Boneless Crispy Pata PangNegosyo Recipe, Super Crispy, Super Juicy Negosyong Panalo! With Costing

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Good day to all of you. Here in this video, we will cook a delicious crispy pata (pork leg or trotters) and a simple dipping sauce but if you tried this, you tasted it, you will say, "Wow! Delicious!" This can be served in households, during celebrations, and most of all, for business. Watch it until the end because we have a list of costing so that we can have an idea on how much will be our capital, how much we can sell it, and how much is our possible profit. So come on. Let's start. Tipid Tips Atbp Boneless Crispy Pata (Boneless Crispy Pork Leg or Trotters) Ingredients for Boneless Crispy Pork Leg or Trotters We will use 3 pieces of pata (pork leg or trotters). There are equal in weight, 1,200 grams each. It is better if you will buy the front leg. Tell the seller where you buy your pork if you are going to buy, *We also cleaned that using a razor or you can use fire to remove the remaining hair.* to give you the front legs *We also cleaned that using a razor or you can use fire to remove the remaining hair.* because this has more meat. *We also cleaned that using a razor or you can use fire to remove the remaining hair.* I also had the nails of that removed already *We also cleaned that using a razor or you can use fire to remove the remaining hair.* so that it looks cleaner. *We also cleaned that using a razor or you can use fire to remove the remaining hair.* We will also use rock salt. Later, I will tell you how many tablespoons of salt we will use. We will use black pepper. It can be the whole one, or the crushed one. You can add more or lessen this. This is 1 tablespoon. For our dipping sauce, we will use ⅓ cup of soy sauce. ⅓ cup of vinegar. Any vinegar will do. I used nipa palm vinegar. ⅓ cup of water. 3 tablespoons of brown sugar. You can add more of this or lessen it, depending on the sweetness you like. 2 pieces of onions. We will chop these into small pieces. We will just use this for toppings. And of course, if we will make this our business, *You can also include pepper.* it is better to include chili *You can also include pepper.* because we, most of the Filipinos, like spicy foods. *You can also include pepper.* Of course, we will use cooking oil. So now, let us start cooking. Okay now, we will cook the pork legs or trotters. Let us just place all of these inside the pot. We will use a measuring pitcher. This is 1 liter or 1,000 mL. We will put water on this. It is better if it is higher than the pork legs or trotters. Since our pot is quite small, it should be at least at the same height. It is better if you will use a bigger pot so that when this boils, it will not overflow. Let us measure how many liters will we be using. One. Two. *500 mL* We were able to put 2,500 mL of water. Every 1 liter or 1,000 mL of water, we will put 2 tablespoons of salt. I used rock salt. One. Two. We will all in all put 5 tablespoons of salt. 1 tablespoon of salt for the 500 mL of water. Three. Four. Five. We added 5 tablespoons of salt. Now, we will put black pepper. You can add this when it is already boiling or you can put it already. But I will put it already. And now, we will bring this in the stove. We placed it already. We will just wait for it to boil. We will be back later. Now it is boiling and we lowered the heat as well. We will just wait for that to cook in low heat. After 30 minutes, the pork leg or trotter on top, we will switch it with the bottom one so that they will cook evenly. We will get back to that after one hour. Let us now remove the pork legs or trotters from the pot because these are very tender already. The tenderness of this is okay already. And we boiled this for one and a half hours. Okay, let's remove it from the pot. Now, we removed it from the pot. We will wait for this to cool down first. It will be better to prick the skin with a fork so that when we fry it, it is nice to look at. We will return later. Now, our crispy pork legs or trotters have cooled down already. Let us just weight this one since these three have equal weight a while ago when we cooked it. What is left from the 1.2 kilograms is 900 grams after we cooked and tenderized. You can sell this one already. We will just wrap this with cling wrap then we will put it in our freezer. I will show you one way. We will debone this. Since many are selling crispy pork legs or trotters, this will be a unique way to sell this. But it still depends on you on what you want to do. If you will put up a sign outside your house, "Boneless Crispy Pata (Pork Legs or Trotters) Available Here," it is nice to look at, they'll get intrigued, and they will be curious about it. So we will do that today. We will debone these already. This one, which we will fry, we will set it aside first. Before we start, we should wash our hands first. We will not wear gloves any more because we might cut ourselves. Let us start with this one. In deboning this, you should work or slice in one part first. And you should be gentle since this is soft and tender already. Just like this. You should have a sharp knife because you will separate the meat from the bone. This part is just easy to remove because the meat is separated already. We are done deboning one pork leg or trotter. And the small meats we removed here in the foot area are placed inside. Then we will just close that again. This is the other one that we will debone. If you are going to make it boneless, you will look for the nice part which you will not slice. Just like this one, it already has cut, then you will start deboning there. The next thing that we will do is we will wrap all of these with cling wrap. This is not boneless. This is the one in which we removed the bone. The one with the bone still looks larger compared to the boneless. In this way, it depends on you on what you like between these two. What is nice about this is there are only a few who sell boneless crispy pork leg or trotter. In repacking this, we can vacuum seal it, or it can also be like this. We will use cling wrap. If you will sell this regular crispy pork leg or trotter, Just put up a sign in front of your house, for example, "Available Here Ready to Cook Crispy Pata (Pork Leg or Trotter)." If you will be doing this method, you will put up a sign in front of your house which says, "Available Here Ready to Cook Boneless Crispy Pata (Pork Leg or Trotter)." It is nicer to look at. It is nice to read and it makes readers curious. But you can sell both of these. Later, I will tell you the price of these in our costing. And we will still fry this so that I can show you another method of selling this, the ready to eat crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). Let us heat the pan first and then we will put the cooking oil. It is better if the crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) is deep-fried. The oil is hot already. It is boiling already. You can test it. For you to determine if it is hot already, you can put a stick in there. And when, there, it forms bubbles in the stick, it means that our oil is hot already. We will now start frying. We will cook two pieces, the one with a bone and the boneless one so that we can see the difference between the two. But before we start, let us put some flour first to lessen the splattering of oil. Let us fry it already. The crispiness of this is not yet enough. We will make this crispier in high heat because if it is cooked in low heat, the meat of the crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) will become hard to chew. Let us put it in again. The heat should be high so that the crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) will not harden. There, we will just make the skin crispy then we will flip it already so that the meat will not harden. Our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) is done. They are both crispy already. Okay, while we are waiting for these crispy pata (pork legs or trotters) to cool down, we will first make the sauce. Let us just combine our ingredients except for the onions and chili. We will separate this. Let us put the water. Vinegar. Soy sauce. Brown sugar. Let us mix this until the brown sugar is dissolved. Our sauce is just simple but this is delicious. It is perfect for our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). Let's taste it. The taste of our sauce is okay already. If you like it to be sweeter, you can add more or if you don't want it to be that sweet, you can lessen it. It depends on your taste on which is more delicious. We can add the onion later. This will be like toppings. We were able to make more than 200 mL. Let us set this aside and let us go back to our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). The next thing that we will do is to repack this crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) if for example, someone is buying already. This is the packaging that I can suggest to you but if this container is small, you can buy a taller one. But this one is smaller compared to this. This is what is available here at home so we will use this. Or you can also use a small winnowing basket. It depends on you on what packaging to use which looks beautiful for you. But of course, you should include the cost of any packaging you will use in your costing. When someone orders from you, ask them if they want to have it chopped or not. If they will not have it chopped, you can now put this in the packaging. You will just wrap it with cling wrap or aluminum foil. I will not chop this anymore you can surely do this already since this is boneless already. Let us put this in our packaging already. Now, this is the one we will chop, the one with bone, because for sure, someone will ask you how to chop this because this has a huge bone. I will show you a simple way. You can use a knife or kitchen scissors. Let's open this first. There, it's so crispy. Look at the meat of our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). It's tender and juicy. We will put this at the bottom and the skin is on top so that it will look attractive. But don't slice or cut the meat too small because it might look like crushed already. This is done. You will just chop it and include the bone. And you will just design the meat beautifully on top. When we are done chopping it, the next thing that we will do is to wrap it. I will use a cling wrap. Let me give you an example. That is wrapped already. For the sauce, you can put it in these containers, in cups, or in plastic bags. That will do as well so that it is more durable and cheaper. Of course, for any packaging you use, you will include it in your costing. Just like this one, let's fill this already. It is better if you will be generous with the sauce since our sauce is not expensive. Just include a chili. You can include ketchup so that the kids can also have a dipping sauce. There is a cheaper brand of ketchup. You can cook this for a sweet and sour sauce but it depends on you already. You can decide for that on your own, on what you want to include in your crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). And we will also put in this plastic for ice. Just choose whichever is nice for you. Our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) is ready. It's complete. Before you hand it to your customer, you should place it in a paper bag where our packaging will fit. Let us put it in a paper bag so that it looks nicer. Let us include the sauce inside. And then put tape to close it. If you have a sticker, you can use that to lock it here, or if you have a stamp, so that it is more beautiful and our product is presentable. You can include chili or our homemade chili garlic oil. If you haven't watched it yet, watch it already. It is that video. We will taste this quickly first so that we can proceed with the costing. Before we proceed with the costing, I will just taste this quickly. Wow! When I removed the cling wrap, it smells so good. It makes me hungry. Let us taste the meat first. And this is my sauce. I added chili in it already because I like spicy food. Delicious. And let us taste the skin. Our crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) is delicious. The taste of it is just right. And the sauce we made, it is perfect for this. So if you will try this, you will surely like it. The meat is not dry. Tender. Juicy. The technique in frying this crispy pata (pork leg or trotter) is just like the lechon kawali (lechon carajay) wherein it should be in high heat so that the meat will not harden. And the skin of this is crispy. The inside is juicy and tender. So you will surely like this. And if you will make this your business, you will surely be known as the store with a delicious crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). The seasoning we put, which were salt and pepper, it is so delicious even if we only put those two. The taste is so natural. We just tasted the meat and the right saltiness. Before, when I used to make the ketchup sauce, I'm just putting water and sugar. I boil it then it is done. Okay, it's delicious as well. And now we will do the costing so that we will have an idea on how much capital do we need, how much we can sell it, and to have an idea of how much can we possible earn for our profit with this. Okay, before we start, as I always remind you, we must do our own costing since we have different locations and the prices of the ingredients we buy vary. I am giving you an idea on how we will do the costing for our products. Now, we will first compute the costing for the ready to cook crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). Let us start with the 3 pieces of pata (pork leg or trotter) which weighs 1,200 grams each. Our capital for that is 660 pesos. 220 pesos is the capital for each pata (pork leg or trotter). For the salt and pepper, let us just estimate it at 4 pesos. So the total capital for the ingredients is 664 pesos. Now, let us add other expenses. Let us add 30 pesos for the cost of gas. 10 pesos for the electric cost. That is when we will put this in the refrigerator when we will stock it there already. 10 pesos for the cling wrap which we will use for wrapping this. But that is more than the price. And let us add the labor of 40 pesos. So our total capital is 754 pesos. Now, for us to now the capital for each pata (pork leg or trotter), let's divide it into 3 pieces since we made 3 pieces of this. So our capital is 251.33 pesos. That is our capital for each pata (pork leg or trotter). Of course, if you will make this your business, one important thing here so that you will not have a hard time is your products should equal in weight. But for example, if you bought different sizes of pata (pork legs or trotters), I will give you an example of how we will do the costing for that. For example, for this 3 kilograms we cooked, you will weigh that when it is cooked already. If you can remember earlier when we weigh these, the weights of these are just 900 grams. Since all three has the same weight, the total weight is 2,700 grams. Now, for us to determine our capital per kilogram, we will divide our capital of 754 pesos by 2.7 kilograms or 2,700 grams. That will result in 279.25 pesos capital for every kilogram of pata (pork leg or trotter). Since this weigh less than a kilogram, or 900 grams, when we weighed it earlier, for us to determine our capital for this, our capital of 279.25 pesos per kilogram, we will multiply it by 0.9 kilograms. That will result in 251 pesos capital for this one 900-grams pata (pork leg or trotter). That is how you will do it. Whatever is the weight of this in grams, you will just multiply it by the capital per kilogram, then, you can determine our capital for each pata (pork leg or trotter). That method of costing is used by those who sell these with small, medium, and large sizes. That is where you can apply it because whatever is the weight of that, you can still compute for it. Now, let us go back to the ready to cook pata (pork leg or trotter) which we were costing earlier. We are already done with the pata (pork leg or trotters). Our capital for that is 251.33 pesos. Now let us calculate the one for the sauce. We used soy sauce, vinegar, water, sugar, and onions. Let's say that it costs 30 pesos. But that price is too much already. When we made the sauce, we were able to make more than 200 mL. We can serve 3 orders from that. Let us just estimate it at 30 pesos. We are done with the ready to cook pata (pork leg or trotter). We are also done with the sauce. And now, for the selling price. You can sell this for 300 to 350 pesos. But that still depends on your location. I just gave you an idea of how to do the costing for this crispy pata (pork leg or trotter). But here in our place, I will price it for 350 pesos. Let us multiply it by 3 since we cooked 3 pieces. So that results in 1,050 pesos earning for selling these. Let us deduct our expenses so that we can determine how much will be our profit. Let us deduct the 754 pesos capital. Let us deduct 30 pesos for the sauce as well. We will still earn a profit of 266 pesos with these 3 pieces of pata (pork legs or trotters). That is just for three pieces of pata (pork legs or trotters). But of course, that still depends on your hard work. As time pass, you can make 6 pieces or you can double your sales. You are consistent in selling and you are already popular in your area. Let us just say that we are able to sell three pieces in one day. The profit there is 266 pesos. Let's multiply it by 30 days. So we can possibly earn a profit of 7,980 pesos That is our possible profit from three pieces of ready-to-cook pata (pork leg or trotter) every day. It is not impossible for you to sell three pieces per day as long as you will include hard work then you will surely earn. Now, let us calculate the cooked one already. If you can remember earlier, our capital for the ready to cook is 251 pesos. We will just add the cooking oil, 10 pesos. That costs 10 pesos only since you will not be frying only one piece of pata (pork leg or trotter) in that oil. Because if you will make this your business, you can still use that again. Let us also add the cost for the gas for frying it which costs 5 pesos since it is just quick to cook this. Let us again add 10 pesos for the labor. But earlier, we already included labor cost there for tenderizing the pork. Now, we will add labor costs for frying it. And let us add the costs for the sauce, 15 pesos. If you can remember earlier, costs 30 pesos for 3 orders We have 15 pesos for the ketchup. Let us add 25 pesos for the packaging where we will put it. There, this container, cling wrap, then if we will put label in it, and the paper bag. Let us just estimate those for 25 pesos. So our capital for each pata (pork leg or trotter) is 316 pesos. Now, we know our capital for each cooked pata (pork leg or trotter). It still depends on your location on how much you will price it. What is important is we know our capital already. Here in our place, I can sell that for 400 to 450 pesos. But here in our place, I will price it for 450 pesos. Let us deduct our capital of 316 pesos. So we will still earn a profit of 134 pesos. Now, let's multiply that by 3 pieces since we were able to make 3 pieces. So it will result in 402 pesos. There, I will just give you an example. If we sell it every day, we are able to sell all three pieces, with a profit of 402 pesos, multiply it by 30 days. We can possibly earn a profit of 12,060 pesos within a month if we sell consistently and we are already popular in our place. But of course, that still depends on us. It still depends on our strategy and how eager we are to earn. Not because I gave you the idea that you can earn this amount, or if you think that if you sell this, then you will earn that much right away, of course, we still need to work hard for that. Not because we started selling, it will immediately grow. We will really be working hard for that first before we earn a lot, or become popular in our place. Always remember that what is important in a business is to take care of your products, it should be consistent with the taste, and you will really master that. Post it in your social media accounts so that it becomes popular. One more important thing there is you should know how to interact with your customers. You should not have a snobby attitude. Many can surely relate to this. You will buy food and the seller is very snobby. Buying to them seems like indebtedness. No matter how delicious their product is, but they don't know how to interact with their customers, customers will really be avoiding buying there. It is still important to have a good interaction with our customers so that they will keep coming back to us to buy. As I always say, they will be the one to advertise that in that store, the food is delicious and the seller is nice. So for sure, it is not impossible for you to become popular and your business to grow as long as you are dedicated to earn or to grow and improve your products and business. As I always say, as long as you will include a strategy, it is not impossible for you to earn. Let me repeat. In our costing, I am giving you an idea of how we will compute for the costing of our products and our possible earnings if we are consistently selling and we will be popular in our area. Any business you start wherein you will not strive for it, you will not take care of it, nothing will really happen. One more important this is we should be consistent in selling. It should not be like today, you will sell, tomorrow, you will not. In this video that I make, I inspire you that you can possibly earn. I am not saying that, if you will sell this, you will immediately earn this amount. Nowhere in my videos did I say that if you sell this, you will earn that amount already. What I say is you can possibly earn that if you will be successful in selling and if you will strive for it. Now, before this video ends, I will just give quick shoutouts. Shoutout to ma'am Rizalina Cruz who congratulated us and she said that she always watches our videos. She tried our espasol recipe. She said that it was delicious although it was heavy to mix it. She also wants to shoutout her children, Bianca Mae Sasamori and Sassy. There, thank you very much to you, ma'am Rizalina Cruz and shoutout to you. There. And shoutout to ma'am Kelly Lindsay Berame as well. She said that she always watch on our channel and she wants us to give shoutout to her family. Shoutout to the Berame family and shoutout to you as well, ma'am Kelly. Shoutout to ma'am Clarita Sevilla as well. She said that she learned a lot in our videos and she wants us to give a shoutout to Clarita Sevilla family from Batasan Old, San Miguel, Bulacan. Thank you very much for watching and shoutout to you ma'am Clarita Sevilla. Shoutout to ma'am Rosemarie Llorente as well. And shoutout to her husband, Mr. Lito, and to her grandchildren, Syden and Zandro. Shoutout to all of you. She said that she is inspired by our videos and she wants to start a business even just in front of the house of her child. So shoutout to you ma'am Rosemarie Llorente. Thank you very much to you. And shoutout to sir Chef JL Gondra. He always watches our videos and it is enticing to cook he thanks us for our videos it is a big help to those who want to start a business. Thank you to you too, sir Chef Jl Gondra. Shoutout to you. Thank you very much to all of you. Shoutout to all of you. I hope before this video ends, I was able to give another idea to you or I was able to inspire you with this video. And again, I am inviting you to visit my Youtube channel, Tipid Tips Atbp, because you can still see more videos there and you will have an idea that we can start a business even if we are just at home. And if you haven't subscribed yet, you can subscribe if you like these kinds of videos. And don't forget to click the bell button so that you are updated whenever we have new uploads. I am also inviting you to like and follow our FB page, Tipid Tips atbp., so that even if you are in FB, you are still updated when we have new uploads. And don't forget to like and share so that in this way, you can help give ideas to our fellow mothers, fellow mommies, friends, workmates, that it is possible to earn even if they are just at home or it is possible to have a sideline business. And as I always say, let us still be more careful. Let us always follow the rules set by the government. So see you in my next videos. Thank you very much. Bye-bye! [applause] [music]
Channel: Tipid Tips atbp.
Views: 70,314
Rating: 4.8796501 out of 5
Keywords: tipid tips atbp Boneless Crispy Pata PangNegosyo Recipe With Costing, Sideline/Homebased Business Boneless Crispy Pata, madaling paraan ng paggawa ng masarap na Boneless Crispy Pata, sikreto ng masarap na Boneless Crispy Pata, Panlasang Pinoy Boneless Crispy Pata, Negosyo Idea sa maliit na puhunan Boneless Crispy Pata, Yummy Kitchen Boneless Crispy Pata, Ingredients for Boneless Crispy Pata, How to cook Boneless Crispy Pata, Special Boneless Crispy Pata, Boneless Crispy/Juicy Pata
Id: SAhIyphAcYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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