Bob Ross Painting, Knife Only, Mountains and Streams (ASMR) (Volume 3)

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let's mix up some black here and i'm going to start with phthalo green and you might as well if you're painting along with me mix up quite a large pile of this phthalo green and alizarin crimson in about equal parts maybe a tiny bit more crimson than green now normally we just mix our color until it's marbled but today mix it very well we want it to be very thoroughly mixed so we have a nice even black color a lot of paint just really mix it up and when you're mixing pick this paint up off the pallet and turn it over otherwise what's next to the palette never gets mixed okay then it's very hard to tell exactly what we have so let's take a little white put it right there and just check it there we go makes a nice gray color that's exactly what we're looking for okay clean my knife and let's take some of this nice black color and let's build this an almighty mountain up here boy we're gonna oh look at this we'll put a huge mountain today and you're really pushing this paint into the there we fabric and maybe it comes yep there it is right out through there just let it bounce and play wherever you want it to go and all we're doing here is it's just blocking it in so we're really not too concerned about not anything happening in here the only thing we're concerned about is this nice edge on the outside the rest of it doesn't matter right right now it'll matter in a little while put another little bump right there if you're going to do mountains it's fun to put little bumps on up here and there you can probably hear i'm really scraping that canvas hard i'm pushing that paint right into the fabric there's really not a great deal of color on the canvas okay now then now we can start some highlights and i'm going to take a little bit of the same black color some burnt umber some van dyke brown and some white and just mix up several different colors right here together see it's darker here and it gets lighter lighter lighter that way you have several things happening okay and we'll cut across it and get a small roll of paint that's right out here on the knife good you can see that that's what you work with a small roll okay let's go up here now no pressure no pressure all you're doing here is whisper light barely barely touch the canvas barely touch the canvas just let it bounce along and play barely touch see you didn't over mix this color and so all kinds of things are happening if you over mix it and you just get one dead color up here we want we want all these beautiful things to happen now over here this would be in the shadow side we're going to have our light coming from the right so let's take some prussian blue very strong color dark strong color and with that we'll make us a shadow color we're using some van dyke brown prussian blue and a little bit of white now same little roll of paint let's go up here and over on this side just allow some of these little things to happen you're still just barely barely touching the canvas whisper light whisper light so that your hand float across there and here and there we can add a little bit a little bit more highlight so it shows a little light playing through there and same thing over on this side a little bit lighter color just in a couple of places so it gives you the impression there's a little light just bouncing through there now get a little dark on the knife and we just work out here and there to make some some strong shadows some deep areas just let it bounce around and play just to see there okay and that easy gives you a nice feeling of a big strong peak in the background back here okay maybe tell you what today let's have a nice glacier up here in this mountain and we'll start out with some titanium white and i'll put a little bit of that black color in it just to gray it down so it's not pure white pull it out very flat cut across it we get that little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife again okay now then touch no pressure let the paint break just let it come right across here just let it go no pressure no pressure let it happen and just sort of in your mind think where you want this little glacier to go and where the snow should lay this is your mountain so you make these decisions create your own world right here on the canvas there we go very soft very gentle and that'll give us a basic idea of where our glacier is going to be maybe maybe tell you what maybe there's a little bit of snow there it is lays right in there and maybe while we got this going maybe there's some more right there wherever you want it wherever this is what makes the style of painting so much fun we use no patterns we we trace no pictures on the canvas no drawing shoot i couldn't draw a straight line but but it's easy to paint much easier than trying to learn to draw now let's put some shadows in that snow we'll take some white and a little bit of phthalo blue a little bit of phthalo blue very strong and we just mix that together we get that same little roll of paint again okay go back up here and we think maybe there's some shadows right in here and we just sort of lay them in lay them in let them happen just like so and there'll be some shadows right there and a few right up in there we don't want this one to be left out we'll put a few shadows in there and right now that's basically all we need and we can start figuring out where we want to have peaks and valleys and all these big beautiful things maybe there's oh there it is there it is put a great big peak right there and it comes right up through and maybe there's a little snow right in between there anywhere you want it you just lay it in okay maybe these peaks there they are just let them work right in there and begin working out some basic shapes and all we're doing now is just blocking it in just putting in dark color need the dark in order for the light to show quite a bit of paint on the canvas here and when this is dry it'll it'll actually feel like rocks it'll have texture to it i like paintings that have both softness and texture maybe we'll just bring it right on across and change that into several there we go bring some of that right on down and allow a little bit of that white to run right up the side of the mountain here okay now then i'll take some burnt umber right into my highlight color just mix it and leave it marbled like this don't don't over mix it maybe even there you can see it a little better so it looks marbly okay let's go up here and here we just barely barely touching let all these little things happen don't overwork it you can keep pushing real hard on this until it all just sort of blends together and we want it we want to have all these different areas happening some dark some light stones and rocks and all kinds of beautiful little things just let them go there okay maybe there's a little touch right in there add a little more umber clean off the old knife now very gently barely barely caressing the canvas and you hold your hand very flat here very flat if you notice sometimes it's so flat my fingers touch the canvas don't worry about it that means you're just right just right okay now we can sort of bring this together a little bit pull a little bit of that dark color right out into it just bring it all together there we go okay now then let's start over here we'll throw a little bit of dark in here wherever and then we can start with some shadows and highlights just let it play right down through you know you just saw me get paint on my hands probably that's one of the biggest questions we get in letters and we get hundreds and hundreds of letters from fantastic people and they want to know how do you get this paint off your hands it's very difficult sometime to get it all there is a product on the market several of them that you can put on your hand before you start painting and paint won't stick to it all you have to do is just just wash your hand with warm soapy water or just hold it under the water paint will come right off and you might check with your local art store and see about picking some of that up comes in handy if you're messy as i am okay tell you what maybe there's a big ridge right here shoot it's our mountain so we can do anything with it that we want to big ridge there it goes and all we're doing once again is just blocking all this in a dark color and maybe there it is nice little bump that lives there do you see how you can just keep building on this mountain and building and building it there's just no end to it you can take and cover the entire canvas with nothing but mountains and that's a super super way to practice we'll just close that in and that'll sort of hold that glacier right up in there and a lot of times glacier ices because it has very little oxygen it might be even a greenish blue color okay a little more of the umber and some of the other colors we just mix them here i've got to the point where i'm not sure exactly what color we're using it's just whatever happens to be laying around okay let's go up here and we just drop some of this in here and there and just sort of look at it and evaluate it see if it's what you want if it's not change it change it a little bit right in there see wiggle that knife and let all these little things happen it's unreal what you can do with an almighty knife a little bit of practice just a few little indications here not too much don't want to lose this nice darkness a few little things here and there i don't want to lose all that darkness just sort of bring all that together maybe it's a little flat area right in here just lay in a little color just like so wherever wherever in your world you can do anything that you want to do and painting offers you freedom it offers you a world that you can make any way you want it can be clean and crisp sparkle or you can you can create moods storms almighty rivers painting painting offers freedoms get you away from the everyday problems turned you loose from the world that may be what attracted me to painting initially it's the only place i had any power okay a few little rocks and stones okay i think i should give you a pretty basic idea of how you can do a beautiful beautiful mountain in a very short period of time and okay let's let's make some decisions let's build this little mountain today for that i'll use some prussian blue we'll take a little midnight black some van dyke brown little lizard and crimson what the heck what the heck main thing we're looking for here is a good dark color pull it out as flat as you can get it just really really exert some force go straight down with a knife there cut across and we get a tiny roll of paints right on the edge of the knife now then this is where you have to make a big decision where did your mountain live maybe in our world our mountain's going to live does now right there with a firm pressure firm pressure push that paint right into the fabric there we go just right into the fabric act like you're trying to push a hole through you're not going to hurt it it's strong it's very strong okay now then maybe there's another little bump there and you decide wherever you want scrape off all the excess paint you can hear how hard i'm scraping there get in there and get tough with it there we go now then we'll take just titanium white pull it out flat take cut across and once again our small roll of paint it's so important to load that knife correctly go right up here touch no pressure no pressure there just let the knife float just let it float right down the side of the mountain but no pressure if you apply a lot of pressure it's going to look just like you're icing a cake you're not going to have all this this breaking in here the holes left in it the other problem that people experience a great deal is they use a paint that's too thin if you use a thin paint it's just going to turn to mud and then you're going to be unhappy with me and i really i really want this to work for you get a paint it's very dry and very firm that's most most important there now then before we get too far along get carried away here let's put a little shadow in there i'll just take a little bit of the a little bit of blue little blue little white there just mix it like so pull it out once again our little roll of paint that's so important now go right up in here no pressure once again no pressure let that knife just float see there and we put the shadow color in the opposite or opposing direction from the highlight now maybe right up in here there see there isn't that fantastic that you can build a mountain that easy and you really can you really can every day i get letters from people all over the country who never never in their life suspected they could paint such beautiful paintings and just watching the different shows that we've put on they're doing fantastic works absolutely fantastic and the more you practice the easier it becomes and the better you get if there's a secret to this style of pain or any style of painting it's practice that's all there's no big mysteries here we show you how to do it all you need to do is just practice a little let's build maybe we back in here there's just a small little mountain that lives so let's take a touch of prussian blue a little bit of uh midnight black we're gonna get a little touch of elizabeth crimson so we got blue black liz and crimson maybe even a little van dyke brown what the heck what the heck just drop it in dark colors okay pull the paint out as flat as you can get it just really mash down hard and take your knife and cut across see there get that little roll of paint this knife has a straight edge on it and by having a straight edge it's very easy to load it it's going up here okay and then maybe maybe our little mountain yeah i got to make a big decision here maybe he lives right here just floats around in the clouds pushing very firmly very firmly we're trying to push this color right into the fabric and you just decide or you want little bumps to live see there's one wherever wherever you want them maybe there's a happy little thing lives right there scrape off all the excess paint just really get in there and scrape heart you can't hurt this just scrape it off the only thing we're worried about is this nice outside edge in here we could care less now then maybe there's some maybe there's some snow on that little mountain so we can take some titanium white and once again pull it out as flat as you can get it just really pull it out then go across get that little roll of paint see there he is tiny little roll of paint let's go up here okay now then right along in here take the point of the knife put it right up at the top of the mountain no pressure just let it float just let it float right down the side of the mountain there no pressure see follow the angles in the mountain absolutely no pressure okay maybe right here think where light would strike think where the sun would shine through here and create all these beautiful little effects and if you're right-handed it's normally easier for the light to come from the right side normally easier see very delicate touch though very delicate very very delicate this is a time when the little knife would come in even better so you can get back here with a little knife and get these little places that little center gun just sneaks right in there either knife works very well they both have the straight edges and they work very good take a little bit of blue and white this is a little phthalo blue just a touch just a touch mix it up about like so that's good cut across and once again we have that small roll of paint right out on the edge of the knife so you can see it's right on the end there you go now then decide which peaks fathers to weigh if this one's in the background put a shadow behind this one first just a little tiny shadow then a shadow here let it come down distinctly through see there distinctly through no pressure at all think in your mind that the only thing touching the canvas is that little tiny roll of paint and each little highlight needs a shadow if it doesn't have a shadow it won't come out and play with you it'll just leave you just leave you stranded then a shadow here let it come down distinctly through see there distinctly through no pressure at all think in your mind the only thing touching the canvas is that little tiny roll of paint and each little highlight needs a shadow if it doesn't have a shadow it won't come out and play with you it'll just leave you just leave you stranded okay now then sometimes it's fun to play some games all right clean dry brush i'm going to tap the base of this following the angles i want to create mist now lift upward very softly three hairs and some air over here follow these angles lift left blend see it just softens that son of a gun right down there okay now then maybe so you can change your mind now maybe there's a peak that lives right here and if we want to make this one look like it's in front of that by diffusing that first and then bringing a line distinctly down it'll push all that back but that little misty area is the only thing that separates those so cherish it it's your good friend maybe this should look here you can take this anywhere you want it to go anywhere you want to go but notice all the angles of highlight or light color are in the same basic direction same basic direction because light's only going to strike i had to give an angle coming through here sing pretend you're a sunbeam just wandering around here and having fun okay now we need a shadow back here everywhere there's a highlight we have to have a shadow just a little shadow just a little happy shadow that lives right back here see how that pops right out comes your friends it's easy just a few little rules mountains are just geometric shapes highlights and shadows and you can tell you what today today let's build some almighty mountains i like big old mountains lived in alaska for over a dozen years and alaska has some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world so we'll take some prussian blue some midnight black little van dyke brown and we'll just mix it together pull the paint out as flat as you can get it get tough with it pull it out cut across we have a small roll of paint there it is right out on the edge of the knife okay now maybe there lives in our world right here a little a little little mountain lives up here in the clouds and you just sort of decide where you want to be and firmly very firmly push that mountain right into the sky get tough with it get tough there the only thing you're worried about is a nice top edge you could cure less what's happening anywhere else in this mountain now then let's just take some straight straight old titanium white same way pull it out flat and cut across and get our small roll of paint again just like so and then with that take the point of the knife put it right up here at the top and no pressure no pressure at all just touch the mountain and let it flow right on down it's that simple no pressure though probably the biggest single mistake made is applying too much pressure maybe there's a little bit on that peak right there we'll take a little prussian blue and white just mix that together and we'll use that for our shadow color you need a shadow color and a highlight color and same way we pulled it out got our little roll of paint now let's go right up in here and in the opposite direction let's just put some happy little shadows like so no pressure i can't say that enough times absolutely no pressure and you can continually change this mountain maybe now there's a see there's a big old thing that lives right out here big peak it's your mountain so you can do anything that you want to do with it little ridges here and there and that's all there is to it clean dry brush we'll tap that very lightly following the angles and lift upward that creates more mist at the base over here same way always follow those angles in your mountain tell you what today let's have some fun we'll use that same color that was black compression blue and van dyke brown pull it out flat and get our little roll of paint again always that little roll of paint and maybe over here today on this side we'll put a monster mountain this will really give you some practice using a knife and if you can make mountains with this knife then you can make roads and houses stones oh anything some of the earlier series we painted entire paintings using nothing but the knife and mountains will teach you how to make friends with it and that's what you need you have to make friends with the equipment there once again all you're worried about is that nice top sheet okay let me go back to our white just plain old titanium white and let's put some highlights right on this mountain follow those angles just let that float right down the side of the mountain no pressure no pressure i think i mentioned another series when i was teaching my son steve to pay days to tell him just just to pretend that he wasn't careful his hand would float right off the canvas and go away that he was a whisper floating through the mountain that little son of a gun can paint some mountains now there of course he spends all of his time trying to find his hand and float it away there okay we'll come right in here drop in some little shadows this is just blue and white there we go but you see just from this exercise what fantastic mountains can be made quite simply mixing up a little more shadow color here ran out pressure blue and white there okay now once again though you can go right back in here and maybe in your world you want to have a little peek right there see all you have to do is drop it in make a decision put a shadow behind it and that easy it becomes a separate and complete entity our clean dry brush oh shoot got ahead of myself i didn't put any shadows right there there if you don't put a shadow behind each peak it doesn't look right it won't come out and play with you it'll go off and he'll go off and leave you then we'll take a little bit of liquid white on the knife there and i'm gonna pull it out flat i'm just gonna cut like that and get a tiny little bit on right on the bottom of the knife and let's go in here and maybe there's some little little areas of snow that live up in there now sometimes the liquid white is real thin you might want to add a little bit of titanium white to it just to make it go up in there a little better you sort of you sort of have to test yours and see there see but this is loaded on the bottom of the knife normally when we're making water lines we load it on the top of the knife this is on the bottom okay come in here now we can straighten all this up clean up the bottom edges bring it all together and have some little lines that protrude out past this there but keep these lines basically straight even though they're coming downhill keep them straight or to look like your water is going to run right out of your painting maybe a little ripple here and there you don't want this water to run out on run out on the floor and get your floor wet so keep all these lines basically straight let's build us a mountain let's start with some prussian blue some van dyke brown some alizarin crimson just a small amount of alizarin crimson unless you want purple mountains a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife let's go right up in here we'll make some big old huge mountains look at there and we push that paint into the canvas push it right into the fabric you're not going to hurt this there's really not much paint on the knife push it just try to push it right through the canvas and then scrape off all the excess the more you can scrape off the easier the next step will be really really scrape hard and take the large break okay i'm going to take white pull it out as flat as i can get it and cut across so let's do that one more time while the camera is close and you see it pull it out very very flat and cut across get that little roll of paint so important so important let's go right up here there now just barely touching the canvas barely touching the canvas just allow that to flow right off your knife no pressure absolutely no pressure just let your hand just float pretend you're whisper floating across here this is probably one of the biggest problem areas that people write and tell me they're having is making this paint break and by break i mean leave all these little holes in it and 99 times out of 100 one of two things is happening you're using paint that is too thin or you're applying too much pressure so you need a firm paint and no pressure they work together they work together and that's that's what allows you to do all this there we go and you can just put as many or as few of these things in there as you want let's take a little phthalo blue and white just blue and white all right like that pull it out and cut across once again you need that little roll of paint okay and let's go back in here and begin dropping in some beautiful little shadows notice the angles angles and mountains are very important your highlights go in one basic angle and your shadows go in another angle see all kinds of little things in there all kinds of little little places you know there's maybe a mountain goat lives up here and he needs a little place to hide and keep getting cold at night give him a little place up here there we go just like so as many as you want anywhere you want to create the illusion of a little ridge all you have to do basically is drop in a little shadow that's all these are your mountains and you can do anything in these mountains that you want anything anything total freedom here happy accidents take a little brown and white right here cut across it a little tiny roll of paint and let's just put the little indication of land right in here just a little i don't want a bunch just a little far far away far away like so there we go just barely touching the canvas allow the canvas to pull off what it wants take a little bit of liquid white and with that we can just cut in the indication of a happy little water line and this water line it tends to clean up the bottom of your little bushes and trees back here and it gives you a light area in between the dark so it separates and painting you're paying playing light against dark dark against light continually that's what makes it work let's put some big mountains in this one i'm going to take some black some blue and some alizarin crimson some alizarin crimson now if you want to see what color you have take a little white and put there because that just looks black see and there you can tell i want a little more crimson i want it a little bit more into the purple issue that's better okay okay pull it out flat cut off a little roll of paint okay let's go up here now you have to make a big decision where is your big mountain live i think he lives right there i see when you put this lavender color over the yellow you can get away with it because when you mix lavender and yellow it makes a nice brown and you don't care if you got brown in your mountains if you used too much blue you'd have green mountains and that'd be all right but this looks a little better for what we're looking for today there we go and the only thing you're worried about is a nice top edge you can really care less what's happening in here now then all right let's go up here and play take some white a little bit of alizarin crimson and the least little touch of the phthalo blue into it i want a a lavender color but more into the reddish hue than what we put on there to start with cut off a tiny tiny little bit see there a little bitty roll let's go right up here now then begin picking out your highlights and just let that barely touch the canvas just barely it's just just grazing the canvas as i've said on some of the earlier shows in the series when i was teaching my son to paint i used to tell him just just to pretend he was a whisper floating across the mountain graze the canvas caress it make love to the canvas very gentle very soft and then we can take let's take some of the color that we made the mountain with and add a little white to that we want it darker than the highlight it's lighter than what we have up here already and now let's just begin tapping some of these together just begin working them together pay very close attention to the angles the angles are the secret and not much paint the smallest smallest amount of paint possible just put all these little shadow areas in here virtually no paint okay i'm going to take some crimson and white and make a nice warm pinkish color and with that let's go up there with that we'll really put some shiny little highlights on here ain't that pretty see how it stands out and you can put layer after layer after layer of highlights here just as many as you want in your world just sort of let them all come together put little bumps in it think about all the little rocks that live up here maybe that comes right down see just let your imagination go there's one look at that look at that but it's that easy to do just think where the light would strike through here just sort of let all these things blend together flare after layer after layer then you go back in here and put all kinds of little look there see how that just jumps right out that easy and when you're doing this at home this is when that little knife really comes in you can sneak into all those little places and take a little bit of the phthalo blue tiniest little mountain a little white into it there okay let's go back up here and just sort of touch oh look at that look at that see that really sparkles it up right up here on the edge likes the mountain okay let's take maybe right there just sort of let your imagination go crazy put these wherever you want them each mountain as you work forward should get darker in value this base color here should get darker and darker really push it into the fabric push hard take the big brush pull it out a little bit just give it a little pull see when you put this one in there it just set that little cloud we made right back in there a little cloud just hides back in there and has fun in between those okay now let's come right along here and just put the indication of a few little highlights just zinging through there and playing look at that follow the basic angles in the mountains that's most important most important thing where the light would strike right there maybe a little bit would go zing okay put in a few little shadow indications and just sort of work these shadows and highlights together make all kinds of little things happen here comes one right there right there just back and forth between shadow and highlight color see how you can set things back in there and that creates a little recessed area back in there sneaky huh i like these kind of little things just happening there we go let's take this a little bit of the brown and white we used for highlight and we put a little highlight on that rock a little out here wherever you got a little rock drop in a little highlight on it okay i'll grab some more van dyke brown there's some big stones that live just let them sort of wander because anything that you don't want here you just cover it up you can do anything in here anything on this piece of canvas big old stones there vector highlight color and just begin putting some highlights on those stones brown and white there we go like so back to our tell you what let's let's have us a little mountain in here we'll use some prussian blue some bandai brown and alizarin crimson blue brown and cransom okay and the more crimson you use the more purplish your mountain will become pull it out very flat cut across and get that small roll of paint right out on the edge of the knife one of the questions that i answered earlier but in case you missed it i want to say it again because i get so many so many letters about it people think that my knife is different than the one they're using for television they make us paint the knife black so it doesn't glare my knife is just like your knife until i painted it it looked oh it looked like chrome it's very shiny but if i leave it that way on tv then it shines and makes big things come on and they yell and scream at me so i just painted with a flat black spray paint just for the purpose of the tv it's like all the shiny parts on the brushes we we put duct tape on them that keeps them from shining but they're no different than the equipment that you're using here the only thing you're worried about when you're building this mountain is a nice outside edge you could care less what's happening in here scrape off all the excess paint like so okay let me wipe off my knife off and let's put some snow on this mountain we're gonna do a winter scene today so for that i'll use white and i'm gonna put the least little amount of bright red into it the least least little amount just enough to warm it up pull it out flat nice nice roll of paint right out on the edge here okay let's go up here take the point of the knife put it right up here at the point of your mountain touch no pressure no pressure just relax and enjoy let it flow just relax and let it flow that easy that easy that's probably one of the biggest problem areas that people run into is because they apply too much pressure to the knife take a weak pill there you go just relax just relax there see and just let that bounce around and play and have fun but no pressure i can't say that enough times maybe there's a little peak here maybe it just wanders all over the place we don't know this is your mountain so you decide you decide wherever you want it to go that's exactly where it should go now let's put some shadows in there let me clean off a little spot to work on i just have paper towels over there i'm wiping the wiping the knife and the brushes on we'll take some a little bit of prussian blue and white there we go just mix it about like so you don't have to over mix it just like so that's that's plenty once again cut off that little roll of paint it's very important that you have that now then go back in here and begin finding all these beautiful little shadow areas see them see there they are just lay them in here now this is a very simple little mountain when you're doing this at home you can do a much better job you can put all kinds of things in there all kinds and you can use the little edge of the knife or the small knife to get into these little parts there we go maybe we'll pull this down and oops right over into there see there that's fantastic because you can put all kinds of dimension into that little rascal here's a shadow right there there comes one like so and you just keep on and on and on maybe i want to bring that distinctly down you can just keep going until you get it just the way that you want it and if you live someplace where there's not a lot of mountains you can pick up some books at the library that have beautiful beautiful scenes in them or you leave the mountains out on this canvas you're the creator so you make the decision you put whatever you want in your world mountains are one of the most popular things that we do that's the reason i do so many but if you don't want mountains in your painting leave them out okay i'll take a little liquid white and to that i'm going to mix some titanium white i just want this paint to be a little bit thinner so it's liquid white and titanium white now we just pull it out cut off a little bit just like we normally do there we go let's go right up in here and i want to put some happy little snow areas back in here so just pull them just pull this is where we begin forming our lake or water or whatever it is back in here we don't know whatever you want it to be you have to make that decision tell you what maybe there's a little yep you're right there it is just a little peninsula that comes right out here so you can make all kinds of little coves and just anything that you want you can do it you can do it now that straight liquid white on the knife and we can go up in here and clean up the base of this and put us in a happy little water line just a happy little water line wherever okay a little bit right in there see there next super you can do it now i'm here tell you what i lived in alaska oh gosh nearly 14 years or so and i really like mountains so let's do a fantastic little mountain today i'm going to take some black some prussian blue some van dyke brown we'll put some alizarin crimson in there too be careful with the crimson or your mountain will turn purple which is all right that's all right they wrote a beautiful song about purple mountains pull it out very flat and then cut across so you have a small roll of paint right on the edge of the knife there you go let's go up here now then you have to make you have to make an almighty decision where's your mountain live i think he's going to live he is now right there right there maybe there's a bump there you just sort of make a decision and put it in mountains grow in all kinds of shapes and colors and there you're restricted only by your imagination hold this right over like that now scrape off all the excess paint here i'm just really using firm pressure pushing that paint right into the fabric and let's put let's put some snow on this mountain for that i'll take the titanium white and pull it out very flat and then cut across to get that little roll of paint again see there okay let's go back up here now think where your light's coming from you have to start making some big decisions now if you're right-handed normally it's easier for the light to come from the right side so let's go right here touch no pressure just the weight of the knife no pressure you see there let it float right down the side of that mountain look at there look at there just follow the angles in your mountain and let it float absolutely no pressure no pressure pretend that if you're not careful your hand will just literally float away just float away very soft and very gentle there we go see then you have to make big decisions maybe this peak right here oh look here look here there it comes see see you can bring it right in front you can move mountains you can do anything on this canvas on this canvas you have total power absolutely now then let's put some shadows in there for that i'm going to take some white we'll put a little little prussian blue in it just white depression blue mix it up to us about that color pull it out very flat again cut across once again we have a small roll of paints very important how you load this knife let's go back up here i want to touch and just pull down now we're following the angles on the other side of the mountain watch here i want to i want to push that back so we'll come here and then i'll come distinctly through see how it pushes that peak right back a sneaky huh it's easy to do you can do it you really can do it there's no big secret here we'll show you everything that you need to paint fantastic paintings there we go look at that see when you put those shadows in there everything just sort of pops out at you it brings it alive the shadows are very important so you know we have a little hunk of paint right here that doesn't look like much until we add a shadow under it see there he had a shadow and it becomes a separate entity becomes a ridge all by itself come right over here and just pull in all kinds of happy things and you can move these mountains anywhere you want them watch here sometimes it's fun to just play some games you can come right down in here and look there look at there there's another peak that easy that easy but when you put the shadow in here then it really becomes a personality all on its own see you can create little ridges wherever you want them and it's just a game of angles mountains are just geometric shapes now we can take maybe i'll bring this one distinctly in front of that see there it pushes that mountain back this is one of the ways that you create depth and distance in your painting there we go just work with different planes there we go okay the liquid white on my knife and we'll get a touch of the dark sienna and add to that just the least little touch there just to dull it down okay then when you load this knife take it cut across like that cut right across pull it out flat and then cut across just go up here now then come straight into the canvas push very firmly and just cut in a happy little water line and keep this basically straight you can go anywhere you want to go but this individual strokes should be straight otherwise your water's gonna look like it's running right out of your painting get your floor wet and you're gonna be upset with me we want you to be happy there see maybe a little a little ripple here and there all kinds of happy little things all right let's start with midnight black and we'll put a little van dyke brown into it put a lot of color pull the paint out flat really put some pressure on it go straight down cut across get our little roll of paint let's go up here now you have to you have to make a big decision real quick today where is your mountain going to live maybe in our world there it is it comes right down here wherever you want it just drop it in just really push that pain in there maybe it goes over here comes down there and all we're looking for right now is just a basic very basic shape it's all we're concerned with we're really pushing that paint in there this is just midnight black little van dyke brown in it okay maybe this comes over and maybe there's a little bump there now when you do your painting you do it any way that you want to do it maybe your mountain has a totally different shape and that's fine painting should make you happy it does nothing else it should make you happy and if it doesn't make you happy you're doing the wrong thing because it's fun and if you can do things all of your life it makes you happy needless to say you're going to be a happy person there we are now then i'll just let's have some fun now it takes some white dark sienna i'm using the little knife got that little knife i'll put a little bandage brown over here but notice i'm taking one pile of paint dark sand on one side and white van dyke brown white here now maybe over in here we'll take some van dyke brown a little black add a little depression blue to it i'm making several different colors a little more blue we'll use that maybe for a shadow color so we want it oh that's nice that's nice that's what we're looking for leave all these colors marbled now let me wipe the old knife off i just wipe it on a paper towel now then let's go up here get our little roll of paint on the small knife and let's begin picking out some of these little highlights touch no pressure no pressure at all touch and just pull a little bit of the shadow color maybe right back in there no pressure though no pressure here and there we can go back with a little dark add some little little ridges and all kinds of beautiful little things that are happening sort of let your imagination go to whatever you want just all types of little things happen in here though but absolutely no pressure with a knife if you put pressure it's going to look like you iced a cake and just barely barely touching pulling him down to our shadow color here and there touch pull down and there's always some dark shadow areas in there you can just drop them in blend some colors in oh you just make some of the most ferocious mountains this is where the old mountain goat lives he hangs out up here and has a good time okay maybe over in here even some little things happening all right now then go right into some straight midnight black let's come right up here maybe there's a maybe there's a peak it lives right there goes maybe a way up here comes down through there wherever you want it just sort of think about all the things that live in this mountain shoot tell you what even maybe maybe there's a glacier in there maybe there's some snow laying up there i'm taking a little depression blue and white mixing it together very little blue little roll of paint if you want to have a glacier maybe i'll tell you what maybe he lives right along there make a decision drop him in just let him just let him lay in there and sleep there maybe comes out here i don't know and you know when when you buy your first tube of paint you get an artist license and that license says you can do anything that makes you happy so use that license it's yours forever and ever okay back to our black maybe now we'll just have all kind of little things that live right along in here like so wherever we want them maybe that comes there we don't know we don't know wherever shoot maybe some of that snow's laying down in here but it's just playing games here with contrast a lot of nice contrast going on maybe maybe there's a little snow there it is just think in these areas where there would be little areas that maybe the snow would fall in there and it didn't melt and beautiful things happen and a little touch of bright red here what color should we get crazy a little more of the dark sienna but leave it marble so you have all these streaks happening because when you pick up that roll of paint those streaks are still in the paint they're still in there and we can come along in here just change its flavor a little bit put a little highlight here and there that little light play across there wherever you want it wherever you want it a little shadow here in a little shadow there there we go okay and just all kinds of nice things happening it's more of the dark over here there and again applying some little shadow things got to make those little noises kind of make those little noises a little the color in here it plays right down through there just let your imagination go you know it's fantastic i get so many letters from young people all across the country that are painting and painting has opened whole new worlds to them and it's so wonderful to hear from them from people oh my gosh some of them three four five years old their parents write and tell me that children have taken an interest in it and they watch the show and they they paint in some areas i have friends that have started painting clubs especially in high school and in college and etc and they get together and they paint together and they have they had some bob ross painting gloves and i was absolutely flattered to hear that absolutely flattered and they've sent me some photographs a little roll of paint of some of the things that they're painting it's unreal it's unreal and young people have a better imagination than i do or they can they can paint some of the most beautiful things here we're just putting in little little doers wherever you want to maybe there's another stone here in the front so maybe up here just sort of look around and see where you think a stone should live in your world these are some rough mountains and if you take your time you can do some unbelievable effects like this just take your time and work at it and play enjoy that's the name of the game it's enjoying really already enjoy what you do in life if you do then you'll do a good job and i certainly enjoy what i'm doing i spend half my life doing somebody else's thing after the van dyke brown let's just scrub a little dirt down here at the bottom just really scrubbing that in there we go a little bit of the liquid white on the knife and with that let's just put a little water line in just to break it up there we go all right take some phthalo blue some van dyke brown and and we'll use a little bit of alizarin crimson so we have play low blue van dyke brown and a small amount of alizarin crimson now the more crimson you put in the more purplish your mountain is going to be pull this paint out very flat and just cut across it so you have a small roll of paint there right out on the edge of the knife let's go up here and you have to make you have to make some decisions in your world where is the mountain going to live i'm going to have my mountain liver right there and you're really really pushing this pain into the canvas and i push it into the canvas and anywhere you decide there's a bump or hill or a big stone put it in put it in this this is this is where you exert your fantastic power it's right here okay now see you scrape off the excess paint and the canvas will keep what it wants useful and that's what we're looking for okay now i'm going to go right into my titanium white we'll put a little snow on this mountain a little bit of snow pull it out very flat very very flat just like we did before and then cut across it get that small roll of paint okay let's go up here now you have to make some decisions which one of these peaks is the farthest away the one that's farthest away let's do it first there just follow right down the mountain no pressure absolutely no pressure no pressure all this touching the canvas is a little roll of paint that's on the knife and then you begin thinking about where the light would strike as it just comes through here now some people find it easier to put the shadow on first personally i like to i like to put the highlight on first and then put the shadow in later but either way it works for you there are no set firm rules and painting you find what works for you and that's what you do there we go and you can bring this down to wherever you want you can end up covering your whole canvas with mountains which is a super way to practice i'm going to take some phthalo blue and titanium white we'll mix that together and to that i'm going to add a small amount of van dyke brown the brown is there just to dull it down and i'm not worried about over mixing that just leave that paint marbled okay and once again we'll take a little roll of paint let's go up here and we'll go in the opposite direction the opposing direction whatever you want to call it and put in some shadows and every shadow needs his own little private highlight or he won't play he'll just disappear on you look at that look at that i've painted for over 20 years and it it still excites me to see these things happen it's unbelievable i was traditional painter for many years and i suffered and oh my gosh i would spend weeks and weeks and weeks on a painting and when i got finished i had turned it to mud or i was i was so tired of looking at it i didn't want to paint on anymore and this this offers you unlimited freedom unlimited freedom and that's what we're all looking for a little bit of highlight right there now let's just sort of bring these together maybe it comes from right here and just let it just let it sort of work together i guess so come right down just like that and you can keep adding just wherever you think there should be a almighty peak that's where it should be there you know this series we're gonna try to i'm gonna i'm gonna bring in a couple of friends i think i'll bring in a couple of friends and let them show you some fantastic things that can be done the more people that you see that can do this the more you'll understand it that you can do it too there's no big secret to it now then maybe there's some stones back here so let's take some burnt umber and i'll use yellow ochre yellow ochre and burnt umber a little titanium white in there too what the heck that'll be our highlight color and then we can start with just straight van dyke brown and put in our base color we'll just drop in some happy little things there you go just let them happen and painting painting should make you happy should bring a song to your heart make you appreciate life all the beautiful things that are happening around you take time to take time to look at nature to appreciate it sometimes we we look at it every day and we we have a tendency to overlook it okay this is that highlight color chill ochre burnt umber and a little titanium white see and you get all these things because you don't over mix your paint let it let it happen don't fight it that's what it's all about just relax be calm peaceful and let it go and now use a little of the magic white very thin and we'll drop in a happy little water line back here just like so and the beauty of this the beauty of this technique is right in the middle of it you can you can change your mind you can redesign paintings because this is your world and you can do anything that you want to do in this world anything that you want to do kim will take some black some prussian blue alizarin crimson and mix it together pull it out very flat cut across and we have our little roll of paint out here on the edge of the knife there it is and just decide where your mountain lives in your world and push very firmly and just drop that little rascal in the only thing you're worried about is a nice outside edge you don't you don't care what's happening on the inside right now we will later but right now we're just looking for a nice outside edge as i say use a lot of pressure here push that paint right into the fabric now scrape off all the excess paint just get in there and really scrape it off you're not going to hurt the canvas there we go now then today i'm just going to use let's just take titanium white pull it out very flat it's just plain ahoy now this is one of those times you really need a firm paint this paint should be very firm you know people say how firm is it look at that the knife literally sticks right on the pallet it's very firm cut off a little roll of paint like so now then no pressure no pressure there see there just touch and just let it flow right down the side of the mountain but no pressure you want it to break like this and have all those little holes and bumps in it there we go end up here see there it's so easy at times it's hard there we go no pressure though can't say that enough times probably the most common mistake made is applying too much pressure and this is one of the best ways that there is to learn to use a knife and if you can make if you can make snow break on these mountains then you can just make a multitude of other things it's unbelievable what you can do just by learning to let this snow break here that delicate touch live touch i think i've mentioned over and over again when i was teaching steve my son to paint the only way i could get it across to him was to tell him that i wanted to pretend that he was a whisper that just floated across the mountain and then he understood it worked for him and he makes some of the most beautiful mountains today you've ever seen using a little blue and white here in our little roll of paint and i want to put a shadow behind there no pressure just let it float see there just let that float right in there and each highlight each little peak in here if you want it to be an individual needs a shadow there right there give him a little shadow and you can you can change this mountain continually maybe you want to put a a bump over here another peak see you can do that in your world you can create any illusion that you want i think that's what attracted me to painting so much if i could create any kind of world that i want nothing hurts here no pain nobody's unhappy it's a pleasant place everything's nice a little liquid white pull it out flat and then just cut across okay now then with that we can just come right up in here and we'll just cut in a happy little water line act like you're just trying to cut a hole right through the canvas back and forth this canvas is tough chances are you couldn't hurt it if you wanted to maybe there's a little ripple lives out here and one out here wherever you want them okay it's always fun i'm gonna go into some van dyke brown let's put some land under here sure we need something for all these little bushes and trees to stand on don't want them to fall over here in the water and make a big splash there we go now we take the same little brown add a little white to it and then come back just add the indication of a few highlights here just here and there it's barely crazy just crazy and then with our little will take some black some prussian blue alizarin crimson and mix it together pull it out very flat cut across and we have our little roll of paint out here on the edge of the knife there it is and just decide where your mountain lives in your world and push very firmly and just drop that little rascal in the only thing you're worried about is a nice outside edge you don't you don't care what's happening on the inside right now we will later but right now we're just looking for a nice outside edge as i say use a lot of pressure here push that paint right into the fabric scrape off all the excess paint just get in there and really scrape it off you're not going to hurt the canvas there we go i think maybe today in this little painting let's build this a little mountain for that we'll use some black a little prussian blue little lizard and crimson maybe some van dyke brown so we have black prussian blue alizarin crimson little van dyke brown pull the paint out as flat as you can get it really get tough with it cut across get our little roll of paint lives right on the edge of the knife now you have to make your first major decision where does your mountain live maybe in our world yep does now our mountain lives right there with a very firm pressure just literally push the paint right into the fabric right into the fabric this is a chance to really get tough take out all your frustrations and hostilities and whatever maybe there's a maybe there's another little peak right there wherever you want them wherever you want them this technique is so fantastic because it allows you individuality we use no patterns no tracings and we just we just want to show you a technique put a little highlight on that mountain today let's take titanium white i'll reach up here we'll get a little the midnight black i want a grayish color so just black and white like that there just makes it a little but i want to leave it sort of marble so there's a lot of things happening in there pull the paint out and once again our little roll of painter right on the edge of the knife touch no pressure and just follow right down the mountain there but no pressure absolutely no pressure there you've painted with us before you've probably heard me talk about when i was teaching my son steve to paint i used to tell him just to pretend that he was a whisper that just floated right across the mountain and that way he understood how delicate of a touch so maybe that's a good analogy good way to remember it just be a whisper that floats across here very delicate and by applying no pressure it allows this paint to break in other words it leaves all these little holes in it and that's what really makes it look neat makes it look like a mountain and it's very simple there now let's make this a shadow color for that we'll use a little white oh a little bit of the a little bit of the prussian blue maybe just a touch more i'm going to add a little van dyke brown maybe even a little black in there what the heck you can put a little crimson ooh i like it i like it that's a nice color just sort of decide what what color you want your shadows to be and that's what what they should be our little roll of paint we go right up in here and now we can begin putting in the indication of all kinds of little shadows in there i'm going to add just a touch more blue to my color just so it shows up a little better you can see it there there a little touch in here every highlight needs its own individual shadow if it doesn't have its own shadow it just sort of lays there dead it won't it won't play with you there something like that and you can sort of play back and forth maybe you want to go back in here and just change the shape of this a little bit so it has a little more character to it you can do that because on this piece of canvas you have total and complete power you can literally do anything here you have ultimate power on this piece of canvas shoot when i go home i don't have power with anything but the garbage but here this is my world and i can do anything here i can move mountains can move mountains change the course of rivers anything that i want to do there put a little shadow right underneath there okay maybe here and there a little something like that i would take tell you what sometimes it's a lot of fun let's do this you begin seeing things here i like to have a lot of depth in my paintings so but we'll just put another little range of mountains right here just drop them in same way and watch how it pushes that first range back that's simple back to our little highlight colors the gray color same thing follow those angles gotta make those little noises or just didn't work maybe this one yeah it comes right down like see we could pull it over here and blend it together but notice the angles angles are very important if lights coming through here it's only going to strike at a given angle so most of your highlights will be in the same basic angle and most of your shadows will be in the same basic angle depending on where your light's coming from there something like so i think maybe today in this little painting let's build this a little mountain for that we'll use some black little prussian blue little lizard crimson maybe some van dyke brown so we have black prussian blue alizarin crimson little van dyke brown pull the paint out as flat as you can get it really get tough with it cut across get our little roll of paint lives right on the edge of the knife now you have to make your first major decision where does your mountain live maybe in our world yep does now our mountain lives right there with a very firm pressure just literally push the paint right into the fabric right into the fabric this is a chance to really get to take out all your frustrations and hostilities and whatever maybe there's a maybe there's another little peak right there wherever you want them wherever you want this technique is so fantastic because it allows you individuality we use no patterns no tracings and we just we just want to show you a technique put a little highlight on that mountain today let's take titanium white i'll reach up here we'll get a little the midnight black i want a grayish color so just black and white like that there just makes it a little but i want to leave it sort of marble so there's a lot of things happening in there pull the paint out and once again our little roll of painter right on the edge of the knife touch no pressure and just follow right down the mountain there but no pressure absolutely no pressure there if you've painted with us before you've probably heard me talk about when i was teaching my son steve to paint i used to tell him just to pretend that he was a whisper that just floated right across the mountain and that way he understood how delicate of a touch so maybe that's a good analogy good way to remember it just be a whisper that floats across here very delicate and by applying no pressure it allows this paint to break in other words it leaves all these little holes in it and that's what really makes it look neat makes it look like a mountain and it's very simple there now let's make us a shadow color for that we'll use a little white oh a little bit of the a little bit of the prussian blue maybe just a touch more i'm going to add a little van dyke brown maybe even a little black in there what the heck you put a little crimson ooh i like it i like it that's a nice color just sort of decide what what color you want your shadows to be and that's what what they should be our little roll of paint we go right up in here and now we can begin putting in the indication of all kinds of little shadows in there i'm going to add just a touch more blue to my color just so it shows up a little better and you can see it there there a little touch in here every highlight needs its own individual shadow if it doesn't have its own shadow it just sort of lays there dead it won't it won't play with you there something like that and you can sort of play back and forth maybe you want to go back in here and just change the shape of this a little bit so it has a little more character to it you can do that because on this piece of canvas you have total and complete power you can literally do anything here you have ultimate power on this piece of canvas shoot when i go home i don't have power over anything but the garbage but here this is my world and i can do anything here i can move mountains can move mountains change the course of rivers anything that i want to do there put a little shadow right underneath there okay maybe here and there a little something like that i would take now then let's get crazy let's take we'll use some midnight black a little prussian blue my prussian blue is much darker than phthalo blue strong very strong color we'll put some van dyke brown little lizard crimson in there too but we're looking for a very dark color it should look black pull it out as flat as you can get it go straight down with a knife and we'll just cut off a little roll of paint there it is it's right out of the edge of the knife let's go up here now i want i want to make some tiny little mountains up in here that are far away i don't want these to be very big because we want to create the illusion of distance here using a very firm pressure just literally push this right into the fabric and i don't want i don't want a lot of mountains today that's about all we need i have all these things that break up and diffuse the light and it creates the softness at the base of the mountain let's go into a little titanium white what the heck very small amount get a very very small amount of paint on the knife now then barely touch it no pressure no pressure and i don't want this to be very distinct i want this to be very quiet subdued far away gentle soft think about those types of words and stuff when you're painting and it'll help you it'll help your hand go much more gentle but very soft don't want a lot of detail in this and we'll take a little bit of blue and white and just the indication of some shadow don't even want a lot of shadow back here too much detail we're wearing that illusion of distance just enough just enough to give the feeling that there's a nice mountain living back in there now then i'll take a little of the liquid white put the least little touch of the bright red here just least little touch just enough to flavor it a little bit be careful because very quickly this can get really intense in color now we just cut across that's all there is to it go up here and we'll just put in just the indication of a happy little water line that lives here if you get one that's maybe a little too strong or too bright just go back and rub it the more you rub it the lighter it'll get because it'll just be absorbed right into the color it's underneath no big deal and if you've painted with me before you know without question that we don't make mistakes here we just have happy accidents but you learn to use anything that happens okay maybe right there and little ripples but notice how all these lines are basically straight if they're not it's going to look like your water is going to run right out of your painting and get your floor wet and you'll have to tie a bucket on one side we don't want you to have to do that now let's have some land under there we need something to hold those trees up so they don't fall over in the water make a big splash there little bandai brown little dark sienna mixed together like so we'll take a little touch of that brown and white just make the indication of a little land there a little bit of the liquid white that we had left over and we'll just put in a little water line this water line is your separator it's a light between two darks and that separates it that makes it makes it stand out all right now let's build us a little mountain i like mountains we'll take some black a little prussian blue some alizarin crimson and we just mix those together i'd even put a little van dyke brown there just to dull it down so pull the color out as flat as you can get it go straight down with a knife cut across so you have a little roll of paint and that little roll of paint should live right on the edge of your knife right on the edge of the blade now then we have to make our first major decision this painting where does our mountain live i think in my world it's going to live maybe right there it is now anyway but all we're doing here is just pushing that color right into the fabric right into the canvas and this is pre-stretched canvas we we do not recommend the canvas boards because they have the tendency to absorb the liquid white you end up with a dry surface almost immediately maybe maybe yeah right there we'll have another little bump there just wherever you want to and painting is very individual everybody will see nature through different eyes and everybody has their own idea of what a mountain should look like or a tree all we want to do here is show you how to make these effects what you paint is totally up to you we there we go let's take let's take some titanium white today and we'll reach up here and i'll get a very small amount of the dark sienna i don't want much just a little dark sienna a little bit maybe i'll even put a touch of the bright red and oh that's nice i just want to flavor this a little just enough to flavor it a little bit and when you do yours you make the determination how much you want let me wipe the knife here we just wipe our knife on a clean paper towel then we can cut off our little roll of paint again so it's right on the edge of the knife and let's go up in here no pressure no pressure touch and let that knife just float let it float let it float right down the side of the mountain think about where light would strike okay let's go right in here gotta make those little noises or it doesn't work right there just pull see there how easy that is though and you can change it to any color that you want it any color that you want it sometimes i like to do this with a gray color that looks like stones and rocks and it depends on where you live maybe maybe in your world you don't want a mountain then you can paint this scene and it'll be very beautiful without a mountain it's up to you it's really up to you as we mentioned earlier painting is it's as individual as people are there now then we have to start thinking about little things maybe in my world i think there's a little light going to strike right there so we put a little touch of light there i'm going to take some white we'll use a little bit of that mountain color with it and a little bit of phthalo blue with it what the heck maybe a little more blue there and with that will make us a nice shadow color now this shadow color should be lighter than the base color that you put on your mountain but certainly darker than your highlights so somewhere in between you have to have to reach a happy medium once again our little roll of paint okay let's go up here now if this one's going to be the farthest away we'll do this little rascal first put a little bit of shadow right there all there is to it now watch it watch it come distinctly through and look how i push that little devil back i bet you didn't realize you had that much power but on this piece of canvas you have total and complete power here you can do anything that you want to do you can move mountains rivers trees you can determine what your world is like it's a tremendous amount of freedom on this canvas and that's what makes it fun that's what makes it fun and you can come back in here see this line is very straight now we can come back in here and we could put all kinds of little ridges and bumps and little places where the mountain goat would have to live up here he's got to have a little home too and we just let that run right on down but each one of these little projections needs a little shadow needs a little shadow where it just won't play it'll go hide see how that little shadow just just brought it right out watch though maybe maybe it goes right over here i don't know don't know it's up to you you have to make these big decisions there but notice notice the angles here all the highlights are going in one basic angle all the shadows are going in one basic angle they vary a little but overall overall they're going in the same angle because if light's coming through here it's only going to strike on a given angle little van dyke brown little dark sienna mixed together and we can put the indication of some land back in there see there that easy a little bit of brown and white put a little highlight on it shoot we're in business a little more of that color maybe there's a look at there little bank lives out here too so you just sort of let that go barely barely touching though a little bit on the other side see we can put another bank over here in your world you make these decisions decide where all these little things live take a little touch of the liquid white on the knife and we'll just cut in a little water line and this separates just separates it's just straight liquid white a few little ripples here and there should we about have to finish painting
Channel: ShreddedASMR
Views: 1,102,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, Bob Ross, Sleep, Painting, Painting knife, Calming, The Joy of Painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 2sec (5762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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