How to layer military equipment - 3 Lines Principle

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hey guys in this video I want to show you the three lines principal years ago I made a German video and I decided to make an English video so everybody can understand it and it's more like updated yeah the free line principle is something you can apply on your equipment but the setup itself can borrow from mission to Mission or unity unit so there's not one final line setup but what I tell you will be some kind of setup for recon missions of course right now there is no specialization included in the setup so this is quite a basic setup with brutalised principle to show you what if reliance principle is about and what it means yeah the free lines principle from the military is not the same like lining clothing in the outdoor sector or are on outdoor activities it's more like dividing the equipment to different stages of an operation at first let's start with the third line third line is the big backpack it includes all luxury stuff like the sleeping bag food drinking stuff or like water and all that's kind of stuff so let me show you the idea is if I take away my backpack the hip belts optional I still have all my stuff for fighting on me and the backpack itself yeah it's the third line and the third line consists out of two lines or like a third line a and B don't touch the microphone the third line itself consists out of third line a and third line B one of them is the day pack so now if I get into contact to move fast I cannot move fast fast of the big backpack so it's quite simple to open it and take away my day pack inside the day pack there are stuff for all living in the field for 24 hours but now at first I want to show you what's inside a big backpack and then I want to talk about the day pack on the outside you can already see my sleeping mat so I can sleep comfortable and warm it is a foam map so even if there isn't hole inside it still works so quite light but not that compact but I like it I really like this no these are here I have food the amount of food depends on the length of the mission and the climate most of the time I'm using freeze-dried food because it's lightweight and quite compact but the disadvantage is you have to get water heat it up and put it inside there it can be practical to add some wet food so food that is already wet it's more heavy but they don't have to add water and you can eat a coat on the ramp of course I also bring some coffee and this is yeah depending on the length of the mission on the side I have a big rain cover for the backpack inside inside of a dry bag I have a thin insulation jacket so when I'm moving and starting getting cold this can be quite handy because if you wear a thick jacket it can be too warm and then you get sweaty and wet so a thin insulation check it can be cool additional to this also depending on the climate the area you are in is in a waterproof back spare socks may be spare underwear and liner gloves for your hands maybe from merino wool or fleece liner glove so your hands can also stay warm and colder conditions but you still have to be able to shoot [Applause] then next it's a big top the top is practical because you can use it in different ways the disadvantage of the top is it's not like a waterproof tent so you can get wet from the ground or if it's raining quite heavy and there is a wind water can come in from the side so if you have a top you may want to consider adding a BB back to a setup but it harp is more modular or practical in military operations than observer like a one-man BB tent or a tent because you can use the tent or BB back and only one specific way and with the top you can the dice it flat or you can build an Opie from it or you can do a lot of stuff with it you can even sleep with while I can maybe with two or three people underneath this one top yeah sleeping of course important is it sleeping back which is suitable for the temperature you are operating in in this case it's the new TSS multicam black version from Carin Chea and it has got comfort limit of minus 8 degrees Celsius if I remember right so this one is quite suitable for the temperatures which are here right now for military operation or military stuff I recommend synthetic sleeping bags since they even work when it's getting wet or really really wet and if you have down sleeping back and it's raining this can be cold night and you can freeze to death yeah if you want to be able to rappel somewhere without climbing only rappelling it can be practical to have like a thin Assessor record which you can rattle off in this case not in tactical colors I have got the inner read red line - it's a permit from aramid or Kevlar and it's only six or seven millimeters in diameter it's really light is this forty meters of rope so I can wrap all 20 meters when I double it or forty meters if I take one strand and this is quite cool because sometimes you have to wrap hole somewhere and then you can use this I made a special video about rappelling and I will link it somewhere here in the info box or so on of course then you also need carabiner and climbing harness or only Carolina and Rigger's belt but I will talk about this later and of course maybe you are in an area where there are no cliffs then of course you don't need this rope on or not the such a long rope but bringing some rope is never wrong also quite important especially if you operate with your squad is water filtration so here I have the katadyn tactical camp filter is this 10 liter dry bag and has got a filter element inside so we can get to a stream fill up 10 litres carry it to the camp or to the opie hang it in a tree and then we can drink this with water filtered right out of the stream and don't have to bring all the water of course this also depends on the area you are in because in some areas you have a lot of wealth or rivers or seas lakes and some other areas have almost no water at all and you will have to bring all the water speaking from water of course you will have to bring a water bottle or something to carry water so maybe a free little water back inside your backpack or a strong bottle but I recommend you to not only have one thing to put your water in half at least two so we have redundancy and the picolet can play something a big backpack and something in the day pack yeah I personally bring a trash bag I will have this inside my backpack in emergency situations I could use this as a usual panel but I can also use the tube put all my dump and all my trash inside it and bring it with me back home because I don't want to leave any traces yeah some space fuel for my cooking system or for my stove yeah and that's it with the big backpack now let's jump to the day pick yeah the day pick is usually carried in the third line but some people counted as their second line so they say second line a and second line B yeah no in this video I will talk about this as a third line so yeah we get in contact or maybe we get close to the area where we want to observe so we will make a hide for the big backpack and we'll only bring what we have on our body and the day pack so we can operate and move more much easier and undetected because this is of course lighter yeah the day pack now is packed for colder temperatures like right now it's around about freezing especially in light it can be quite cold and windy so inside the backpack after following maybe spare magazines or loose ammunition small stuff like tea or coffee emergency be be back yeah this is a civil one so it's not an olive or black but when other things go wrong and have to sleep somewhere with this stuff I have with me this can save my life inside this I have my thick check it it's a thick insulation jacket military-style it is warm and also protects from some rain and winds then you will need food for at least 24 hours since it's a day pick so you will have to be able to use it for 24 hours to be in the field yeah right now I have something warm so I have to put warm water inside to eat it this is spaghetti bolognese and I have got this muesli also from tracking eat I only have to pour water inside mix it and then I can eat it now water yes water for one days of this is free liters of water when it's run about freezing or when it's freezing I don't like to have a hydration system on the back with the tube because it can freeze up so I will use this yeah this water bag additional kimono camouflage can be useful to building a pee or just to get myself camouflage yeah I'm already wearing this olive but yeah of course a camo pattern is even better this is con camo this is the ghost story from ghost hood it's really lightweight camouflage and this can come in handy if you are doing some Opie stuff and so on yeah of course it's really cold I have tea with me and I have got a meal which I have to use with warm water so my stove in this case is in my day pack I have a multi fuel stove for I'm not sure benzene stove so I will use liquid gas yeah right now at this temperatures I could still use gas but I'm testing the Soto stove right now so we'll use this and it's quite cool because it's relatively silent and it works when it's really cold and it has got a lot of power and the best thing is you can use different fuels and you can fill up the fuel bottle with the fuel of cars the manufacturer doesn't recommend it to use car fuel but you can so that's quite cool if you have a normal gas bottle it's not easy to refill it but here it's really easy you can find the fuel almost everywhere sometimes or most of the time I'm using stove from Optimus this can also handle petroleum kerosene and a lot of other fuels with this one about that sure I'm just started testing it so stay tuned more information will follow additional to the effect I'm bearing on my second line I have got this SAM splint inside my day pack a SAM splint is something - oh my god my English sucks if you break your arm you can use this to stiffen you arm so yeah this is a cool thing to help you keep moving when something is broken or - to help you alright some additional stuff in the third line which can vary maybe I want to have it amid a peg maybe I want to have it in the big backpack is yeah like spare batteries to recharge my phone recharge my watch or for retouching or changing the radio I keep again stuff like a toothbrush and toothpaste paste I think that's the right word and also something to wash myself then this is a small effect kind of stuff but it's more for normal injuries like a small cut or something and also a bit of survival stuff so I have a fire starter inside here and a second tourniquet also important if you are on a long long route you may want to carry some extra toilet paper maybe yeah the dry ones or wet ones like combat wipes they are black order free and it can refresh you when you have pooped or when you wash you want to wash your body or wash your face so this can be quite cool and they are be a biodegradable so you will leave almost no trace or after some weeks they will be gone alright now talking about the second line the second line includes all stuff you need for fighting so your primary gun or your rifle and all stuff you need for the rifle so magazines communication for communicating with the US Court and that's almost it also creates signal staff of maybe flashbangs smoke grenades and of course the pistol and spare magazines for the pistol so this is quite important yeah now the second line it's quite easy to describe all things you need for combat also a part of a second line is the eye effect the eye effect consists all of the Cherokee is defined with easy access best-case with both hands this is to stop critical bleeding scissors to cut open clothing to see the injury and the eye effect itself easy to mind maybe marked with a cross or with some visible stuff and inside here I have this small effect Escott emergency blanket gloves bandage quick lot and usually also in Israeli bandage but in this case I don't have the Israeli bandage with me now normally you will never under s the second line and put away your rifle when all things go wrong and you have to escape a long route back home and all your magazines are empty and maybe also the battery of your communications empty maybe you have to get rid of this stuff to stay alive if you still have your pistol and magazines for your pistol you will keep this but you will throw away your chest trick because it's empty it only slows you down it can be an idea to use the day pack and bring the bait they fake with you but maybe not it all depends okay so now I can just place this somewhere in my first line yes now I'm down to my first line the first line is all stuff I'm wearing right now so the clothing hands check it a check it is a smoke this stuff is from you of pro Thank You youth pro for providing me this high quality equipment and here this is with what you still can operate for a specific amount of time yeah right now as I have said you are on a recon mission or I am like on a recon mission or suited for a recon mission whatever right now of course I'm not on a mission on I'm not talking about something especially only for military guys stuff ah so yeah if this stuff I want to be able to stay alive for a specific amount of time so I need some food something to stay dry and so on it can be a good idea to bring the isolation check it with me and my day pack so you can mix up the lines but I can also stay alive with this simple layer of clothing first let me take away my gloves so it's quite easier to show you all the small things that are inside the first line at first I have to be able to navigate usually you know the area you are in but only for specific leather or in a specific area so you need GPS I have got a watch from Garmin which is cheaper as comfortable so I can track where I'm walking I can save waypoints and I can navigate yeah some time ago I was using a garmin foretrex it's a small GPS which you can also wear on the wrist but now this watch can do the same so I'm using this watch but it can fail maybe the battery will be empty so additional to this GPS stuff I'm using a map of course made waterproof with thin glue on foil so this is a map from the area I'm in and I can use this to navigate but map alone is not enough so I also have got a compass and yes I have redundancy because after GPS where this fails or when it's empty I can use compass and the map to navigate and find my way home or somewhere else then for building height or an Opie I bring a gardener scissors to cut small branches I also bring a foldable saw to cut thicker branches yes I want to make sure don't forget anything so I'm searching my pockets yeah of course the pistol we already talked about then you want to have your feet as try as possible so I have spare socks in the waterproof back it can also be good to have spare underwear in a waterproof bag but I'm okay with only spare socks because if you're walking for a long long amount of time your feet will start to get wet by sweat or by water so if you can change your socks it's it's quite cool yeah of course the boonie or when it's cold I can also use this so something warm for your head to keep yourself warm then continue inside here I have got a big survival set it has got a lot of stuff in it I already made a video about it but if I remember right the video is in English it includes stuff to make fire to cook a bit yeah it's like a lot of survival stuff I will talk about this in a separate video someday then on the other side here I have got a small water filter yeah in this area there's a lot of water a lot of streams a lot of lakes so I can use this small military water filter to just fill it with water screw on this cap and then I can drink right out of it it's quite cool it's the katadyn be free tactical in the next back I have some snacks I have these crackers and I also have got an emergency ration inside usually here we have the spare magazine for the pistol and some light red or green because of this I can make myself visible to a helicopter or two friendly units or whatever this can be handy yeah I want to make myself visible but sometimes this little light is not enough say I've got a flare or it's like a magnesium light see this will be really really pride and will be visible for I don't know a lot of kilometers in these pockets I have got a small survival set this is also some basic first-aid stuff because it's a here I have got the emergency blanket I rarely am I'm carrying at least two emergency blankets because you can do a lot with them they can protect you from the cold they can protect it from the heat and you can build a shelter with them also I've got as I'm not sure how it's called a spark firestarter also some tape cotton compares a condom tampon some cordage and yeah I think that's it on the other side of my arm pocket I have got a small cup for the coffee and the tea I have with me and also if I want to drink something someone can put water inside here and can drink it this is quite cool then I have got a whistle so if I want to be here a bowl I can use this or to give a signal I can use this face paint spare batteries for my headlamp and of course instant coffee now the smoke is almost empty the backside of the smoke has got a big pocket yeah it can be nice to have a wind check it wind check-ins can be packed really small so in this case I've got this small wind check it it's only that's more but if I need it I can protect myself from winds like use this also as some kind of camouflage I can wear it over my smock or underneath if I'm walking around and it's really windy because this will avoid the windchill effect then protecting me from rain because maybe it will rain maybe it will rain a lot I will use a hard shell check it this one is from actor sleeve the Alpha check it it's quite a strong military create rain check it also pre double so there are some ventilation and ventilation supports in the armpits to help me ventilate even more when it's raining a lot and for a long time water will flow down to check it to the pants and then inside the boots this can suck so it can be nice to have a rain pants it's also from arctic sleeve but it's the Alpha LT rain pants if I remember right it's lighter LTS light so it's still relatively compact and it protects my lakhs from winds and from wet stuff ya know the smoke is empty [Music] now let's talk about the pants yeah military-grade pants also have pockets look you can put stuff inside them on the left side I've got the first-aid kit you see I have a lot of survival and first-aid stuff inside here are some bandages and some medicine like against headache something for blisters on the feet so this is really useful and I want to have this with me all the time I've got this mosquito net that protects me from mosquitoes soon so right now it's getting quite cold this is not that important but when it's warmer or when it's summer this can be really good now in this pocket I have got a light a flashlight which is quite pride to be able to point somewhere or make me visible and use it to find my way out of dark big building or to tunnels or something on this side I've got leg loops for my harness or for my Riggins belt because here I'm bearing a wicked spell from octoroks which can be used to repel when I use it with the leg loops and the big hms carabiner I can repel quite safely and with some comfort and still really light I can use this hms carabiner for different stuff but mainly for rappelling with monta hitch because then I only need if this friction hitch put it inside this carabiner and I can repel somewhere to see at night yeah usually you use night vision goggles I don't have them so I have this headlamp it has got white light but also red light and red light is really important because it doesn't blind you when you're somewhere outdoor and it's not very easy to see but the main reason for red light is so it doesn't take your night vision capabilities if you use white light it's bright it blinds you and red light doesn't yeah of course military grade and have spare batteries in the smoke and so I can use this for a long time I've got a spoon it's made from titanium so really light a neck warmer and a thin beanie for my head and yes the last thing is this small headlamp it's really compact and lightweight and it has got a small whistle on it and also of course yeah red light so it can happen to lose this headlamp or maybe all batteries will be empty or the headlamp will be damaged somehow and then I have my spare headlamp which is really compact and lightweight - yeah to see in the night yeah right now I'm using this mask but of course you can also use face paint or a thicker mask to protect you from the cold yeah and boots socks merino shirt and I think that's it I think it was quite a long video I hope you liked it and please leave a comment if you want to know more about such gear and thank you for watching please don't mind my bed English see you next time bye subscribe subscribe
Channel: ripperkon
Views: 876,238
Rating: 4.9233928 out of 5
Keywords: ufpro, uf pro, ksk, kommando, military, 3 lines prinzip, lines, clothing, tactical, recon, call of duty, fernspäher, smock, waldkampf, recce, pubg
Id: id5Dy7v0OAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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