ANGRIEST ROUND OF GOLF | Golf With Friends #1

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Bob: All right, let's do it. Jack: Lerooooooy Jenkins! Wade: We're gonna play the new Twilight map that I don't know that much about. Mark: Okay. Bob: Fucking hate vampires... Jack: Do you wanna do an intro? I'mma do an intro. Jack: TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YOU LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO GOLF WITH FRIENDS WITH MARK BOB AND WADE Wade: (laughing) What?? Bob: Jesus Christ... Mark: Wow. Jack: There we go! Wade: I thought you said "I'm gonna screw my balls with Mark, Jack and Wade" Jack: Welcome to Golf with Friends! Bob: Wait, do we all have to try to match Jack's intro now? Mark: Yeah Jack: That's literally where my intro is going. Every time... Bob and Wade: Alright. Jack: that's where it's gonna end up. Bob: Alright, who's up- who's up next? Wade: Here's my intro. Wade: Hey guys, what Jack said! Jack: BOOO get off the stage! Bob: You suck, I'm gonna try to match Jack's. Are you ready? Jack: Here we go. Here we go. Wade: You're gonna be the loudest one, I can imagine. Jack: Bring it, bring it. Bob: *loud inhale* Bob:(Really Fast) HEY THIS IS MUTHSUYAW AND WELCOME TO GOLF WITH FRIENDS WITH MARK JACK AND WADE!!!!!!! Jack: WOAH! Nice! Nice, dude! Wade: Okay, I'll try it, I will try it. Bob: I broke my voice. Jack: Here we go. Wade: Three, Wade: ALSDKFHL SAJDCKA DSAHF Jack: *tsk* That wasn't even words. Mark: Yeah. That was...that was... Jack: Plus, you didn't even count down from three! You just said "three" and then started talking! [Bob laughs] Wade: I counted...quietly. All right... Bob: Start the fucking game! Mark, you wanna do an intro, or...? Mark: Yeah, I'll...[indistinct mumbling] Mark [calmly and slowly]: Hello... [Wade and Bob snicker] Mark [quietly]: My name is -- Jack: NAILED it! Let's go! [laughs] Mark [quietly]: Markiplier... Mark: Welcome to...Golf With Friends. [Bob laughing] Mark: Wha-psssh... Jack: Just... Mark: I don't know how to play! Wade: Well... Jack: Hold-click, aim; pull back, push. Bob: It's's not loading for me yet... Jack: Yeah, it's s- Wade: I'm still loading in, too. Jack: Stuff is swaying... Mark: Wade... Jack: Oh...oh God, look at our balls! Jack: There we go! Wade: If you press, like, "L", I think, you like, glow or some -- I THINK it's "L"... Wade: ...There's one of-- Mark: Why are we CUBES? Wade: Because it's random ball shapes per hole. Bob: Yeah, so, we have different...Random ball shapes is the thing now. Mark [laughing]: Oh God, oh... Jack: Oh God...Oh God. Jack: POOSHK! Yeah! Bob: See yah! Oh shit... Jack: FUCK yeah! Jack: This is good! Imma be good at this! Imma be awesome at this. Watch! Mark: How do I...what? Mark: How do I get more power? Wade: You click and you drag. Mark: Ohhhh.... Jack: Click and drag forward. Mark: BOOSHK! Woah! Aw, fuck... Jack: Ah, Jesus Christ! [Bob and Wade laugh] Jack: Aw, come on! Wade: Good job, Mark. Jack: Yeah! I did it! [claps] Woo! Jack: Golf With Friends, everybody. Mark: Aw, FUCK! [Wade laughs] Mark: AW, FUCK! Bob: Softer, Mark. *Softer.* [everyone but Mark laughs] Jack: Suck LESS, Mark! [Mark makes fake crying sounds] Bob: Uh...It's okay. You're tied with Jack. Wade: This gon' be good... Mark: Oh, fuck this shit... Wade: Oh God, we're CONES? Jack: Oh Jesus! Come on! Mark: Oh God... [Distorted Moaning] Jack: Is this -- OH...oh! I almost HAD eet! Bob: Did anyone SEE that shit? Mark: Oh, it's *underneath* it! Wade: What happened? Mark: It's *underneath* it! Bob: I did it -- Oh, it's underneath it...well... Jack: Fuck! I forgot that we were able to jump... Bob: Everyone can eat shit! Wade: Oh God... Bob: Oh, Mark...[laughs] Mark: THERE we go! I got it! I'm in! [fake sobbing] Wade: Am I in? Jack: REALLY? Bob: No, you're NOT in, Wade... Mark [laughing]: You're not in, Wade... Jack: The hole was UNDERNEATH it? That SUCKS! Mark: How did I take 7 strokes? I was the first one in! Jack: Heh-heh-heh. Mark: Oh FUCK YOUU -- [faint scream] Wade: Oh we're pucks! Jack: Oh -- WHAT? Bob: Oh, this is a really good one for pucks... Wade: WHEEEEEE... Bob: Yeehaw! Whoa-oh! Shit! Mark: How do I -- Jack: Oh, come on, you sons of dicks! [Wade screams] Bob: Oh, here I am! Made it. Mark: Woah woah woah woah woah... Mark: Okay... Jack: This sucks! WHAT? [Bob laughs] Mark: Oh...wha...woah. Bob: You okay, Jack? Jack: My guy doesn't go up the ramp, he bounces off the edge of it. Bob: I think you might have to *jump* to go up the ramp, Jack. [laughs] Mark: Yeah, you gotta jump. Mark: to jump... Bob: You gotta jump into it, Jack. Jack: THERE we go. Jack: There we go, there we go. Bob: Woah, shit! Wade: Woo, nice jump-jump! Bob: Jack's got...Jack's got wicked tricks. Jack: Fuck... Wade: He's only got 2 strokes, though...he's gotta... Jack: AAH! Wade: You gotta make it this shot, Jack. Mark: Nice! Jack: FUCK! Suck my dick! Wade: Aww... [Bob and Mark laugh] Jack: [roars angrily] Jack: Wait, wait...wait for it! Wait for it! Wait... [horn makes anticlimactic honk] Wade [laughing]: What was THAT? Mark: The fuck was THAT? Jack: There! Bob: You feeling okay? Mark: Aw, I almost made a hole in one, guys! Wade: I saw that, that was good. Bob: Whee! Jack: Are we *eggs?* Jack: Fuck. Wade: Oh God... Bob: Yeah, we're all like, eggs. Mark: There we go. Bogey! Jack: What?? Jack: [grunts] Come on, come on, come fuck-- Jack: You fuckin' asshole! Wade: Yeee! Jack: Ooooh mama! Wooo! [Mark laughs] Wade: Well, there you go Jack! Just don't screw up now. Jack: YEAH, double bogey! Suck it, Salty Buckets! [Wade laughs somewhat like Mark] [Jack does an imitation of Mark's laugh] Mark: Guys, guys... [Bob does an imitation of Mark's laugh] Mark: Hey! Don't...don't be me. You can't be me! Mark: EH! Wade: Oh, we're *cylinders!* Bob: What are we? Oh, we're cylinders? Oh geez... Jack: We're fuckin' marshmallows. Mark: Oh geez...oh geez... Bob: No-no-no-no... Jack: Don't...don't push me in, you hairy! Bob: Oh Jack...You saved my fucking life, Jack. [Wade screams] Jack: OHHH-HO-HOhhhh fuck... Mark [laughing]: Thank you... Bob: Yes! Wade: Stoooop... Jack: God! Wade: I can't stop rolling! Jack: I'm sick of...YES! WOO! Wade: Oh...nooo... [Bob laughs] Mark: I can't...I'm not [unclear] Jack: Jump, Wade, jump! Jump. [Wade screams] Wade: Nooooo... [Jack and Bob laugh] Mark: [screams] I got in! Jack: This game is FUN again! Wade: Pleeeease! Jack: In the hole! Yaaaay! Bob: Oh no, Wade...Oh Wade... Wade: Noooo... [Mark laughs] Jack: I LOVE this game! [Bob and Mark laugh] Jack: In the hole! Wade: YAY! Mark: Yeah! Jack: WHAT!? Mark: Niiiice! Bob: That was fucking wizardry! What the hell? Mark: Wooow... Wade: I don't...everything went so wrong... Jack: How the...Okay, fuck you guys... Jack: LEROOOY JENKINNNS! [laughs] Jack: [grunts] FUCK IT! Mark: Can I stop rolling for 2 goddamn seconds? Jack: SON OF A BITCH! Bob: Mark, what are you doing...[laughs] Mark: I got it, I got it, I got it... Jack: FUCK! Mark: Ah, fuck me! Come ON! [Bob and Wade laugh] Jack: Yaay! [laughs] Mark: Wahhh...WOO! Wade: *There* you go. Bob: If anyone... Jack: Forty-... Bob: If anyone's looking for source material to make the Jacksepticeye Curse... Jack: WOO! Wade: Woo! Bob: Uh, Board -- Soundboard -- I think this is the one. Wade: Oh God, we're isospheres...NOOO! [Bob laughs] Jack: Where's the hole? Oh, there it is. Mark: Shit. Bob: Pew! Aw, shit... Wade: That's what HE...shouldn't have to say... [Mark yells] Jack: Yeah! Ride it in! Bob: Oh yes! Jack: Holy shit, Bob! Mark: We're ALL winners! Wade: Yes! Get rekt, everybody! Jack: Except *me!* [laughs] Wade: I...I tied with you. Jack: Oh Jesus... Mark: What the hell... Jack: Okay...massive tactics! Watch this! Wade: Oh, this is the... Jack: HOO! [Wade makes car noises] Mark: Boink! Jack: Yeah, fuck yeah! [Mark cheers] Bob: Woo! Jack: How do we get up there? [laughs] Bob: Aw shit...How the fuck are we supposed to get up there? [Mark makes desperate noises] Jack: Oh! Oh! Bob: Oh no! Oh no! Wade: Woo-hoo! Birdie! Jack: Oh! Oh yeah, birdie! Mark: AW, COME ON! Bob: Bye, everyone... [Jack laughs] Wade: Bye, Bob! Mark [laughing]: There you go! Wade: Bye, Bob! Jack: Yes! Jack: This is this is where I take back my lead! [Mark laughs] Jack: Which I never had... [Bob grunts] Wade: Oh no! No! [Mark yells] Jack [disappointed] Oh... Bob: I *did* it! Get rekt! Jack: Okay. I gained a shot. I gained a shot on Mark that round. Bob: Oh God... Mark: That was good. Mark: Good show, good show. Bob: Aw, fuck, THIS fucking one... Jack: WOO! Oh shit! Wade: Woah! Mark: I'm going up -- Whoah! Wade: Bye, Bob -- Mark! Mark: Fuck ME! Goddamnit... Jack: Are we just regular balls this time? Wade: Yeah! [screams] Jack: Yes! Yes! Yes! Bob: Hey, I did it! Mark: Ohhh shit! Right -- I almost got that! Mark: Gonna be a little less than full power... Jack: Holy shit! Bob: Yes... Jack: Wade, that was a good shot. Bob: All right, Mark... Mark: Wooooah shit... Bob: Oh my God... [Jack laughs] Wade: Yeah, that's what I did. I did like, 2 bars or 2 and a half or something... Bob: You're were almost a wizard Mark. Mark: This is gonna be sooo sick... Jack: Woo! Wade: THAT'S not the -- what the heck? [laughs] [Bob and Jack laugh] Mark [nearly screaming]: Oh FUCK! Fuckin' criminy! [everyone but Mark laughs] Mark: THERE we go! Jack: What the FUCK? Mark: Ah, fuck! Wade: What is HAPPENING? Jack: Jesus -- woooah...woah, woah! Mark [shrieking]: FUCK! [Bob and Wade laugh] Wade: All you had to do was make it on this -- Mark [screaming]: FUUUCK! [Bob laughs] Jack: What is going on? Jack: Yaaaaaay! Mark: Aww, goddamnit! Bob: Hey, Jack's not in last! Mark: How did you guys DO that one? That was IMPOSSIBLE! [Wade laughs] Jack: 'Cause we didn't TRY that! Mark: You-...f-...f-...fuck me... Bob: Bye, Mark! [Wade laughs] Mark [spluttering]: Shut up! I'm still rolling... [Bob and Wade laugh] Jack: How do we do this? Mark: Such bullshit... Jack: [grunts] Fuck's sake! This is impossible with these! Mark: Oh, this is terrible... Mark: This is terrible! Mark: Wade, you suck! Bob: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Wade: What did *I* do? Jack: Aw, come on! It went backwards! Mark: You picked random shapes! It's your fault! Jack: Jesus Christ almighty! Mark: How do you guys still have strokes? Bob: Hyuh -- Oop! Yes! Jack: Cause *you* went out of bounds. Mark: Noo! [random unintelligible noises from Bob and Wade] Jack: I'm out of strokes. Bob: No! That was my last one, but I made -- just get over there! [Wade makes desperate squeaking noises] Bob: Wade, just give it up. Jack: Wade, just throw in your hat, man. Bob: Just die... Wade: Nooo! Why NOW!? [Bob and Jack laugh] Wade: Noooo... [Mark groans] Jack: Just wanna say, fuck this game, but also I LOVE it. Bob: Well, you know what? We're all even. Mark: Yeah. Fuck this game. Bob: What the hell? Jack: Oh, do we have to pick a hole? Mark: Oh geez. Jack: Oh crap... Wade: Yeah, there's apparently like a random spot. You can jump off the the side on this one I think. Jack: 'Kay, I got this. Bob: Fuck. Jack: Go in, you fucking cone! Why are we *cones?* Jack: It's not even ice cream cones! Bob: Yeah, I hate the cones the most. Jack: Yes! Double bogey! Bob: Heya! Jack: See ya, Bob! [laughs] Wade: Bye, Bob. Bob: Why did you bounce like that, you motherfucker? Jack: "You salty bitch!" [Wade laughs] Jack: Oh! Bob: There we go. Mark: Nice! Jack: Nice on. Wade: Welcome to the party, Bob! Bob: Pew...Oh! Bob: Slam-fucking-dunked! Jack: Wooo! Jack: You guys need to lose some serious shots. I don't like this. Mark: I don't think we can. Bob: What are we? Oh, I see. Wade: [makes a car noise] OH! Wade: That WORKED! That worked great! Mark: No...NO! What the fuck, this is bullshit! Jack: It's like a fucking Pachinko machine! Wade: I just jumped over everything! Mark: Shut up, Wade! No one cares. Wade: It worked so good... Jack: Ah shit... Bob: Egg...Egg...[shallow panting] Jack: Why am I over here now? This sucks. Bob: Hey, everybody. Mark: Wooo! Jack: Yaaay! Bob: There you go, Jack. You did it! Mark: Yaay. Bob: You DID it, Jack! Jack: Woo! Jack: WOOO! Mark: WOOO! Bob: WOOO! Wade [makes car noises] Oh God! Jack: Holy shit, Mark! Bob: Oh fuckin' shit... Mark: Thank you. I know. Jack: "I know. I are the best." Okay... Mark: Are we actual balls? Bob: Hey, Mark! Wade: Noooo! Jack: Go in! Mark: Aw, fuck off with me! Jack: Bob, get the fuck out of my way. Mark: OH FUCK OFF! I HAD [incomprehensible]! SO GOOD! Jack: COME ON! Look at this bullshit! [Mark groans] Jack: I'm not even doing it. I'm not doing it. I'm not going in. [Bob laughs] Jack. Fine. Mark: Ugh... Jack: Oh, suck...s-... Bob: You can do it, Jack. Don't...don't be a wee baby. Mark: We're finally balls, overcompensating for being a stupid shape! [Wade and Bob laugh] Jack: Yeah, we should have played regular golf first. Wade: I *asked* you! Jack: Oh, I fuckin' NAILED that! Mark: You said we were GONNA! Jack: Okay...okay... [Wade grunts] Jack: Go IN! Fuck... Mark: Oh, come on! Bob: Wooo! Hey, bitches! [Wade grunts] Bob: Hey, Jack: Jesus Christ, I hate cones! I hate CONES! Bob: Eghk! Oh...Eghk! Fuckin'... Jack: Hup -- Fuck my... Jack: Yes! Jesus Christ! Bob: Hey, Wade -- [drowned out] Wade: Nooo! [Bob laughs] Mark: There we go! Thank you, Wade! Wade [sadly]: Oh... Jack: Fuck ME! Bob: Thanks for hitting me in, Wade. I appreciate that. [Mark groans] Wade: You''re welcome, Bob. Bob: Oh, that caught me up to you, too! Wade: NOOOO! Jack: Wait where's the hole? Mark: The fuck? Where's the goddamn hole in this? Jack: Oh, I'm- Wade: I think one of these holes is a good hole, but most of them are bad holes. Bob: Where's Mark? Mark: Oh fuck this goddamn egg bullshit! Mark [shrieking] OH FUCK AGH! Bob: Oh, I see Mark. I see Mark. Okay. I gotcha. [Jack laughs] [Mark groans] Wade: Wait, where... Mark: God! Fuck that shit! Wade: I don't know where...Oh God. Way over THERE? Mark: Such terribleness... Mark: Such HORRIBLENESS. [Jack grunts] [Jack snarls angrily] Bob: Woo! Wade: Oh no... Jack: FUCK! Bob: All right. All right, here we come, baby. Bob: You guys ready for the comeback? Jack: Oh my God... Mark: I see this, Jack it's bullshit. Mark: Eggs are bullshit. Eggs are such bullshit. Bob: Ah shit. Jack: Christ almighty! Wade: Woo-hooo! Bob: Hey bitches! Bob: OH!! [laughs] Jack: What?! Wade: Oh my God, Bob! Jack: Now I'M behind! God-fuckin'-dammit. Mark [impressed]: Daaaayum! Wade: Bob! Mark: All right... Wade: Okay, this one, you want to go over the roof... Jack: Is that the hole way all the way over there on the right? Wade: Over the roof to the right a little bit. Mark: Oh goddammit. Bob: Pew! [Jack grunts] Bob: What? No! Jack: I can't even get *up* the fuckin' roof! Bob: It's further to the right than that! Mark: Fuck... Wade: Ehhhh! I can't get over the humps! Jack: Shit. [laughs] Wade [laughing]: Bye, Jack! Mark: The fuck? This is bullshit. Bob: Peww! Jack: Go in the hole! Go in the hole! Oh, you hairy bitch... Bob: Yesss! Jack: Excuse...excuse my vernacular. Bob: Hey, everybody! You found the hole that I found. I was there first. You got my sloppy seconds. Jack: Oh, shut up Bob. Suck SEVEN dicks. Mark: Ah, whatever. Jack: Not EIGHT. Eight's too much. Sorry. Mark: Yeah, fuck you, Bob. Bob: SEVEN dicks? Bob: Wade...Uh... Jack: Wade, go in. Bob: You're not in the hole, Wade. Mark: Wade...Wade... Wade: Oh... [Jack and Wade laugh] Bob: Is it in yet? Wade: Sorry. [Jack laughs] Jack: Okay. Where are we going? Bob: Oh, where the fuck now... Mark: Where...? Jack: We have to get across the fuckin' pontoon? Wade: Oh... Wade: We have to actually go into the water, I think. Bob: Oh shit... Mark: Whaat? Jack: No, we just gotta do this! Wade: No, you go -- you go into the water... Bob: Wooo! Jack: Oh my God, I almost got across all of it! Bob: Oh fuck! You don't want to *jump* in the water! That's an important thing to know! Jack: No... Wade: No, *I* did. Jack: No, we go this way. Wade: I jumped in the water and just bounced over the bridge. Jack: You're supposed to go in the water. Why is it cones? Wade: [makes car noises] Oh... Jack: Oh, get up! Get up! Bob: Oh, I see...I see. Mark: Fucking cones...Fucking cones! Bob: I'm coming, everybody. Don't worry, Bob's comin'. Wade: All right. Bob: I'm hippity-hoppin' my way... Jack: Wade, get out of my fuckin' way. [Mark laughs] [Jack snarls angrily] Bob: Wooo! [Mark laughs] Bob: Oh baby! Jack: BOB, you fuckin' -- Wade: BYE, JACK! [everyone but Jack laughs] Jack: I will MURDER you. Mark: Wade, you are such a prick and I *love* it! Jack: I w-...I hope...I hope that you just burst into flames while taking horri-...horrendous shits... Jack: You fuckin' Whore of Babylon! Mark: "The Whore of Babylon?" My GOD... Bob: Oh my God... Wade: Oh, you gotta bounce off like, one of the wooden pillars here or something... Wade: You gotta go in, to the right. There's like a hole under the waterfall with carts and stuff... Mark: Got it! Bob: Pew! Mark: Fuck... Jack: Oh, I nailed it! Sweet! Bob: Oh shit...I fucked it up. [Wade makes a car noise, then screams] Mark: Boink! [Jack grunts] Jack: Oh my God...Go i-...Go in this shot! Please! Bob: Oh, come on, egg! Bob: Egg, come on! Come on...Yes! Mark: Wooah... Jack: OH, YOU FFFFFUCK... Mark: Fuck me, goddamn it... Bob: Hey Jack! How's it going, buddy? Jack: YES! Yes! Yes! Bob: Wooo! Jack: Oh, I almost had a fuckin' par! Mark: Woah, what the fuck? [Wade makes a car noise, then screams] Bob: Oh my God! Mark, you almost got on the mine cart! [Bob laughs] Mark: I KNOW. Bob [laughing]: Wade... Mark: Aw, fuck ME! Bob [laughing]: How are are you THERE? Wade: Stop touching me! Stop touching me! STOP TOUCHING MEEE! Wade [screaming]: I CAN'T CLICK! STOP! Wade [screaming]: THE MINE CART! Jack: You're going to have to do it quick, Wade. Mark: OH NOO! Jack: Ah, hey Mark. [laughs] Mark: Goddammit... Jack: Yesss... Mark: This is bullshit! Wade: Bob wins by like 15 strokes!? Mark: Bullshit [voice half cuts out] stupid eggs! Bob [laughing]: 15 strokes... Jack: Okay, I *think* we need to do normal golf. Mark[screaming]: This is BULLSHIIIT! Jack: For the sake of our friendship, we need normal golf. [Mark sighs] Jack: Okay. Here we go. What is going on with our weird...balls? Mark: It's fine. Bob: It''s perfectly fine... Jack: This is what happens when we all stick our balls together. Wade: That must be just a "you" problem. Bob: That's how it's supposed to be. That's how it's supposed to be, it's fine. Jack: Dude, get your balls out of my balls. Wade: Press "L". Your balls will glow. Mark: All right. Jack: I don't *need* my balls to glow. I just need to *win.* Mark: Oh, okay. Jack: Oh, what a shot! Mark: Oooh... Wade: WHAT? Jack: I'm goin' in! Par! Par, baby! Bob: We can JUMP, mother fuckers. Mark: Aw, come on, Bob! Right as I shoot, you bump me!? [Bob laughs] [Jack laughs] Mark: Right as I *shoot?* Mark: You fucki-...fuck you! [screams] [everyone but Mark laughs] Mark: This is BULLSHIT! You ASSHOLE! Bring this bullshit into MY HOUSE!? Wade [laughing]: His ball was going in and I knocked him out! Mark: Ohh...I KNOW! I was THERE! Jack: Hole in one, baby! Mark: You don't need to EXPLAIN how you fucked me over! Bob: Hole in one, baby! Jack: Hole in one! Wade: Nooo! Bob: Jack, we're hole in one brothers! Hole in one brothers! Mark: And what about ME? Hole in one? Mark [screaming with a voice crack]: FUCK OFF! [everyone but Mark laughs] Jack: This is the *best!* I love this game! Mark: Shut up. Jack: I *love* this game! Mark: OH FUCK... Bob: Mark...Mark, you got to use *finesse!* [Mark groans, everyone else laughs] Mark: Yeah, well, a bogey is good too...Double bogey also good... Wade: Oh my God... Jack: Bob, I'm coming for your ass! Jack: Where the fuck am *I*? Oh! All the way. All the way! Go! Jack: Go! All the way! [sighs] So close... Bob: No! No, no, no, no! Bob: You know what? Fine. Jack: Yes! Wade: Bob, you've got me trying something so stupid... Jack: Come, Bumbum, come! Yaay! Mark: Yay, I did something. Bob: Hey, friends! Can *I* come? Jack: Welcome, Bumbum! Bob: Can *I* come? Wade, go away! It's *my* hole. [random cheers and noise-making] Wade [laughing]: That took 4 shots there. That's so baaad... Bob: Goddammit. Mark: OH, SHUT UP. [everyone but Mark laughs] Jack: Aaand...woo! Bob: Pew! Oh, fuck you, paddle! Jack: Oh, shit... [Mark laughs] Wade [laughing]: Hey guys, welcome back! Mark: Ooooh... Jack: Hooshk! Mark: All right...that's good... Jack: Yeah, boy! Jack: Keep going! Keep going! keep going! Bob: Hwup -- Oh no! Jack: Keep going, ball! Wade: Woohooo! Jack: Yes! Wooo! [Wade makes triumphant grunting noises] Jack: This is *fun* now! Mark: Wade, were you just patient and got a hole in one? Wade: Yes. Jack: What the fuck is happening with your ball, Bob? Mark: Oh my God, Bob! Jack: Christ! Bob: I'm comin'. I'm comin'. Hang on. Mark: Let it go! Just let it go, Bob! [laughs] Jack: You're just bouncin' in the same place! [Wade laughs] Bob: Hang on... Bob: All right... Mark: Bob! It's already dead! Jack: Yeah! [laughs] Stop! Stop! [Bob laughs] Mark: Woah...woah... Wade: HOLE IN ONE! [Jack grunts] Bob: Nooo... Mark: Hole in one! Hole in one! Hole in one! Hole in one! Jack: Oh...oh! Mark: Hole in oooone! Jack: Hole in one! Hole in one! Hole in one! Bob: Jack, go away! Jack: Yeeeah! Mark: We got a hole in one! Yeah! Wade: Jack's winning! Jack: Of course I am. Wade [jokingly]: That NEVER happens! Jack: So suck my innards. Mark: Aw man. Mark: Uhhh... Wade: Wheee... Bob: Pew... Jack: Oh shit! [Wade screams] Bob: Oh shit! Oh Lord! Jack: I didn't fuckin' know THAT! Mark: Woah! Shit! [laughs] Jack: [grunts] Haaah! Bob: Guys, wait... Bob: I think you shoot out of the water if you bounce on it... Wade: Yeah! Thank you, Jack! Mark: [unclear] everyone said "Oh shit"... [unclear] Jack: What did you DO, Wade? Wade [laughing]: I bounced off of you into the hole! Jack: You SUCK! Jack: You SUCK! Wade: You guys are so much fun... Mark: WHAAAA no... Wade: Bye, Bob. [laughs] Bob: Oh no, no, ball! Ball! Ball! Jack: Aaaaahh...bye. Mark: Hang on, I got this...Boink! Jack [laughing]: Stay there... Mark: [rages for a second, then cheers] Bob: Mark... Jack: Aah, you did it. [Mark and Bob laugh] Wade: Wow... Jack: Let's go, Wade. Mark: Thank you. Mark: Totally intentional! Bob: Oh my God... Jack: Oh Christ... Mark: *Totally* intentional... Mark: This looks familiar... Wade: AH! NO! Bob: Wooo...Oh no! No! Ball! Oh my God... Jack: All you have to do is get the perfect line. [Jack grunts] Bob: Wade, why is the out of bounds so harsh? Wade: I don't know... Jack: Oh my Go-...Wade! WADE! Mark: Ohhh... [Wade laughs] Bob: I feel like they used to bounce out of bounds a lot more... Jack: I fucking HATE you. Mark: Jack! Mark: Jack, shoot! You're in my way. [Wade laughs] Jack: I bounced Wade into the hole again! [Bob laughs] Mark: Woooo... Bob: What the hell? Jack: Oh! Oh! Oh, there's so many fingers on the screen for you now, buddy. Jack: Oh sh-... Mark: I'll add some! I'm helping! [Wade laughs] Jack: [laughs] Thanks. Wade: Why? What did *I* do? Mark: What the fuck is this THIS? Mark [laughing]: Wow... Jack: go into the middle and then st- ...ugh, fuck. Bob: It's easy, idiots! Jack: I'm back, bitches! Bob: I diiid it! Mark: Hoo! Bob: Why did no one else use my strategy? There you go, Mark. Bob: That's a strategy. Mark: I use it afterwards. I thought I was better. [Jack grunts] Wade: Woo! Jack: Aw, you son of a bitch! No! Bob & Wade: Bye, Jack! Jack: FUUU-HUCK! [everyone else laughs] Jack: SUUUCK DICKS! [everyone else laughs] [everyone else continues laughing] Mark: That's what you get for being in first place, dillweeed! Jack: I hate this... Wade: Hey Jack, thanks for the first place you gave me! Jack: Wade, we're no longer friends. Wade: Ohhh...but it's Golf With Your Friends! Jack: No, it's Golf With Suck My Ass. Bob: Hey buddy! Jack: Ohhhh! Wade: Don't go in the 1st hole! Wade: The 1st bad. Bob: Oh, I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to! Wade: HOLE IN ONE! Jack: Oh! Oh! Oh! Jack: HOLE IN ONE! OH, PRAISE JEBEDIAH! Wade: There you go! [Mark rages incoherently, Wade and Jack laugh] Mark: But I went in the same hole YOU guys did! [everyone but Mark laughs] Mark: I went in the SAME! HOLE! Jack: It's okay! You're tied with Bob now. Mark: I went out the SAME...HOLE! Bob: We can be friends, Mark. [Wade laughs] Wade: Oh God... Jack: Fuck... Mark: It was the same hole! Mark: It was the same hole, right? Jack: Yeah. Bob: Yeah, it was. Bob: It was exactly the same hole, Mark. Jack [frustrated]: Ohhhhhh! *Why?* Mark: Why did it...[groans] Jack: WHY? Jack: I'm all the way back at the start again. Bob: Mark's getting shoved around! [laughs] [Wade laughs] Bob: Oh no! No, Mark! No no...Yes! Good bounce. Good bounce. Jack: Yes...Come on, push me! Push me! Push me, you s-...fuckin' hairy bitch! [Mark laughs] [Bob and Wade laugh] Jack: I get...I get so angry. Wade: Noooo...MARK! [Mark laughs] Jack: Yes! Bob: Mark, did you just block Wade from going in the hole? Wade: He DID! Bob: Oh my God... Jack: Sorry for my language. I get angry. Bob: That was beautiful. That was beautiful, that was beautiful, that was beautiful... Mark: Thank you. Thank you, thank you thank you... Jack: Okay...Oh, if you're good, you can bounce over. Bob: Are you guys ready for THIS shit? Bob: No,watch THIS! Bob: Pew! Jack: [laughs] "Watch THIS fuckin' shit!" Mark: Wooooah! Bob: Hey Mark. Pew! Mark: Sick moves, bruh. Heyyy... [Wade grunts] Bob: Oh my God, Wade, calm down! [laughs] Mark: You dick! Jack: Okay, I got this... [Mark groans in frustration] Jack: Ffffuck! Bob: Mark...Mark...awww. Bob: You gotta go slooow... Jack: H-..OHHHHH! [everyone but Jack laughs] Mark: What the hell, Wade? Wade: I was trying to hit you and you took off, so I hit Jack! [everyone but Jack laughs] Wade [laughing]: I was trying to get you back and I took Jack out instead! Jack [quietly]: are no words. Bob: Bye-bye. Jack: What the fuck... Wade: Wooo! Mark: Sorry Bob! Bob: I'm just going to get in the hole before everyone fucks with my shit. Mark: Ah shit! Goddammit, why am I over here... Bob: You're fucking with my shit. Don't fuck with my shit. Leave me alone. Mark: NoooOOOO! [Jack snarls] [Bob laughs] Wade: Mark! Nooo! Mark: I think I got this...Hup! Mark: There we go. [Jack fake-cries] Bob: Jack! Jack! *Softer,* Jack! Jack: I couldn't see the line! Mark: Ha-HAH! Bob: Go *softly!* Jack: I was, I was like stuck in the wall! I couldn't see the line. Jack: Oh fuck. Wait -- the hole is just down there. Mark: Oh geez. This looks bad. Bob: Yeah. Wade: You can go through the tunnel or you can go the other way. Bob: Pew! Wade: There's two areas to do it. Mark: Is there a possibility of a hole-in-one if we go through the tunnel? Bob: Yes... Wade: There's totally a possibility both ways but... Jack: This is just ea-...why is *this* a hole? Jack: This is not that hard... Bob: Bye everybody. Mark: Woah...woah... Mark: Woah, woah, woah, woah... Bob: Oh Mark...oh Mark... Jack: Oh...oh... [groans from Mark and Bob] Jack: OH-HO-HO-HO! Right behind you! Jack: I almost knocked you in! Mark: I was so... Mark: Oh man...why you couldn't you have been a friend? Wade: Woo-hoo! Jack: I...uh, sorry, man! [Bob laughs] Jack: I didn't mean to -- Oh God. Mark: Oh geez. Wade: This one, the third target's the one you want to hit. It will bounce you all the way to the end. Jack: I'd rather just try and go normally. Mark: I don't trust you. Mark: I don't trust you. Wade: Okay. Bob: Oh sweet Jesus... Jack: What the fuck? He did it! Mark: How are you supposed to...know where...the fuck hit? Wade: I TOLD you! Bob: You -- no no NO! Bob: Fuck... Jack: Yeah, but you can't -- [Mark shrieks] Wade: WHAT? Jack: WOAH! Mark: OH MY GOD! Mark: OH MY GOD! Bob: Mark... [laughs] Mark: WHAAAAT!? Wade: He did GOOD! Jack: You did an AWESOME thing! Mark: Whaaat? Mark: I KILLED it! [Bob laughs] Jack: Holy fuck! Mark: I MURDERED it! Jack: You really did! That was awesome! Wade: Hey, if I hadn't screwed, uh... Jack: Oh... Wade: If I hadn't screwed Jack over twice, he'd be tied with Bob! Mark: Ahhh...Wait, are there...Are there 2 flags on this, or is that a separate map? Bob: Yeah! That would be so impressive, Jack. Mark: That's a separate one, right? Bob: That's a separate one. Mark: Okay... Jack: I'm just going the normal way. Jack: I'm not tryin' any fuckin'...risky business. Bob: Ah shit! I should have just gone the normal way. Jack: Shiiit! Oh, I'm rolling all the way baaack! Mark: Woah! Two jumps! No one told me there were two jumps! Bob: Oh no, there's two jumps! Why? [Jack laughs] Bob: Why is there so many jumps? Wade: They're all bad except for the one with the flag. Jack: Where do they lead? Bob: Oh, I got this... Bob: Imma slam dunk this, are you ready? Are you ready, Jack? Mark: I'm ready. Jack: Don't -- if you hit me... Bob: What's up, bitches!? Oh God... [Mark laughs] Jack: Go in the hole! Go in the hole! Go in the hole! Wade: Bye, Bob! Jack: Yaaaay! [laughs] Bob: [Wade and Mark laugh] Mark: Accept your fate, Bob! Accept it. Jack: Accept your fate! Bob: No...It's not gonna happen. I'm gonna work my way out... Bob: Shit. Wade: Bye, Bob. Jack: Bloop! Yesss! I'm out of the way now. Mark: Try it again. Bob: I'm back, bitches... Wade: Bye, Bob! Jack: In the the the the hole... Bob: Fuck! Fuck! Jack: Yaaaay! Bob: Nope...nope, nope... Mark: Bob...Bob, Bob... Wade: Bye, Bob! Bob: Woo! Jack: Oh...oh, oh, go away! I can't see the fucking thing! The trees are in the way. Jack: Yes! Oh God, it's right in *there?* Mark: Ooh, that is not good. Wade: Uh-oh... Wade: Mistakes were not maaade! Jack: Oh, yes! Jack: WOO! Bob: Aw, fuck. Jack: Awesome! and roll back maybe you're coming back Mark: Hoo -- whoah! Maybe I'm coming back in? Jack: Roll back! Roll back, baby! Mark: Am I coming back in? Mark: Aw, fuck you, Wade! Ooh! Bob: Oh, Wade! Get out of the way, Wade! Jack: Niiice! Mark: THANK you, Wade! Bob: Get out of the way, Wade! Oh NO! Wade: Bye, Bob! [Jack laughs] Mark: Oh, BOB! Jack: What happened, Bob? Bob: I got it. I got this. Bob: Try and get in, Wade. I fucking dare you. [Mark and Jack laugh] Bob: I fucking *dare* you...NO! Wade: Badunk. [Jack starts to hum the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly] [everyone laughs] Bob: I was full power! How did that go in the hole when I was full power? Wade: I don't know. Mark: Oh wow. Bob: Yeah. Jack: Oh, I almost nailed it -- Oh shit. Oh shit. Too far and you're fucked. Wade: Noooo! Bob: Oh God...oh no... Mark: Woah woah woah... Jack: Wait, why am I behind *this?* Mark: Oh, okay. This is okay. Bob: Hey, Wade... Jack: Oh! Oh! Ohhh! Mark: Yes! Wade: Noooo! Bob: How did that work out -- [unclear] Jack: No. I'm goin' in before you guys fuck me over. Jack: Yes! Yes! This is where I get my lead back! Jack [singing]: We're aaall in thiiis togeetheer... Bob: I'm gonna try and...I'm gonna try and keep you in this, Jack. Jack: What? Bob: I'm gonna try to - [interrupted by Wade screaming] Jack: Thank you, Bob! Jack: *Thank* you! [blows kisses] Wade: BAHHHB! [Bob and Mark laugh] Mark: Yeah! Bob: I got it...Wait, I got it. It's gonna come back, I got it. Mark: Proud of ya. Proud of ya. Bob: Just hang on. Jack [laughing]: You got it. Mark: Proud of you. [Wade laughs] Bob: No, I got it. I got it. Hang on. Mark: Proud of you. [Jack laughs] Bob: It's gonna come back. Hang on. Hang on, it's gonna come back. Hang on, I got this... Wade: Bye, Bob. Mark: Proud of you, Bob. Proud of you. [Wade and Jack laugh] Bob: Hang on...oh. Wade: BYE, Bob. Mark: Proud of you! Jack: Oh God... Mark: Oh no... Mark: Wow, what is THIS? [Wade grunts] Jack: Yes! Yes... Jack: Woah! All the way! Bob: Holy shit, that sucks. Mark: What the hell? Mark: Wade, how'd you do that? Wade: I just j-jump- [interrupted by Mark's scream] Wade [laughing] I jumped better than that. Jack: Uh-oh...uh-oh...uh-oh... Mark [fake crying]: I didn't [unclear] Jack: Ah! Fucking LOGS! Jack: No! No! Oh God... Mark: Oh fuck this shit, I can't...[groans] Jack: Logs, don't do it... Mark: Aw, fuck! Wade: Schnitzel! Schnitzel! SCHNITZEL! Bob: What are you doing, logs? No, logs, why? Hey, Jack. Jack: Hi. Mark: Awww man... Jack: Oh, kick me in! Kick me in -- NOOO! Wade: Wooo...YES! Wade: YES! Mark: I am sucking...SO MUCH [unclear] -- Aw, fuck... Jack: Get in, get in, get in...oh yes. Mark: Aw, I'm out of strokes well that...fuck. Bob: Oh, that worked! That was such a good shot! Jack: Ohh yes! [Mark laughs] Jack: Oh you have a shot on me again. Fuck! Wade: That's the last hole! Jack: Noooo! Bob: Goddammit. Mark: Aw, how did I get... Mark: I...I got 9 strokes on that one? But it's only a 7 stroke limit! Wade: If you max out strokes, it adds you a penalty of 2, yeah. Bob: Yeah, you get a penalty if you suck. Mark: Awww... [Bob laughs, Mark groans] Don't forget to Subscribe to JackSepticEye for more video's and games Jack: So, you guys wanna go get burgers *without* Wade? Mark: Yeah, absolutely. Wade: But...*I* like burgers.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,434,140
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Golf With Friends, golf with friends game, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, multiplayer, co-op, collab, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, golf with friends jacksepticeye, golf with friends funny moments, anger, rage, funny, reaction, shapes, balls, crazy golf, golf game, funny golf game, online multiplayer, Let’s Play, Top of the morning, Eye, Commentary, Indie, Irish, Jack, rage game, hole in one, trickshots, impossible, levels, mini golf
Id: xHMpqdGsokQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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