I Grew Potatoes 3 Ways to See What Method Is Best?

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g'day i'm mike from self-sufficient me and i grew potatoes three ways the first way were store-bought potatoes that had gone green in the pantry so i planted them in this bed wrist deep and put some mulch over the top this middle bed here i planted seed potatoes that i specifically got from the nursery and i planted these in drills or furrows positioning the potatoes in rows and then back filling as the potatoes grew and this last bed here was also seed potatoes purchased from the nursery except i buried them just like the first bed wrist deep and then mulched over the top and now we're going to dig them all up and see what happened let's get into it [Music] i hope i didn't stab a potato accidentally well sometimes you can't help it when you're digging potatoes anyway i think we'll start down the other end and check out the supermarket potatoes first rodeo we'll just start from one end you can see that there is a number of potatoes that are already up onto the surface gone green they're gonna have to be discarded so i'm not sure how many are below there we go not bad not too bad to start off with all plenty of worms put these over here for now [Music] these are kind of a red color which is odd lots of small ones see that a couple of decent sized ones last corner look at this one not too bad a couple of nice ones there we have it i should say that these potatoes here were really old they barely look like potatoes anymore they were so far gone and chittered so to get this little pile of potatoes out of it is a pretty good effort actually a very good effort it's still not great and i could see by the lackluster way they grew compared to the other beds that this wasn't going to be a fantastic harvest i'm actually surprised that we've got you know quite a few good sized potatoes out of it which is a nice surprise yeah we'll have to compare it to the other two beds you know what do you think all right now let's have a go at this bed here which was done in exactly the same way as the supermarket potatoes except these are seed potatoes from the nursery when it comes to how well these grew they were probably the second best growers they took a while to come through the ones in the middle bed that were in the drills they sprouted earlier even though they were all planted at the same time i think maybe because they were closer to the sun they didn't have as much soil over them and these ones took quite a while to sprout i don't think all of them did sprout i planted these potatoes pretty late in the season so keep that in mind also when it comes to harvest but i don't really care how much we get i want to compare each bed more than anything oh bad start i suppose i'll just put them there for now had to put a hat on pretty hot out here an interesting one looks like a slug two eyes not a bad way to finish off not too bad at all that's a nice finish there we go again for this time of year i didn't expect huge results but just by the eyeball method if i'm looking and comparing it to the store-bought potatoes that had gone green in the other bed planted exactly the same way well this is definitely a better quality potato better quality and a better yield still not a great yield mind you we're going to have to now compare this yield to that middle bed and see if that drill method and back filling as the plants grew is indeed a better way to do it [Music] just about halfway there oh nice dabbed a few it's a shame all right last corner finally a decent hall well this is very surprising i'll just remove my hat i'd fix my hair up look at this hey look to be honest from the eyeball method there's not a big difference between them and i'm really shocked so this is the order they were in in those three large beds this one here is the nursery seed potato planted wrist deep or a little bit further in some cases and then mulched over the top then this one here is the seed potato grown in drills usually the proper way that you're supposed to grow potatoes and they're very similar varieties both of these and then the one on the end were just old over chittered disgusting supermarket variety potatoes that had gone green and just went feral and i planted them by the wrist method in that end bed and mulched over the top well which one grew best what do you think i mean i could weigh them i'm not going to the eyeball method can tell you that volume wise the middle bed it probably is slightly bigger and it did grow the best out of all the other beds now keep in mind i planted these at the end of the season not the best time to plant potatoes or seed potatoes or soy potatoes at this time of year in this climate you know sometimes you just gotta have a go but the comparison is what is really interesting for me there's not a heck of a lot of difference between the drill method and just whacking them in the wrist method and mulching over the top and compared to these other two halves from the proper seed and disease-free potatoes that's not actually too bad so there you go anyway what do you think write your opinion down in the comments section below we can always learn from everyone and all their comments or questions i just didn't expect that and that's what gardening is about i had my own assumptions and they were wrong i actually thought that this would grow much bigger and grow better potatoes than this but it didn't an interesting experiment i think make sure you give this video a big sack of spuds thumbs up and share the video around because that helps my channel out heaps thanks for watching bye for now wow
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 291,176
Rating: 4.9713554 out of 5
Keywords: how to grow potatoes, how to grow potatoes in containers, how to grow potatoes at home, potatoes, potato growing at home, potato growing tips, sustainable living, garden, gardening, growing potatoes, grow potatoes in drill, ways to grow potatoes
Id: it_50DvgXy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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