.223 Remington FMJ Shootout - Part 4 - IMR 3031

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welcome back folks it's good to have you with me today it is time for the fourth episode in our little 55 grain full-metal-jacket Test series here for 223 we've tested Hodgson Varga we've tested CFE 223 we've tested H 335 and the test powder for today is IMR 3031 now this powders on the faster side of the spectrum our velocities are gonna be down just a touch today but the previous video we did I think we did a Hornady and Bob's bullets test with this powder recently and they shot pretty well so well I guys should probably cover the bullets first this is episode 4 do I need to do the whole spiel can i shorten this a little bit let's shorten it just a little bit we're testing five different bullets here they are in all of their glory we've got the Hornady we've got the Bob's bullets from two to three bulk bullets calm we've got the Everglades version - they have like four versions this is the version - we've got the RMR from Rocky Mountain reloading and we've also got this crazy Lapua flat based bullet that we're testing as well the first four are very affordable you can get them in bulk for like eight cents apiece the Lapua is crazy expensive and doesn't really belong in this test but you know whatever there it is so the test format we've been following is to test each of these bullets at two different overall lengths we want to test them at full magazine length two point two six zero and we also test a second overall length where the candle or matches up with the case mouth now the short rounds where the candle or matches up we give it a light crimp the longer rounds we don't crimp that's kind of been the test plan we've been following here are the five overall links we've been shooting for the short version all of the long ones are two point two six zero and then these five overall overall links are what we shoot for the short test now deciding on what charge weight to shoot today was a little bit of an adventure because if you like consult the book of armaments and look at what Hornady says is max see they show a max charge with this powder and they're 55 grain Full Metal Jacket of 22 point eight grains now back to the previous videos we did with this powder we shot all the way up to like twenty four point something grains the Hodgkin and I am our website shows a higher max charge so a lot of conflicting data here with IMR 3031 but like I said in previous videos I think we basically ended up jamming as much as we could into a case lightly compressing it and we didn't blow her face off but for this test I want to back it down to a level that's a little more sane we're gonna shoot twenty three point one grain now our previous three videos with our other three powders in this series have been up around that three thousand feet per second range out of my 18 inch white oak armament barrel today we're down around twenty eight fifty but that's good right we're testing something different we're throwing something different at our lineup of bullets maybe one of them will really like being shot a little bit slower than the you know than the others I don't know man all I'm saying is I'm not gonna shed a tear because we're not shooting crazy smoke and fast velocities today it's not always about that now here's one problem as you might notice this is an empty box I ran out of Hornady bullets I've got some more on order so do not fear but at least for today's video I only had four or nine so one of our Hornady groups today is going to be a four shot group instead of a five shot group I hope you'll forgive me let's see primers were shooting the CCI number forty one primers just like we have in all the other videos brass we are shooting Starline 223 brass just like all the other videos and it's all rather redundant so why don't we just go ahead and hop into it head out to the range and let's shoot our first five groups these are at the short overall length okay folks time to see if IMR 3031 will shoot this is our gun as you can see we're shooting off a bipod and a rear bag this is a Palmetto state armory upper that I put an eighteen inch white oak armament SP our barrel in which is made for a good shooting setup I'm using a silencer koto mega suppressor a magneto speed v3 chronograph a LaRue MBT trigger and a 20 round Lancer magazine so let's see if this guy'll shoot okay we are starting with the short realms first up is Hornady at two point q10 inches of overall length this is our four shot group right we ran out of the Hornady bullets so it is what it is four shot group let's see how it does okay next is the bob's bullet at two point two one five inches okay next is the RMR at two point two zero zero inches okay next is the RMR at two point two four zero inches okay the Lapua at 2.24 four inches all right first of all let's look at the velocities I think earlier I said they were gonna be about 28 50 actually 28 10 up to 28 49 kind of in that you know lower 2800 sort of range we did have some halfway decent standard deviation numbers the Hornady the RMR and the Lapua had halfway decent standard deviations but the Bob's in the Everglades had a forty one point four and a thirty four point one which is not good at all so we're still kind of chasing that whole standard deviation situation the numbers haven't been good in any of these videos so let's look at the group's this is certainly better than the last video our best group was with the Everglades at one point zero six two inches we've seen that a lot I guess in three out of the four videos with the short overall length I think our best group has been with the Everglades this guy just shoots well short and that's a good thing I like being able to seat my bullets down to the proper length and crimp the case mouth into the candle or and you know kind of use them the way they're supposed to be used and the Everglades really seems to like that and seems to give consistently better performance over the Hornady the Bob's and the RMR yep so here at the shorter overall links that are all kind of okay right they're all between an inch what was our biggest one I guess our Mar was one point five four one the Lapua was one point six three the Lapua continues to just be bizarre you never know when it's gonna shoot a good group or when it's gonna shoot a bad group but at least our four main test bullets are cheap bullets they all shot halfway decent inch inch and a half but nothing to write home about yet so let's head back to the range and let's shoot them at the long overall length and see how those do okay so it's time for our long rounds these are all gonna be two point two six zero and first up is Horta deep all right I like that one okay next is the Bob's okay next is the Everglades version - okay next is the RMR okay last is Lapua at two point two six zero okay so the groups are a little bit better than a last video with H 335 but still you know nothing super awesome let's get back to the bench and talk this out all right so if we start out with a look at the velocities again you know right there between twenty eight hundred and twenty eight fifty similar sort of range and I find it interesting that okay the Hornady the RMR and the Lapua all had good standard deviations again it was the same way with the short routes and bobs and Everglades both kind of have pretty crappy standard deviation numbers so that trend at least seemed to continue here to our second batch of groups and speaking of groups the Hornady holy moly 0.447 inches excellent excellent group and if we go back to the previous video with this powder where we had shot some of the Hornady bullets it really liked this powder in those videos as well so it seems like I am are 30 31 and the Hornady Full Metal Jacket bow tail is a killer combination especially when we stretch out this overall length the Bob's bullet tightened up a little bit 1.2 37 inch group which was better than the 1.5 inch group it's shot at the shorter overall length so huge improvement with the Hornady and a little bit of improvement there with the Bob's once we lengthen this overall length now the Everglades like you know for the five shots are trying to group there but that one guy kind of screwed it up a little bit but it kept our trend going where the Everglades likes to be shot short here it is again the Everglades actually opened up here at the longer overall length one point four six two inch group when compared to the one inch group its shot you know when it was shorter so pretty good stuff there from those three Hornady Bob's and Everglades looking pretty pretty good here rmr was ugly two point four eight eight inches that's gross and he was kind of spraying them all over the place here wasn't it so for the fourth video in a row or a more just disappoints so at least at the overall links were testing we definitely have not found what the RMR likes maybe in the next video we'll try something I don't know what we could do because the position of its cantilever so we shoot it in the short in the short test we shoot it at two point two four zero and then the long of course is two point two six zero so we don't have a lot of range there to mess with I guess we could seed it even deeper I could have a look at that ogive and see maybe we could go and just go ahead and seat the candle or down into the case a little bit maybe if we shorten it up maybe it'll be like an Everglades where we shorten the overall length and the groups tighten I don't know it's worth a try now because at this point the RMR is just not impressing me at all and speaking of not impressing me the Lapua here shot a one point one zero two inch group at the long overall length so it's performance today was pretty pretty disappointing overall it's not living up to that crazy price tag so that's pretty much it for today I'm not sure where we'll go next I haven't picked out a powder yet so if you guys want to throw out some more ideas of what powder I should test next feel free to do that down in the comments section maybe we'll go way out in left-field tribe one of the super slow powders like the ones we've been you know testing with and having luck with over in the mark 262 series with 77 grain bullets I mean I guess we have we've tested CFE 223 and that's certainly on the slow side of things and harsh and Varg it was on the slow side of things a little bit I'll tell you what I think next we'll test AR comp yeah I'm feeling I'm feeling AR comp I'm not sure but that will not be our next 223 video I'm going to switch over I'm gonna do at least a mark 262 video with the 77 greenseer match King I want to do a video with the 75 grain Hornady boat tail hollow point I've shot a few of those on the channel here but I've never really properly given them their own videos and tested some stuff so I want to do that I've kind of got a couple other odds and ends I want to clean up here you know some other bullets that are getting neglected in our recent 223 work because we've kind of been focusing on the 55 grain errs and then also the 77 grain sierra matchking and there's more to life than just that right and also really kind of want to squeeze in some 2:23 stuff here because pretty soon it's going to be 224 Valkyrie season and with all of the 30 caliber and six point five millimeter stuff we got going on like it's a lot of cartridges to try and cover so I'm afraid that you know some of the 224 valkyrie is going to be still a little bit of time from the 223 world so i want to jam in a bunch of videos here before we get into that so i'm rambling and that means it is time to end this here video i appreciate you joining me today if you'd like to help support my channel come to patreon.com/scishow to and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 23,326
Rating: 4.9738989 out of 5
Id: H6pfyYdOZx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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