Bobs' vs Hornady 55gr fmjbt - IMR 3031

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all right folks it's time for some more tests with our Bob's bullets the full-metal-jacket Motel from two to three bullets calm we've been shooting it a lot around here it's shooting awfully well and in our last video we shot some IMR 3031 at the top of our charge weight range in that video it started shooting really really well our max charge in that video was twenty four point six cranes the more I read and the more people give me information since then this seems to be one of those powders that you just fill up the case as far as you can and you're gonna be okay right we run out of case capacity before we're gonna blow our face off so that's what I want to do I want to run this guy up higher I want to well let's see I want to shoot 24 great 24.4 grains up to 20 6.0 grains that is a very full case in the last video we shot up to twenty four point six so we're overlapping that good area a little bit with our lower two charges and then we're going higher getting that case full and I'm hoping this entire range is gonna be outstanding as far as accuracy goes now we're going to shoot a second bullet this is the first of some bullet versus bullet deathmatch type of videos and today's second bullet is the 55 grain Full Metal Jacket bow tell from Hornady I've not had luck with this bullet in the past I worded a big bulk pack from from Midway several years ago and made my way through them and never found jack squat that would shoot to my liking so I feel like our new white oak armament barrel that we haven't had very long a very good accuracy powder from everything I can tell should be a really good environment for the Hornet II to shine so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna shoot both of these bullets with IMR 3030 one today same charge weights twenty four point four up to twenty six point zero now measuring the bullets they are pretty close if we look at them here they definitely have distinctly different shapes the Hornady can lure is a much deeper design so there are a lot of ways in which they're different but as far as length like bullet length they're very close the Hornady averages about five thousandths shorter than the Bob's bullets so here's what I want to do to hope kind of even out the velocity and pressure and stuff between our loads I want to shoot the Hornady at an overall length of two point two one zero and I want to shoot our Bob's bullet at two point two one five that gives really good cantaloup or alignment with both bullets and it sets that horn indeed down in the case about five more thousands so that our effective case capacity should be the same with the two loads hopefully that makes a little bit of sense today's video we're going to switch back over and shoot the federal a our small rifle match primers so that's kind of the plan for today and I'll tell you what if you've got another Full Metal Jacket boattail bullet that you want me to test against Bob's or to be honest just about any it could be a soft pointer of hollow-point or whatever but it needs to be cheap it needs to be under ten cents apiece the Bob's run about eight cents apiece when you buy a thousand and you can find the horn of these pretty cheap in big bulk packages as well but you can also walk into Cabela's and buy a pack of 100 for $9.99 so it's hard to beat that convenience but if you know of another bullet in this price range that you want me to test let me know I want to test the version two bullet from Everglades ammo that's already on the list I'm gonna order some of those I almost ordered some today but they were out of stock I do have some of the varmint night bear bullets from mid-south shooter supply that we've shot before I've not had much luck but we could bring those back into the fold I think they're in that same price range as well so let me know what your favorite is and by god we'll test it up against bob's for brass we've got the same batch of Lake City five five six brass that we've been using this stuff is fully prepped and ready to rock it has been sized that has been trimmed at his head the case mouth D burden chamfered it is fully ready for primer spatter and bullet and primers are going to be the first step so priming certainly won't be very interesting so we'll go ahead and skip over this I'll probably skip over weighing out the powder and we'll jump straight to yeah maybe I'll say hi when I'm seeding bullets yeah we'll double check the those overall links with the with the Hornady and make sure that our can is aligned properly and talked a little bit about crimp and that sort of crap but for the time being I'm gonna focus I'm gonna turn on a youtube video or two and get this powder weighed out so I'm getting I'm down to our heaviest charge with the Bob's bullet 26.0 grains and this is the first one I just heard the first little crunch in that first one yeah that one didn't crunch at all yeah have a look at this case Phil definitely full did I crimp that last one yeah so those cases are definitely full but not awful you know like this is a good solid compressed load all pretty much all of these even I'm the first ones you don't feel any powder movement when you shake it so we're cramming these guys full there's no doubt about that on the crimp setting yeah I may have gone to you'd light maybe I should go back through and recriminate Amanda's halfway decent and you know since we're we're seating down to the candle or I wanted to go ahead and just give them a good crimp so this may be a little bit on the light side but whatever it's fine now I hope I'm not about to get myself in trouble there's definitely the possibility of this like I said all indications are that we probably won't run into pressure problems with 3031 but not only are we really trying to fill this case out here today we're also you know shortening that overall length the last video I shot two point two six zero you know out to full magazine length which gets this Bob's bullet a reasonable distance from the lands and you know has been given us some good accuracy but I want to back these guys down with a candle or today because that's really how we want to shoot him this sort of bullet you want to load up a billion of them and use them for plinking you know you want it you want you want him seated down in the can lure and crimped I would think so I figured that was the best place to to test them when we're going head-to-head all right now I've gone ahead and weighed that the first five charges here well no they're not the first five then the last five the 26.0 for the Hornady so I'm going to back out my seeding dye a good bit and just start all over from scratch here with this guy I may have gone just a touch short these are the first couple or two about two point two oh eight two point two oh seven I kind of came up with that number in the Hornady manual they showed two point two zero zero but when I was aa ball in that earlier it looked like the hole cut candle or would be below the case neck yeah I went a little bit short so this is two point two zero six that is okay because now that I look at it the candle or alignment looks excellent yeah I'll give some up-close pictures here once we seat and crimp the first the first row here that's what I'm going to go with and let me see what this same crimp setting does yep that definitely is pushing that case mouth into the Candler and because this has a more substantial and deeper canler it's even more noticeable when you look at it so yeah I'm glad I didn't go heavier a few minutes ago when we were talking about that because this already looks pretty heavy but I think it's just from from that deep Candler all right so I think that's pretty much all of the exciting stuff that's going to happen here at the reloading bench if something does come up I'll be sure to turn the camera back on but otherwise I will just see you guys out on the range so ever since I loaded this ammo I have been nervous that we went too far that we went too hot that we went too high so I'm afraid this might be a short-range trip I don't know hopefully not we're at 100 yards the target is in that general direction my gun has an 18 inch white oak armament barrel and the rest of the details about the gun are in the description trying out some new dots lately these are three quarter inch dots down there on the target this is kind of a little less fluorescent orange then I usually shoot looks like it might be a good one and some Sharpie marks to outline things so all right screw it let's get into it first up twenty four point four grains with the Bob's bullet alright so that is not exactly picking off where we left off in the last video that group opened up a good bit so let's switch over to the Hornet II and shoot the same load with that guy twenty four point four grains all right so that's not a horrific terrible start with the Hornady back to the Bob's 24.8 grains okay back to the Hornady 24.8 all right so that's not a bad group either so the horny DS are hanging right in there back to the Bob's 25.2 grains all right it's looking mighty competitive down there next up we're back to Hornady 25.2 grains holy crap I'm speechless wow that is a really good group for the Horde any very interesting very interesting so our primers are maybe starting to get a little bit of flattening going on but nothing to freak out too much about I don't think I don't know we'll see back over to the bobs bullet 25.6 it's time for bobs to show something here or did he's looking awful good all right back to the Hornet II wonder bullet 25.6 grains okay last up with the Bob's is 26.0 grains all right so Bob's bullets kind of limp into the barn there a little bit the brass doesn't look bad at all as far as pressure goes maybe a little bit of flattening with the primer but nothing else really all right over to the Hornet II 26.0 holy crap folks let's get back to the bench let's talk about our new favorite bullet all right so let's start with a look at the brass and I get back here to the bench and I had to wipe these off tell you one thing this was some pretty dirty shootin I need to clean my gun pretty bad it's in pretty rough shape man these things were getting caked so yeah I've been looking and I don't know what in the world I was talking about out there like here's you know some max charges with the Hornady bullets nothing to see there does look just fine is that a little ejector mark there is that just the NATO symbol yeah I don't know regardless this is good-looking brass this is this is no problem and same thing all around I didn't spot anything at all man I love range trips like this we're the complete opposite of what you think is gonna happen happens for some reason you know Bob's in the last video would we shoot we shot like twenty four point six and twenty four point two I think maybe whatever and it cranked off some awesome groups but man it just not did not really pick up where it left off well I guess you know that was my first group maybe part of that was me and getting settled in and getting my rest just right but Joey my first couple groups are okay but down about this second charge you know our 24.8 grain charge it looked like we had a look like we had a little competition on our hands but they just went in opposite directions Bob's was an inch and a half for the rest of the way and the Hornady he just kept on cranking out good groups so I am beyond shocked flabbergasted perhaps I'm glad we got 75 more bullets to test because we're not gonna let bobs declare defeat after only one video maybe we just landed on the one magical powder that makes the Hornady shoot you know these have just been crap for me and but I just haven't tried them in this barrel so are they gonna be amazing in this barrel or was this just a fluke like we just happened to hit the perfect combo for the Hornet II I don't know the Bob's on the other hand I mean this really isn't all that far outside of what we normally see you know entering a quarter to the inch and a half is where it likes to hang out when you know with with powders that it doesn't really seem to be clicking that well with and you know these are in that range but I really expected the Bob's to look like this I thought we would really get some tight groups now we switched primer from last time right we're with the federal primer I think the last time we shot 3031 with Bob's it was with the Winchester primer we also went with the short overall length right 2.21 five inch overall length with the Bob's where the vast majority of the time recently we've been shooting it out at two point two six zero so we run this same string again at two point two six zero go back to some Winchester primers maybe and maybe this is a whole different target but like I said I think at the beginning of the video or like stuff thinking yeah yeah I said it but like I said the beginning of the video you know this is where you want to shoot these you know you want to see them down to the can lure and crimp them in real nice so yeah wow-wow-wow-wow Hornady wins round one I did not see that coming so the question is what powder do we do next I want to come right back at this you know I want to do another test with the Hornady and our bob is bulk bullet should we go to H 335 or should we do something like maybe var get let me pop open a manual here let's stream us up a good powder trying to think of more that you guys have been requesting like benchmark I know it's been brought up a lot maybe 8208 X BR Ram shot tak or one of the vid of ori powders like in 135 or something what I'll do is I'll run another poll uh I'll come up with a list I think it lets me choose four or five choices for the poll so you guys click on the poll should be like you know up in this corner of the screen little round thing little I think it's got a little I in it or whatever information circle or something you click on that and then there's your poll I can't remember what it looks like on mobile but it's there for mobile as well I don't know whatever if you can't find the poll just comment man so I think that's where we leave this one anything else to talk about nope I don't think there is if you'd like to help support the channel and what we got going on here come on over to patreon comm slash reloading that is the best way so I will see you guys I don't know if there will be a video tomorrow we may need to skip a day I'm not sure yet so if not tomorrow then the day after yep see you guys then
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 56,877
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: guns, shooting, reloading, 5.56x45mm NATO, .223 Remington, AR-15
Id: rNgiJkGKMY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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