Top 10 Facts The Crown Season 4 Got Right & Wrong

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well i'm sure a clarification will soon be forthcoming welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 facts the crown season 4 got right and wrong and i suppose in love of course whatever in love darling you really know nothing do you i kept out of the way for this list we'll be looking at where the netflix historical drama stuck to the truth and where they indulged in some creative license during its fourth season what was the most surprising fact you learned from this season let us know in the comments number 10 lord mountbatten's death right earl mountbatten of burma has been killed in an explosion on his boat off the west coast of ireland the provisional ira have said that they were responsible episode 1 shows the shocking assassination of lord mountbatten during the august bank holiday of 1979. the provisional ira claimed responsibility for the attack which also killed one of his 14 year old grandsons and 15 year old boat boy paul maxwell among others the depiction of this horrifying incident is quite accurate except that lord mountbatten was found alive and only died after being brought ashore [Music] in the wake of the horrible news we see prince charles receive a final letter from his great uncle you're more than a man more than a prince and one day dear boy you shall be king and now to the sea while it's true that the pair shared a close bond unfortunately there is no evidence that such a letter exists number nine the bowel moral test right the infamous bowel moral tests said he apparently the royal family routinely subject all their guests to secret tests to find out whether someone is acceptable or not acceptable this tradition reportedly started by queen victoria still exists today with anyone from potential spouses to other esteemed guests being put through a sort of initiation are we allowed to sleep in one bed i shall go and check with the protocol sheet and what do you think 6 p.m is drinks or different oh who knows what do we wear what the heck who cares visitors are expected to know royal protocol join in with the family's leisurely activities and not sit in queen victoria's chair that chair no one sits in that chair it's queen victoria's chair we see two vastly different experiences in season four with diana nailing her visit while thatcher struggles to keep up calling number ten it's true that diana impressed the family in real life but her taking of the test was not her first time meeting them let me know if i passed i'm sure you have while we don't really know much about how the prime minister fared it seems that this whole experience was not her cup of tea number eight diana roller skates in buckingham palace right season 4 highlights diana's love for the arts and believe it or not that performance of uptown girl at the royal opera house was very real as were the reactions to it it was speechless and she was on fire i mean she took it embraced as if she'd been doing it hundreds of years though diana was a fan of the phantom of the opera her rendition of all i ask of you was arguably fictional [Music] it's certainly true that diana enjoyed music and rollerblades the crown producer oona oberon insists that she brought this hobby indoors and perhaps even cycled down the palace hallways too ultimately the inclusion of the scene was to remind audiences of how young diana was when she married the heir apparent to the british throne number 7 prince charles and diana's first meeting wrong he's given strict instructions to remain out of sight i just have to get to that room over there and this is the only way while dating your sibling's ex might be considered a faux pas it's true that diana first met the prince while he was dating her older sister lady sarah spencer in 1977. i kept out the way i remember being fat podgy non-makeup unsmart lady but i made a lot of noise and you like that diana was indeed 16 when they first met in a plowed field outside the spencer's family home but we can pretty much guarantee that she wasn't dressed as a tree quite a costume the costume was likely the idea of creator peter morgan and the crown's writers and reportedly included as a reference to diana's love of the performing arts i'm sarah's younger sister by the way please don't tell her you saw me i'll get into terrible trouble she wanted everything to be just perfect she wouldn't want me to scare you off it was in 1980 when the pair met again and charles first saw the potential for a promising royal wife i'm sorry we haven't met we have i was in costume at the time sarah spence's younger sister the mad tree banana number six princess margaret tries to call off the wedding wrong nor taken in hand unadvisedly likely or wantonly but reverently discreetly soberly and in the fear of god when princess margaret spots a familiar expression on her nephew's face during his wedding rehearsal old feelings come flooding back i cannot allow you to marry peter and remain part of this family that is my decision she pleads with her mother and sister to call off the wedding asking how many times can they make the same mistake when it comes to forcing some marriages and denying others forbidding marriages should be allowed forcing others shouldn't paying the consequences each time while it would be fair to believe that princess margaret could have objected to the marriage given her own history it's actress helena bonham carter who takes credit for coming up with this idea we can stop them now before they tie the knot not just for the sake of the monarchy but for them as human beings sadly though the family ignores her warnings and the rest as they say is history number five camilla invites diana to lunch right darling you really know nothing do you it may surprise you that this lunch date at the aptly named menage a trois actually happened there are conflicts about the exact timing of its occurrence however do let's have lunch soon when victorious goes to australia new zealand and love to see the ring lots of love camilla and that was wow some sources like royal biographer penny jr claim it occurred after diana and charles were already married while others place it when they were newly engaged like what the show suggests in the crown camilla asserts her importance in charles's life through a rather awkward exchange as diana grows increasingly agitated what about hunting not if i can help it more of a talony really so you see yourself living more in london than in the country why do you ask but while the show suggests that diana knew about camilla and charles's relationship in reality it was this lunch date according to royal writer andrew morton that first fueled her suspicions that camilla was more than just a close friend which her husband had initially described her as we had lunch and very tricky very tricky indeed she said you're not going to hunt are you i said no i just wanted to know that number four the queen and margaret thatcher's turbulent relationship right while the british stiff upper lip prevented any public admission of a frosty relationship the evidence speaks for itself with significantly different backgrounds and starkly opposing views the pair often struggle to see eye to eye if we are to turn this country around we really must abandon outdated and misguided notions of collective duty the queen reportedly didn't like thatcher's treatment of the commonwealth the ever-growing unrest in the country or that the prime minister acted like the head of state there are ways of britain being great again and that is through a revitalized economy not through association with unreliable tribal leaders in eccentric costumes but isn't that all i am prime minister a tribal leader in eccentric costumes it didn't help either that the sunday times published an article in 1986 stating that the queen had called thatcher quote uncaring confrontational and socially divisive nevertheless almost two weeks after thatcher's resignation the queen awarded her the order of merit what matters is your accomplishments and nobody can deny that this is a very different country now to the one inherited by our first woman prime minister number three the queen faces an intruder wrong the incident left royal commentators asking two questions how on earth did he get in and what did they talk about this unbelievable security breach did actually happen twice while there are definitely elements of the truth in the crown's version of events michael fagan's unreliable accounts left the writers heavily reliant on creative license to fill in the gaps as you can imagine the queen was hardly going to have a chat with an intruder in her bedroom but it's true that it took time until she was able to summon help oh get out i promise you you have nothing to fear from me there is an armed policeman outside this door no there isn't hello finding a common thread throughout fagin's varied accounts the writers use the opportunity to highlight the ever-growing problem of unemployment in britain at the time my words she's put us out of work she's quietly putting you out of work number two narissa and catherine beau's lion right they have pictures of the whole family which they know is their family love that one don't you in one of the most devastating revelations of season four margaret discovers the cousins she believed to have died were in fact very much alive i only asked because i am aware through professional colleagues of the sisters sisters although margaret's involvement is fictional it's sadly true that the sisters who had severe learning disabilities were admitted into a mental health institution by their mother and essentially left there so i remember hearing about catherine and erisa the terrible problems but they're long dead it's my understanding they're both very much alive it's also correct that they were falsely recorded as dead in the 1963 berks peerage records it wasn't until a year after narisa's death in 1986 that their story made headlines we don't know how much the royals actually knew as they refused to provide comments the hereditary principle already hangs by such a precarious threat throw in mental illness and it's over before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions princess diana's engagement ring right diana really was presented with a tray of rings to choose from yes a lovely choice ma'am is that one of yours what can you tell us about that apart from the price it's a 12 carat oval salon sapphire your majesty surrounded by 14 diamonds set in 18 carat white gold wonderful sapphire endowment when were you getting that just last night no sunday princess diana's 1989 solo trip to new york right from her concord flight to her visit to harlem hospital they nailed this historic trip [Music] prince andrew dated coo stark right this pairing certainly would have been considered scandalous it's set in the 1920s follows a impressionable nubile 17 year old girl 17 i'm not sure i want to know more don't be such a prude mummy mark thatcher goes missing as the falklands are invaded wrong while he did go missing it was not around the same time as the invasion of the falkland islands it's my son mug [Music] prince charles was feared dead after an avalanche wrong while the royals were fine prince charles did lose his close friend major hugh lindsey efforts to locate the prince continued they were on the hagler mad a notoriously challenging off-piste slope um when the avalanche struck [Music] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one diana and charles's troubled relationship right and if i may say you both look very much in love oh yes absolutely whatever in love means it's hardly a secret that the prince and princess of wales's marriage was anything but a fairy tale and i suppose in love whatever in love means your own interpretation after a proposal that seemed to set the tone for their marriage we see loneliness and unhappiness take their toll on diana and thanks to you thanks to me people have shown up thanks to me people are interested no thanks to you people are laughing in my face booing the air to the throne their incompatibility numerous affairs and perhaps also some envy over the people's princess status led to irreconcilable differences not to mention as diana famously said well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded she barely had a confidant among the royal family either with former ally prince philip allegedly insisting by letter that she remain in her unhappy marriage after four years of separation they finally divorced in 1996. and i can do this job so much better on my own do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from ms mojo and 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Channel: MsMojo
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Keywords: facts the crown season 4 got right and wrong, what the crown season 4 got right, what the crown season 4 got wrong, the crown season 4 fact vs fiction, the crown season 4 true, the crown diana, the crown diana and charles, margaret thatcher, princess diana, queen elizabeth, nerissa bowes-lyon, katherine bowes-lyon, princess margaret, lord mountbatten, the crown, netflix, TV, Drama, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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