Cloning Mk262 - pt 9 - 2000-MR and IMR 4895

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hi folks time for a video number nine in our quest to clone the mark 262 mod one or the Black Hills 77 grain otm this stuff 77 grain sierra matchking running at about two thousand seven hundred and fifty to two thousand seven hundred and sixty feet per second that's been our quest we've had a lot of success so far we found quite a few powders that get us there and we're just going to keep on testing powders until we run out of them so the last video we tested alliant power pro 2000 mr but i misjudged the load data on that guy we went up to 20 6.0 grains and let's see what velocity did we get up to you I think it was right at 2700 feet per second standby yeah 2600 dirt 26 grains got us twenty-six hundred and ninety-three feet per second so we fell a bit short today I want to keep pushing it farther at 26 grains we still hadn't seen any pressure signs whatsoever so today we're just gonna keep on going the other powder for today is gonna be good old IMR 4895 this stuff's been around a million years right it's pretty easy to find any self-respecting reloading shop is gonna have some cans of IMR 4895 on the shelf so let's see what it will do with the 77 grain sierra matchking so this is an extruded powder and it's it's pretty bulky so we are limited by case capacity so if we look on the Hodgdon website they do have load data for IMR 4895 77 grain sierra matchking and they show a max charge being 20 3.0 grains and that being a compressed load so i want to try to push it a little bit farther than that and just see if we can jam a little bit more powder into the case so as I mentioned 77 grain sierra matchking with a can lure is our bullet the primer for today is going to be the CCI number 41 primer our brass is the it's a fresh batch of once fired Lake City 2013 head stamps that I've already prepped I've actually already primed these guys they are resized trimmed military crimps removed and they're ready for powder and bullets so that's our brass so for our actual charge weights yeah let's bring up the load data with 2000 mor last time we went up to 20 6.0 grains we had a little bit of case capacity left like you know shaking the round so I could fill a little bit of empty space left so we've got to live we got room for a little bit more powder I did a little chart kind of looking at the velocities versus load data from the last video I think right about 26.5 is gonna get us our target velocity of 20 750 ish so what I want to shoot is 26 point one that's only one tenth over what we shot last time and then I want to go in two tenths of a grain increments which is going to take us all the way to twenty six point nine that is either going to be way over pressure and we're not gonna be able to shoot them and I've got to pull the bullets or it is gonna be warp speed probably 2,800 feet per second I've heard of people getting some crazy velocities with this powder without seeing pressure science so I'm kind of interested to see myself and that's why I'm wanting to load kino kind of well beyond even our target velocity to see just how fast just how much velocity we can get from this powder we might crash and burn but it's worth a shot for IMR 4895 like I said Hodgson shows a max charge of 20 3.0 I want to try and go all the way to 20 4.0 the top few charges are probably going to be insanely compressed I don't know once we get the bullets eating we'll see but that's what I want to try so I want to start at twenty two point eight which is just under there max which is a 223 max right I mean that this this series were living life way up in the five five six pressures and probably beyond like we're in stupid territory so we're definitely going to be going into that area with with 4895 22.8 up to twenty four point zero in three tenths of a grain increments for overall leaf we're going to shoot two point two four six that's what we've been shooting throughout the series that's what we found as an average with our box of factory ammo our factory Black Hills ammo so that's what we're going to stick with this is going to be quick we're going to be right on the range because the dyes are already in the they're still set from last time and I think you guys have watched me measure enough charges so weird it will just skip most of the reloading here on this time this video and get straight out to the range these videos have been running like a half-hour which is a little excessive right we've we've covered it all freaking 8 times already so we'll try to skip ahead a little bit this time maybe we can condense it down to 20 minutes so I made it through our Power Pro 2000 Mr rounds no problem they're finished up and sitting in the ammo box but now I've moved on to the IMR 4895 rounds these are definitely nice and compressed getting a little bit of snap crackle pop right a little bit of crunchiness seating the bullet into this extremely full case of an extruded powder but I wanted to go ahead and see them all and then we'll take some measurements to see if that all that compression is making our overall length stretch any this is one of the the top charges 24.0 grains if you remember our overall link that we had set was 2.2 for six more or less if you're not familiar with Ciera match Kings you know the the hollow-point the meat plat there is always a little bit jacked up and irregular so four five six seven thousandths of variation in overall length measured to the tip is not completely out of the realm of normal and you know what speaking of that let me just measure it to the ogive like I should all right there we go so you get the Hornady bullet comparator set that just clamps on to your calipers and I'll tell you what we'll take one of our rounds from the 2000 M R loads there's one point eight eight zero there at one point eight eight zero one point eight seven nine so looks like that one point eight eight zero sort of range is looking normal so let's look at the this is our lowest charge of IMR 4895 all of these are compressed so there's a one point eight eight two stretched a little bit let's jump all the way to our highest charge twenty four point zero grains there's a one point eight eight six here's another 24 grain charge one point eight eight seven one point eight eight five so we've grown five or six thousandths here when compared to the 300 M P or I'm sorry the 2000 M are loads measuring the rest of our first row here they're actually okay so these were about one point eight eight zero which is what we saw from the other so the first row I shot I need to crimp those we'll call those okay and then as I go up in the rows I'm going to take my bullets eating died down a little bit just to try and equalize them I'm gonna try to maintain that one point eight eight zero inch overall length when measured to the ogive as I go yep just a little tweak in the second row is where it needs to be so another tiny little tweak and then I'll hit the third row again 1.88 zero yep highest row 1.88 zero sir just a little just a little tweak down on the bullets eating die means that our overall length is consistent across all of the charge weights so that's good so that's it I just need to crimp these guys now and we'll be ready to hit the range all right folks we've got a target at 100 yards my gun is an 18 inch white oak arm room at barrel with a 1 & 8 twist I did switch both carriers from the last from the last video I've been using an old semi-auto bolt carrier I had that has a ton of rounds on it I've got this new Odin works bolt and bolt carrier that I had bought for the 22 Nosler and since that series has gone to crap I'm gonna try and move it over to this gun start using it a little bit so we'll have to see whether our pressure signs you know change any at all with the last bolt you know we had a very repeatable and dependable sign in you know extractor marks being the first sign of pressure so hopefully this bolt is the same we're continuing with our Alliant Power Pro 2,000 mr charges and first up is 26.1 grains [Music] so in the last video with 26.0 grains we got twenty six hundred and ninety three feet per second and then in today's video we dropped down to twenty six eighty four with a tenth grain more powder so it is a bit colder today temperatures in the 30s I think was thirty five degrees is what I wrote on the target so not sure whether that's the calls or something else no pressure signs on the brass so twenty six point three grains is next all right well 2703 with an eight point eight feet per second standard deviation I don't know how you go from a two-and-a-half-inch group to like what six or seven tenths of an inch group reloading can be frustrating at times but pressure signs still look good so we are moving on twenty six point five grains is next all right 27:39 and another pretty decent group still no pressure science I was afraid we were gonna hit pressure by now but we haven't so moving on 26.7 grains all right that's our clone load 27 60 feet per second awesome group and no pressure signs pretty sweet man or at least I should say it's our clone load on a 35 degree day so we're moving on to our show and offload 26.9 grains [Music] alright 2777 7.0 feet per second standard deviation another good group good stuff but I did finally start seeing some ejector smears so that's good we took it up as high as high as we could 26.7 looks ok alright it took a little break for a minute to rest my eyes a little bit let the chamber chiller to do its work and we're ready to move on to IMR 4895 first up is twenty two point eight grains alright not a bad start accuracy wise but only twenty six hundred five feet per second got to start somewhere right twenty three point one grains is next 23.4 so these 4895 velocities are kind of all over the place seeing really bad standard deviation numbers that last when the average was 2667 i had one shot that was like 27 17 so they're just kind of all over the place but no pressure signs so far so we're moving on 23.7 grains is next and my gun is getting super dirty this is the second one I've had to forward assist into the into battery and with only ten shots left it's not really worth going into get cleaning gear so whatever here we go twenty three point seven [Music] okay last up 24.0 grains yeah I've got a few ejector marks there that time alright let's get back to the bench have a closer look alright let's start out with a look at our brass these top 5 rows here there's not a whole lot to see the fourth row here with Power Pro mm mr so this was twenty six point seven that guy got a little bit of a a little bit of a swipe yeah little ejector swipe there on that guy but none of the others with that charge weight had any problems and the next row up our max charge of 2000 mr 26.9 grains that guy got a little swipe but nothing crazy and I think there was a second one yeah I can't even see it so that should tell you how minor it was so 2,000 Mr wasn't bad at all even though you know we went all the way up to almost twenty seven hundred and eighty feet per second still pretty good nothing to freak out too much about over on the IMR 4895 side of things started out just fine but this last row definitely had a couple there's one on that guy nothing too bad but you know just a little ejector smear yeah here's another guy from that row it's somewhere on there there it is right by the one so not bad at all nothing nothing to freak out about at all today everything looks pretty good alright so looking at our groups not a bad day on the range except for the very first group guys I have absolutely no explanation for this at all even without this one weird one that dropped low is still a very crappy group when compared to the others so I i'm a bit baffled here and also let's see our velocity yeah last last video 26.0 grains gave us 2693 so i guess that's only 9 feet per second slower so we didn't really lose as much velocity as i as i thought but a little bit of a dip but you know like i said 36 degrees versus 50 something in the last video that might explain some of it but the group's you know not the best we've seen but not bad but i guess the good news is our clone load here at two thousand seven hundred and sixty feet per second was our best group out of five fifty two that's pretty good shootin and 890 and 736 on either side of it looking like a pretty good range here so we'd have to say alliant mm mr as far as velocity goes is definitely one of our best performers so far accurate 25 20 mm mr and I guess lever evolution would probably be our top three at this point I amor 4895 was a little bit disappointing it started off outstanding with you know our best group of the day but the groups just kept opening up and our last group was 1.0 one inches so it was just getting progressively worse as we went along their standard deviation numbers were consistently crappy you know right here just over 30 until the very last one gave us a twenty four point seven still not good at all and that might have to do with the fact that almost all of these were compressed so maybe as we kept crunching that powder more and more we kept losing accuracy I don't know if that's a factor maybe it was but velocity we only got up to 27 31 but I don't think it's really worth the time to explore any higher because well for one like I said we're just getting more and more compressed and the groups just keep on getting worse and the velocity is just not stable velocity was all over the place so it seems like the best plan with IMR 4895 is to keep the keep the charged weight reasonable and by god it shoots really well but at least in this case pushing it too hard didn't get us anywhere it's a good deal so I guess that you know leaves us with the question of is it worth the time to test H 4895 very you know similar powders of course H 4895 is one of the Hodgdon extreme powders so it's supposed to be superior temperature stability and stuff like that so it actually yes it's worth testing it because well for one a lot of you guys have asked about it and number two it would be a good comparison to make between IMR and H 4895 because I don't have a lot of experience with H 4895 I've mainly stuck to the IMR so yeah this might be a good a good direct comparison maybe get some idea about which one burns faster or slower or how they compare in velocity so yeah why not so looking back at our at our powder list from video 1 we've certainly still got plenty of powders to play with we've tested accurate 2520 CFE 223 Varga TLC to tack 8208 XBR ar comp lever evolution 2000 mr and IMR 4198 so in my test reloader 15 and h 4895 you know test those guys soon and then over on the ball powder side of things we haven't tested winchester 748 or maybe h 380 so we've still got some some good prime candidates to test but at this point I'm pretty happy with the progress we've made and I think that's where we'll leave this one if you'd like to help support my efforts come to slash reloading I know it's a pain in the butt to go over there and get signed up and all of that crap but one of the most popular pledges is $1 a month and it adds up quick and it really helps you can also check out my affiliate links down in the description clicking on them and going to do your shopping for reloading components same price for you but they give me a little cut and that adds up so thanks for all the support and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 23,429
Rating: 4.9845858 out of 5
Id: jN05xUHutXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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