Brute Showdown Episode 1: Meet The Ladies

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Each to their own but I find Brooke Ence unbearable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LordRandle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I kept waiting for them to start competing and they never did

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whoareyouguys πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sooo what are the odds Brooke Ence is using?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Babayaga20000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i want mattie vs. stefi cohen, even though comparisons like this are retarded b/c no serious athlete is going to compromise their training cycle by randomly maxing out for a website that refers to weightlifiting as oly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scrotorboat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The funniest thing is a cross fitter saying they better check for full range of motion in the other athletes, oh the irony.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lostmyshoeagain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blackestravens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’d say her stories are as real a those lips.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LordRandle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Charity Witt or NUFFIN’

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cozy_lolo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It seems like overall competitiveness of the athletes dropped. Bailey is the only one with pretty insane pedigree in their respective sport(though thats from an outsider perspective).

Mattie v Luis Mosquera: Great national competitor v Olympic Bronze Medalist

Brooke Ence v Jacob Heppner: 1x Game participant vs 3x Game participant and generally better ranked across all competitive seasons

I don't reall know how to compare the bodybuilders, there competitions confuse me I just know DLB is big in the sport

Maddy v Steve: New powerlifter(who by all accounts is doing very well) v a world record holder in the bench and a world champion.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MountTrapezius πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] my name is Adrienne Conway and I'm the host here of the brute showdown what we aim to do is through the next two days we're going to take four athletes each from a separate discipline and we're gonna put them through eight events now the goal is through these eight events to create a very diverse broad range of physical tests that's gonna show us who is the most athletic through the course of these eight tests we are going to actually give each of the specialty athletes an opportunity to thrive so what that means is there there will be a max clean for the Olympic weightlifter there will be a max deadlift for the power lifter there will be a pose down for the bodybuilder or physique specialist and then there will be a CrossFit workout where the CrossFit athlete is going to get an opportunity to shine now outside of those four we're gonna add another four we're not gonna specifically dive into what they look like but we know they're gonna be outside of the capacity of each one of these specialty athletes so the goal is to see who can thrive not to send their special skill set but also outside of that and show us who's the most well-rounded just recently I won a medal at the World Championships which super pool has the only one to do it this year and then other than that I wanted drawn same thing bronzed last year that world so I think those are the two like looks like your your goal like what are you striving to achieve which 2020 Olympics so that's the main goal that's what we're working for that's kind of just started with worlds was the first like qualifier so it's going to be along next like 50 or 60 months of just competing and trying to increase my total every time and then hopefully oh my name is Maddy Rogers I'm 23 I'm from Orlando Florida and I'm an Olympic weightlifter so I started in gymnastics and I did that for about 12 years and then I did a little bit of like track and field in school and switched into competitive cheerleading and then from there my coach introduced me to CrossFit and that's where I met the coach that I have now and I did CrossFit for about a year and then I just I liked Olympic weightlifting so much better so in 2014 I competed in my first national meet and then from there I think I made my first junior international team the same year and from there it's kind of been like a crazy journey to here I was the alternate for the 2016 Olympics so this time around I'm hoping maybe a little bit of redemption and so far I mean the quad has been going pretty well I've meddled at the last two World Championships which is it's something that I didn't really think was possible when I first started because it was more of like those bigger countries that you see with weightlifting on the podium so that in itself has been just great to be able to do that with USA weightlifting what are you doing Louisiana we're all convenient sir will do one event unlike each modality or each sport and yeah then we're gonna do some like actual sports stuff too but I'm not sure what all those events are I'm a Brooke ence I am 29 and I'm from Santa Cruz California I won the California regional in 2015 I went on to take have two rookie wins the CrossFit Games in 2015 finishing top 15 at the CrossFit Games and I was cast as an Amazon in the blockbuster movie Wonder Woman as well as the Justice League so I filmed two movies came back from a final fusion to compete at Regionals again my daily training right now is far different than what it used to be because I am still recovering from injury [Music] so right now it's all about moving sweating and then doing making sure I get some lifting in and then PT I'm just trying to make sure I'm really focusing on my recovery and my PT for my shoulders I am currently not I can sleep with no pain which that has not been the case for years and so I'm very careful with my training and not overdoing it but prior to injury it was Chua days at least two hours in the gym and six days a week was what's up first I'm probably gonna do like my accessories I'm trying to make my body feel [Music] [Applause] my training usually I'll do about eight sessions a week two days a week I'll do a two a day and then the other days are just a really intensive probably three-hour session I try not to take so long but it just it takes a while and we'll go through all the technical movements a pulling movement a pressing movement and then I do a lot of accessory and prehab rehab things and we try and do a lot of strength stuff cuz I think that's where I was lacking when I came in from gymnastics because I could do had the mobility I had like decent power but my overall just strength was not where it should be so that's something that we've been focusing on for four years now [Applause] you just did a double that what is that should be 148 Nikhil is somewhere between 320 and 330 but what what's your one rep PR squat sounds weird but like I don't really max out my squat okay like there's never I'll have like heavy singles and I guess I feel good that day I'll go up but it's not like the focus it's kind of like it's an accessory movement for us so that's that ever done is 170 500 why okay I'm not there right now but hopefully I'm somewhere like near there yeah I think I'm supposed to look forward to like my sport the most what I'm actually most excited for all the events that we're doing on Sunday which are like they're running the jumping like the things that none of us really have an advantage in because I think that's really going to show like who the more like well-rounded athlete is sorry but smell like an airplane but I probably it's just like we're gonna go regurgitated air from like you know what I mean smells like someone else's fart right now I'm good my name is Dana Ling Bailey I am 35 years old I am a professional bodybuilder I have dabbled a little bit in powerlifting I was on American Ninja Warrior I think that's it for now main sport bodybuilding [Music] [Music] probably my most notable accomplishment was winning the Olympia I was the first ever well actually even before winning the Olympia so I competed in bodybuilding for quite some time as a figure competitor and this was before physique which is my category so that it goes bikini figure Fitness probably falls before physique and then bodybuilding so physique never existed and the first show that they introduced physique and I was like I'm gonna do it it sounds like just my alley it's between figure and bodybuilding and I was always dead last in figure shows dead laughs because I had too much muscle or I was too lean but I liked the way I looked so I never really changed the way I looked based on judges so I did the first show and I actually was the first ever physique champion so I was the first ever IFBB Pro physique champion and then in 2013 for the first Olympia became the first ever miss Olympia for Zeke what do you know so far about that most of the things that we're doing I don't do and I heat and I wish they would just train shoulders with me instead yeah but you're ready to like flex often and this weekend I am least looking forward to close down I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm super nervous I mean I'm obviously not a bodybuilder in any way I'll do some like curls every now and then but that's about as close as it gets I tried to do last bread it's like the only one I know and I can't do it I was told to just do a glute spread instead I don't think that's appropriate so I'm just gonna wing it [Music] ah I trained a little bit differently I trained different than a bodybuilder I trained different than a powerlifter and I think with adding different aspects so after I was done competing I wanted to take a break because bodybuilding takes a toll on your body mostly mentally I needed the break just to become a normal person and not carry food around with me and not be so worried about like having a treat and then getting on the elliptical or a stair Mill than that very next day for 40 minutes so I wanted to be a normal person and so for the first year I took a break and I'm still training obviously still doing cardio still like training really hard but I was like missing like that competitive side like I wanted to compete in something so I got into powerlifting I do like training for certain things it helps motivate my workouts a little bit more and I've always been a really good bench presser I'm not very good at dead lifting but I like to squat and I like to bench so what I entered my first I guess meat they're called nachos I almost said shows so I entered my first meat I actually want it and then I had a high enough Wilkes core to get me to Nationals did Nationals my whelk score was high enough to get me to the Arnold so then I did the Arnold last year so a lot of my workouts now are a mix of powerlifting and bodybuilding because for me I I don't just have one goal my goal isn't just to look good like I want to be strong not necessarily trained for just strength but I want to keep my strength maybe get stronger in certain things but then I also want to look good too so it usually starts off with like a heavy compound lift so if it's like day obviously I would start with squats and then it's like probably an hour and a half of a lot of accessory work a lot of super sets drop sets so that's about how I like to train I want to be strong and look at I think my biggest threat in this competition is gonna be DL be Daniel and Bailey and there's a she's an athlete she's not just a physique competitor she came into this as our physique competitor but she's a power lifter you know she's she's a fierce competitor and [Music] yeah and she she's got the crazy two which you need like in the CrossFit event so they're just better be someone watching those reps and make sure they're all full range of motion you know what I mean but yeah she's gonna crush it but I am I'm out to a out to play so where's the rest of the game maddie is doing Olympic lifts [Music] my name is Maddie for Berg I am 21 years old and I am a power lifter I started powerlifting about almost three years ago I'm now competing in the USA PL I just competed recently at raw nationals in Spokane Washington I am also in nursing school at Illinois State University and I only have one semester left which has been huge with training and trying to compete and travel midst of clinicals and things like that so yeah but she looked at me and look to a hint like okay yeah I know I know if she is she teaching someone how to do pull-ups right now you guys look to over here I'm doing strict pull-ups sets of five because that's all I can do and it's like I'm a fifth one is it that's it and you're doing he's in pumps and we're pressing straight frats he did blowing up the arms we're gonna have a grin up dlb show us how to pose she's a doctor she goes but you have not lost any size I'm like hey my upper body feels like deflated like it was like fitting Jaquish it's weird I couldn't wear my jacket a couple of things I'm looking forward to the clean just because I just barely got to start lifting again so it feels really good for me regardless of what weight is on the bar just to be moving weight and just to be under a barbell that is my like bread and butter with my training and so it feels really good to just be back doing that and then also the CrossFit workout cuz I gotta beat these weightlifter somewhere you know got a win where I can look at me watch me say that and I just chuckle tomorrow so do you know what yes okay I used to play soccer so we're gonna win she was high I played when I was like eight years old so yeah I would rather not you know break my nose yeah I broke my nose once but I was like hit in the face of the softball so why didn't I saw least looking forward to it's definitely softball doing I I picked powerlifting as my sport because I'm not coordinated so the least thing I'm looking forward to is having it hit an actual vault I cannot do that for the life of me I tried in high school in gym class it was one of those things where like we're up to bat and I like struck out so many times my gym teachers like we'll just give her a chance Maddie you can get it anything at the end it's just like got it where you're you're done you're just a lost cause so definitely softball because I'm not that coordinated I have no idea who's gonna win because I think I mean I would hope we all do well in our individual sport I think it's gonna come down to everything that we do on Sunday that's really gonna make a difference what is the the running stuff that we have to do okay so they say we have to do a sprint we have I'm like agility thing where you have to like start here right here right here back okay so I might break my ankles and I have done a little bit of practice getting ready for this event just because I never did any CrossFit events leading up to this including any of the weightlifting movements so I have never done a clean before this I had I I trained at a weightlifting gym so everyone's pretty profess proficient at weightlifting so I asked one of the coaches if he could just teach me the movement because I was afraid I was gonna come out here and be like how do I do this one and so I did a little bit of pre-emptive training in that way but that's that's about it I have ran a little bit but no outside Sprint's or anything crazy like that so today we got in we get into the gym everybody's doing the thing to kind of knock the dust off if you guys haven't been a traveling athlete you might not know not much about this but any traveling athlete getting off the plane you want to get into the gym you want to knock the dust off you want to get ready for whatever you need to do whether it's present whether it's compete we all got into the gym and what do you see I'll tell you what I saw I saw a Maddy Rogers that had the eye of the tiger in the gym right like she walked in there she had her notebook open she did her mobility to get right to work and she was in there and she grinded for like three hours now it's a little bit of a different feel compared to what I saw from the other ladies we were kind of having some fun joking around we did a little round-robin of kind of like a pump session that Dana led but I wonder and you guys can tell me because you'll know as you watch this I wonder if that's gonna have a reflection on how this weekend will go everyone's here to win and so I believe that that's gonna actually be the the outcome and the reflection of the weekend but we got to keep our eye on Maddy Rogers she came in focused and ready to rock [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Brute Strength
Views: 4,807,811
Rating: 4.8695092 out of 5
Keywords: Brute Strength, Brute Showdown, CrossFit, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Weightlifter, Bodybuilder, Dana Linn Bailey, DLB, flag nor fail, Olympia, the arnold classic 2018, Mattie Rogers, Mattiecakesssss, Olympics, Weightlifting, mattie rogers clean and jerk, Brooke Ence, itmakesence, CrossFit Games Athlete, Marston Sawyers, Nelson Nieto, Maddy Forberg, raw nationals 2018, brute strength
Id: gG3h749G6eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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