BOLD - Animated Video Grid Tutorial / Power Grid / Davinci Resolve

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my name is william justice today i'm going to show you my new power grid system to help you easily set up video grids with animation in davinci resolve fusion [Music] a while back i created a video about making a video grid in davinci resolve ever since then i've been wanting to do it a little bit better well with my power grid system i've created an updated version that should be a lot easier and faster to use you can customize the rows and columns set it to be whatever you want adjust margins set the border radius change your background or background color and we can add some animations so you see these video grids everywhere now so i've tried to make this easy to use and really really simple so you can quickly get your grid set up you basically go to configure your grid settings rows and columns push a button to download it and drag it right into fusion once you connect up your media you're ready to go if you enjoy my content make sure you like this video and subscribe to my channel for more fun content with davinci resolve if you have any comments questions feedback or if you just want to say hi leave a comment down below i'd really love to hear from you and i will definitely get right back to you i've created the grid structure in fusion but don't get intimidated i've made it really easy to use once you get the grid in there you just connect up your media and that's about it and you can do some more advanced stuff later if you want to but it's not really necessary the first step to creating the grid is to set up a fusion composition to do that we're going to click effects library then click effects from the toolbox menu take the fusion composition and drag it into our timeline and we can take it and stretch it out to whatever length we want then click fusion at the bottom of the screen to get a diffusion okay now we have our fusion composition set up now that we're in fusion let's go to to create our grit we're at my website there's several ways to get to the grid generator you can click fusion generators right here at the top and choose video grid generator you can click this graphic right here to get to the power grid generators the same thing and i've also added a new page in resources called all videos i'm going to be filling in everything right here so this hopefully should make things a little bit easier to find if you're looking for one of my past videos or something new everything is going to be listed here once i get this built out let's go back to the home page and click the power grid and this will take us to the generator we just have a couple of settings here it's really simple you can choose the rows and columns so if you want it to be eight by eight you could do that we're going to do a three by three there's a scale option which you can set it to fit or none i'll explain this in just a little bit we're going to leave it at fit for now the basic is a static grid with no animation and you choose advanced if you're going to be animating the grid and moving things around a little bit the reason i broke this out is the advanced tends to run a little bit slower it takes a little more time to render so if you're not doing any animation just choose the basic it's going to be faster so you can see here basically this is what you this little graphic shows you what happens here it's going to generate this node structure you're going to attach your media and it's going to spit out this grid right here okay so let's go ahead and create our grid now it's going to we're going to do a three by three grid scale to fit basic with no animation i'll show you the animation in just a bit we're going to click generate download grid settings and it downloaded our grid file right here so what do you do with this file let me show you all right so we have our grid downloaded to use it all we need to do is take it and drag it right into the fusion composition and you can see here we have our grid structure so you can see we have one one one two one three so this is row one row two row three and then you have the columns so instead of the grid all we need to do is take media drag it into the node area and connect it up to the input of the on each of the grid positions let me drag the media in real quick we're going to take each of these media nodes and connect them up to the grid positions and you'll see the grid is starting to fill in and there we go we have a basic grid setup next i wanted to go through some of the options you have for customizing the grid first thing you can click is this grid control um node right here this gives you two settings you can adjust the margin which is the spacing between each of the media clips in the grid so we can make it a wider margin or actually you can take have no margin and all the clips will be butted up against each other so you can change that dynamically here and then you can add a border radius so if you want to have a little curved look you can do that too so you don't have to have the hard edge you're gonna kind of have a little rounded corner we can change the background right here you can put a really you can put whatever you want to in here but uh obviously you can change the color you could um you can make it transparent if you wanted to whatever we're gonna go ahead and leave ours as black the radius out and bring the margin back down okay so each of the grid nodes we're going to click on that there's some settings um the this is the basic grid so the row and column and row span and col span column span do not work those are for the advanced mode so there's a scale and position which i'll show these when we get to the advanced mode by default the image automatically scales to fit within this area you can adjust the size if you need the image to be bigger or smaller and you can adjust the position if you need to move which part of the image is being seen so you can do that for the images so if you want to move these clouds around that's in position one three so we click that right there we could make them a little bit bigger and adjust the position there's also an angle if you if you needed to rotate it so the last thing is there's a blend so you can have these fading in and out as you need um also i added a quick note here on the top um it's definitely not required but if you feel like it you can definitely buy me a cup of coffee um there's a link also a link on my website um i put this in here because from time to time i've had people inquire about how to donate to me so i set up this link for anyone that's interested but for everyone else honestly um i really just appreciate you watching my videos commenting liking sharing and i hope that you're able to do something fun with what i'm making so i just really appreciate everyone's support okay now let's create an advanced grid with a little bit of animation i'll show you how to do that let's go back to the timeline and in the timeline what we're going to do is we're going to go to the media pool and one of the things is the way we did the set of the last one when you just drag those clips into the uh fusion area it's hard to sequence them and set which part of which clip is going to happen in what in what order so what you can do is you can take them and we go and put them on the timeline so where it's a three by three grid so we're gonna drag nine clips onto the timeline right here and we can adjust the positioning of when things are gonna happen and line up the timing of all these clips so i'm gonna go ahead and make them a little bit smaller for now so we can get more on there okay so we have our nine clips loaded up and this is this is how you can adjust when the clips come and go if you really need to have certain things happen at a certain time what we can do is we can go to the very beginning of this like say right here where all these clips are in the beginning select them all like that and we're just going to trim them so you hit shift and the open bracket it's going to cut that side of it and we're going to go to the end here and we're going to hit shift and close break and it's going to cut that so all these clips are the same length i should have nine of them here so now that we have them lined up in sequence we can highlight them all like that we're going to right click and say new fusion clip so that take took all those clips with the order and the sequencing and it put it into one fusion clip so let's go into fusion and see what we have so you see we have all this is all of our media and it's automatically in here and it's going to be timed properly so for this one really we're not going to these merges so let's just get rid of them i'm going to delete that and delete the media out let's go back to my website and we're going to create an advanced grid this time we're back at the grid generator and all we need to do if we want to create an animated grid is click the advanced option now let's click generate and download grid settings and it downloaded a new file for us right there which you need to drag that into the note area fusion and connect everything up here's our downloaded file we're going to drag that into fusion and move it over just a bit and let's connect up our nodes and move them into position take the output of each media and connect it to the input of the node area let's hit uh two on the media out so we can kind of see what we got going okay so animations are really simple so let's say we want to animate this mountain so we're gonna click grid one three you can see that this is in row one column three so if we wanted to actually move that and have it move around the screen we can adjust the column and it will move around if obviously column four is off the screen but we can move it back you can have each of these blocks move around by adjusting the row and column we're going to keep them in place for now okay let's take a look at this this bridge clip right here this is in row 2 column 1. obviously if we wanted to move it over we could adjust the column if we wanted to move it up we can adjust the row it'll move up but in this case what we're going to do is we're going to put it on row two column one so the column span and row span said how far each of these positions overlaps to the left right up or down so if you add one to the column span it's going to say it's going to span over to the right one column if you set it to two it's going to go over two columns you can see like that and that you can animate this property just like the other one to get things to move around a little bit everything still works you can go back to the grid control and if you want to bump up the margins we can get a little thicker margins in there go back um we're gonna set it back to one or actually we're gonna set it back to zero the roastman and columns man will actually go negative so let's go back to the row one column three right here if we wanted this image to go over to the left we would do the column span negative so that would be a negative one it's going to go one column to the left and negative two would bring it two columns over all right let's reset that and set the column span we're gonna set the columns back to zero let's talk about scaling position so we're gonna go to row three column three that's this element right down here and we're gonna stretch it all the way up to the top so to do that we just need to take the row span and go negative and it's gonna go up and up and up and you'll notice that the image is not really filling in let's go ahead and make it minus one so that should go one space up and it should fill that in the problem is it's scaling to the width of this image that's because it's not going to crop any on the width if you want it to scale differently you check scale and you can choose height it's going to crop off the right and the left to fill in the space and you can use the positioning to adjust it if you need a different part of it to be shown if we wanted this image to fill from here all the way to the bottom right of the screen all we need to do is we have the call the row span of negative one which is going to get up here and we're going to take the column span and set that to negative one and you'll see what's happening here is because the height we're scaling to the height it's not really filling in so we're gonna have to go back and scale to the width and then that would fit in there so some of these you may need to adjust them and it's key frameable depending on how you're animating and how things are moving you can adjust how that scales the last option is the position so you'll notice that the image is set up to be centered right here in the middle of the grid that's going to be the scale so if we size it it's going to be sizing in and out from that this point right in the middle if you set the position to center screen it's going to the image is gonna be in the center of the screen now typically when you do that you might wanna set it to scale of none and what this is gonna do is it's gonna have the image really the images on the full screen and it's just showing you part of it so you'll see here if we take the um column span and move it down you'll notice the image is not stretching we can move it all the way this way if we want to reveal the full image we can take the row span and put it all the way up to the top and we'll go minus -2 on that that's how you would see the full image and it's just it's not going to scale it so those are some of the scaling different scaling options you have now the last thing let's see let's reset this we're going to put it zero zero so the last thing here is there's a little issue with the way things work because of the way these these are merged together you'll notice row one column two is going to always be on top of row one column one so if we take take the grid one two and we call span it to the left it's going to be sitting on top of that one because it's right here the problem comes in is if you need to have this one span over to the right we're going to call column span over to the right it doesn't work and that's because really there's a merge inside of each of these if you ever want to see what's in here you can double click on it you can kind of see how i set it up if you're going to do this case and if you're going to have this overlapping situation what i've done is i've added an extra output so let's move this over and we're going to add a merge right after this last grid there's this output right here and this is the output before it's merged in with the composition so we can take this output and drag it right here and it's going to be effectively on top of everything that comes before this spot right here this situation where you're trying to figure out what's on top of another thing you can always take this output and drag it and put it on top you may have to do some things with setting the blend on and off to hide and show things if we wonder if we're going to take this center grid element and put it on top of everything we go to the grid position 2 2 so let's create another merge and we'll take the output of grid 2 2 and drag it right into that one okay so this element right here right now is on top of all of this stuff so now the grid now that grid two two is on top of everything let's have it expand to fill this area right here on the right hand side of the screen so we're gonna have to do a few things to do that we're gonna have to row span and fan and we have to take its position and move it up to the top so let's go to the very first frame and we're going to keyframe the row and column we're going to keyframe the row span and column span go over a few frames we're going to move it up to row one and we're going to set the row span to two okay you notice that really we don't see anything and that's because we need to adjust the scale so if we set the scale to height you'll see that we fill this area right here so that looks pretty good see what we have we have filling the height of this column now let's have it move over one column and fill these this area right here so let's move over a few frames and we're going to keyframe the column span move over about five or six more frames and we're gonna set the column span to one and you'll see it fills that area now and that's the basics of it you can really pretty much do whatever you want obviously these grids can get a lot more complex if you have a lot more grid elements i wanted to show you something simple it's really easy starting with the basic one but if you want to get some complex and do some interesting things there's a lot of animation opportunities for you to have your grid shift around and show different things and highlight different media clips depending on what you want to do okay that's the power grid if you have any comments or feedback leave it down below if you use the video grid send me a link i'd love to see what you did with it if you enjoy my videos make sure you subscribe and like this video i really appreciate everyone's support i have a lot more videos planned and i can't wait to get to them thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: William Justice
Views: 11,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, video grid, video wall, animation
Id: mvprp0HHg38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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