Bob Ross - Mountain Summit (Season 13 Episode 10)

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He makes it seem soooo easy! Now i want to go out and buy some paint.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/awsome_dude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite part of Bob Ross videos is the way he laughs EVERY time he beats his brush against the easel. Adorable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

This man never stops inspiring me or relaxing me, gotta love him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ellie_davionte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone have a link to the 1 hour instructional video?

EDIT: Is this it?

Are there any others?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lukeweizer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I colored your canvas with some liquid white and then beat the devil out of my brush with some odorless paint-thinner... ha ha ha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I doubt they will frequently upload full episodes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/verfresht πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back certainly glad you decided to spend a half hour with us today I think you'll enjoy the little painting we're going to do and I hope you take the time to paint alone or you pull up the old easy chair and just relax with us I thought today we just do a fun painting one did it's a lot of them oh you'd have a good time with it let's just do it let's start out and having run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and they'll come across as usual in the same orders I have them on the palette while you're doing that shoot let's go on up here and get started we have our canvas up the liquid whites on it it's ready someone start off today with a little bit of they little blue we use the old 2 inch brush grab a touch of the midnight black also halo blue and midnight black just sort of mix them together on the brush and let's go up here and just using our little crisscross strokes let's just drop in a happy little sky just start at the top and work all the way across just making little X's and then begin working downward and your color is mixing with a liquid white continually and automatically automatically your sky will get lighter and lighter toward the horizon and that's one of those little tricks that help create the illusion of depth in your painting as things get further away from you in a landscape they should get lighter in value so let the liquid white work and it'll happen automatically here and just sort of blend it all together there we are very lightly this flow across it takes out the brushstrokes and that easy you get a fantastic little sky yeah well we have that color on the brush I'll add just a little more blue and black and let's have a little touch of water in this painting today so now once again we want it to be lighter toward the horizon so start at the bottom and work up word your darker color then we'll be down here on the base and then just work upward and automatically once again you'll get a lighter value as it works upward toward the horizon okay and then we'll need some order on the other side don't want it left out I don't know exactly where lambs are gonna be and waters gonna be so we just covered all with water and if we want to treat a live here or here we'll just we'll just drop again very lightly just go across and bring it all together okay now then we can wash your brush and we wash our brushes we could all odorless dinner I never used I've never used turpentine when I'm washing brushes it leaves up it leaves a residue in your brushes which is very difficult to get out plus it smells bad oh it smells terrible one drop of turpentine your house and you'd be working by yourself I'll pay because he'll run everybody in the house out okay titanium white we'll just use the old two-inch brush what the heck let's build just a happy little cloud and one of the easiest ways to make little clouds it just take the corner of the brush and just half the canvas with it just tap the canvas we just want a little floater it lives up there in the sky it just has a good time just tap and you can make you mister thick or as thin as you want him whatever we'll get him a little friend oh you have to do it just tap now if you want your clouds to look more distinct and brighter make your sky a little darker and when you're using only white paint then that sound we gonna jump out at you if you have if have asked at is not very dark and you put white paint against it then you don't have much contrast so it it won't look too bright there I'm just gonna stir these up a little just mix them a little bit give them a little this is this is to me is the way I fluffed the cloud up just sort of fluff it up let a little wind run through it there and then very lightly just barely grazing the canvas caress the canvas just blend it together and that's one of the nicest easiest little ways to make a cloud okay now then tell you what let's build us a little mountain today you know it's funny I get a lot of letters from people and sometimes I say Bob I'm tired of mountains do something different and then I get probably as many letters and say do more mountains so if you don't want a mountain in your painting just leave that little rascal out but if you want a mountain then you have it okay Ken we'll take some black some Prussian blue alizarin crimson and mix it together pull it out very flat cut across we have our little roll of paint out here on the edge of the knife there it is now just decide where your mountain lives in your world and push very firmly and just drop that little rascal in the only thing you're worried about is it nice outside edge you know you don't care what's happening on the inside right now we will later but right now we're just looking for a nice outside edge as I say use a lot of pressure here push that paint right into the fabrics Oh scrape off all the excess paint just get in there and really scrape it off you're not gonna hurt the canvas there we go with our large brush let us pull that and then it'll mix with the liquid white this on the canvas and automatically they'll get lighter and lighter down toward the base just softer and softer there we go and that son of a gun should look like it's just sort of floating right up here in the sky and that gives you a nice base now to begin putting highlights on I'm gonna clean the old brush you're not like to wash these brushes shake it off there we go now then today I'm just gonna use let's just take titanium white pull it out very flattened it's just playing ahoy now this is one of those times you really need a firm paint this paint should be very firm you know people say how firm is it look at that the knight literally sticks right on the pallet it's very firm cut off a little roll of paint like so having no pressure no pressure there see they're just touch and just let it flow right down the side of the mountain but no pressure you want it to break like this and have all those little holes and bumps in it there we go end up here see you there it's so easy at times it's hard there we go no pressure though I can't say that enough times probably the most common mistake me is applying too much pressure and this is one of the best ways that there is to learn to use a knife and if you could make it can make snow break on these mountains then you can just make a multitude of other things it's unbelievable what you can do just by learning to let this snow break here but delicate touch a light touch I think I've mentioned over and over again and as teaching Steve my son to paint the only way I could get it across to him was to tell him that I want him to pretend that he was a whisper that just floated across the mountain and then he understood it worked for him and he makes some of the most beautiful mountains today you ever seen use a little blue and white here in our little roll of paint and I don't want to put a shadow behind this no pressure just let it float see there just let that float right in there and each highlight each little peak in here if you want it to be an individual needs a shadow there right there give it a blue shadow and you can you can change this mountain continually maybe you want to put a a bump over here another peak you can do that in your world you can create any illusion that you want I think that's what attracted me to painting so much if I could create any kind of world that I wanted nothing hurts here is no pain nobody's unhappy it's a pleasant place everything's nice here okay now then with a large brush I want to create the illusion of this all I'm gonna do here it's just happy just tap the base following the angles in the mountain always following those angles and then lift up Britain see and all that little misty things just sort of happen over here follow these angles sometimes I'll take a little bit blue in the brush maybe you want to bring this right on around I'll take a little bit shadow color okay with you just make it sort of look like it wraps around nice sneaky it adds a little more interest okay and that's all there is to it let's have some fun I'm gonna mix up some black suppression blue oh shoot we'll throw some van Dijk some crimson in there a little SAP green whatever you get just mainly dark colors there let me clean the knife off and let's use let's use our old fan brush today let's go in here and load some color right onto the brush just load both sides of the brush up they have it let's have some fun let's just push in maybe there's a little background things that live we back in the distance back here far away I'm just pushing and making the bristles bend upward just be happy enjoy have fun there now I want some reflections under this so I just grab the bottom of it and pull it straight down see that because the canvas is wet you can do this and get away with it if you had a dry canvas you'd be an agony City then go gently across just like so see instant reflections that easy maybe maybe in our world back here maybe there's a happy little tree that lives right here a little evergreen tree see just touch and then use just the corner of the brush and work back and forth back and forth and we got a little tree maybe he's got a friend here it's a little bigger there sure he needs a friend to there yes I see I'm sort of weird hadn't aim all these little trees and talked to them but that's okay that's okay artists you're supposed to be a little a little different there so we can get away with things like yeah maybe out here there's a little baby tree maybe they ran him off me and go live out here by itself all kinds of things get another fan brush I have several of them going so I don't have to continue to clean them we'll take a little that same color we made the tree out of and go into some CAD yellow and that'll turn a beautiful green color because there's blue in there there okay let's go up here now then I just want to put the indication here and there some little grassy areas at a far far away back here just a few it's too far away to get a lot of detail you can grab that and lift upward make it look like little distant trees see that paint moves on there there we go Oh kinds a little tiny little yellow ocher in there too what the heck maybe we'll have some nice fall looking colors in this painting with all the shiny color some little liquid white pull it out flat and then just cut across okay now then with that we can just come right up in here yeah we'll just cut in a happy little water act like you're just trying to cut a hole right through the canvas back and forth this canvas is tough chances are you couldn't hurt it if you wanted to maybe there's a little Ripple lives out here and one out here wherever you want okay yeah tell you what I like doing those trees let's do it Madeline back into my dark color with a fan brush I load a lot of color let's go up here maybe their lives and our world a bigger evergreen here big strong so again use the corner of the brush and just make the bristles a bit downward and I'm using the same corner of the brush hall all the way through the tree I'm just pushing harder and harder so it uses more and more of the brush there thanks little rascal stay right there in your fan brush or you can do another one or two minutes Brad tell you what let's have a third tree we can have as many trees as we wanted here yeah I'm gonna bit over here and find me a one-inch brush go right through that same color in the split out that's put a happy little Bush right here sort of have to begin making some decisions here where do you want all these little things to live there we go that's super you can do it now then underneath here you're gonna want some reflection so just reverse the brush where I've been pushing upward never push downward and where you have tall items up on top you want items that are long avoid where they're short then make these not so long you knew that oh and those will turn in hopefully to some very nice little reflections just a nice clean dry brush I just like to beat on the brush and pull straight down very lightly so I have to do just touch pull downward and then go across okay and and it I'm gonna take my knife a little bit of dark see a little white into it and get a very small roll of paint on the knife okay now then let's go up here just put the indication here in there of a few little trunks in these trees give them give them something nice trunk so they stand up strong and tall there we go and we go back to our fan brush it has the green on it there and I spoke with the indication of a few little highlights on these trees don't kill all the dark Oh at dark contrast well we get finished that's what makes so sign up against and out there just a little evergreens are normally darker than other triest so even that way we'll dip the brush into a small amount of the liquid white and begin applying some color to these things pull the brush in one direction be right back get some SAP green here there we go SAP green CAD yellow one direction load the bristles full of color let's go up here now you have to make some decisions where did your little bushes live just touch her and give a little little push just enough to bend the bristles a tiny bit we'll alternate some of the colors here I went into a little yellow ochre now we can reverse the brush and drop a little bit right in there if you want to right in there may be up in here there's a darker green living there yes various areas see there's a big strong bush over here he's my friend there okay another one but notice how these are going in into layers so those layers those layers little Indian yellow - are what create the illusion of depth in your bushes person drop in a few say they're just reverse your brush they don't have to be exact just a general shape a little bright red once in a while - oh that's a pretty one setting over here in the corner and we reversed him right into the water and then with our clean dry two inch brush just barely touch the top just agrees it just very very touch and then go across and that makes those beautiful mirror reflections that easy okay thought you'd like it it's always fun I'm gonna go into some Van Dyke Brown let's put some land under here should eat something for all these little bushes and trees to stand oh don't want to fall over here in the water to make a big splash there we go man would take us a little brown add a little white to it then come back just add to him the case not a few highlights here just here dinner very early crazy just crazy today with our little fan brush that had the greens and yellows on it then come back and break up that straight line just lets a little grassy hurry is run right down on the land little look good white on the knife yeah we can cut in the water right just drop it in these lines basically straight even though they follow the land you want them to be straight are your water will look like it's gonna run right out of the painting there we go okay let's have some that's had some fun I got this whole other side to do over here take the 2 inch brush go right into my dark color a lot of paint on the bristles canvas go up here maybe on this side let's get great this is your bravery test today I like to give those over here lives a big tree don't think I have to say that again that's well that's pretty evident that's a big tree yes this will really check your bravery up yes there yes this by virtue of it being so big it just indicates that this tree is much closer to you and that helps create the illusion of depth maybe a little tree we back here somewhere it's just as big but it's far far away about being far away as you know it looks smaller there we go this you depend on what a paint roller doesn't matter that's a good place to practice your strokes tell you what sometimes we avoid this old big brush and it's a super brush it'll do for fantastic things for you let's load it to a chiseled edge both sides full of paint the same old dark color but a lot of paint on the bristles it takes a lot of paint to stick all these bristles together see how sharp that son of a gun is there now then with that brush maybe there's a large evergreen sure there is no that's right there just the corner of the brush begin working back and forth and forth like so let's make a big evergreen tree that lives right here in front of your mouth maybe he's got a little crook in him there I love trees that are so crooked there okay let's put a tree trunk in there for that we'll just use a dark scene and white sink thing we used on the other side there and since the fan brush already has all that green on it we can use it so just put in indication of some highlights about too many too many there we go so you don't have to paint the whole trunk because you won't see the whole truck alright yeah let me find another fan brush here next one what take some fan deck Brown let's build an indication of just a tree trunk in here some like so we can just make out a tree trunk or two in there and we'll go into my liquid white and into some yellow and some SAP green pull that brush through a little lot of color a lot of color get a little more green on it there we go a lot of paint now there let's go up here and barely touching begin laying in this large tree don't let the brush slide just push let the bristles bend a little and just begin forming your individual shapes here don't we just hit these at random think about how think about all those little happy limbs that live in here there we go see all these things are there all you have to do is just push him out of your brush super-k maybe over here add a little yellow ochre maybe there's a bush it lives right here I just sort of pick them out yeah they're okay pick up a little more green a little more green and right here this one's wearing shadow so it's a darker there we go see he just hides right in there layer after layer there more color on the brush and reload the brush is necessary as you use up the paint in it add some more okay tell you what maybe there's a big path in there take some van Dyck Brown and you have to make a big decision here where is your path left maybe a path lives right there so it'll a basic shape just using the brown we don't know where this path goes he goes up here and hides behind the bushes somewhere just basic shape and then we'll take some white little dark sienna and that's coming back in here just let this barely barely graze just hmm okay it's just like putting snow on the mountain it's the same same exact technique a little more the liquid white back into my yellows and greens add it you have to start making decisions are these bushes in front of you evergreen or behind I think they're in front so let them come right over it right over in front of it they're very your colors and drop them in there what's the wild drop in a little yellow ocher Indian yellow a little bright red there's a sparkler right there beautiful little bush never little green wind and as many as you want but work in layers remember that these bushes are individuals did one at a time there we go I said now let some of these things come up over a path that'll push the path down into your painting don't want that path just to float around here yeah we can take the knife and just scrape down a few little sticks and twigs here and there and shoot you've got to finish painting I hope you've enjoyed this one it'll certainly teach you how to use all the equipment and have a lot of fun from all of us happy painting and God bless
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 5,402,786
Rating: 4.9080272 out of 5
Keywords: painting, bob ross full episode, bob ross painting, Bob Ross, Drawings, Colors, pbs, Art, lake, Artwork, Coloring, chill, Brush, asmr, Artist, free, Paint, Serene, twitch, snow, Nature, Scenic, bob ross joy of painting full episode, Happy Trails, How To, beauty is everywhere, Painting, Pastel, bob ross asmr, Brushes, Drawing, Draw, Strokes, bob ross twitch, Happy Tree, Canvas, The Joy of Painting, Scene, Palette, Calming, Artistic
Id: kasGRkfkiPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
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