Bobs' 223 Bulk Bullets - H322 and IMR 3031

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well hi there I hope you'll join me on a reloading adventure today we are shooting the 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail from 2t3 bulk bullets comm also known as Bob's bullets these have been excellent performers Forrest so far but we're still looking for that perfect powder that's going to give us that consistent performance of under 1 inch groups that 100 yards the powders for today's video program are on the faster end of the burn rate chart the first is Hatchin h3 22 this is the Hodgdon extreme powder which means it is extremely expensive and they tell you that it is stable at different temperatures so we're hoping for some excellent accuracy you know I could not believe it I've shot h3 35 I've shot h3 80 and those are Bowl powders but when you open this up this is an extruded powder I could not believe it could not believe it but that's good I like I like extruded powders I'm a big fan now the other the other oh and I've never shot this powder before never have shot it so this the first new experience you know the other powders IMR 3031 and would you look at that color I don't know what to call it's not red it's not pink it's not peach it's like the best of all three of those then you just combine it into one and it just it makes for an attractive package very nice work IMR now this powder I've shot before but it's been a long time so it might as well be a new one I think the last couple videos we shot the federal a our match primer today I want to switch it over and shoot the Winchesters we did a primer test they performed pretty darn good so that's what we're going to go with today plus we're running out of the Federals yeah so we got some of these on the shelf we better use them up now the brass lake city the lake city we've been shooting same old stuff it's been fully prepped and it's just it's ready for primer and then and then we can put powder and bullets in them so I mean really that's it right there oh well shaved I didn't talk about the charges as luck would have it right right here on the bottle of h3 22 they've got two to three Remington with the 55 grain spear leave at the soft point or spire point I'm not sure SP and they show max maximum charge 23.0 the other the other thing I did was look in the Hornady manual which is a good manual and they actually show with their 55 green bullets they show max charge of twenty three point one grains so this is one of those rare cases where Hornady has got a higher charge weight than hunched it so we're going to just go with Hornady we normally make fun of them because their data is a little bit conservative you know the lawyers wrote the manual and all that you know but for this one we're going to go with them and let's shoot four tenths of a grain increments between our different groups so that'll put it starting at 21.5 and going on up to twenty three point one now I'm gonna tell you I'm our thirty thirty one was a little bit more of a challenge cause the Hatchin website hold on one sec let me look it up real quick it was crazy yep here that Hunstanton website says twenty four point six grains powder is maximum but if you look in that that Hornady manual i just had open they show twenty two point eight grains that's almost two full grains lower which made me a little bit service at first because like I said I haven't I haven't shot this in a while so this is one of the rare instances where I pulled out the the lawmen reloading handbook this is the 49th Edition they've got a 50th out now but it's it's it's fine it's fun now they show 24.5 grains with a 55 grain jacketed bullet so I just decided to go with Hodgson we're just going to ignore Hornady on the 3031 so that max charge is going to be twenty four point six grains and we're gonna same as same as age three 22 we're going to shoot them four tenths of grain increments which will take us down to about yeah twenty three point zero so that's pretty much our plan for today so I need to get situated first is what I need to do and then I need to get the prominent I've had a couple loose primer pockets this patch of brass has been around for a while yeah that one was kind of loose as well might be about time to retire it and just start over with a with a new big batch of Lake City or something but you know what on the other hand I've just kind of dawned on me we're switching we've switched primers these are the Winchesters so I don't know are they known for being smaller or fitting a little looser that possibly could be what's going on here because most I'm aren't bad they're just a little bit you know just a little bit looser than what I'm used to with primarily using the CC eyes so I was too busy goofing off in the opening to to mention overall length we're going to stick with two point two six zero tell you what at least one of these was so loose I'm wondering if I can just push this thing out with a with my hands yeah well that's what you call loose I don't think these other two were quite that loose nope nope nothing there either so these two didn't budge at all I don't know I want to think about it I might I might use those but this one yeah that one goes in the trash so that's enough 'fuck primer excitement here nothing we haven't seen a million times all right everything's going quite smoothly our die was set from the last video still I am using the Lee factory crimp die just for no good reason I can come up with right now I'm put it's on the if you watch the crimp video it's on the lightest setting that actually did anything so a very light crimp why not it didn't seem to make a whole lot of difference in our crimp test videos whatever yeah this h3 22 powder has been pretty good like you know I've been using my lime in Gen 6 powder dispenser and it's been very accurate I've been using the new scale testing it out and it's been a real nice combo so far straight off the Gen 6 trickle a couple kernels dump the powder and move on to the next one you know what it saved my butt the other day in a 300 blackout video so I guess I could show you guys this thing my lime and ammo checker yeah when Lyman sent along the the Gen 6 they threw this in as well it's a big old block of aluminum that has six Sammy minimum chambers basically cut into it so this is the small rifle version so it covers two twenty three twenty few Hornet to a four Ruger 760 by 39 300 blackout in 22-250 all in one block that's not bad because if you've ever priced case gauges they are expensive so this costs about the same as one case gauge but you get you get the ability to six and it's just you know lets you easily drop it in there make sure that it goes all the way down in make sure that it falls in and out nice and easy and these all these all look to be doing it every I guess I could straighten out the focus first couldn't I just drop straight in drops right out and that's what you want it goes pretty quick a lot of people swear by these you know I don't use them enough I should integrate stuff like this into my process more often but sometimes it's easy to get overconfident you know when your process has been working for you for a while nice to pull it out and test it before you get to the range so that pretty much that covers it we've killed enough time before going to the range right okay good let's go to the range okay folks it's time to rock and roll our target is 100 yards in that general direction my gun has an 18 inch wide okar moment barrel full details about the gun will be in the description along with all bunched up man you should always check out the description so we've been shooting one inch birch wood Casey target dots on this channel from the beginning but I want to try out some smaller ones you can see these green dots that were shooting at today these are three quarters of an inch hoping baby that'll tighten up my hold a little bit and yeah just help me shoot some better groups possibly so first up is 21.5 grains of h3 22 okay that's a pretty rough start let's move on 21.9 grains you know I really thought these light charges of these fast powders might show some accuracy but it is struggling so far so let's keep going twenty-two point three grains all right so that group tightened up a bit not so bad it's up 22.7 is next all right last up is 23.1 we haven't seen any pressure signs or anything like that velocities nice and low I don't usually comment on this because it's hard to tell but I can tell you with this when this is a very clean powder like shooting suppressed my brass gets absolutely covered in soot I think this is the cleanest I've ever seen them so yeah if I had one first impression of H 322 it would be that it seems to shoot clean alright 23.1 well I just missed that bug yeah pretty crappy group to finish off there I'm gonna give the gun a little bit of time to cool down and then we'll switch over to IMR 3031 alright so I took a nice break let the barrel cool down and we are ready to move on to IMR 3031 our first load is 23.0 grains alright so the velocity was a little bit all over the place there that standard deviation number of 50.3 is pretty gnarly let's hope that tides up third 23.4 is next ah last shop screwed it up we almost had a good one there twenty three point eight twenty four point two there we go so our standard deviation tightened up a bunch that's good we're getting right near a full case we didn't quite get to a compressed charge with thirty thirty-one so I think we're still gonna have some room you know we're only up to twenty eight thousand we're only up to two thousand eight hundred eleven feet per second so if this next charge of twenty four point six screens is promising we've definitely got room to play around here we go oh yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about I cannot believe look how tight these standard deviations are getting so quick we're only at 28 73 man yeah we need to explore this whole range right here a little bit more I think well I'll tell you what let's get back to bench and analyze things so I was looking back through all of the old targets and this our group today this 564 group is our best so far with the with the Bob's bullet we've had two others at point five eight but this year this is our best guy so far so H 322 was just all-around disappointing its best group was a one point zero six but just in general it wasn't even really trying to group even the good groups don't look all that great but ya know pressures you don't normally show the brass here at the beginning but there is absolutely nothing to see these were very weak loads no pressure problems to speak everything was fine so I think you could comfortably go higher with both of them probably and I definitely want to check out I am are 3031 up here I want to add it I don't know maybe the next video just add 30 31 to the next video and start here and do the same thing over see how just how much powder we can fit in the freaking case so between this 24.6 and whatever point we run out of case capacity I ought to see what that range was maybe we can explore that range and see if this improving standard deviation numbers because they were awful super bad down here and then all of a sudden started tightening up and we ended up with an eight point five so yeah looking good definitely want to explore more with IMR 30 31 and 322 just wasn't the right combo for my barrel on the subject of the green dots now that I've god thing's way too bright and it's going to blind you I don't know man I need a black dot in the middle like you know just a sharpie mark in the dead center would help cuz yeah I needed something a little bit more like maybe a dot with a sharpie in the middle and then a black ring all the way around to get some good definition but the green itself as a color was fine for aiming at I'm not sure where we go yet with Bob's next you know what that's what I should do so we know I am our 3031 looked great with the Bob's I picked up a hundred of the of the Hornady Full Metal Jacket bo tells with can lure and I also picked up some of these lipu is now these are super crazy expensive this was these were bought just for the laughs really I mean you know this is not a competitor to the Bob's I expect these to shoot outstanding but it'll definitely be interesting if they don't for some reason the horn ADIZ I've shot before you know we've shot some of the horn at ease I think on the channel way back when I have never ever found anything that grouped halfway decent but at the time I didn't have this nice white oak armament barrel that shooting so well so maybe that's what we'll do next video is well won't take IMR 30 31 and test this high end and we'll do like 25 shots with the Bob's bullets and 25 shots with the Hornady and just see how they compare now that won't be the end of it like I said I picked up a hundred and I can get more that might be what we do is we switch over from just Bob's bullets we do a Bob's versus Hornady series for like well 25 shots per video so we do like four videos where we put bobs directly against Hornady with some different powders and see what happens that's a possibility yeah we'll just we'll see where it goes because here's the thing pressures off brother today is August 31st so this is the last of our video every day in August challenge videos I can't believe we've made it I may actually have a video tomorrow just to talk about some crap not some reloading just some to channel update sort of video pat myself on the back for completing this august thing but beyond that i'll probably take a day or two off I need to clean my house it looks like I cracked in in here kinda a little bit it looks like well no like a like a cracker attic and a and a hoarder got married so if you imagine their house that's kind of what mine looks like right now I need to do some cleaning do a little bit of yard work catch us catch up on some things that have slipped over the month well we're going to keep them rolling brother there won't be much delay before you know before we're right back at shootin the bombs bullets and shooting the 77 grain errs and you know doing all the stuff that we've been doing so I just checked patreon it is 10:00 p.m. on August 30th we've made it to 97 patrons which is insane which is crazy but way back at the beginning of the month I set a goal of a hundred patrons by the end of the month it was a ridiculous goal at the time but we're almost there so three of you guys who have been on the fence like hey I'll get around to it at some point I know what you're paying the but you can't get on the website and sign up and credit card info and it's all it's a pain in the butt but I need you I'm gonna need you to go ahead and gonna need you to go ahead and do that today because we need to hit this hundred mark why do we need to hit a hundred you're not supposed to ask that and I guess that's another good reason to why you should just go ahead because you know I've mentioned before that I fixed radios in the Marines but what if I didn't what if I was actually a psychological warfare expert and I've got a whole library of psychological tricks to get you to eventually sign up right like creating false goals that mean nothing and then pushing it like it means something this is yeah this is uh this is basic stuff you wait until I really turn up the heat so to be honest you might as well just give up sign up now slash freeloading I will see you guys tomorrow most likely but no promises because it's no longer August
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 21,372
Rating: 4.8745389 out of 5
Id: D78rwkKfm0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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