BODYBUILDER tries CROSSFIT ft. Obi Vincent

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um yes [Music] hello welcome to another episode of me doing something hard and then literally wintering about it the entire time today i'm in london i'm meeting up with ob vincent aka the world's biggest crossfitter like he's literally enormous and i'm going to be trying crossfit so i mean this is essentially a video of my actual guest there's the ambulance yeah i mean right on time yeah i'm over here anyway as i'm gonna be doing this horrendous activity all in the name of entertainment i would massively appreciate it if you would drop the video a like and if you are new to the channel obviously make sure you subscribe oh and before i forget in case you are unaware on sunday i launched my new v3 programs they're friggin sick you guys went nuts the response has been amazing but i have been getting loads of messages those are comments those are dm's people saying they missed out on the original sale so because i'm such a nice guy here's what i'm gonna do the second this video goes live aka right now i'm putting the 40 sale back on okay so top link in the description going up to a training plan it would genuinely be the best decision you've ever made and i'm so i'll say i'm so confident you would like the plans if you do sign up and it's not for you you can cancel at any time no questions asked so go and get involved the sale will not last very long anyway i'm in london i'm scared let's go [Music] is right next to me he's absolutely enormous and i feel tiny so i'm going to stand here for the entire video what are we what are we doing what's happening uh we're going to do some uh today so we're doing fitness across section of fitness so yeah it's not crossfit but i mean definitely not possible so that's what we do today he is um going to die i'm going to actually decide you should be able to do you've done loads of tests you wouldn't i mean if you did die because right now this is evidence can you guarantee i won't die in this video uh no that's a note i've done a lot of these videos right what do you want to try is yeah this is by far the most scared i've ever been to see one of these really yes because my cardio because that's at least it's over and that was eight minutes uh i mean this is gonna be long i know okay yeah so i mean today what we're going to do is first we're going to try and do some skill work skill work is getting him to do something he's never done before or maybe you've done overhead squats before that's because that's what we're going to do we're going to do some overhead score so if you can't do them kind of show you how to get it to do so that's the other issue so i've got like an injured wrist currently so we're gonna have about adapters that is bad back bad this is my guess i'm struggling i'm just gonna say i've got a bad dress the second part will be a chipper workout i love chipper workouts they are long gritty mentally pretty chipper makes me think like oh yeah because it basically thinks about it it's a worker that you're going to have to chip away so it's like a lot of numbers we're doing it together as well so it's not going to be how long will it take us only that's the bottom line as quick as you can do them really so it's part of the workout so obviously i can do more reps if needed be but it just depends on how quick a map goes through them so yeah yeah [Music] plates we have a bad wrist 101 [Music] you're going right so you just need to warm up okay so do about 500 meters on the ski second 500 meters [Applause] try and rip this out from this i want to save every single no trust me no no stop using that as an excuse you're not going to rip this off completely if you're doing that so [Music] we're going to start with trying to teach matt mate hopefully to try and do some overhead so overhead squat up you can notice i've already taken that bar all the way back there not here if you do that you're going to this is going to happen see the feet wide like you normally do a squat and then you want to come down back up yeah have you seen the size of this guy's course this is absolutely absolutely obscene it's gonna be painful no inside it right if an exercise has the word devlin it's probably going to suck i feel like these are not very good two exercises we've got the word devil and death 40 deadlifts is like a year's worth of volume hundreds i've never seen a number 100 of here well he wanted to trade like i do so finish one round go into the second one exercise the third so if you can't move on to we'll finish everything here we're gonna come back no no okay that would be no here we're done i love these things we will go through every single one i hate writing acronyms 20 synchro bj's coming up we've got 100 calorie double bye 40 deadlifts 20 synchro herpes box jump overs 100 double under 40 thrusters 100 calories ski 40 devil prey and 100 calories so yeah that's the workout [Music] you ready no i'm actually not ready [Music] i'm not ready i was going to explain my theories right now that would be not ready you're lucky chris had to take time chris i'm the heaviest person who should do less reps absolutely okay oh man ready let's do this a fear of discontent not too bad [Music] yeah you guys yeah [Applause] there's gonna be a gap warriors are brown don't get caught in the mosh pits you're fueled to the fire ain't nobody can stop it with your trouble in my city but you know i'm across it got a 40 on my hip and i'm live okay down together just flop down huh much more no you just don't buy it don't straighten it off don't fight let's go [Music] up good job what what what what what [Music] hold up we've done three out of eight things i'll go first okay yeah [Music] but come on what's let's do up hmm it's all about humanity [Music] come on hmm [Music] [Music] sorry come on [Music] good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for you [Music] we're finishing on that come on take out your penny hmm okay come on um [Music] is [Music] um [Music] very strong now absolutely everything yes [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on two minute rest and we go again another round it's [Music] [Music] [Laughter] very very nice view oh that was good yeah if you haven't done a workout like that it is not fun but it's taken me a good year and a half to be like this after something like that before normally i lay down for about 10 minutes i choose what i can and what i enjoy from it and i do it as you can see um i can still mix my bodybuilding as well so it's not like you're gonna if you keep moving you're still like yeah this feels so sick that bike is basically the things we had to do like loads of bricks that was the worst because it was knowing you have to do yeah do you mean [ __ ] gassy stuff yeah but doing that also to be fair the devil like anything that requires any technique it's like not ideal because when you're a wreck the last thing you want to be doing is like an actual german technical lift just good look see so much steam coming off my head as well you can definitely go again i mean you do half the reps he's thinking of it i'm thinking what is the fastest exit from the room right now well done man that's good oh thank oh do you feel much better now uh yeah i still feel sick but i feel like yeah i feel better like five minutes ago exactly yeah yeah yeah i guarantee you about ten minutes you're probably gonna do it now i mean i mean no i won't we'll just marvel at this please the presentation of that that's gooch textbook right it's been approximately i don't know maybe half an hour i've managed to get back to like a a semblance of rationality doesn't make sense it is a sick feeling even though it friggin sucks like sucks so much when you're doing it yeah it is a sick feeling of like accomplishment after you're finished it comes from knowing that you've done like that work you know i have like so much respect people like you do that on a daily basis because just knowing how much is going to suck and still being like yeah i'm going to go and do that like just think of something absolutely horrendous that you hate and then just choosing to do it every day i mean you must have some kind of psychological disorder i think that's the conclusion ob is an absolute psycho yeah yeah i that's the thing that before i i hated it but now i enjoy it yeah i love that feeling like i i yeah i think it is you're right you i said this too you you will have to almost enjoy torture a little bit yeah but i i love it like it's not not everyone would want to do it or everyone will understand that's why you don't like doing this video it's not me trying to convert you to come to the dark side it's just if it isn't yeah it's also like i always think before before i got into i was the same but then i can now do some olympic lifting yeah i can snatch and i can do a clean i can do a joke and that's it so sick to have that mobility and be able to to be able to do a snatch it took me a long while yeah but i can do a 100 kilo snatch which is not nothing for olympic lifters but for me that's an accomplishment i can do over 100 kilos yeah over the head squats but then i can still do some bodybuilding yeah so it's that functionality right so many people missing out on anything yeah a lot of people go to the gym this is outrageous [Music] a lot of people go to the gym and they look good or they're like fairly strong but in terms of being functional they're awful like they can't run they can't jump they can't like they have no mobility you know so it's sick to be able to kind of cover both bases be like strong look sick and also be functional if if you're unaware of if you haven't seen him before like i'll put a link to his channel in the description here's an absolute message like just just appearance-wise like he looks unbelievable like he literally ghosts every other man i know but he's also like i said he's a functional guy you can do a crazy amount of stuff so we definitely recommend checking them out um but we're done i'm going to end the video there because i need to just go and do some soul searching maybe like light some candles i need to have some me time i need to go and read a book watch like love actually have some i have a cornetto one bar sounds horrendous we're done guys i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it give a thumbs up if you're new to try and subscribe and i will see you tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah
Channel: MattDoesFitness
Views: 2,073,462
Rating: 4.9465504 out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilders try us army fitness test, Mattdoesfitness, bodybuilders try, matt does fitness, bodybuilders try us marine fitness test, bodybuilders try navy seals fitness test, bodybuilder tries strongman, mattdoesfitness luca, bodybuilder diet, bodybuilder tries boxing, bodybuilder tries gymnastics, bodybuilder tries calisthenics, bodybuilder tries rugby, bodybuilder tries Crossfit, bodybuilder tries, crossfit, obi vincent, Crossfit workout, Crossfit games, crossfit fail
Id: 0pLIVrcxTZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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