Bob Ross - Surf's Up (Season 9 Episode 2)

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welcome back I'm glad you could join me today today I thought we'd do a happy little seascape so let's go on up here let me tell you a little bit about what I've done already on the canvas now on the top of the canvas I've completely covered this part with liquid white and as you know liquid white makes a canvas wet and slick and we blend color but down here I've done something different today down here this is all coated with liquid clear and this is just a clear transparent medium it's just like liquid white except it's clear and I want to put some water down here and I don't want to I don't want to lose my color I want it to stay very strong and very true so this is liquid clear now then I take it let's have a run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting with me and we'll go up here you get started and tell you why them let's have let's have some big fluffy clouds at Pier today in a nice big churning wave and we'll just get crazy so let's go I'm going to go into a touch of the midnight black just a touch and reach over here and I'll grab a tiny little bit of alizarin crimson so I've got midnight black and alizarin crimson just tap the brush into it and let's figure out maybe maybe there's a big cloud that lives right here we're gonna put the dark part in first and we'll come back and put the light stuff in just like so maybe right along right along here now when you're doing these you sort of have to predetermine where your water lines gonna be okay until you one we'll have another cloud over it somewhere in this area all I'm doing is just applying a little bit of dark color right now maybe something here wherever forever now then I'm gonna go in to without cleaning the brush some of the titanium white a little bit of phthalo blue and I'll just reach on the other side of the pallet and take some bright red just a tiny bit I don't want to turn this to lavender just a little touch okay let's go back up here now there in between here I'm going to put in some happy little sky colors and sort of leave an area around here where the white of your cloud will be there we go this is probably one of the easiest ways to make a very striking sky with great big fluffy clouds all kinds of beautiful little things happening okay let me wash this brush when we wash our brushes with odorless thinner shake off the excess and cover the whole studio alright that really is fun you know I've painted for so many years and I still like just beat the brush we have people who write and they tell me they watch the shows they don't paint they just stand around and beat the brush they enjoy that so much okay I'm pulling this brush through the titanium white and I put the least little touch of bright right into it a lot of paint a lot of paint there you go let's go up here now using just the corner of the brush decide or your clouds live in tiny little circles tiny little circles see there and just sort of let it come into the dark don't want to kill all the dark don't want to kill it just sort of let it come together look at that big fluffy strong clouds maybe a little bit right in there okay tell you what there we go and you could make as big a cloud as you want into your world there we are right in there Big Papi cloud the wind's blowing sort of make up little stories when you're painting it really helps you get in the mood all right okay I will take just a clean dry brush and come right up here and watch with just the top corner of the brush very gently you just sort of mix this up don't touch the top at all at this point you're just mixing the bottom of the cloud into the dark just the bottom yeah sort of bring it all together don't kill all your dark don't kill the dark out darkest what's gonna create the illusion of big clouds strong clouds look at that now they just beat the brush a little bit better moves excess paint off the brush without going through the whole cleaning procedure okay now then look right here we're gonna grab this and fluff it tease it pull it out make streaks barely touching the canvas just enough to grab the paint fluff it up fluff it up laughing and it very gently we'll just blame the entire sky and then a super way to make a fantastic sky that easy okay yeah we're ready to start playing with the city I'll wash this brush actually I just like to wash the brush shake it off there we go all right tell you what now I've tried to devise a seascape that works very well and is not so complicated so sometimes it helps if you sort of put yourself in a little sketch here I'm gonna take a little paint thinner and I'm using a filbert a number six bristle filbert we'll just take a little crimson and blue make just a little lavender color I think you can see that quite well but you don't have to do this if you don't want to I just think it'll help if you're just starting off with some nice seascapes let's decide we're a big way you is gonna be we're gonna have a big crashing wave and maybe it lives right there boom crashes over and falls down see that gives you sort of an idea and maybe back here we'll have some other happy little things happening wherever this just sort of gives you a guideline this is what's important right in here we're going to have a transparent eye and maybe down in here there'll be all kinds of little things we'll worry about that later okay now I'm gonna take a 2 inch brush and I'm gonna go right in to some pression blue Prussian blue and a touch of alizarin crimson and just sort of mix these on the brush all right let's go back up here now you have to make a big decision here where's your horizon right there maybe I'll add a little bit more crimson I won't that a little more yes that's better a little more into the lavender hue back here and try to keep this horizon line quite straight it really looks better if your water line back here straight there we go I think just sort of fill all that in like so now then I'm gonna add to the same old dirty brush and same color a little bit of yellow ochre yellow ochre that'll give us a little greenish cast just come right up to here I started at all let's blend together maybe we'll have a little plane crashing back here so I'll just leave that open for the time being and see if we had liquid white under here when we put this color on it would make it lighter in value by putting the liquid clear on it keeps this color true and very dark very dark yet is transparent this is a very transparent color okay I'll go right into a touch of the midnight black like so a little bit more of the yellow ocher midnight black yellow ochre now right down here now remember this area we want to save this area right in here and just drop that if hmm I've made a mess this time and all we're doing right here it's just blocking in color we're not looking for a whole bunch of shape just basically just blocking in some color I'm going to touch a little bit of the halo blue I have not cleaned the brush I have not cleaned it they little blue go right up in here for the yellow ochre because I want this to have a greenish cast to it just bring it to right about there yeah well we have that on here let's just pull a little bit of this over we know there's gonna be a big crashing way there I can't okay that's good enough to to get us started down here we'll worry about that later okay now we have to make some big decisions back in here I want some little swells so this is a simple way of making it I'm going to take titanium white on the fan brush I will go right up here decide where they're gonna be you have to make a big decision one lives right there see now you're not worried about the top of this you're worried about the bottom as crazy as that sounds you're worried about the bottom of it that's all there we go and that easy kidding that right along here see the only thing you worried about is this nice bottom edge you could care less about the top at this time there will come a point in this painting where we're worried about everything good right now a little bit right out here to there okay now watch come right up in here watch here now grab this and begin just going like that it's very gently very gently see you're sort of making little strokes like it very gently but a little bit of white right in there and then pull it up very gently now come right back here start this way you begin to see what's happening and not exciting that it can happen that easy look at that look at that now it starts making sense right back up here back in there look I really tried to design the seascape so even if this is your first seascape you'll have some super super results thank you like this way thank you like it now back in here I've add a little white to the brush you just come in just Sparkle a few little things back in here all the way up to the horizon like so hmm that's exciting okay I'm gonna go back to my filbert but take a little bit of titanium white and the tiniest little touch of cadmium yellow and we will mix that up about like so so we have CAD yellow and titanium white all right let me clean my knife off here now with our filbert brush we just load it full of paint just run it right through there okay let's go up here now then right here this is the part that everybody likes in a seascape this nice beautiful transparent area where the light shining through and ooh this is exciting this is exciting when you do this now of course I know none of us interested in that happy bug but if you're selling paintings this is the second that sells right here right here okay we'll just let a little that run right along in there wherever you want it to just sort of bring it together now then clean dry 2 inch brush let's go right up in here and very gently very gently now begin thinking of the angles here how's the water it's coming up and see it helps to make little noises see begin creating the shape of this wave I have your brush gets dirty don't take this dirty color back into here you want to save that want to save it that's your good friend take care of it there we go seen already that's beginning to look like a happy little wave okay I always think about the angles it's like when you're painting mountains angles are very very important you wash this brush give my shape you just beat the devil out of it okay let me grab a fan brush here we go right and to some titanium white load quite a bit of paint into your brush quite a bit of paint cans go right up here now then we're going to show this is crashing over till you start here give it a little chew once again make little noises grab that pull it pull it water spilling over there look at that see they're just crashes over boom okay now back to back to our little filbert brush yeah I'm going to take a touch of crimson mix a little bit of phthalo blue with it reach over here and grab some white and we're making a lavender color sort of bluish okay let's go back up here now then the exciting part where it is this big foam crash here let's go right in here and push that brush maybe this always have a big splash comes we up in here we up in there oh we're doing here he's just throwing in the shadow we're putting the shadow in first then we'll come back and we'll highlight that need the shadow the dark area so the light will show and it comes right on up here and maybe goes right on over grind idea push it in there you go okay man wash and dry my brush now these little filbert brushes I just dry those on paper towel they're easy okay we'll take some titanium white in a least little touch of the CAD yellow should almost look white but have a little bit of yellow in it okay let's go back up here has a lot of paint on this brush okay yeah sort of maybe we can come right in here close sort of tilt that over a little bit does that make sense and when you give it a little push see so it leaves that nice bright edge up edge once again make little sounds it helps just push it you want that bright out here on the edge boom boys just splashing and carrying on there it's just carrying on having a good time mmm and if you don't live close to the ocean you know you can get books that have all kinds of beautiful seascape pictures to give you ideas all kinds of books there we go all right wash this brush this this brush is little you can't beat it it's no fun now a nice dry clean brush I'm going right in here where these two colors come together and just very gently very gently sort of blend them together don't kill all the dark you want the dark in this that's what gives you depth makes it pretty okay now with a clean dry to inspiration I'm just going to use the very top corner and just blend all this together very lightly barely touching two hairs and some air and that gives us a big churning splashing thing there okay grab the old fan brush here I want to take some white and a little bit of the phthalo blue least a little touch of crimson the crimson just sort of tones it down a little bit so it's not quite as bright I don't want to get real lavender like but just want to tone it down okay let's go up here now we need to start working with some some little foam patterns that live in here and this is where we begin creating the shape of the wave now this waves coming up and going Shh so here it's going to be a lot a lot more now right in here right in this area there's going to be a shadow created by this wave standing up so we want to keep this color quite dark back there let all these little things just happen see all kinds of pretty little things going on in there but it gets flatter as it goes out here these lines begin laying down they like me they get lazy they lay down the job but is that way comes closer this way it spills upward there we go okay just can't laying all kinds of little things in here if you happen to put one ended you think's a little bit bright just take your large brush and very lightly see you can bring it right into the way that easy and easy now then as we get out from under the shadow area in here let's begin creating the illusion of some foam laying out here this is a little brighter a little bit brighter they'll come back and put some detail in there later right now we just want to put some looks like little foamy areas lay it all out through here tell you what I'm gonna go right into a little bit of that yellow and white let's make some sand this is bright so right below there we'll take some white a little bit of that Canyon yellow in it and as we work away we begin adding a little little more of the dark color the same little dirty brush and start going into some of the darker color darker and darker as it works out the time we get out here Whiterun it's really getting dark out here there okay and over here a little bit in here wherever now there are the two inch brush grab this and pull it straight down straight down start with a light area and blend outward if you start with a dark area and go inward it's gonna it lead up your light area okay over here same same just like so now very lightly very lightly go across very lightly and it'll give it the appearance of wetness hope that's a proper word wetness you know what I mean anyway the sand is wet alright yeah then I'm gonna take my little script liner brush I will go right into some of this this is titanium white with the least little touch of CAD yellow into it and I've added paint thinner to my brush so it's a very thin it's almost like water let's go ahead up here now right along in here I want to put some bright right at the top of this I want this to really stand out so it corresponds right there now I'm doing the same thing except this is with blue and white as it goes away want to get darker and darker now we can begin just putting all kinds of little strokes in here like so like so see all kinds of happy little things we were going to have some fun back here take a little that lavender color let's let's put a little bang breaking right up here first we'll just like with a big way we'll put in some shadow wash our brush wash your brush and go back and pick up some of the white with a little touch of yellow in it yeah right along here look at that look at that see little splash are going on back here yeah wipe off the excess paint and very lightly very lightly just bring that together little filbert brush really does some nice things there we go see then we got a little we got a little thing breaking and playing back here already then wouldn't come back in here and just put a few little details in and you could just add all kinds of happy little things just all kinds of little things that happen in the water like a tap and maybe it back up in here you see things through the wave - you don't just see them in the front there we go little things like that just let them go and down in here see there all right yeah I'll go right into some of the darker color and we have to I have to have a little line right here which shows us that this is sort of up standing right there little tiny lines all you need tell you what let's let's put us a happy little stone in here that the waves hitting and crashing although this go right into Van Dyck Brown and a little touch of the dark Sienna to that Van Dyck Brown darks in okay now that we have a crashing wave here so let's build us build us a nice stone that is crashing against it's just hitting and splashing and carrying on wherever see there and that easy we got a happy little stone or a happy big stone this is a big stone just really lay that color in there tell you I tell you what maybe yep he's got a friend that lives right here stones get lonely too hey everybody needs a friend let's have another one right in here this is a dark CN and the Van Dyck Brown okay then we'll take a little touch of yellow ocher little bit of the dark Sienna and we just sort of mix those together maybe I'll throw a little white ooh that's nice I still get excited when these colors happen cut off a little piece so you got that little roll of paint now then just come right along here just barely touch whisper light just whisper light put a few happy little highlights out here to give a stone some shape there we go a few little things happening right out here and over here don't want him left out see how easy you can make some beautiful little stones okay and right around here a little bit of a little water just to clean that up or take her fan brush and bring this water add up to the rock see how easy that is and we've just about got a finish nice cape then I think we'll call that painting finished so from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless Oh you you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,099,680
Rating: 4.894249 out of 5
Keywords: canvas, happy trails, stream, ocean, free, lake, bob ross joy of painting, tv show, livestream, twitch, the joy of painting, wildlife, bob ross painting, happy accident, bob ross, kappaross, full episode, asmr, chill, oil, mountain, bob ross marathon, joy of painting, brushes, bob ross asmr, bob ross twitch, paint, snow, art, drawing, coloring, steven ross, pastel, beauty is everywhere, pbs, host, happy trees, alaska, bob ross inc, bob ross full episode, landscape, painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2016
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