Murang Negosyo Idea: Christmas Ham for Noche Buena and Media Noche W/Costing

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Good day to all. Today, I will again cook a delicious Christmas ham. You will surely like this. And of course, to my fellow mothers there, you can also make this a sideline business to help your husband with an additional income. And for those who are already working there, you can also make this your sideline business. But before I start, I would like to greet my viewers first. Merry Christmas to all of you. And to our beloved OFWs, a very merry Christmas to all of you. And I also want to greet my brother-in-law, Herardo Lanzanas, neice, Ainee Lanzanas who is in Italy, and my sister-in-law, Flor Panganiban who is in Macao, Merry Christmas to all of you. Merry Christmas to all OFWs as well. If you haven't subscribed yet, click that already and don't forget to click the bell as well so you'll get notified with my videos. Come on. Let us start cooking a delicious Christmas Ham. Tipid Tips Atbp Christmas Ham Ingredients for Christmas Ham 2 and ½ kilogram of pork pigue (ham). We just divided that into two. ½ cup of salt. 4 tablespoons of light or dark brown sugar. 1 tablespoon of curing salt. We will also use ½ gallon of pineapple juice. This is where we will cook the ham after we cure it. 2 and ½ cup of light or dark brown sugar. So come on. Let's start. The first thing that you will do is to wash the pork and you should drain the water after. There, I placed it in a strainer so that it will dry. Now, the next thing that we will do when it is dry already is we will be needing a container and we will do the curing process. Let us put ½ cup of salt. If you will only be making 1 kilogram, you will only use ¼ cup of salt. Next, we will put the sugar. And let us put 1 tablespoon of curing salt. There. This curing salt will help turn the meat to pinkish in color. There, so you really need to have curing salt. And for those who will be asking where I bought the curing salt, it is available in big groceries but here in our place, they ran out of stocks. So we just bought it online. There, this is its packaging. It looks like this. There, it looks like that. That is half a kilogram. We bought that for more than 50 pesos and you will add the additional shipping fee but it is just cheap. You will just pay for around 100 pesos. Now, let us put the pork. Let us rub it, wrap it with salt. Let us put both of it. Let us rub it. There, if you are done wrapping it, then it is done. We will now get a container, a tupperware, to place this. I will put it here. It should be covered really well. Is it seen? Why is it dark? Then you will flip this every day to balance the color and taste. Let us put the cover. We will now put this in the refrigerator. You should only put this in the chiller only, not in the freezer. And we will cure this for 5 to 7 days. But I will cure it for 7 days so that is is tastier. If you will see water in there, that's normal. As long as you will flip it every day. So we will now put this in our chiller. We are done curing the ham that we will make. I cured it for 7 days so that it is more delicious, it becomes more delicious, and softer. Now, here, I will show you. Let us just face the camera downwards because it is not seen. There. Let us just put it closely. There. What I did first with this is we washed it first. Then we drained the water. Let us put it first here. When you made this ham, you can make a big one already. If you have a big family, this is surely delicious. For sure, you will be the one making this and I am sure that this really tastes like ham. What we will do now is we should tie this ham so that it is round in shape. What I will do is I will wrap it using a net because it is better to use this so that you can shape the ham roundly and the meat will have net marks design, the fats on top. It is nicer than tying it because it is difficult. There. This is just how we will do it. That is how the design will look like. Then let us just tie this. We will both tie these two hams. Let us just find out how we will tie this properly. Just find a way whichever is easy for you. We are now done tying the hams. This is how it looks like. There. It is easier if you will use a net. It is wrapped well and you ham has design on it. That is more beautiful later when it is cooked. Now, we need a pot to cook this. Let us use my favorite pot. Let us place it here. There, that is how it will look like. And we will now put the pineapple juice. This is not sponsored. This is just what I use when I cook a ham. It's tastier when you use Del Monte. But it depends on you on what you like. But what I can advise is it is better to use the Del Monte pineapple juice. For example, if you will make this your business, you can save money if you will cook a lot all at the same time since you can save money from the cost of the Del Monte pineapple juice, and for cooking it once using gas. This one that I am making today is just for our household. And if you are asking what sauce will we use, it will be unlimited sauce since the broth here is also our sauce. That is delicious already. If you will buy ham in groceries, that is not generous with the sauce. But if you will be making on your own, you'll have unlimited sauce. Okay. It is done. We already placed the pineapple juice as the broth. And we will now put light or dark brown sugar. I just used light brown sugar. The darker one will do. But this is just the available sugar, only the light brown sugar so I will just use this. With the 2 and ½ kilograms of ham we will make, we will put 2 and ½ cup of sugar. So these were the first ones. I already put it in the first cup. This is the second cup. And we will still put ½ cup. There, that is okay. Let us just distribute the sugar. We are done putting pineapple juice and sugar. We will now put this in the stove and we will tenderize- Now we will boil this for about an hour. And when it boils, lower the heat. It should be cooked in a very low heat only So that our ham will be tastier. Let us get back again on after one hour. Now, let us check the ham. I tenderized it for 1 and ½ hours in low heat only. The softness of this is okay already since I checked it earlier already. Then I had it cook for another short while. There, let us just remove this from the stove. This is it. I just removed the ham from the pot and I can smell it. It makes me hungry. Now, while the ham is hot, we will untie it or remove the net because if you remove it when the ham is cold already, the meat and fat of the pork will stick. It might be wasted. It will break. The pork fat is delicious so we will not let it go to waste. So while it is still hot, we will untie it or remove the net. This is what I am saying, that if you will use a net, your ham will have net marks design. Can you see it? There. It's nice to look at if you will use a net. Be careful because it might break. Then let us remove the other one. Now, we are done removing the nets. And we will cool these down first. These are already cold. We have cooled them down already. And we will cook one while we will pack the other. I will show you how you will make it your business if you like this to become a source of your extra income. What we will do is to wrap one first then we will cook the other one in the oven. But it depends on you on how you will cook it, if you will fry it or place it in the oven. Let's set this one aside first. Now, we will repack it. We will brush it first with the broth we used. This is so that it won't stick in the plastic wrap. So we need to put this. This is done. And we will now put it in the plastic. When we have placed this in the plastic, we will include the broth so that the ham will become tastier. You will put it inside. The amount depends on you. This is okay already and now we will pack it properly. In wrapping it, the plastic should not bulge. Then just lock it with tape so that it won't be removed. You will stretch out the plastic and you will just lock it with tape properly. The next thing that we will do is to wrap the ham with thicker plastic so that it won't have a hole. We will just use thick plastic. I used a plastic cover which is thick. This is used in covering notebooks. I just cut a square so we can wrap this properly. Then we will tie this with a cable tie. But if you will see a better material for tying this, that is better. I used the cable tie because it is available here in our place. You can buy like this which has designs in bakery supplies stores. We are now done wrapping the ham. Here. I just cut the excess plastic here and the excess cable tie. There. So that it looks good. This is now the ham that we can sell. Now, you can place it in a box. But the box available here is a big one. I will just show you that there is a smaller box like this so that our ham is exact inside. There, that is how it will look like. Then it will be like that. But our box is quite big. There, it should be a smaller box. There, it looks like that, so that it exactly fits inside. Of course, you should include that sauce. If you have a sealer, you can use that to seal the plastic, the thicker plastic than this, the one larger than the plastic for peanuts. That is how it looks like. Then you will seal it with the sealer so that it looks nicer. Then just include it inside the box then you already have a homemade ham to sell. There. That's delicious. Unlimited sauce. If you take orders who requested for more sauce, you can add more because the broth we used to boil the ham still has a lot of excess. So this is the ham that we will sell. Now, I will show you how to cook the ham. I will use the oven. But to those who don't have ovens, or if you like, you can just fry it. So now, what I will do is I will use the oven. Now, we will be cooking. But this, I will show it to you first, this one we made in the box, I weighed this already and it weighs 800 grams. And this one is exactly 1 kilogram. The first thing that we will do is to brush this with sugar. This is okay already. We brushed it with sugar already. And the next thing that we will do is to preheat the oven before we place this. While we are preheating the oven, let us ready our ham. There, let us put it in a tray. You should watch this while cooking because it might burn. We will just wait for the sugar to caramelize and then this is okay already. The oven is heated already and we will now place the ham inside. I set the temperature at 250 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat coming from the top and bottom, and I set the timer for 20 minutes. Our ham is done already and we didn't finish the 20-minute timer. It just took 10 minutes because the sugar has caramelized already so this is okay already. We are now done cooking it in the oven. This is it. Then we will just slice this and put designs on top and then it's done. Okay, now we are done with our ham and we put design already. There, the ham is very delicious and while it is cooking, the sauce, while it is in the oven, smells so good. It's so delicious. It makes me hungry. So this is perfect this Christmas and New Year. You already have a dish to prepare. There, let me just show it to you up close so you can see it well. There. Let me use my hands already. That is how the ham looks like. That is also because of the curing salt. That is why curing salt is important when we make a ham. Now, I will taste this first then we will proceed with the costing. I will use my hand already. Then this is the sauce. The sauce is where we boiled our ham. There it is. And the sauce is so delicious as well. The taste is perfect. I didn't add anything more here in our sauce. I removed the ham from the pot then I still boiled it in low heat so the broth will thicken. There were a lot of remaining sauce that is why we will enjoy a lot of sauce. Let us just dip it. Our ham is so delicious. It makes me hungry. It is so delicious to eat with no rice. Is there no bread? It is so delicious to eat with bread. It is so delicious to eat without rice. It is so delicious to eat with rice. It's soft and tasty. Then the sauce is so delicious. You can taste the pineapple and then its sweetness. So they are perfect. Make this your business or prepare it this coming Christmas and New Year. Then this is the one in the box. Let me just show it again. There, there it is. Just buy a smaller box than this because this box is big. So now we will proceed with the costing before I finish this food that I am eating. It is so delicious to eat it with no rice. Delicious. You will surely like this ham. Now we will do the costing first. We will first compute how much was our capital. And the pork, 2 and ½ kilograms cost 450 pesos. The light or dark brown sugar is 24 pesos. For the salt and curing salt, let us just estimate it at 6 pesos. And the pineapple juice is 85 pesos. And the cost of electricity and gas is 50 pesos. So the total is 615 pesos. Like what I said earlier, the weights of the two hams we made are one 800 grams, and one 1000 grams, or 1 kilogram. So we were able to make 1.8 kilograms of ham. We will divide our capital of 615 pesos by 1.8 kilograms and that is equal to 341 pesos capital per kilogram. For the 800 grams, let us multiply 341 pesos by 0.8 kilograms. That is 800 grams. The is equal to 272 pesos capital for the 800 grams of ham. So weighing it is important so you can determine the weight and how to compute for the costing or capital for a product. We know that a kilogram of ham costs 500 pesos so it depends on you on how much you will add on the price if you will make this your business. If you will make a lot, you can save money from the capital of the ingredients such as the pineapple juice since that is quite expensive. You can save money from the ingredients and from cooking. So the more pieces you cooked, *Note: Don't forget the costs of the packaging such as the plastic and box.* the bigger your profit will be. *Note: Don't forget the costs of the packaging such as the plastic and box.* Before this video ends, again, I would like to thank my viewers. Thank you very much to all of you and I hope you continue to grow in number. Again, I am inviting all of you to visit my Youtube channel, Tipid Tips Atbp, and you can see more videos there. So if you haven't subscribed yet, click that already. And click the bell so you will get notified of the videos I will make. So thank you very much to all of you and merry Christmas! Just like and share if you like this so that of course, your friends can have an idea that they can still earn additional income even if they have a source of income already. So thank you very much to all. Bye-bye! [applause] [music]
Channel: Tipid Tips atbp.
Views: 374,853
Rating: 4.8907351 out of 5
Keywords: tipid tips atbp, negosyo idea sa maliit na puhunan, murang negosyo idea sa halagang 500 pesos, patok na negosyo ngayong pasko at bagong taon, negosyong malaki ang kita, paano gumawa ng Christmas ham, ingredients purefoods fiesta ham, how to cook fiesta ham, fiesta ham for noche buena and media noche, fiesta ham for Christmas and new year, patok na negosyo ngayong 2020, recipe for fiesta ham, holiday ham swift fiesta ham purefoods fiesta ham, fiesta ham panlasang pinoy, tipid tips
Id: Wm74nCt9U18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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