Myka Stauffer's lame video broken down piece by piece - Who are you fooling?

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hey guys it's Josh from the dad Sean's podcast and I man I did a video just today about this this update on the Micah Stouffer story and James Stouffer I'm not done with this I've decided I'm gonna walk through their video I'm just gonna show you the ridiculousness of what they're talking about and how selfish they actually are with how they say what they say there's a lot of psychology behind what the hell they're saying here and first of all I don't want to like be petty about any of this stuff but I hate when people talk like and I'm sorry and I'm like I feel like these people haven't exited 16 years old like people who are narcissistic specifically in this in this world like I mean everybody who's an influencer on YouTube is narcissistic I have some narcissistic because I'm I'm on a podcast I do videos there's got to be some point of narcissism and everybody these types of people are the worst for it so without further doing and walk through their video with you we're gonna listen what they say we're gonna spawn we're gonna talk about what they say I want to like break it down logically for them because clearly they put this together and they don't have anybody helping them because it made everything worse so let's get started we're gonna open it up this is why it's the hardest video you've ever had to publicly make because it's been over 30 days since you rehomed Huxley and you're just being called out on it you wouldn't have made this video if no one would have said anything from what I understand and this is conjecture is that your followers were asking where's Huxley and you couldn't delete their comments enough so you eventually had to do a video where you sat on your $10,000 bed and started out the video with this is the hardest view ever gonna make it's the hardest video you ever gonna make because it's probably one of the last videos you're ever gonna make because nobody is going to listen to you after this before just want to say thank you to how amazing our viewers have been we have some viewers I've been just like so incredibly kind and respectful of our son's privacy oh the viewers have been kind and incredible about her son's privacy but she's cool and you'll all come back to this a bunch of times why are they claiming privacy is one of the concerns now when they literally use this kid since before he was even adopted for their own gain and those who are saying things nice are few and far between they're deleting every negative comment from their Facebook from their YouTube not from Facebook from YouTube specifically they're not an Instagram they're shut the comments off this is just gonna snowball but I don't like when they first of all thanks for those who agree with us for agreeing with us right thanks it's I've never seen thing like it it's amazing these people the people who blindly follow these people and who take everything they say that's the problem here you've got an influencer who hates it literally influences people do you really want this person to be influencing people and adoption and telling them what to be doing no this is a failure of an influencer comes the crocodile tear my hair my hair is perfect but let's let's cry first okay haven't you no idea what it means to me that as you look at my $20,000 engagement ring in my $50,000 bed what it means to me that you support me because I think I don't think they deep down understood at this point that they are about to be canceled they think this is going to be the end of it this is just the beginning thank you I can't say enough how hard my guys tried throughout this entire journey and the amount of effort she's put into this can I just stop here for a second what's with all the white solid white everywhere it's white it's clean this guy he looks like that guy from hero TV show the guy anyway clean I don't like the shininess shiny okay they did videos before this talking about how they were being warned about Huxley and international adoption with kiss especially with kids with with mental disorders or whatever you want to call it and look at this tweet by him here or this I don't know those Facebook was she where she posted about him specifically saying why is Huxley stared as well we eat like this to me it's like Huxley is already on the outsides of this family he's like a guest in their house and they really want him to go but and she's posting these types of post and for some reason James here this douchebag face here hates the fact that Huxley watches him eat this is this supposed to be this kid's father gave my kid wants to watch me my kids watch me take a dump I don't can't get privacy I love my kids still this guy is a total dickweed once he came home there was a lot more special needs they weren't told but so are you saying you're justified in letting a kid go because you didn't know all the baggage you carry with them this is an adoption okay you specifically wanted a kid who was damaged for your social media points for your for your glory and you but it's too much there was there's too much of it I guess at this point the past few years in numerous therapies to try to help them with all of his needs and over the last year has been a more intense therapy that he's been in to try to help them as much as possible with his with the severe needs and for us it's been really hard hearing from the medical professionals a lot of their feedback and things that have been upsetting really upsetting for us because oh it's sorry it's upsetting for him Huxley's the one who has to suffer but it's upsetting for them because the doctors are saying it looks like Huxley's you know got some stuff going on I'm really sorry James that you feel that it's hurting you and it's really sucks for you guys one thing at a point about this video and it's really this is what pisses me off and I think a lot of people is that this video is all about them has nothing to do with Huxley this has everything to do with how they suffered through this and that is super choc and this guy oh my gosh I like I don't like like I would never hurt somebody or say but I would like to look at this guy in the eye and just say you are a bad person I hope that your sock falls off in your shoe every day for the rest of your life you truly love this kid so you gave him back the issue I have with Hippocrates and I think everybody has with Hippocrates no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on is that everybody hates Hippocrates and everybody can be a hypocrite but your actions always speak louder than your words and I've told my kids this and I've told my wife this and I tell everybody who's close to me my actions need to speak louder than my words at all times talk is good and you can cry fake cry here on your on your bed and your white shirt and but we know the whole world knows it's [ __ ] why didn't you make this video when you were thinking about giving him away or that moment that week you were going through all this why wait 30 days and all of a sudden I you're sad you don't mean I know I'm interrupting you guys a lot but I can't let this [ __ ] go this guy's a total don't like him I also have to stop you here they're doing lots of cuts in this video I'm a video producer I know how this works okay they're doing a ton of cuts but they're really really letting those lingering crying moments happen they're literally sitting there crying make sure you hold onto that that that scene for a little bit so people really know how sad we are don't let that get past you okay I'm sorry you cannot say you love someone with all your being when you literally get rid of them they need to stop saying this I think the part of this is the problem is that they say all these things all these like butterfly rainbows happy oh we love him with all our heart buttocks you you literally gave him back so stop saying that you need people to help you get this message across because your message is wrong you're lying and you're fake he needed more understanding than me mica mica our name is is a registered nurse what more could you get a registered nurse who is trained my wife's in nursing school right now a nurse is trained to be someone like this who else could you who else could be better than a person's mother who's also a nurse they're looking for excuses who else who else is they just gave up let's just be real this video could have been 10 seconds we gave up we're really sorry we are chachi sorry that's all he had to say instead they did seven minutes of [ __ ] and I tweeted this out earlier they're trying to protect his privacy in his rights except when they literally used him for the last three years for their own gain someone there's another lady who had a YouTube video talking about how their growth exploded after the Huxley adoption and everything else they literally use this kid and by the way they sell pictures of him all over their website and they're still using his likeness and the videos to monetize videos about this kid there's a campaign now they're trying to get them to remove all the Huxley videos and they should that's that the first thing they should have done when they when they let go of Huxley when they gave him back when they rehomed him was delete everything to do with Huxley come out with the statement that says look this is what we're going through we're honest with you we've deleted the content because we don't think it's fair that we should do it or give all that money that Huxley made for you guys and put it into a into an RESP or something for that kid and if you don't if you don't your chachi and there should be hopefully does it go fund me for Huxley for his future because he's gonna need it cuz douche-nozzles like this are you know living in $800,000 houses in Ohio who who make a lot of money off people like fab fit and all these place that they're sponsored by who make money off youtube we make money off their social media they're selfish dirty pricks and those white shirts are opposite of their souls trying not to mess up his future that's real okay so that's the good way to do it rehome Bandhan him good solution dumbass what could you mess up you've already you've already exploited this kid for two and a half years what are you messing up you're gonna have to come out eventually and say it if you're an influencer if you're famous on YouTube you're gonna have to say something eventually you weren't saying anything because you thought it would just go away you you went on a vacation after you let go of this kid you apparently built more into your house you guys have done you started in a YouTube channel you've done a lot of things since you let go this kid and a lot of it's been happy and you've been you've been putting out a face and all this stuff so again actions speak louder than words you're just got called it's like people get called for lying they're only sad they got caught you're just sad you got caught mm-hmm this future remember to pause on the crying place to be like because you're grieving you I want to share with you guys like I know deep down inside that I don't have to say anything like I'm not I don't have to say this I don't have to it but I want to like I want to tell you guys have been there for us for so much if you wanted to tell people you should have just told them what had happened you waited until it was too late until you had no choice nobody's fooled here okay let's get that out of the way be real what's going on and what hard like do I so when they get like insidious hurtful comments it just like really makes it worse it's not about me at all but it's just like this journey has been the last couple months have been like the hardest thing I could [Music] do because ultimately after are the reason why after what you stopped a sentence he cut the film what are you saying here what do you after what up these people who go to church as a next pastor someone who actually is a believes in God I just hope these people are not a part of a place like that but she says all these things to cry you get that capture the emotion there's no tears by the way and then all of a sudden they cut it what were you gonna say stop this is ridiculous we can't go into detail of what actually transpired is because we're truly going to protect Huxley's privacy and not let people know what happened everything that went on to make us make this decision or to even come to medical professionals with the need to get more help any they keep saying the need to get more help the helps there I have adopted two kids a lot of behavioral issues I know how how this works I've known lots of people who have adopted I've known I know people who've adopted who had to get rid of the kids when they're teens because it got crazy I'm not saying there's never a place that this can't happen but help is available there is especially for a four-year-old who just like this kid has nobody now or didn't basically didn't have anybody because you guys use them for your own YouTube but help is there especially if you can afford it and you guys absolutely can afford it the issue is you didn't it didn't fit into your little YouTube influence her Instagram world and you didn't it wasn't working for you because of your careers man even if you leave influencing no one's gonna hire you anyway because you were tainted for the world to see right now you were the worst kind of people it's crazy was hard for hugs that's not fair for me to put out there publicly that's his privacy so oh my god this girl was putting out videos of Huxley when he was having temper tantrums in a closet in a corner she was she would put out so many videos about how this was the issues in struggle she was having with Huxley and she's just saying right now in this video that it's not my response to do that to put out his thing forever this guy Huxley is good this is on him forever he's this out in the public already that's what I'm saying delete it now let the world forget about it so Huxley can live a normal life in the future she is a hypocrite on the to the tenth degree it's insane what you didn't adopt this body share these things publicly yet you would opted this kid and shared everything publicly I don't get what you're saying here how are you are you that obtuse that you don't understand what you just said it goes against everything that your whole channel and the Instagram is all about how dumb are you I mean you may have gotten like a teeny like struggle or like a hardship when I was trying to be like really raw and real but we haven't intentionally like day one intentionally 99 95% of the struggles we have never publicly aired ever ever with pure intent of respecting his privacy not to give you a fake facade for to be lack of transparency but to respect our son's privacy and this is oh thanks thanks for only putting 5% of the terribleness that Huxley was on the internet pure evil just insane how how do you not see the selfishness inside what they're saying right now like that's so selfish what she just said they're like he was so bad you didn't even see 95% of it and that's how bad it was for us so we only put 5% out there for you guys to see but it was so much worse than that this kid was I think one when they adopted him or something this kid is innocent there's no way it's his fault no way this is all that we're okay with Shari the reason we have an updated you sooner is because the medical professionals the agency is multiple people have been allowing for Huxley to spend time with some different people to see and to make the perfect match and fit for his now new forever family from the updates I don't even need to say this but stop saying things like rehoming forever family that's what you say when you get rid of a dog okay they're true and through the adoption agency like they were able to place him and what they felt was literally the perfect match when we met like Jimmy said earlier when we got hugs we didn't know a lot of these unknowns and when agency you didn't know a lot of the unknowns well it's kind of the point you idiot these are adoption agencies have more pieces to the pie or they have more pieces it makes the matching process a little better or a healthier match and may found somebody that they felt would be ultimately the best fit and he is thriving he is very happy he's doing really well and his new mommy has medical professional training like a registered nurse professional training and it is a very good fit and I ask everyone that you know watches this video that supports our family you know give us grace give us the support and the privacy that we need during this time for ourselves and for Huxley oh you want privacy now instead you put your whole world out there for everybody to see and ingest so you can make money but now you want privacy I get it it's a little too late for that now Huxley has suffered enough now it's your turn where no one is gonna honor that request and they you do not deserve it you deserve to be outed completely we may call on social segments I for my channel the reason I started my channel is to be positive and doing people positivity you know even though we're struggling and then when we talk about hugs it's a huge win for us just because I'm a B+ on my stories or be having fun doing something fun doesn't mean that I'm not like still horribly hurt even imagine that putting out the best for a world to see but in the real world you're actually a couple of d-bags we get it everybody puts the best foot forward on social media but you when you make money and you monetize that and you're and you're not real about it people try to achieve that and try to get that and you're putting something on there that nobody can achieve because you're a fake this is what's wrong with influencers it's fake every single one of them is fake stop making influencers famous we we we we we III we we us we are struggling we we we has anybody didn't even say something in here to even say to be human to say we understand this could probably gonna hurt Huxley for a while we loved him but we did we did him wrong no nowhere was there blame that day even say some of this was us it's all Huxley if you don't think if you think about that psychology what they're saying right now we're gonna podcast this tomorrow with dr. Kirk from Seattle psychology Seattle about how ignorant they are in this video about how they're saying Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee they're literally blaming a four-year-old for all of their problems savages long time so thank you for everything and we just really appreciate all of your support and kindness but just please respect your privacy yeah will do for sure yeah we will definitely not do that because you don't deserve that that's not something that you get so let's break that video really quick Huxley was a terrible kid we didn't understand how bad he was when we got him even though we wanted a damaged kid or a we wanted a kid that was head struggles this is exactly what they wanted because it gives them more social clout it's so stupid the way people do these things this is so narcissistic it's beyond craziness to me it's as a parent as an adopted parent oh my god just makes me shake with anger how stupid and how selfish these people are continuing on the video it's Huxley Huxley it's all his fault all his fault all his fault you only saw 5% of how bad he was 95% was way worse all the time doctors said he needs more help so we've we found him a new mom that has medical he'll professionalism like you know registered nurse like I was again nothing about this video was redeeming there was no moment where I could say hey I sort of get it although I could say yes it is hard for what they did I'm not saying that they did it at a malice I don't absolutely absolutely think that I just think they did it as selfishness there's no evil intent but they were definitely selfish and these types of people's types of parenting like this I think that there should be a law against using your kids in social media I'm guilty of this I've had my kids online make telling a joke reduce I don't use them in a two-degree like these kids do or like these these idiots did but I do I believe that I would follow that law stop putting kids in your social media I'm sorry and I have friends who do it and I've done it I just I think there needs to be like this big shift in the way that we we see our influencers stop using kids for your own gains and if you're gonna use kids and everything else whatever make sure they the money goes into their pocket Huxley did not deserve what he got from these these selfish selfish [ __ ] and it's pretty when the harshest videos I've ever made and I'm not that guy that that that really really gets into this that much but this one hit me really hard I mean I was abandoned when I was a child I had a lot of issues growing up I've adopted kids who have the same issues who have mental problems and like behavioral issues and it's really not saying that it's not easy and I didn't think that I don't think they even saying that helps I'm just saying that yeah it's hard parenting is hard you just don't give up on your kids and she's apparently she said that she if it was her bio kid she'd do the same thing this [ __ ] she's such a liar these this kid was an outsider to begin with and this has kind of been a referendum on my own parenting for my own adopted kids there are times where I know that they sit on the outside and I got to be honest with myself I need I need to figure that out and so if anything could come from this it maybe comes from a bunch of parents who may look at themselves in her own parenting because I'm not perfect and I know I could do a lot better but man everybody's better than these dingbats and the thing is they put on this polished look they're so polished on the outside and so there's nothing that could be wrong but these people need to be called out and their kids are gonna go through this and their kids are gonna have to go through their parents and our system behaved and their kids are probably gonna turn it in our sister or hate their parents one of the two it's just gonna be keep cycling these influencers need to be turned off stop stop feeding an influencer culture that's all I can say about this if you want this in the podcast check it on any pot anywhere you get your podcast it's called the dad challenge podcast we talk about a lot of things tomorrow we're gonna talk about this from a psychologists point of view from Jeff and I were gonna talk about this get more into it I'm not gonna let loose that I'm gonna keep continuing tweeting about these people in these idiots that they are I just can't stand them I am really sorry for a negative video but uh they suck
Channel: The Dad Challenge Podcast
Views: 506,456
Rating: 4.9397893 out of 5
Keywords: #mykastauffer, #cancelthestauffers, #stauffers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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