#1 Secret To Reading Body Language with Expert Mark Bowden

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[Applause] body language I'm always trying to decipher what's going on I truly believe it gives me a better sense of who they are and what's really going on inside their heads I think a lot of people are with you there Marsh but according to our first guess you're probably wrong more often than you're right in reading body language here is Whitmore rather is world renowned body language expert and the author of truth and lies what people are really thinking Mark Bowden is body language yeah well unfortunately you're wrong more than you're ever right I would say at least it's a 50/50 chance you know you're either gonna be a right or wrong or something in between it's always an assumption however you'll always believe you're very very right well it's the default of the negative when we don't know better to be safe than sorry make up a bad story a bad assumption rather than a good one so you're ready for the bad situation whether it's true or not and you say the key marked to be able to figure out what someone is thinking is not relying on that first assumption you say it's more important to think critically about context what does that mean yeah absolutely suspend your judgment and think about the context for example if I do this what's your initial judgment hiding something going on absolutely but what if it's a cold day where else do I put my arms you see your first assumption can be usually negative and absolutely wrong so think again critically think we love to have some fun and roleplay on this show from time to time mark so we're actually gonna take scenarios that are in your book and we're gonna play them out here live on television and we're gonna try to see if we can assume what is happening here and then you're gonna straighten us out to see for right or for wrong so for this first scenario let's get Lanie and Cynthia okay they're together to do this okay so are you guys ready yeah yes you're at a party with a group of people it occurs to you you're quite attracted to one person in the group you notice that they keep glancing over at you holding your gaze some potentially powerful chemistry and yet in the next moment you feel like they're ignoring you as they look away and giving you the cold shoulder you're confused they must be playing hard to get right there and how can we tell is Laney actually interested or not well of course there's confusion because there was great eye contact there also saw Elaine into a flirt signal this full turn away that was a blocking gesture however it also did reveal this vulnerable area of the neck as well which is a flirt signal and gives off pheromones so at the moment we just don't know it could be one or the other we'd need to find out more information for example if there's really good eye contact if you can move see if their eye contact follows you that means you're a high-value target next scenario we're gonna have Marcie and mal act it out okay this this scenario is taking place at home okay here it is your partner Marcie comes home later than expected and it seems that something's off something's different they're inconsistent in the way that they act they seem happy but then stressed they also smell different and when you ask they look away and say I pass through the perfume section of the store on the way they continue to smell their own wrists and crinkle up their nose that they don't like that smell but they avoids facing you their head hangs down they get shifty that's right shifty in the eyes your course this is extremes of behavior that unlearned our instinct and the specific one there was the smelling of the wrist and this this gesture here of disgust is she disgusted at the smell or disgusted at her own potential lie well again we just don't know we would need more information so the key is is to dig into the story ask more questions about the story and see if the story changes also when you ask questions do they need time to make up new answers so we can say so tell me about the store do they go tell you about the store just giving them enough time to start making up the idea also you know how much does the story start to change you're gonna have to find the deception by getting into the story more shifty eyes they're at interest her well shifty eyes is not an indicator of deception really good Liars will look you very clearly in the eye they know that you're looking out for this shift you know so don't go with that at all you need to get into the story Lanie and now you're up okay going up this is a scenario that is involving two people who are very into each other so you met online the sites computer algorithm made the perfect match after a suitable of time successfully emailing and calling you finally meet in person and every single thing seems to click when you're together it feels so bright when you when you yawn the same thoughts at the same time you are so in tune with each other it has to be true love doesn't it how do we even tell the difference well they say opposites attract but actually that's not particularly true similarity is a big attractor we look for people who are very much like us the algorithms in dating sites can get this very very accurate so if that's accurate and you're laughing and smiling at the same times I'm saying that this is a pretty good bet even if it's infatuation that can lead to love so it may be on making successful profile photos oh yeah sure so you're in the market here you've got to stand out make sure there's color in that picture I make sure there's some idea of the kind of things you like doing outside so so it shows your hobbies or or what you're into maybe a picture in a restaurant or something like that but don't wear dark glasses they won't be able to see your eyes and don't be pictures with things that you don't actually have having your hand on a Ferrari made okay one more scenario you guys ready well thank you thank you oh you get seats for this this is this is a job interviews okay oh this work-related sorry okay so you recently interviewed for your dream job but things could not have gone better during the interview your interviewer look directly at you and seemed positive and engaged nodding an agreement with you and making you relaxed she seemed to genuinely be smiling as you said goodbye you were sure you'd be hearing from them with an offer but now a few days have passed and you're beginning to doubt yourself you wonder did I misread the situation and seen well this is the classic you felt so good at the interview and now where's my job the thing is is she's in the market as much as you are she wants to make a great impression on you so that if she offers the job you'll take it she's doing that probably with everybody because the CEO you know she waves at you in the corridors she does that with everybody you need to call up and get a better idea of what's going on here make a phone call and see where they're at get more information that way [Applause] and lies it's on shelves now but everyone in our studio audience you're getting your copy today up next fighting hard truths through food and
Channel: Mark Bowden
Views: 51,196
Rating: 4.7914109 out of 5
Keywords: body, language, communication, expert, mark, bowden, bodylanguage, nonverbal, dating, interviews, cheating, lying, attraction, mark bowden, non verbal communication, nonverbal communication, truth, lies, deceit, deception detection, deception detection techniques
Id: kpudIo17Myk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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