Bob Ross - Little House by the Road (Season 9 Episode 8)

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And the whooole time...really for 40+ years of my life I thought it was only me being crazy until the ASMR trend became a thing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SmokyTyrz 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really loved his show as a kid and didn't understand why until I became an adult and found ASMR.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hidethestars 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome I'm certainly glad you could join me today thought today we just do a fantastic little painting that I think you'll really enjoy so let's have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this project with me and we're going up here and get started what they're doing that I've already covered the canvas with a nice day and even coated a liquid white it's wet and slick and it's all ready to go so let's let's do the same thing today I'm going to start with a small amount of the phthalo blue on the 2 inch brush and just tap it so you're really tap it firmly we'll pick up a little bit of the midnight black and add it in there too so we have phthalo blue and midnight black okay let's go right up here now then using the little crisscross strokes little X's little X's just like so just begin dropping in a happy little sky and do these little X's see little X's there that's just the way the teacher used to grade my paper in school she just run across and go to teach it just think about that when you're doing it little X's okay and as it works down it picks up the liquid white and automatically it gets lighter as it goes down lighter and lighter there we go today I'm just gonna throw in a quick little background because I want to almost spend some time playing in in the foreground she just want to have some fun so I just blend out the brush strokes and that quick we have a happy little background now then let's have just a little rolling hill back here we just use the same old dirty brush it's alright go right into the phthalo blue reach over here and pick up a little bit of alizarin crimson and a little white so we have blue alizarin crimson and white and we're making sort of a sort of a lavender color that like so that's good let's go right up here alright now maybe there's a little hill and he lives there he is you can just use this brush you can use a fan brush or a one inch brush it doesn't matter all we're doing is applying a little color here this is just a little hill that's way back in the distance and let it get lighter and lighter as it works downward there we go see them automatically mixing that liquefied that happens you don't have to spend a lot of time worrying about it or planning it let it happen let it happen we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents you learn to use everything that happens okay and that quick we have a distant little healer now then same old dirty brush go into a little bit of the Van Dyck Brown a little touch of dark Sienna same old dirty brush and I'm just tapping it that's all there is to it just happen and maybe back in here I will have a little hill that runs like it and now all I'm doing is putting in some dark color so when I put a lighter color on top it'll show that Hill he lives right there okay now then same old dirty brush I'm gonna go right into a little bit of the yellow ochre little CAD yellow little Indian yellow just all the yellows and I'm going to reach up here and grab a little SAP green so I have all the yellows and a little SAP green and just tap that brush into the color tap it firmly okay let's go back up here now then just barely touch see just touch Salter's to it and this is where you begin creating the lay of the land make a little hill there's a little rolling hill and we just make him roll here see they're just tapping just tap it that's super easy and it's a lot of fun just keep adding a little more color if you go back let's show you here let me show you you get a little bit of brighter color watch see how you can divide this up because it's not just perfectly flat if you want to make a little division in there just make it a little little touch brighter and it makes it look like a little hill within a hill sounds like a good name for a song hill within a hill don't ask me to sing it because you turn your TV off there we go okay and that gives us just a happy little Hill it's back in the distance same old dirty brush go right back into the Browns loaded full of paint load it full of paint I haven't I haven't washed this brush since we started sky color Hills everything ok let's go right back in here and maybe in here we're going to have another hill and I hear once again all I'm doing is just applying some dark color to it you could you could really really put this on with a paint roller put it on the paint roller we could start a whole new thing there we go but it each layer here you want to get the darker and darker as it comes towards toward the front as we've mentioned before over and over as things get closer to you in a landscape they get darker in color okay fact we can just we can just paint the whole remainder of this canvas just like him there we go okay see when you using a big old two-inch brush I don't take but just a second just drop it right in there now then same old dirty brush I'll go right back into my yellows yellow ochre Indian yellow CAD yellow little SAP green tap that brush tap it okay and then maybe see here comes another little hill you can change the lay of the land just like that just touch it touch touch touch and let it wander right on out now when you're doing this if you have problems making your paint stick add a small amount of the liquid clear or paint thinner very small amount very small amount there we go there we go there see just layer after layer after layer there's many or as few as you want in your world drop them in painting painting gives you freedom gives you freedom it's been half my life in the military with somebody telling me what color socks to wear what time to do oh and this was my freedom I'd go home in the evening and I paint and there I could create any kind of world that I wanted was clean was crisp nobody had messed it up the water wasn't polluted everybody was happy and you can to just create a vision in your mind and drop it on canvas look at all the hills we get already there's tremendous depth in this painting look at the planes there is one there is another there's one there's one and there's one and the more of these planes that you have in your painting the more depth you will have okay tell you what let's do let's have some fun today let's put a happy little house right in here now there's a lot of ways you can do it let me show you here probably one of the simplest ways I'm just going to take a little paint so you can see it you can just sort of scrape in a basic shape here see there's part of the roof and then comes down maybe like so and other side and here and then you need something there and there you can do this just to sort of build yourself a little outline and then you can start filling it in it will take Van Dyke Brown a little bit of a dark CN in it and we'll begin building us a house right here just like so really push this into the fabric push hard very hard I will just want this color to just grind right into them right into the material there and egg brown a little bit of dark see him there we go tell you what maybe maybe this dole fellow that lives here is like me he needs a it needs a little out here so we can go ahead and lay that in right now zoo gotta make those noises or it doesn't work see right now we're just blocking in color we could care less we'll come back and separate all this yeah I know you're saying Bob you really you've really done it this time and you may be right maybe right we'll see now we're putting a little roof up here okay there we are den that look just like a house oh it doesn't okay well we'll work on it a little bit more than see what we can do Tim we'll take some bright red some Van Dyke Brown little dark sienna touch a little touch of white in there just to have this to brighten it up son Jim just to brighten it up there we go now there this time let's use a little edge of the knife see a little roll of paint okay let's go ahead up here now then go back here and this back and let's start like that it doesn't matter where you going here because you can just cut it off well you you put the other building on there look at that looks like happy little shingles back here that easy this is a old tired building now then let's come right down in here see and we pick out this next Eve there it is comes right across there you knew that take up this is titanium white think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a little bit of black to that and make a nice gray color titanium white little midnight black oh that's much nicer much nicer there we go there we go now go back with a tiny little bit of black let's put some let's put some lines in here like boards alright then with a clean knife we just grab it and pull down just a tiny bit so it picks up the least little touch look at there lucky there that makes all currents Oh look in effects okay all kinds oh thanks now then yeah take some more but midnight black and titanium white make us that gray color you pull it out let's go right up in here and pull this one down just pulling down down doesn't matter for a little bit Brown mixes in makes it look old that makes it see there look at there all those pretty things happen and I'm gonna go right along this edge here and firm it up it's just a little dark color just so it's a little bit firmer back to my black then we can go right through here input see just put these little rascals back in there and don't don't get these two perfect you want this to be an old house this wood is weathered and it's really caught the devil out here now barely touch just graze the canvas caress the canvas barely barely touch it give it these little pull down so let's um ooh there's a nice one see you can set there with you one haired brush for a week trying to get those in and here it just sort of happens keep yeah they don't let's do let's do the other side I want a darker green ooh there's a nice gray for this side of the building maybe tell you what maybe a little darker yep I'm distinctly different much darker yes this one's in shadow you don't see as much don't see as much but we can still see that there's a little boards running up through there like that same thang grab them give a little pull I come look hold that building that building looks as old as me and that's old all right yeah maybe we'll take some black let's come right up in here and put a happy little window need a way to see out maybe the door is on the other side of this house but I have to have a window over here so you can see what's happening and able to take a little bit of light color this is very light gray and just go around sort of clean up the edges and it just cleans up the edges makes you little wonder looks good now maybe look at there maybe like so I know next you want curtains in there that easy we got a nice little nice little window now then I got to finish up the roof on this side over here so let's go right up in here it will take the small edge of the knife again and just pop in some some little roof indications little shingles see do it just like you really really lazy angles you do the bottom one first and then work upward so they overlap i keeps mr. rain from slipping up under she started top and work down he'd be in bad trouble and you paid him the same way of course this is a lot faster than putting shingles on roof my father was a was a carpenter and when I was young he gave me a little taste of this my job was carried all this up on the roof boy they were heavy so no good work me to death I decided I want to be a painter there we got a lot of a lot of shingles on there we'll take a little bit of the white now then let's come right along in here I'm just gonna put a little white on here just to make that stand out see really it just pops out at you okay back to my brush that has all the the grass color on it we got a happy little building and we can come up in here and begin tapping in some grass right down here at the base and now to clean it all up make it look good when I cleaned up his little foots just like so there we go whew right in there once again if you have problems making your paint stick add a little bit of paint thinner just a touch true or didn't take much nothing's worsen then watching your painting just drip right off the canvas so don't use too much maybe there's a little touch back in there we don't care too much all right we got a happy little house out here so you can just cover up whatever you don't want adding house looks like it's sitting out there what's a dull place to live in it let's put a tree in there we need some trees in there trees all trees are super I'm gonna dip right into the liquid clear and go em to midnight black now dipped into that liquid clear to make this paint thinner so it'll it'll slide on the canvas it'll move a lot of paint in the brush Kendall school appear you had to make a big decision where does a tree live in your world look around and decide there he is there he is maybe he's got a little mm crook right there in the bottom just make up little stories give these trees names and stuff make them your friends make them your friends talk to him it doesn't matter people think you're crazy you know painters are noted for being a little weird anyway we can get away with things like yet if I acted normal nobody would know me there tell you what let's put some arms on this tree maybe there we go comes right out mmm zoom another little arm maybe like so make him a little fatter right there can't tell you I tell you let's go back let's go van other side Oh Mike a trunk a little bigger maybe there's a big tree and he lives right here in front of the house and in the summertime when it's hot this tree provides some shade keeps you nice and cool in there hey here comes a little arm right through the roof and maybe there's another one there wherever wherever still what make this one a little bit a little bit stronger on the bottom there see what this liquid clear in the brush thinning the paint it slides right over the top there we go yeah I'm gonna take my liner brush still using the liquid clear I'm gonna thin this until it's just just about like water pull that brush turn it turn it brings it to a sharp point okay now let's go up here and begin laying in all kinds of little limbs and stuff like him just all these little branches coming off here say just however many you want you have to make a big decision here how many live in your world okay there we go I'm just gonna drop these in real fast when you at home and you have all kinds of time take your time and really really put some beautiful little limbs in here see now this one comes across in the front of the tree don't have them all just coming off the sides if you do it'll look like it looked just like somebody took a big razor blade and cut your tree in two and all you have is it two sides limbs come across the trunk and they go every which way whatever makes them happy there see and just pop all these little rascals in there just wherever you think wherever and there's some back on that blue tree there they are there is one now you could spend all day just putting all kinds of beautiful little labels on your tree but I think I'll put some leaves on here so no use spending a lot of time and then just cover them up let's go over here and put someone this other old tree here just slide a few on there this paint just slips right over the canvas little but could clear a little paint thinner either one just something that's in the paint down and then it'll flow you can try to put thick paint on oh you'd be angry with me there like it all though so I get carried away some time and just keep on in all of these there we go I forgot this one here food he would have been very upset if he didn't have a limb to so we'll we'll get him a couple nothing like a mayor tree and one chase me all do the yard one time there there we go okay now let's get us an old brush and we'll go right into dark Santa some Van Dyke Brown just tap a lot of color in here and then let's go right up in here and I just got to tap on some little indications Oh some nice leaves and maybe maybe sometimes you can paint a scene like this and leave the leaves off maybe they've already maybe they already fell off maybe it's fall that's up to you that's up to you okay let's go over here tap in a few here like that give this old tree so don't want him left out back here just however many you want hmm and this one not a super nice way to create beautiful beautiful leaves on your tree all I get that dark color on here I'm gonna put the indication of a little shadow coming right out through here we'll clean that up in a little off without cleaning the brush I'm going right in to some yellow ocher let's go right up here and highlight some of these just let a little light play through there looking at your little cabin there it tells you lights coming from the left so left side should be a little brighter than the right side and on this little tree don't want him left out there we go all these little happy things there see and work working little clumps don't just throw them on at random sort of look at it get a feel for it take pictures of trees go out set in the woods look at trees talk to him make friends with him there we go it gives us a little believes okay now then clean brush here let's just work that shadow right in this last big shadow under this tree there we go same thing over here we'll pick up a little bit gray color a little more of the white just put a little a little touch of light in there now let's have some fun maybe maybe there's a fence right there I'd like to do an old happy fence comes right across like that and we're gonna have shadows there's another post as these post get closer to you allow them to get bigger and further apart there is another one see and that'll help create the illusion of distance now then we'll take a little brown and a little white throw in a little highlight that easy a little bit of shadow we want that shadow on there okay pull that shadow out that way see and then go across then go across well put a little look at that and we'll leave this one open that'll be the gig I think it'll show you how to make a super super little painting and I just about finishes this one up so I think we'll call that one done from all of us here happy painting god bless
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,412,246
Rating: 4.8555241 out of 5
Keywords: snow, stream, steven ross, host, oil, bob ross twitch, livestream, joy of painting, chill, pastel, twitch, bob ross inc, bob ross joy of painting, tv show, lake, the joy of painting, wildlife, asmr, drawing, mountain, bob ross asmr, landscape, brushes, bob ross, alaska, bob ross full episode, full episode, happy trails, ocean, beauty is everywhere, pbs, free, canvas, happy accident, art, kappaross, paint, coloring, bob ross marathon, happy trees, painting, bob ross painting
Id: 3CDg_9gL-5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2016
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