A body language expert breaks down key moments at the CUSMA signing

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[Music] body language is our nonverbal communication the physical part of it and it's the way that we respond and display the power around us I'm uploading I'm an expert in human behavior and body language I'm honored to be here with president and reiki pena nieto prime minister justin trudeau who has also become a great friend which has been a battle so notice there on that idea of a battle and that in drawer of breath rather like that sound that you make when you've been hurt in some way so it seems like the nonverbal communication there including the tonality the sounds being made are an indicator of the battle being one that hurt him in some way in battle sometimes make great friendship so it's really terrific we both we both agree he's a special man you can see it's quite a touchy-feely meeting there Trump goes out to the shoulders of both parties he goes for almost a stroke gesture on Trudeau at one point and then changes it to coming round the back of the shoulder it's a little more controlling when is a soft gesture the other is a harder gesture that might control so was he gonna comfort Trudeau first off and then decided to switch to controlling him again I'd need more data than this but those are a couple of options that seem to show up forming here and Donald it's all the more reason why we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries now check out Trump's finger here on the lectern the way it's moving impatiently needs this to move on now having said that that's often shown with Trump this may not be an indicator of this specific situation but often when other people are speaking there's a little bit of impatience that we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum in between our countries we see lip piercing there something is being squeezed in squeezed down there's something that is not gonna be said at this point and then at the end of it all that little bit of a mouth Brown gesture that says yeah just don't think that's going to happen once again thank you all for being here today as Trudeau says once again you see this they kind of smirk from Trump they're now often people think that something called Cooper's delight it means that somebody is smirking with delight as they've juked somebody however in this case Cooper's delight tends to be really quick really fast this is prolonged so whether it's that Trump can't pull a full pleasurable smile at that point or whether it might be that sense of hey I think I've got one over on this bunch tough to tell because usually Jupiter's delight it's quick and it's sharp and it's a bit of a micro gesture now the handshake event at the end of that is pretty cursory Trump though he's crossing his body with with their hand there he doesn't reach out a lot he won't pull himself off balance or shift his body in any strong way to make that distance Trudeau in order to get the handshake in has to reach right out he has to go the further distance again can this be seen as analogous to the deal in general you know hard to tell with body language we need as much data as possible to get closer to the truth but there's strong possibilities here I think that somebody is more happier than somebody else about this deal that's been made take a look at Freeland she's doing what we might call nod is in the back that's when you nod in agreement to everything that's been going on just to give a positive feeling and a positive attitude around that what are in the back smiling nodding trying to give the aura that this is going really well this is a good deal but now look carefully at that smile is it a true smile is it a smile that when you look at it you go well that's a that's a really good true pleasurable feeling that she has I'm not sure that's a true smile and there's a downward frown in it and a slight bitterness in taste there I think that there's been an instruction to make out this is really good and I think somewhere in somebody's mind it's not as good as hoped notice what Trudeau's doing there every time he signs he signs quickly as head comes up and he stays very still and serious for the cameras to capture his head up a serious expression and the other two signing is that in order to capture a photograph that looks like he's a little more reticent a little less in agreement with what's being ultimately signed by him have a look at the aggression and the noise that came from when Trudeau shut the document it's now closed it's now done he made a whole different sound than the other two who closed it a little more gently he's not caring for it as much maybe he doesn't care for the agreement as much [Music] that's the nature of photographs is they capture a moment in time and you don't see what's around it and of course we can all set up photographs to get a particular story across so when you're reading body language or trying to get the sense of somebody's feelings and intentions from a still image chances are you're not taking in the full context that's why you want to get to reports and watch the whole thing moving with the sound to get a better idea of exactly what's going on a photograph may give you some of the truth but it's not going to get you the accuracy of getting the whole picture [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CBC News
Views: 473,565
Rating: 4.4115243 out of 5
Keywords: trump, trudeau, body language, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Enrique Pena Nieto, mexico, canada, US, Canada, US-Canada relations, NAFTA, USMCA, CUSMA, CBC, CBC News, Power & Politics
Id: 9pk7EiWXoks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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