CrossFit Open 15.1 FRONING vs FRASER

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three two one go it is on number one versus number two fifty point one in the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season is underway yeah you know it's been a long time in we've been waiting for this and this has been a repeat of the game haven't never wanted to go to head-to-head but give me a break let's start off with this first workout right out of the gate it's the first thing that popped into my head was grit intention not only are you hanging on that bar for all those rep when you're overhead but now you got to deadlift and then you've got the snack you have nine minutes of pure just grit busting you got to be Popeye for this one that Fraser was first off of his initial set of Kosovar I got to that barbell first is now on to his pride matches the leaders name will be highlighted in blue we have nine minutes fifteen toes the bark men deadlift and five packages 150,000 that is on the fifteen point one eight so things are going to get heavy the mat Fraser finishing first he has a round down as does rich Froning and Fraser right back up on the bar for fifteen Kosovar and we were talking about you just stop these athletes barrels there sir easily in comparison to what they give you is that rain devotional disorder a little liars YC because the meat of this work out of the Kosovar I think going to have the advantage of on that single effect that did not look very pleased when that Rubin was it out no you know he's been working off a little bit of a hip injury instead he was actually worried a week ago to be able to getting those bar I don't think he was real excited about that for he did I fit line up when they did that one rep max - is that just later that Fraser with a slight lead on rich Froning we have seen in the past 14.5 comes to mind when it was with Ed against the ribbon and the thrusters burpees over the bar workout rich brownie didn't go out first he finished first but he did not go out for he's a master and evening and that's exactly what it says worried about the first few men before he's on the last year out what he's really trying to do is he may need Matt engine really pushing that have to be very careful here yet his endurance has really built up over the last year and a half Rizzo but he's gotta be careful so strictly aid very very consistent brownie on the Left Frazier on the right rolling just a couple of reps behind Fraser shouldn't be a problem chance to make up make up and down camp and broken up and three senators boy am i Monty's got to be a smart move allow his regrets you really aren't gaining a whole lot by taking three to five seconds I mean I think that's a smart move on his part razor was off the pull-up bar first and waited for birdie to get there trying to recover and grimmer a little bit but it's barbell that he's got is a minor inconvenience this is their active rest portion but what I love about these guys both of them are very confident waters of the other Aveiro their opponents they know exactly where everybody is which unique line now is a totally free trip watching a whole lot but that and very obvious and is watching you turn it on and waiting for the permanent come back and take that rest nothing that does on a regular basis Fraser has three rows down and now rich Gordon three rounds as well we have left the big finish to go in fifteen point one remember immediately after this at the 9 minute one second mark at fifteen point one a the line of reps back we never get six minutes to establish back and he does it basically going and every minute on a minute for this rat for this just round set up I just don't know if that maybe something should be able to move on usually is very very good at that we've got started out with about a Kippy 354 round round on the first set start to slow down a little bit but who's going to be able to hold on to that the locket in the left hand workers cleaning which is Jimin Mukul 10 Athena trusted may have steering their man on the four-time Reebok CrossFit Games champion and he is still a couple 11 behind Matt Fraser and they now work through round 4 and deserts on that barbell a 115 pounds that Fraser when he's on the pull-up bar woke up in tones of are for the first time now let's change that I do see Matt gunas he's going right from the deadlift right into that fat very comfortable at the pass so I think he uses his rest as water your sad-sack bar these are pretty good on his part because he's confident with that that's not really worried about it but after all that break they end up at the bar at the same time after a boy of fifteen point one we're pretty much dead even both athletes on their fifth round Fraser was about a 1 to 2 rep lead on throwing throwing is off the boulevard raised about McCallum are now we see consistent breaking of those Kosovar and these athletes as bill said trying to save their grip Fraser with you to go and here comes rich Froning and they are tied but Fraser slightly in the lead as event make their way back to the barbell for the fifth time say what's an acne about the straightest is not real heavy so they're not really having to worry about the form they just have to move that bar then we treat it as an air squat but you can see how they are they are going that alternate grip I mean it saves their hands and I'm worried about it rolling out of the fingers anything is a vector if - this particular workout is going to be gigantic razor still lightly ahead of rich Froning you can see that Frazier is looking at McLaughlin will do that as well trying to pays off that round five is in book both men back to the pull-up bar and exactly the same time and got the running gear speed about a 105 Lin right now they started on it a nd 455 they really have it like segregated that much at all and we're coming to the last half of the workout clothes coming off the pull-up bar at the same time these guys are pages of each other at all I mean come on no they absolutely are they know what's going on they know where they are thieves at risk arrest just enough Colette bangin his forehead but you can tell were enlisted I'll be pushing them on the toes the barn and I really think that mascot he would feel what we're cooking on then I mean a lot of Morgan get stuck that broken and then needed you like really break it up more they want you wrist roading look a lead but it disappeared the second that they pull put their hands on those barbells Dignan a half down in 15.1 rich Froning has one day open every year 2011 that phrases didn't have a center and you only feat rich in one workout that was 40 point 500 of 95 pound barbell there's rich Nuala written those best resting at the top on a light weight moving all the time that's where I didn't he hasn't happened more than anyone he thought crossing the movement he's green in a lot of us tend to forget to breathe while working out and now a mixed grip on the toes of our for Matt Fraser and he is a drug rep lead on rich Froning both breaking at the same time flows through 185 pounds as we approach the 90 second left part of this event 15.1 here in Canton Massachusetts it's going to be decided probably by a couple of reps away these fewer zone and they're just going here the raptorettes back and forth Valley it's amazing how fast risking come back after you left it so then they get right back in the barn the exact same time rolling off the pull-up bar furs Fraser right behind him and now both been nearly synchronized on those set limb roschmann mayhem on the bottom of your through hearing on ridge burning from Louisville Tennessee let's put a minute to go with 50.1 and we are still not at up and here we go now Rick's usually he does have that rest as usually so far ahead at this point in everything one and grounds has been about or wrapped ahead of all right there again is always business and there goes now watching like though is is that's what I wanted to see bogies up here again ago to see just what they need to do now is he's going to hang onto the bar final 30 to go and still Matt Fraser just in front out of four times in a survivor place running and now we are tied again with 20 seconds to go you can see that often Rhoni was a to roughly wages got to make up some ground five seconds ago you got three razors off the car and Froning is going to take it by three reps whew that was insane I was absolutely incredible absolutely incredible and again it's the painting the fridge has he just has that an afternoon of science the guy knows exactly how fast and how far how hard he can push himself just about at the time so me it just doesn't matter round one to rich Froning and now fifty point one and six minutes to establish a 1 rep max green and jerk half the loads are old barbells and they have to use the exact same barbell that they Union in fifteen point one let's take a look back and what just happened in fifteen point one barbell no problem but it was Cola for putting up well that's it just on the pull-up bar it was the transition he rested and that's what a lot of prospects seem to forget designed to move from one position to the next position taker Tom's wedges fans back take some rest take a breather worth mattress looks right on in there but that goes right back to build on top of each other so every time rich fell behind on the last two events Alaska movements he would make all the distance and be extra rested when they went to the bar and then when it came down to the end it was all just about wrist pull on that thing and really making it happen grip was a factor in that lavender it was a factor here to everything this whole thing compiles a grip but not only now is physical the different because they're going with one run Mac and I used to want to right now but I think smart movement you're going to see you guys it's going to be a play with joining a lift / - this is 275 pounds per Froning is one rep max is listed at 376 or desisting 475 that phrases one rep back he did it back in November 375 pounds the last time we saw heavy barbell Sifu invisible running rep overhead squat one of the 2014 Reebok on 16 steps what they were not on the floor at the same time no and even though they weren't they were both watching and playing off the other characters in their Heat so here we are again where these do the best of the best are going to be watching each other I'll tell you what I really think that matt has the expanded here because if you get to play some game are you going to add another extra pound on there than the other person are you going to kind of bait them into going into it and then actually see what they're going to do and add a couple pounds off before you get that last 295 now for bad grades or he doesn't look easy again that's his background I mean you want to talk about like getting a workout handed to you this is one thing he's good this is what he's done for years and years so you ask an Olympic lifter to do to clean of dirt keep smiling which is what he did when they announced razors look at confirm with the church away on it look if not that effective what he'd ever be happy robber if nothing else it was a hey I know I'll get it one wrist groaning hidden 300 less than poor to go here Matt Frazier is putting his shirt back on that'll help that bar stick to him what he catches it so again that's not being very smart he doesn't want that bar to slip out of position any kind of bad position is going to be wasted energy can't afford to have that right now it looks like 305 degrees 11 on the leaves on that and Fraser that loop of power now here's the what 315 about Fraser down the lead by 15 pounds now here's the hard part John you're not going to be able to do this every minute on the minute we need to be very easy about how many ways this is like oh and I'm smart move that I'm playing that I'm turtling through which is what we never series do we always things off but it's a smart move but how many lives you actually going to have in this six minute time frame will have to recover then you want these lips to count you want to be a little heavier so how many are you going to be able to get after the question is um for rich Froning 325 pounds of a pudding of 510 pounds on that freezer and we have a minute in a half it is criminal how easy these guys are making this look at the city level good live out for Matt Fraser so now we're getting into the one-pound increments as Matt Fraser has gone to 327 to take the lead with protein you know they've also they've all done The Price is Right game you really go up by one more dollar than the never and ever and nothing else that's going to mess with the other person find out here's the game and this is what Matt's going to be able to deal with he's going to be able to sit there and watch just to see what they're going to do because guess what it's a smart there's going to be their last lifting see maps are in - it's done you do your last hit with the last 20 or 15 seconds left and a pin so you gotta go big that's 343 correct and that was how the dam back in the Legion 30 seconds ago and praise her answer he's still holding waste onto his bar suck our Zola's judge is counting up the weight Ranger adding more weight he's down to about 15 seconds 345 this will be more the wind escorting is frantically loading his barbell razor has it up five to go cronies on exhibit Fraser cannot keep it the rich roading will win 15 for what a is Matt Fraser has one final limb that try invested camp and just couldn't hit the dirt that was more perfect he did not get exactly what he was supposed to do he just wasn't able to get that last one on hybrids up with proteases what the heck I want to put on a show and made one more attempt but he will walk out a Reebok CrossFit one and Massachusetts the winner of fifteen point one and fifteen point one a 343 for Brody now the church it's permanently gone oh there it is yeah it's going to come off that foot Ritchie's done for her now let's go back let's go back to the lips risk went big is exactly what he need to do there's a twenty pounds off that's exactly what he needed to do you can tell he was struggling through that and so the whole time during Rich's lift max watching you saw what it was he had to be able to go up and above that so there was actually a switch of the weight and then that went for it and just I think got himself rushed and that's the problem and you wouldn't get too close to that that buzzer you're out of position no I just like to be able to catch it that's where he went down that's a weight that fresh Matt Frazier usually has no problem with again is one rep listed max is 375 pounds so there's your final score for fifteen point one a rich Froning beating Matt Fraser 343 pounds to 320
Channel: Fatal7ty
Views: 2,997,965
Rating: 4.7374573 out of 5
Id: MRuRj1XNW0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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