Bobs' 223 Bulk Bullets - Crimp tests

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welcome back my friends it is time for another Bob's book bullets video right we've been testing this 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail from two to three bulk bullets calm hopefully you've got yours we're just getting started with this guy we've tested some primers we've instantly no initial accuracy testing and then we tested for the best primer today I want to test for the best crimp I've come up with an overall length of two point two one five puts the candle or just at about the right spot you know it allows a little bit there in case we get some longer cases or something whatever you know it's about the right height for this candle lure so I've already loaded up 50 rounds just like that we've got our 55 grain Bob's bolt bulk bullet we are shooting 25.0 grains of H 335 that's the same one of the loads we shot in our primer test video for primers we're using the overall winner from our primer test the federal a our small rifle match primer but I am switching up the brass the federal two to three brass we've been shooting I decided to switch it up and I went back this is Lake City brass this is the big batch of Lake City five five six brass we've shot here on the channel for a long time so we're back to those we're back to that brass they've got firing or two on them but they haven't been through this particular gun as you can see I've actually got 45 of these there's five of them here I've been playing around with our crimped die our Lee factory crib die that's what this is going to be this is going to be about the Lee factory crimp die and playing around trying to get the right settings I use defy I used up five bullets just trying to figure out what settings would be best for our test I decided to use a technique that we used a while back in a 300 blackout video I put our Lee factory crimp die in the press screwed it all the way down until it was absolute max crimp I've made a mark on the press and the die and that is what we call the absolute maximum on the other end of things I loosened it up I put a I put up completed round in the shell holder and ran it up in there and tighten down the die until basically as far as I could by hand and then just a little bit farther and that was almost exactly a half turn away from the heaviest so I've started with those two those two marks on the press to represent absolute lightest it's not going to do anything and absolute heaviest it's going to destroy the round distort the bullet and be a huge pain in the butt so those that was kind of the starting and stopping point I cut that section into fourths and started playing around with a couple rounds when I ended up coming up with were four different settings that are kind of in the middle those are the four we're going to do and they go from a very light crimp you cannot visually see anything at all up to a medium crimp then to what I would consider my normal heavy crimp and then one more mark for an extra heavy crimp a little bit too heavy probably going to distort the bullet and screw things up a little bit hopefully we don't blow our face off I think we'll be okay so hopefully that makes sense those are our four settings that's how I went about indexing it so that hopefully we can return to this setting in the future and that's what we're going to do now like I said I've got 45 rounds which is a little bit of a weird number five rounds we're going to shoot a five shot group with no crimp no crimp at all so these go straight into the ammo box so what we've got left are 40 40 rounds and we've got four different crimp settings where you want to test so let's shoot for ten shot groups at each of these you know one for each of these levels another reason why I like the idea of the tin shot group here's what we'll do I'll find around for each group that is exactly two point two one five yeah here we go so I'll find several rounds there just like this two point two one five this will be the first round into our magazine so after we've fired the other nine rounds and this guy gets chambered what we'll do is eject it and we'll take another overall length measurement to see if our bullets holding where it's supposed to and whether there's any difference if we do notice anything whether there's any difference between our different crimp levels hopefully that makes sense that's the basics of our little test here today so I'm ready to start crimping all right so I found a bunch of them that are exactly two point two one five so these are the ones I've worked with a little bit of purple so those are the guys will monitor overall length lon out on the range alright so this is the last guy right here that's defined it really interesting I mean that's under under a quarter turn of the dye our total settings from heaviest to lightest and it really does make a whole lot of difference you know we might not be testing small enough intervals if we find much better performance with one of these I mean it may be worth exploring that section of the measure you know of the adjustment and even finer detail but for now let's shut up let's take our 45 rounds and get out to the range okay we've got a target of the hundred yards this gun has an 18 inch wide oak armament barrel I'll have all of the other details about the gun down in the description so we're going to start out with no crimp these are the five shots with no crimp far left dot and you guys are going to need to remind me to stop on that last shot and take our overall length measurement because I have a feeling I'm going to forget sometimes but that wouldn't be good so all right here we go no crimp [Music] [Music] okay so our last round has made it all the way through and it's still at exactly two point two one five so that's a good start here no crimp and we're still hanging on to the bullet okay so I've labeled my target incorrectly the next dot over is supposed to be the light crimp I want to shoot the extra-heavy crimp next all the way over to the right it's it should have the big difference between the one we just shot so I want to I want to see what the difference is here while the barrel has similar heat similar fouling all of that crap and speaking of heat and fouling before the last five five round shot before our note crimp five round shot I did shoot three rounds of just cider ammo through it to get things you know hopefully warmed up just a little bit before that all right next up far-right dot extra heavy crimp ten rounds [Music] all right this one's at about two point two one six so if it's stretched it was only about thousandth of an inch or a thousandth and a half most likely that's just variations in the way I'm measuring it okay velocity 2925 with a thirty three point nine feet per second standard deviation so we didn't we only gained nineteen feet per second over no crimp I thought we might pick up some more and our standard deviation was worse all right to continue our theme of making this target as confusing as possible I want to go ahead and jump over to the medium crimp this is going to be the center dot with the medium crap [Music] alright no stretch to speak up on this guy I'm getting to point to one six kind of like that last one to one to two point two one six or two point Q one six five if I has to do with you know the zero on my calipers but they're not moving okay two thousand nine hundred twenty feet per second twenty two point four feet per second standard deviation we're not seeing a whole lot change in velocity here are we and groups pretty similar so with these ten shot groups barrel heating up a little faster than my normal five shot groups so I'm going to take a little break before I shoot these last twenty okay I took a nice little break our barrel is cooled down yep I can touch it no problem still just a little bit warm so next up let's choose our light crimp so left center two point two one six just like the last couple yea these velocities are surprisingly I mean we're seeing surprisingly consistent numbers especially considering how crappy the standard deviation numbers are huh okay we got 10 rounds left they are a heavy crimp [Music] alright no stretch exact same measurement [Music] alright so I'm scratching my head just a little bit let's get back to the bench I need to think this one out so I got to be honest I thought we would see something there's not a whole lot to see here groups started at 1.3 and then grew a little bit up to a 2.1 and then went right back down to it 1.3 now if you're willing to give a man a single mulligan on a sheet of ten shot groups of yeah ten shot groups if we remove this guy right here that's kind of our crazy shot for the day if we remove that this is a 1.50 inch group right next to a 1.4 nine and a 1.50 bookended by one point three zero and one point two nine so I would say the groups are very consistent I'm disappointed overall though I'm wondering whether I need to clean my barrel so I've been looking back the last video which was the primer shootout part two with the 69 great match Kings we shot some pretty good groups but they weren't quite as tight as we had seen in earlier testing and we go back one more video to primer shootout number one we had a couple good groups but things were a little bit yeah here's that group pair the groups from that first primer video where we had we rattled off our first four groups were really good right right around this inch and that guy even better and a half inch and then things kind of fell apart and never really regained form even in the following video and then now to this video groups a little bit disappointing so tomorrow's video is going to be another Bob's bullet video we're going to explore overall length now that we kind of explored crimp and well I want to explore overall link tomorrow I think our number today the 2.21 5 is a good minimum with that really nice can lure alignment and all of that crap what I want to do tomorrow is I want to shoot like five thousands increments all the way from two point two one five out to two point two six zero so that's going to be tomorrow's video and I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to clean the gun before tomorrow's video and we'll keep a close eye on accuracy and see if maybe we see our groups open up after about 20 shots like we did in that in that previous target Wow I got way off course here back to our target yes groups didn't you know cramp no cramp heavy cramp didn't seem to make much difference at all the velocity was crazy you know it's just the same all the way our low guy was 2906 and our high was 29 27 but with standard deviation numbers this big they're more or less equal you know they're more or less the same you have it maybe today's lesson is that we just we worry too much about crimp it doesn't matter all that much it doesn't hurt but it seems like one of those choices where you're always you feel this internal need to justify it like I'm not going to crimp these it's like okay well why aren't you not why aren't you going to crimp those well I don't know I just don't feel like it that's about the best I can come up with for reasoning between when I cramp and when I don't cramp a lot of times yeah we didn't see any overall length growing or shortening I thought we might you know I was interested to see the results of that test but they all stayed rock-solid so let's imagine that they hadn't look let's say that the no crimp and a light crimp I saw the rounds grow a little bit and then medium heavy extra heavy they seemed okay before I ever thought like oh okay wow I should definitely use a medium crimp from now on at least I would start thinking like whoa is something wrong with my expander ball in my resizing die you know are my next too big do I not have sufficient neck tension to keep a hold of this thing or that seems the more important question if you have set back in rifle stuff you look at neck tension necessarily crimped to solve a problem maybe I'm wrong yeah I'd love to hear your all's opinion on crimp but the more data I gather on it it just seems to be irrelevant in most in most cases but it doesn't seem to hurt anything either and I guess that's why you'd have to consider me a crimper you know more more often than not I'm pulling out a leaf factory crimp thigh and hitting them with a light crimp I don't think it hurts anything but at the same time I'm not sure that I'm helping anything either so I think that's where we'll leave it today be sure to come back tomorrow we want to shoot some good groups tomorrow I'm gonna get the gun clean we're going to switch powders we're going to switch over to what was the other AR comp probably yeah that's a our comp is the one we've got the best load for right now so we'll shoot some AR comp we'll have a clean gun and I bet we shoot some nice groups I just got that feeling you can feel it in my plums I can feel it all the way down in my plums if you'd like to support the channel check me out at slash reloading and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 105,025
Rating: 4.9152441 out of 5
Keywords: reloading, 223 Remington
Id: wnZWv38cNKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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