Body Armor Outlawed by 2020? Spartan Armor Giveaway

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bird nation what's up everybody maldark there we go well um welcome back to the bear nation freight train I am the Oso Independiente bear of bear independent calm we're gonna talk about plate carriers today minimalist setup the bear setup and the legality of such things going forward especially in light of the twenty20 elections first off I'd like to shout out to the insect whatever it was it bit me right here I hate your guts and I want to smush you into peanut butter and jelly second of all hunt stand you might have heard of these guys hunt stand it sent me a cool hat to cover up this atrocious dome that I've got they also give you 10% off I believe it's ten percent off with the code bear so you can go check them out they have an app for hunting that's pretty cool but what I like it for as a preparedness minded individual Oh as a prepper they have phenomenal maps that you can get printed on paper laminated or on canvas I have two on canvas I'll be showing you guys more of those as we go forward but therefore wreaking tremendous and Mexico didn't even have to pay for it also shout-out to the David cracked pepper sunflower seeds they are just crack not cracked pepper now let's move it along no I get it and also thanks to Red Bull for the sponsorship I'm not sponsored by them alright let's talk about plate carriers legality of plate carriers I think we are approaching the day when civilian ownership of plate carriers will no longer be an option I don't know if they'll I doubt they'll do something retroactive like hey man this is the Sheriff's Department hand all over all your armor not around here that won't we've talked about that before especially on patreon lately that you're not good if if if they go door-to-door around here it's not gonna be to take your stuff it's gonna be to let you know hey just wanna let you know we still love the constitution we might need your help so let's be friends right not turn all your weapon are in armor so around here at least I don't think you'll see confiscation of civilian armor but I do think that you'll see the limits on the procurement of armor by civilians going forward it'll probably be something stupid like that national save kids act or the if you don't vote for this you're a communist act or some you know whatever they do but I think you could and the spin-up through 2020 elections see body armor as a talking point especially with these Yahoo's walking into Walmart pres and triggers like idiots I think it's possible so if you don't have armor you should get some so we're going to talk about some armor real quick I'm gonna spend this camera around a now fix them give a set of it away to my five dollar or not patrons by the way big squirrel big squirrel you won last month's giveaway so you have a bushcraft belt set up coming to you and so you have 72 hours from the time this video airs to get with me in an email November tango x-ray Mike Alpha Gulf or a patreon message and claim your reward sir congratulations big squirrel and thanks to everybody else who played along in the home game so I'm going to show you the kit that we're giving away this month on patreon here in a hot minute but big thanks to adventure our brother the NWA prepper for hooking us up with this gear and then Cody at sojourn gear and then also some company from China that sent me a knife to test that I'm not gonna because it's a good thing it is 100% and knockoff of the Gerber strong arm and it's a really good knockoff of it it's sharp can you all see that see that sharp enough to shave with but it's also 26 different kinds of patent infringement and it says right on the Box made in America except it's not because I got the shipping info on it it's not made in America what does it have a Chinese customs form with it so I'm not going to tell you where to buy and I'm not gonna keep it so I figured I might as well give it to one of y'all as part of this giveaway so I'm gonna spin this around I'm going to show you a my plate carrier what I run every day EDC man everyday chaos what I run with my plate carrier which I've done a video on before it's the Condor Mopsy and I'm gonna show you what we're giving away on patreon so this is not a be all end all this is just to hopefully put some ideas in your dome that you could latch on to something here and improve your situation so stand by ah this is the Condor Mopsy modular operators play carrier okay and this is mine I run it this is my cool nutnfancy owl on the woodshed patch this is an American flag you might have heard of it this is a Sharpie this is a push-to-talk microphone for my radio which we'll get to in a minute this is my primary tourniquet as well as routing for my radio cord and my hydration bladder it's all on my left shoulder because I'm predominantly right-handed and I can still switch if I do need to shoot weak side or support side whatever floats your boat whatever you want to call it there are this plate carrier I've got an insert up front for three mags there pmags these are gen 2 P mags and these are that looks like five five six fifty-five grain yep that's what it is I believe yep okay so then typically I'd have a pistol mag here but I don't at the moment some gloves and then an actual Gerber strong-arm is here let me just look look this is the actual okay and then this is the knockoff look I mean it's ridiculous it's not made in the USA this one was not made in the USA made in China can't can't believe it but an actual Gerber strong-arm that's seen some decent use good knife that's there there are some instead of side plates there are some cigars over here just cuz move along over here we have a Jen's ero bare minimum kit this is a prototype kit this is my blowout kit and you can get these at adventure but it's basically got two - full size - two pair of sheers - 5x9 combine pads nasal pharyngeal airway a set of nitrile gloves medical tape there's QuikClot in this kit which you can get as an addition at Adventure set of sheers a cat tourniquet and a six-inch North American rescue pressure dressing all in here ready to go and and again my primary tourniquets up here because I don't want to be diving into my blowout kit for my primary tourniquet right and then on the back I'm running a my radio back here which is a Kenwood radio and then I've got this which is the Condor HCB 2 kilo Charlie Bravo dose and I get all the questions about this all the time it's about 50 bucks on Amazon I love it my only complaint is that if you're moving with any to any rate of speed it gets Wiggly so my buddy Cody at adventurer or not adventure frontier sojourn I got a douche pouch over here as well rolled up maybe this little compression strap to hold it all in place and that I'm not gonna dive through what's in here except for the fact that I guess I am but we're gonna go quick I got a poncho some [ __ ] granola bars monkeys fist to cordage and then straps because this is my lead on right now but it does come with straps as well if you want to use it as a little day pack thing and it comes with a two and a half liter hydration bladder for that 50 bucks so there's the thing and then in here I've got some Clif bars that's a little strappy do triangle bandage well tack which one is this Wow tack a2s this was sent to me by a patron you're awesome brother thank you headlamp I've got some baby tums and you stuff that full of a put a Walmart sack in there so they don't rattle around while you're operating you got some naps got some socks wool socks in a ziplock and little face shield thing yeah you better know what that is a little tiny corkscrew in case we need to operationally get our wine on some 5-hour energies some earplugs and let's see some utensils so that's kind of just a catch-all up there and then I've got a whole mess of honey roasted peanuts and I've got a couple of niosh masks one MRE two MREs and some zip ties and then you got a bladder in here bladder ready to go I think that's it for this compartment so the idea here is I've got 24 hours of operational capability on my back I've definitely got combat covered as far as you know magazines and all that I've got cutting tool with my knife I've got covered with my poncho I've got calories I've got candle with my head and lamp I've got combo with my radio I've got casualty care between my first-aid kit or my blowout kit rather and my tourniquet I've got combustion in my pocket because I always carry a lighter with me I've got cordage you know we're doing pretty good as far as this this 24-hour little day pack molly'd onto this plate carrier so I stand by I'm gonna clean this mess up and we'll talk about the other one so I should add that this mop see that I've got has got more miles on it than most people's running shoes I've I use this for PT regularly as you can see it's getting a little just a little warm out here whatever but I use this thing for PT constantly also shoutout to [ __ ] preparedness Pastor Joe Fox the original American Badass slumber yeah this thing's got a lot of miles on it so the next time somebody looked Condors airsoft dude like cool story bro it's also actual gear as well so with that in mind we're gonna bounce over to the giveaway plate carrée which is a condor century model again I got this at Adventure and it's rockin Spartan level 3 plates in it now typically I like three plus or level 4 plates but these came with paperwork that they will stop or they've been tested to six rounds of seven 62 by 51 millimeter so they'll stop 308 we're not getting all the discussion about 7 62 by 51 millimeter versus 308 Winchester versus blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the point is they'll stop rifle rounds and my my conviction has always been if I'm gonna take the weight of armor I better be able to stop rifle rounds otherwise why bother so let me show you what we're giving away again thank you NWA prepper adventure thanks for the hook-up man and also brother Cody at soldiering gear standby I want to point one more thing out as well this hopefully doesn't feel to sales pitchy because it shouldn't be because I don't care where you get your stuff from as long as you get good stuff but I want you guys understand something YouTube sucks for me right and so it's only by people like this that even make it economically feasible for me to be able to cover my costs now I make money cover my costs to bring content to you and then as far as like creating these giveaways if it wasn't for the kind heartedness of our partners in crime here adventure and soldiering gear this wouldn't happen so if you're gonna spend money on prepper stuff i'd love it if you at least looked at adventure frontier and so Geron gear you can go anywhere you want but understand it without them partnering with me to do what I do we're not in a position to give this kind of stuff away so I apologize if it does fit I'm not trying to just name drop all over the place but I mean that's the reality of the situation in these days right now since April 2019 the YouTube algorithm has decimated Liberty minded channels and god forbid you read your Bible on camera you're dead so we do both of those things and I'm not ready to roll over and die yet and so in order for me to not roll over and die it requires that I partner with people like hunt stand like adventurer like soldier and gear so if you don't want any of that you can come see us on patreon stand by Shazam all right so this is the Condor or something something something it's made by Condor it's their century plate carrier got a little three mag bolt on here these are three GI Palmetto mags five five six they come with the giveaway by the way if you're on patreon and you're gonna enter this giveaway which I think most of y'all are $5 and up patrons number one you got to be a five-dollar nut patron and good standing number two please don't enter if you're in a state where you can't own body armor or you can't have 30 round magazines and that sucks for you and I'm really sorry that that's the condition that you find yourself in but hot damn man I don't want to have to do all the research and you know go to ship this thing and find out you're in you know New York City and happening so please play fair if you're not eligible to own this stuff in the first place please don't throw your name in the Hat okay so we've got a condor of three banger up front with three Palmetto GI mags brand-new it's all brand new we've got a brand new gen seven cat tourniquet up here we've got this is our condor century plate carrier in here let's see show you these are the plates ten by twelve Spartan armor systems that chicken comes free with the deal too so feel free to get them there you go Spartan armor level threes and you can go to their website and do all your homework but their level three plates to do a damn good job okay and again we talked about our Chinese knockoff knife this is gonna come with and it's got all the bells and whistles you can Molly this onto your forehead however you see fit like this just pisses me off and you know I called Gerber I set him to emails and I called them again I said hey you know you got somebody who's ripping you off and their basic response was yeah whatever like okay cool I'm done trying then so knock off gerber nut on the back no Red Bull down Red Bull is hard down Mayon man you dead to me Red Bull all right on the back we got a brand new Condor HCB - helo charlie bravo dos that's the same thing that I just showed you I see right there HCB - you'll see that no well just take my word for it hello Charlie Bravo dos just like that the Red Bull was gone so it's the same pouch the same day pack that I'm running on my condor Mopsy so you've got the ability to stop rifle rounds you got 90 rounds of ammo with you I'm not sending ammo with these because I try to do that in a giveaway a while ago and and realized that you can't ship ammo through the mail it's got to go you UPS ground and you got to declare it and have so much insurance and blah blah blah so just by your own ammo but you got three max you got hard plates you got a gen 7 cat tourniquet you got the ability to carry 24 hours with the rations and stuff with you you got a cool knife to stick into the throat of your enemies and then you got a brand new gen to bear FAC blowout kit and in ever fashionable coyote tan so you pull that you pull that then this comes out right and then in here so you get your little red tab so you pull that then in here what do you got you got another gen7 cat we got a decompression needle for attention pneumothorax we've got some medical type we got a pair of nitrile gloves in blue because I need to be able to see the blood okay blue got it we got a six-inch North American rescue emergency trauma dressing this is basically like a giant band-aid and you know it's a cool color - tactical we've got two five by nine they got a little crushed up but got two five by nine I like big gauze because if I need small gauze that means I have time if I need big gauze it means I don't have time but I need a small piece of gauze I'll cut my big ghazals into a small piece got a nasal pharyngeal airway with surgilube we've got our - chest seals full size two of them we got a little bit of commercial quick clot two of them right there then we've got a pair of high quality North American rescue seven quarter inch shears in that blowout kit as well so if you're interested in that kit you can get that adventure it's the bare minimum kit and it's what I run on all my all my high-speed tactical gear man so this is the giveaway for this month again to enter the giveaway you need to be a $5 patron or up in good standing and you need to comment on this video below and I'll tell you we ask a question each month in the comments so my question to you would be for you to answer in the comments as your entry is what's your favorite prep or meal and anybody who answers beans and rice is instantly disqualified so I want to know what do you actually anticipate making in the end of the world as we know it with a smile on your face alright people those of the bail bear nation thank you for being here getting back to armor man I think the times come and if you don't already have the stuff that you need hardware wise or for reading seed wise as they say to be cool on the Internet I think it's time to get some of those things now that does that mean we quit stacking fruit of the rafters no absolutely not stack it to the rafters but you know I think scarcity of all things or at least a lessening in quantity of all things is coming be it food or armor or ammunition or weaponry or freedom access to quality medical care I mean all these things I just see all these things everything is just kind of constricting you coupling that a couple and couple that with the best words tremendous believe me couple that with any kind of economic anomalies kiss it goodbye sweetheart we're looking at bad times so armor should you have some yeah absolutely I think you should we have several sets around here and I'm pretty happy with this Spartan gear for what it costs and what it is it was a good price at Adventure it's good quality stuff the Condor plate carrier I mean it's a condor plate carrier mine's lasted me four years of hard use and it still looks pretty good you know luckily brother Cody he's he's an awesome tailor so if something breaks or gives way I mean I just have him fix it but very few complaints from me and yeah that's it so this is gonna be one of those videos a few rare videos half a dozen a year that posts on both platforms that patreon and YouTube so there's my answer if you're like bear what kind of minimalist play carrier should I run that's the three mags upfront blowout kit a knife and a hydration bladder done bear what kind of like serious operating what kind of plate carrier should I wear huh just showed you you can also just put in the youtube search bar condor Mopsy and my video will come up or bear independent condor Mopsy mo pc modular operators play carrier with the divers and it'll come up somebody in the comments was like I can't stand when you do voices wrong Channel man I'm sorry but wrong channel anyway all I got to go cook dinner for my family so they don't starve to death thanks for being here buy some armor salami all
Channel: Bear Independent
Views: 32,614
Rating: 4.913568 out of 5
Keywords: SHTF, prepper, bear independent, minuteman, economic collapse, natural disaster, preparedness, vikingpreparedness, bug out, militia, teotwawki, gear review, bug out bag, gardening, homesteading, off grid, patreon, civil war, martial law, survivalism, prepping, end times, bushcrafting, WROL, doomsday, doomsday preppers, torah, bible, city prepping, Canadian prepper, edc, survivalist, inch bag, urban survival, body armor, body armor outlawed, spartan armor, 2020 election, pastor joe fox
Id: aEQFJhwTyE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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