a handle with care Oh he's a Wallace oh he's frag I'll know he's 4G lay its fringe up he's on the move okay how come a jack don't you worry he's out here you think you hit him you think you hit him you didn't he's in the office again he's a [ __ ] cop or something [ __ ] I got this oh he's a brundin he's a run and he went back ah [ __ ] I lost them see this is why this is why we optically kill himself still that's winning me this then you're on my team oh god oh no oh I immediately regret all of these decisions you said every round ball I only believe you won on a four time I'm dumb idiot well that's it jeez Bob Bob don't leave this er to me again I can't handle the pressure Oh what the hell he's right he's right there oh yes he is he is here cops are invincible Oh God we're negotiable it's not fair it's so hard to hit him are you dead yes I'm I got your God there you are you couldn't even put things in me it was cool that me is here's a box it was a cup now he's a dick all right if you just slow down a little bit I'm gonna be really hard to find on this map actually I can't I can't even see where you are Bob no I see him oh that would be a lie oh you can't see me you don't see me I see you your inner soul and I do I won't go I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine tell what you are inter system jack I gotta [ __ ] jump over the chair jack just comes some suing the devil hey hey what's going on in here what are you [ __ ] up to I see you Bob whack don't really a little they don't reveal it but he's intersecting slightly right yeah okay yeah okay I think I got he's not he's not a right angle he's a wrong angle yeah but wait you're never gonna find a way draw not those I'm not those wrong wrong okay walk into the filing cabinets they should like wobble and [ __ ] right but if you're if you walk into a prop it don't wobble and just go walk around and push it yeah this is it they wobble I'm wages are shooting shuffle Oh those ones don't seem to wobble see those ones wobbled those ones wobbled I was not lying to you I'm not trying to be a jerk dance I didn't love the poker face there's always that chance that weed might give up I know he might give up from the fighting hazard spewing blood out of this it's not her if eclis obvious but evidence points to my stupidity Bob what are you shootin I don't know there's a bunch of [ __ ] out of order over here worry about I can't figure out what's good oh don't worry about it don't worry about it it's a good time to just move on oh [ __ ] yeah problem solved yes one of them please rest in it I'm out of here one shot bomb did you say out of here Oh sounded like you said n-word risk in it Oh oh Jesus good wait I can't believe you said that wait why [ __ ] wait we Queens a horrible the world I swear to God if you edit my audio to make it you just know just censor what he said so it sounds like a terrible hack up with you the next under no one's going to assume that would be the word yeah no check whoa whoa Jack Jack's good oh well I know what I was taught these don't work Baha Jack Dec be cool be cool be cool be cool I hear things Bart I I'm using super sonic to try and drive them insane and drag them away maybe hear you work he was a book right here he was actually pretty good but your name popped up yeah that's not other bookstores either books when I went near them dad dang you guys need really good spots this time in fact me and Bob will give you until you have a really good spot and then we start moving how about ya Jack I'll just jump around with each other for a while well I don't know about really good cuz you seem to get into spots in here like [ __ ] and then you're killed instantly ha ha ha especially weight cuz Bob seems to be able to sniff em out oh those bobbies smell be welcome to their Baba boner curse I am here I'm here at my friend boner Bob say hi Bob boners God we should having water you ass what I want you to go to like a frat party what in the hell you say boys okay you guys go framerate why good we're good yeah oh they have of hell and call into the boner cast yes with you 1 800 boner Raymond you're on with the boner cast what's your boner question I have a problem with my boner is it supposed to turn green and yellow only on the holidays Oh next question is that next question Thank You Caillou okay Bob you got this one hello you've reached the bottle cast Mona puh-puh-puh buh-buh-buh click great okay we're gonna meet caller ID ring or inner lining or ring ring ring hey you're on my boner Jack what's your boner question oh hi I have my little old lady don't mind my voice it's very weird uh I I always wondered what what does a good boner look like cuz I I feel like in my life I've only seen bad boners see ma'am when you come stuff boners they're like a fine wine some of them are better some of them are worth some of them better with age did the age better with age um summer soft summer hard is difficult different shapes different nationalities um I just realize I'm running around I'm not even looking for people I'm trying to find a funny answer to this question thank you for your call oh thank you do you think I should take a look at your oh that was a terrible question you can get a look at my boner on a podcast oh my sperm was died that was my last ditch I'm curly at 10 frames per second so life is not going so well for me you got drop resolution maximum reach the boat or cat okay mark yeah mark you it mark you can have it no your dad your parent of the boner test hey welcome to the boner 5 Tim I want to know when I'll get my first boner just come over here and sit in my lap Tim is this the best idea for hot yes ever okay I need some help I'm not even looking he's a cup next to another cup it's it's on a coffee table right by the door behind you yeah good good job putting the booter cast owners window would there even be real collars would just be auspicious or special guests that we have on well except for my character she died mid call Oh she was old okay she said she saw a boner for the first time it scared her can I see your elbow oh can we have can we have a grace period oh yeah you okay yeah we'll wait here don't worry it sounds like a buffering issue sounds like a boomerang yes it's not like Macho Man Randy Savage when you're on it as well well you need the three-peat three people on every podcast you need a three three man crew you have the one with the ooh voice you have the laffy guy that's Bob and then yeah could be the third person hahahahaha okay we're the other one did I just get passed out before the hahahaha wait you're the you're the caller caller no you're you're you're our on occasion guy we have to call out to you on location all the time well you're on your honor your arms at the beach like checking out sighs watch Oh miss Colbert used to be on the alright and I'm in and I'm in an awesome position I'm prepared all right yo Network you guys ready okay I don't know what Jack's doing but I'm prepared now I'm going I was always going spend a minute 30 so I cuz we might as well bring wait which one the boner call away yeah no we're we're gonna wear the same we're calling inter-site sorry ring-ring ring-ring yeah you run with boner can do such a huge fan yo one time I got like wasted with my friends and we all touched each other's boners so it's just what it is that he is a gay what are you talking about nothing wrong with a little boner Tunica nothing wrong with his sword paper I'm right where I'm from it's the Broner love that's what it is there's a boner handshake Broner - boner shape or high-five anyway so our fans of the the boners called bONIES oh yeah you just signed you guys we're gonna laugh at all this you're so enthusiastic about everything is I coming to this who you you can do it brother oh my god just slightly uncertain cuz I don't want to make anything boner cannon for your boner podcast so just but now you're developing the boner cannon a boner cannon that's something something he's the villain it's what you fire off every time you get a sweet job owner dog yes the podcast is going is like all guess what bros I've got a bummer this needs to hide it off gave me a boner about one second flat buh-buh-buh-buh-buh boner oh god no Baba boner I'll give you a hint he's not he's not in the middle office room he's on day I'll give you a head whoa oh you're there I'll blame wait wait wait let me take back my head hey what is he oh this this is this is how I was before oh that was really good right right hang on hang on wait I'll help you find Jack just hang on Oh God we also had the idea that people with boner castes could get signed by the boner caste oh they come off as I I broke my boner watching your boner cast like will you sign my boner cast they'll never know yeah great spot guys that doesn't sound very confident let's do D [ __ ] oh you're on the motorcade how can do holy singing Eugene okay Bob in here not a particularly large boner uh it's almost too big do you think I should get bone or reduction surgery hell no brother I say make it bigger make that boner reach to heaven touch with that boner make it happen gravitational pull inside your glorious boner okay are you saying like gurren lagaan my bones bones oh here's the heavens [ __ ] railgun motor is the boner that will mount the world phoner will be the founder of boners it'll be the international space boner the space station will orbit it oh here are the boat okay asked hi i'm like a college student and gonna be a teacher and stuff and i really suck at using laser pointers is it okay to just use my boner yeah boy dead 70 heavens brother a couple blind some pilots with that [ __ ] what do you say about the tip man [ __ ] [ __ ] just use just the tip yeah brother serum known looking really awesome in thanks like a hi Keanu Reeves [ __ ] this [ __ ] wait what by the plan that I taught you oh oh oh ding thanks Joseph on a ship they're stuck so for her
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,198,367
Rating: 4.9580169 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Garry's Mod (Video Game Mod), GMOD, funny moments, prop hunt, gameplay, commentary, let's play, hiding, props, markiplier, muyskerm, bob, collab, collaboration, multiplayer, co-op, funny, laughing, webcam, facecam, Montage, video games, gaming, Funtage, gmod funny moments, gmod prop hunt, garry's mod funny moments, garry's mod prop hunt, pc gaming, pc games, mods, gmod fun, maps, wade, lordminion777
Id: PlSNiaTcH38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2015
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