FST-7 Chest & Biceps Workout | Hany Rambod's Ultimate Guide to FST-7

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they call me the pro creator troll at control it I've helped 13 Olympians last one transformed from impressive to legendary FST 7 is my masterpiece Basia stretch training hold it hold it you can substantially change the shape and size of your muscles come on it won't be easy it will hurt come with me finish your set and stretch your limits come on now you're working let's go come on my name is Hani Rambo and now I'm in your corner I'm Hani Rambo I'm here with Jeremy 1 dia 2014 men's physique Olympia champion and we're here to Train chest and biceps fsd 7 style let's go forward forward squeeze it squeeze it squeeze FST 7 stands for fashio stretch training the 7 is the amount of sets that you do at the end the expansion of the Basha is what's going to help trigger the growth so that when we go in there and we work for that ultimate pump you're going to end up getting really good round muscle bellies with maximum separation this workout she'll asks us about 45 minutes to an hour and what we're going to do is we're going to focus on the heavier exercises earlier in the workout and then we're going to do our FST 7 set towards the end Jeremy's going to be going through all the exercises with the proper technique all the form all the intensity what I'm going to bring is the coaching aspect of the workout so follow us through this so what we're going to do is we're gonna go ahead and warm up he's had issues with his shoulders in the past where he'd heard it last year so what we're gonna do this here is going to just take our time warm up and then go heavier as we see fit alright here's you to warm up sets just take your time minimum 12 reps good but what we want to do is we want to warm up the chest make sure we're getting plenty of blood in there and we also want to warm up the ancillary muscle groups like your shoulders so that you don't end up hurting your rotator cuff or anything else good right shoulder is a little tight how tight so you know the warm-ups that should be loosening up good okay you think three or four sets then it gets nice and warm why don't you go ahead and grab a ten and just ROM if that rotator a little bit too so what we're doing is we're going to warm up just his rotator cuffs make sure that gets plenty of blood in there because the last thing we want to do is cause an injury there you go I'm gonna jump 70s alright yeah yeah as long as your shoulder feels good oh come on let's go feel it out take your shot go good good okay so what we're trying to do is we're trying to focus on that chest what we're doing is we keep the range of motion a little bit shorter right now because he's keeping the constant tension on that chest so we don't want to go so far up that he ends up getting me giving out in his triceps before he gives out on this chest good job how's that feel easy good so what we're gonna do right now is we're going to do two working sets we're gonna do eight to ten reps I might throw in some partials depending on how he's feeling and depending on how the weight feels in regards to is it light is it heavy when I go to 90s sweat Leonard's come on now it's time to work up this come on come on it's easy brackets good job what you want 110 or 120 see 27 so next up we're going to do is we're going to go up to 120 s 100's we're easy if he ends up really getting through the next set really easily then what we're gonna do is we might even bump it up and do a third working set as we move up in terms of the amount of weight we're using we also increase the rest time if you don't take enough rest what's gonna end up happening is you're gonna fatigue before you can go to failure come on whoo go my weight boo hoo hoo come on whoo come on whoo all the way drive it uh-huh drive drive drive together together oh right ha ha good set so basically what's happening now is he's feeling out the weights hundreds easy 120 s as he got through the groove he went more and more reps he didn't stop at the 8 or 10 he's trying to take that intensity to a whole nother level now we're going to decide you know how do you feel you feel like you wanted to go to 130s and bring it down to 6 to 8 reps because if you're going to do that this is the set to do it he's gay let's do it so up up come oh oh oh good he hmm come on good more one more one more are you let's go go go oh wait I pull up easy one more huh are you I lose it finish it ooh there you go ah good set good set Oh when I come in and have a strong three or four sets like that and those 130s like that for six rest is pretty strong for me kind of gets me in a groove the rest the workout so that's the easy stuff all the hard stuff comes up when we go lighters are doing or the concentration stuff and really focusing on contractions so we're gonna break off into that you show you really the bread and butter of our training so we're going to move on to exercise to exercise to is incline dumbbell fly again we're focusing on that upper chest because that seems to be the weakest point on almost every athlete so what we want to do here is start off with about forty pounds do ten to twelve reps and then we'll work our way up one to two warm-ups and then to working so three sets all together good good turn that pinky good we want to get that maximum contraction so he's going to turn his wrists as he comes up there you go you see those fibers to start to really fire good good come on keep going keep going good job because I there you go oh how that Wakefield it's light light I want to make sure that he really is volumizing putting in some the the BCAA glutamine mix and then sipping that through the rest of the workout from the middle on fifties 55 oh come on Jeremy let's go tap control it control it mmm good like you're hugging a giant barrel oh there you go mm that's it turn those pinkies turn those pinkies on the way up good keep going hey come on two more one more yeah squeeze all the way up squeeze squeeze squeeze good job easy hope easy hands together squeeze hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it shoulders wide hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it up good right so we're trying to do now is we're trying to get maximum contraction in between the sets so what we do is we actually pose so posing the muscle squeezing your chest especially doing those most muscular poses really helps fire those extra fibers to be able to get that growth it makes a huge difference I guarantee you'll end up being much more sore and get much more out of your workout by being able to flex in between sets how's that pump it's good good good good all right we're gonna do one more set six to sixty five no five pounds so go 60 Oh all right let's go Jeremy okay go good good good good Griese so good squeeze glue squeeze good keep going keep going look good come on keep going come on one more one more one more hold it right there sir give me presses five presses in go blue two three four yes good job good job come on stand up let's go squeeze squeeze it out dude let's go squeeze it out forward four squeeze it squeeze it squeeze it squeeze it squeeze it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it stop right there you go that's how you do it really just pushing that threshold every set I'm doing right now I'm pushing the failure pretty much I don't ever leave anything on table with me set every set I'm trying to push as hard as I can after we finish the set flexing afterwards I just really feel the volume ization really forcing that blood and muscle I really encourage you guys to try it because you guys will see a big change in the way you feel the next day and over the course of a few weeks you'll see a lot more volume in your chest well I think you have to find different types of intensity multipliers so whether you're doing drop sets or you're doing partials you have to figure out ways of being able to do things on a whole different level without sacrificing your safety increasing your intensity is the key to growth you want to increase density if you have a workout partner or a trainer obviously that's great if you don't you've got to find ways whether you're doing partials or you're doing really slow negatives to be able to increase the intensity and that's what's going to get you through those plateaus okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to go from fly to a third exercise which is going to be flat presses but we're going to do is we're going to use what I call a power grip where your palms are facing each other so we're going to be doing eight to ten reps three to four sets one to two warm-ups oh good good there you go good good good I usually like to put my hands right on the pack so you can be able to get that maximum mind muscle connection good you feeling that yeah good come on squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze yep stretch and dry it there you go stretch and drive good keep going come on Jeremy come on squeeze good good I give you partial scummy five partials one two three four good job there you go good good hold it hold it good breathe breathe breathe breathe relax relax relax relax good when he's warmed up and he feels good then what we do is we consider that a first working set so we're just do one to two more depending how he's feeling got a good pump right now 810 reps five partials let's go make it work good go good stuff good all the way to top squeeze good good squeeze good squeeze good all the way all the way all the way all the way good oh me partials now you're parsing that 502 300 set good set come on squeeze it out squeeze arch your back arch your back hold it hold it arch your back a little bit arch your back chest up chest up chest up chest up chest up chest up just up good job what I see a lot of people doing is they start to go back into a standard press motion because it's a little bit easier what you need to do is make sure that your hands are still parallel you don't want to drift outward so as we're pressing we're keeping it in and what we're doing is we're pushing together you want to get that really good chest contraction so if you see yourself going back out it might be a little too heavy for you lighten it up five to ten pounds good how you feeling I need a trash can last last week we did you know we got to keep this a close bike sometimes some of these chest workouts can get pretty intense last week he ended up throwing up all over the NPC workout did you know Jim and Pitt's Wainright I clean it up myself so what we're going to do now is we just got finished doing that flat press we're going to go into the art FST 7 set and we're not doing standard FST seven standard FST seven is 45 seconds rest doing a fly machine doing a PEC deck doing something along those lines today what we're doing is we're doing a super 7 set and what a super 7 set is basically is your super setting a fly with an exercise so we're going to go a fly cable fly to an incline push-up this is my favourite thing to do I love it I love a c7 you know since I've been working with you you just advance everything and made me understand it a lot better so my gym IQ is on a significant way and that's huge it's a big big deal being in the gym and and understanding what you're doing and there a lot people can come in the gym and go through the motions and you're not anything out of it but if you're in the gym and you understand what's going on physiologically in the body you're going to get so much more out of the exercise I understanding all of these things is really brought my physique up made me a better athlete and a more CH kid you become better you come at it good keep those hands open good good good good Oh oh good come on keep going you got one more you got one more oh good now press it now press it one two three four five six good keep going keep going one more squeeze good oh good feet up oh yeah oh good one Oh 2:03 come on huh five come on six come on seven eight nine ten - two - two huh good good good good good there you good good partials awesome awesome good you're on the clock so we're doing 45 seconds rest in between sets we're doing seven sets of this so basically it almost turns into a try set these what he's doing is doing his fly seven to ten reps then he's going into a press anywhere from five to ten reps then he's going into a incline push-up and he's going to be doing anywhere from five to ten reps and then we're doing partials at the very end and again this is to be able to maximize breaking through those plateaus hope taun hands open hands open you want to get those hands open there you go ha ha so control it control it ha hey no press Oh go Chris two three four five six seven eight nine one more good good let's go feet aha let's go huh oh good whoo two three four five six seven eight nine partials final one two three four there you go there you go there you go there you go so what we're doing also is you'll notice I'm having him open his hands so he's trying to do is when he's trying to get that really good flexion it gives that extra inch or two will end up getting you that soreness that you want to get you that growth that you're requiring so that you can end up having that rounder fuller chest oh all right buddy let's rock let's rock let's go huh let's go set 3 set 3 1 2 a little higher this time little higher this time 3 slow down low they sewed a little bit come on good come on come on squeeze boo-hoo-hoo keep going four three two one more one more cool good job ah let's go come on let's go Oh two three four five six seven eight nine ten partials five go one two three four that's it Oh Oh good job good job all right so people ask why you have your athletes wear a belt the reason why I haven't wear a belt is number one because it really helps with keeping the stability of your core it also helps you with breathing with all the liquids you're taken in with all the extra food that people take in during contest preparation and trying to grow all those extra calories so having that belt on and allowing you to keep that tighter waist because you're learning to breathe with shorter breaths and not breathe with your lower abdomen but actually breathe with your up to wrap up wrap them in so therefore I prefer athletes wearing a belt throughout the whole workout hey feeling so it's all about right here so we're three sets in we got four left yep it don't get any easier gets harder so suck it up that's it you know come on Suze come on bye bye control it control it roll it there you go don't use momentum you don't want to use momentum all the emphasis on the chest oh he's momentum the shoulders kick in I want that round chest oh good open those hands come on come on Oh - oh one more one more on the fly now go to the press go into the press higher higher higher in the pro there you go there you go there you go come on there you go now you're working now you're working let's go come on - good job let's go come on hurry up eat up two three five six seven good nine ten pose let's go five one two three four good that's it [ __ ] that's it that's it just go walk it out good good good so every person has their own level of intensity that they have to work up to so what I call this is controlled chaos and what that does is it allows you to be able to break through plateaus push the intensity level higher not every person's going to push the same way Jeremy does which you might do is do a couple of forced reps you might do a couple of partial reps but what you don't want to do is go outside your means where you're going to get hurt it's a very very very small likelihood that he's going to end up hurting themself with the higher intensity because what we're doing is we're controlling the chaos by making sure that if anything happens is just arms are going to give out on the push-ups if he gets tired he just puts the weights back and this is one of the reasons why you use selectorized equipment for FSD seven sets sit let's go there you go there you go good come on come on oh one more one more one more one more now press now press press hi pres hi chin up chin up press on press I there you go keep going six five four three two one more huh good let's go come on come on you're taking the long route because you're trying to get some extra air let's do this finish your set oh come on one two three you own this four five six seven oh eight nine Marshalls let's go live tour three two one go that's it if I have to give one tip to people out there they always ask me what is the one thing that they should do during a workout it is to make sure you're drinking water through your whole workout if you stay hydrated you'll get a pump if you're dehydrated you'll be flat so make sure you hydrate through the whole workout six let's go let's go six one two three four five six keep going seven eight nine ten two 1:02 press go into that press one two three four five six seven one more whoo good job oh that's it feet up let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Oh five four three three three two two one good job good job good job think you got a little extra Nia all right so what I'm doing is I'm actually increasing the weight we want to bring down the reps a little bit because he's getting a little far out of the range we were trying to hit that 1012 rep range and all together we're hitting closer to the 20 rep range so what we want to do is we want to increase the weight a little bit to bring the reps down and what we're going to do is we're going to do our final set with that help Oh higher Oh throw four five six seven hey come on nine press boom go press press press Kress puzzles by partials go 5 4 3 2 good ball let's go come on let's go don't stop all the way through all the way through 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 puzzles commercials commercials puzzles Roger puzzle make me look so weak good workout that's a good workout come on squeeze it out let's go yeah hold it hold it hold it huh good shoulders wider huh I was wider hold it hold it hold it workout isn't over yet now we do biceps good job good job alright what we're doing is we're gonna do 3 sets 10 to 12 reps and he's doing them alternating at the very end of the number of reps that he does he's going to end up doing it both together some would consider that a superset I don't go - good oh come on three more huh good Oh up good job good set good set good still her chest yeah so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take about a minute minute and a half rest then go on to the next set that seems like a pretty good wait how does that feel good because we don't to go too heavy because if you go too heavy the shoulders start kicking in and if the shoulders kick in you're not gonna get any emphasis on that bicep let's go oh 0:02 two three come on three good good form or yeah keep going five five six six so not too fast thousand eight eight one one more huh good bye together oh come on oh good go whoa two three keep going ah one more uh-huh partials final oh my gosh no fun huh hi boys let's go one two three four good so good set good set the reason why we're combining chest and bicep today is because traditionally in the past he's always done the chest and tricep and to be able to break plateaus you have to actually go through and change up your workouts so what we're going to do is focus on biceps for the next two more exercises after this one when yeah that's right one more set let's go oh oh uh I have him facing polishing forward so he keeps constant tension on that bicep hey hey good good hey hi good come on good good go together ah together now together now oh good three two partials Oh five four three Hey good good good sad good set good pain those parcels really at that lower part my bicep so next exercise we're going to do is we're going to do standing double bicep so we're going to do is we're going to hit 10 to 12 reps and then in between those sets we're going to pose do a couple reps feel the weight up good good so you want to put maximum tension on that pinky and ring finger good good good full range of motion there you go good because we have constant tension we want to go all the way that's the nice thing about pulleys it allows you to have in tension oh good keep going keep going keep going good good we're partials out Clark mmm that much that much pain yeah that shit'll fire good let's see it front double by come on Bo hold it super neat that wrist get those Peaks to fire there you go boom good good hold it hold it hold it hold it okay we're doing two things right now what we're trying to do is he's posing the muscles to be able to really get the muscle to really flex but he's also doing is he's opening up his lats so he can really work on opening up he's going to have to do that when he poses so it also allows him to create conditioning for that look like it train you you had that side too good two three good bye come on oh good ah keep going keep on huh marshals five Hawn 2/3 power one more now hold that good okay let go that a little bit right there let me push there you like that just like that there's a yeah what he's doing is he's curling up this way and I'm pushing against it and he's trying to hold it with his bicep basically we're just doing a negative and those negatives are what are going to help you grow in the next 24 to 48 hours because you're creating more muscle damage all right the last exercise is going to be a reverse curl this is a finesse movement what we're trying to do right now is we're trying to work on that outer bicep and what we want to do is we don't want to go too heavy because if we do that then again the shoulders will kick in so keep the elbows to the sides bring it up all the way and we want to do a higher rep range we're going to be up in the 20 rep range how are we going thumbs underneath our thumbs or the top underneath good do a couple let me know how that weight is 220 it's good keep those elbows back shoulders back breathe ah aha ah ah can you partial me partials chest off 205 good good it's a little heavy you started getting a little too much body English on that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to drop the weight about ten pounds just get proper form good if there's ever a movement that you do not want to cheat it's this one your shoulders will kick in stop dickin way before your bicep achy breaky alice does so if you don't do it correctly keep going all right partials can be parsed oh my hand to him oh good good job [ __ ] man I got any more of those my [ __ ] forearms are done good and I stopped away on my foot [ __ ] did you really yeah oh Jesus that was the first workout in the FST seven bodybuilding.com series the other two workouts or shoulders and triceps and back by itself if this is the first time you're using this type of FS d7 training what I recommend is doing it once every two weeks until you can get used to it then move on to every week so if you have any questions for me about FF c7 or any of my training principles check me out Instagram Facebook and also in Twitter Hannie Rambla for more FS e 7 workouts or content like this come back to body building calm you
Channel: Bodybuilding.com
Views: 4,601,586
Rating: 4.9077687 out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilding.com, how-to, how to, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, motivation, fitness, workout, workouts, exercise, exercises, build muscle, get big, lose weight, lose fat, Biceps (Muscle), Physical Exercise (Interest), Weight Training (Hobby), Body, Pectoralis Major Muscle (Muscle), Pectoralis Minor Muscle (Muscle), Chest, Fascia (Anatomical Structure), FST-7, Hany Rambod, Jeremy Buendia, Health, FST7, FST 7, Fascia Stretch Training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2015
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