Bodybuilding VS CrossFit: The Ultimate Fitness Challenge

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hello everyone I'm Nate Brennan welcome to the first ever ultimate fitness challenge here at Six Pack Shortcuts training arena where we prove once and for all who the most fit athlete is by putting two of the most intense training styles head-to-head here today live bodybuilding vs. CrossFitting thanks Nate we're doing great here today at the Six Pack Shortcuts training arena the course is set but before we get started let's have a word with the contenders so we got Johnny here something awful in today feeling pretty good a little bit low on carbs got a competition for weeks I'm actually zero carbs but that doesn't matter I'm ready to go today you're lifting zero zero carbs all right so what do you think is the biggest difference between your style of training versus across fitters and what advantages would you have there's definitely a lot of differences but the biggest difference being all the isolation work I do I mean I think that will definitely come in advantageous to a lift like a bench or squat having that strength that I'm always constant consistently working on they might have a little bit of edge in the endurance but the strength and power that's that's your boy right here bodybuilding side well said well said okay we got Ricky over here how you feeling today I'm feeling pretty great trains been going well awesome so are you low-carbon today no no you're you're full of energy all of our man-cakes so what would you say is the biggest difference between your style of training versus the bodybuilders and would have Vantage would you have well the biggest difference really is goals um we both got different goals but I do lots more compound bigger lifts like squats Olympic lifts like cleaning jerk your snatch and my my strength would be more endurance obviously a little bit better conditioning okay so this is definitely your sport it's awesome so without further ado we got event number one benchpress these contenders are going to be pressing 225 pounds no bouncing full range of motion one set to failure so you guys ready - one let's go good Johnny well done let's go go with your aura come on there you go yup there we go this one alright so for our next event we've got box jumps we're gonna give these guys a little breather so I'm going to talk a little bit slower and the rules for the Box jump is going to be that you have to plant both feet on the box stand up all the way full extension and they were going to go one full minute to as many as they can ready okay and three two one go and second so for 30 Vince is going to be long jump each contender is going to have three tries no running star standing still and we're going to take the longest jump out of the three and we're going to mark them with some tape Johnny is going to be in blue and Ricky is going to be the great ape I'm pretty good warmed up now so I'm good to go okay so we got Ricky the great ape Johnny in the blue tape now these guys have been going head-to-head each event that we've done thus far so who gets a longer rest break I think Johnny because Ricky said he's just getting warmed up okay so go rec first attempt here we go I'm gonna from the back of this you of where he lands Oh same Wow place now we discuss this before we started that even if they fall back it still counts for the back of the heel Lance all right and last one the sky it looks like it's a tie cuz they're both are this is neck and neck so what that means is we're both tremendous athletes I mean I would know how to put it there's lots of explosion between the two of us yet lots of basically both be honest both types of training CrossFit bodybuilding you're both you're getting explosiveness from both of them they're just two different stops like he said different goals you say a lot of power between the two of them because there's a lot of explosions that's when - Hannah sounds okay here we go next one we got the pull-up contest no swinging no kipping they've got to do a full range of motion arms fully extended so there's no partial reps all the way up all the way down without further ado on three two one and go go John go boys here we go boy kogami oh yeah this Johnny 20 seconds 20 seconds all right that was rough how you feelin so good that was rough I got a very respectable opponent over here mr. Ricky does beasts hang a lot like why shiny like what this guy doesn't even breathe okay so we're moving on to the back squat just meaning we're doing squats with the bar on the back and they're going to load 225 onto the rack they're going to go down to parallel and they're going to compete for a full minute all right so we're ready Johnny you ready ready Ricky ready okay so one minute squats on three two one and go there we go there you go stop it you can taste it taste go Johnny be strong boy push it we are going all right let's go down we go 30 seconds come on Johnny halfway there 20 seconds left guys you're great well I've got it first I want to thank my competitor for being a badass competitor competition something I wanted to go to show or say is it just good to show any type of training is beneficial CrossFit bodybuilding running jump rope whatever it is just do it and do it to your best ability sir you can you go before like me Ricky Ricky any comments I agree with Johnny it's all about what you put into it doesn't matter if you're doing bodybuilding CrossFit you're outside moving that's all that counts amen amen all right so we're going to take a minute add up the scores and we're going to come right back and we'll figure out who the ultimate winner is so the results are in guys I know you guys are excited to see who the clear winner is and unfortunately there's no clear winner there is a winner but only by two points so today's competition winner goes to by two points Six Pack Shortcuts Johnny and head atop this one okay my body building Pam cross the competitors amazing athletes so anybody ever say anything bad about soccer just use a badass but for my bodybuilding fan whoo back to you Nate what an amazing competition I mean it was hands-down neck-and-neck here in the studio we got Clarke Chou Oh tell me what your thoughts about it well judging from the footage I actually noticed that Johnny did not go as far down on the squats as Ricky did and I know a lot of you viewers are going to critique that he did not go as deep but however we did specify at the beginning of the competition the rules were going down to parallel and from my experience in squatting I actually kind of feel like when I go all the way down I get a little bounce from the bottom versus stopping the weight halfway and changing directions so I would say that they both would qualify as far as each rep that they did they're both just as difficult to do and they're both good in their own sense so right I would not say one is better than the other right and you have to keep in mind that when you drop below knees below parallel you get more glute recruitment and more hammering involvement as opposed to stopping parallel it's just majority all quad action mm-hmm yeah so tell me what do you think about the long jump what are your thoughts on that well I would say as far as a long jump you know I was thinking about power-to-weight ratio you know who was taller way more or less but actually they're both neck-and-neck they're off by 5 pounds they're both the same height and they actually landed at the exact same distance scrub so I mean that's that just goes to show that between CrossFitting and bodybuilding there is no clearly defined winner there right and the benchpress let's go over that what do you think about that now I think that that is where Johnny had a bit of an advantage on the benchpress just because in bodybuilding is it's a movement that you do a lot more than you would in CrossFit so we did see that Johnny kind of had an advantage over that one right there but then Ricky came back and he his points on the pull-ups right and then go over the pool so what he would talk about for him talk about technique would you see there what I noticed over there on the pull-ups was that Ricky did put his chin higher up towards the bar but what I've noticed with embody builders is whenever you get your lat so developed you don't have that range of motion to get all the way up here and for somebody who has such a wide back getting your chin close to the bar is about as far as you can go anyways right okay without swinging actually and so the Box jump box jump okay now that was another one that was neck and neck right there so um I really don't have any comments on a box jump that was just a straight up tie on that one yeah yeah it was extremely close so both of their forms were pretty much the same on the box jump I think Ricky might have a little bit of an advantage just because he is a crossfitter and he probably has a little more experience with it versus Johnny who doesn't incorporate that into his routine as frequently as Ricky goes yeah keep in mind that you're doing a lot more CrossFit involved exercises you do a lot more explosive movements and get more hip recruitment so that's it I'm probably that's probably where it helped him out and have that advantage yeah yeah and of course practice makes perfect so the more you do something the better you get at it always always so what are your overall thoughts Clark about the whole competition well I would have to say that between bodybuilding and cross fitting they are neck-and-neck you can't really say one is better than the other it's not comparing apples to apples you know with CrossFitting it's a sport it's a competition with bodybuilding it's a different kind of competition in sport where you're showing off your physique versus your I guess endurance or stamina so it they both have their strengths and there really is no clearly defined winner so by two points only that is pretty much a tie I would say yeah I'd say they both equally won in their own strengths I hope you all enjoyed this week's special edition of Six Pack Shortcuts training where we finally put to rest the rivalry between the two realms of fitness stay tuned for more workouts nutrition and weight loss tips at your number one destination for your Fitness Six Pack Shortcuts
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Keywords: sixpackshortcuts, insanehomefatloss, afterburn training, Workout, exercise fitness, bodybuilding, diet, six pack abs, abs, teen, teen workout, youtube, funny, teenager, weightlifting, six pack shortcuts, six pack shortcut, sixpack shortcuts, mike chang, afterburn, afterburn effect, mass, size, bulk, bulking, muscle, big, arms, chest, ripped, huge, training, health, fit, fitness, gain, strong, crossfit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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