Bob Ross - Happy Accident (Season 11 Episode 13)

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hi I'm glad you can join me that you sort of caught me pedaling around here a little bit this being the last show of this series I thought maybe I'll tell you what I tell you what I get so many cards and letters from people all over the country saying Bob what should I do if I'm in the middle of the painting and outside I don't like it or god forbid it goes sour well I don't like to start off with something you haven't already done so let me show you what you can do at home if you're not happy with the painting and if it's not going just the way you want it you know over and over again I say we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents so today let's have a happy accident and see what we can make out of it and let's start off and have them round all the colors across the screen that I've already used to up here and when they're coming across what's going up let me show you what can be done oh I got here a little early day this being the last year I was all excited so I got here a little early and I was fiddling around and did a little bit of painting but if you had something like this say in and you decided you want to change your mind watch here watch here just take your knife and just zip it off the canvas just literally take it right off the canvas but easy and I'm scraping very hard very hard just scrape it right off you look at this I know if you've painted at one time or another you've had a canvas probably that looks just like this oh my gosh that I've had a million what do you do with something like this normal normally we'd end up we end up just taking this canvases and putting it aside or washing it completely down and starting over but let me show you what you can do let's just go back to this old two-inch brush and I'm just going to grab this and lift it upward let's just lift up and blend this out just lift it off right I'll get all the scrape marks out just blend all together because I'm not kidding when I tell you we don't make mistakes we just have half the eggs anything that you do you can learn to use and that's when you truly truly experience the joy of painting when there's no fear okay let me wash this brush just wash it with little odourless thinner shake it off beat the devil out of it go that your business now then I'm just going to sort of blend all this together just bring it together and then you turn the brush this way maybe here and there put a few little see how you can move that paints like being reflections backwards you can just create all kinds of little effects look at there okay lift it all up very very gently very gently just going across you take all the brush strokes out of it the value remains in the canvas all the color that you put on there even though you scraped it off remains in the canvas now watch let me grab around brush here let's just leave that there and go right in right into some of the Browns pick up a little crimson Oh little touch you the SAP green and tap firmly use this whole round brush and just tap firmly okay now then come right along in here and let's just start putting in all kinds of happy little things just take this brushing tap them in just tap man all we're looking for it this time is just some very basically tree shapes blue shapes they're just half a minute a little more color on the brush and go right into here oh there's one right there look at that now when I'm doing these little bushes with a round brush I normally start at the base and work upwards that way it's darker down here than it is up i okay baby yep right here right here lighter lighter lighter if you work helping turn the brush to make all the shapes you want limbs at hang and grouping so I'm gonna stand straight up however you want to however you want that's the right way there we go as I say we get hundreds and hundreds of letters of people all over the country this is where a lot of the ideas come from for the paintings that I do on this series and people send me cards postcard type things with pictures on them they send me photographs and from that I get that a lot of ideas of what what you would like to see payment we're just dropping a note I'd love to hear if I may tell me what kind of paintings you would like and let me know let me know how you're doing using this the technique there with the conclusion of this series there's now over 140 shows sonica a lot of shows in it 140 half-hour shows if you haven't had the opportunity to see all of them and you would like to give your local station a call and let them know what you want to see this let's head on now and here we just drop it in all kind of little tanks whatever whatever and they take the liner brush dip it right in some paint thinner right into Van Dyck Brown turn that brush bring it to a nice sharp point let's go ahead up here okay and here maybe we can see a tree trunk here in there and a loon and maybe there's something back in here I'm gonna put a leaves on these trees so we're going to lose a great deal of detail see that one there he he got a rough life get me up and hurt there we go okay hey you really really can't make a mistake with this anything it happens you can learn to use it and to make something out of it I just don't have time and a half-hour show to show you all the ways that you can correct and fix paintings we we have instructional videos that do that but just try it don't get don't get upset if something doesn't go right you learn from mistakes son of a gun and I have made more mistakes than everybody put together you learn from your mistakes there see that gives us indication of some little tree trunks here and there let me grab my round brush and I'll just beat some of the loose paint off of it it still has brown in it I'm gonna dip right into a little touch of the liquid right and go right into yellow right into the yellow reach up a lemon grab touch a green SAP green tap that brush firmly firmly firmly firmly CAD yellow a little SAP green case go ahead up here maybe let's start here decide which tree is father's to way in my world I want this one to be the foster way and yours that might be the closest but you have to make that decision you decide and then with this brush just begin highlighting putting all kinds of little happy things in there make little clusters okay I'm gonna take go into some of the yellow some of the yellow some of the yellows that'll touch a paint thinner and touch you the brighter it just attaches are very very strong okay let's go ahead up here maybe oh look at that sound hidden it pretty maybe mr. Jack Frost came by and touched on this one they're once again working layers on this tree don't just hit it random don't just hit it random look at all those little things that happen and that's what makes your tree so beautiful this round brush is unreal unreal can do all kinds of things into them very fast maybe right underneath it here there's another happy little tree a little blush whatever see there he is there he is over here he's got a friend he lives right there and you can just keep making wish after Bush after Bush however many you want don't kill all the dark areas they're so important you're probably more important than the lighter you save some of those dark areas in there that's what creeps creates depth distance and all the little places for the little creatures to hide then you get to have a place to go to where I live I have all kinds of creatures that come and I feed all the little rascals should we have just a multitude of birds squirrels and then at night we have red Coons and even the possums come and I put food out for them every day and I'm I'm crazy now if I go out and talk to it or sitting by your talk to the tree you would certainly talk to red Coons and pastas there there you go and a little bit right in you see how you can build layer after layer you can create a whole forest in just a matter of minutes in just a matter of minutes keep the brush loaded with paint there's a lot of paint on the brush it'll be the biggest mistake and the biggest problem maker is the fact that there's not enough paint on your brush so then you have to hit real hard to make it work and load it frequently I'm only using the top bristles just the top bristles see just the top so all it touches that's what you need there we go say let's go back over here and begin the layering some of this look at that layer after layer hmm it's easy and it's fun and you can do it you can do it look at all that recently we were Roanoke Virginia doing a demonstration for a very dear friend of mine factories a manager the PBS station there we had hundreds of people come and they watched they watched us paint some of the nicest people we've met anywhere in the country there we go okay silicon look at all the different layers shoot now then let's have some water here so we have to make some decisions at this point where's our water going to be we can begin pulling down like that wherever you think there might be some water just pull it down just pull it down like so okay now I'm going to take some Brown a little bit of darks and pull it out very flat cut across and get her a little roll of paint see right there now then let's begin deciding where we're going to have some land here just let the knife sort of bounce along and if you go over a bush that's okay it's your bush you can go or if you want to anything you want to do to it and as you've seen already if it doesn't work she just fix it just fix it nothing to it nothing to it you can fix anything now because you are the master master you have unlimited power on this canvas this is probably the only place I do have any power but on this canvas before I can do anything and anything and you can too you can to see just make decisions here and if you get some of this mud out in the water what difference is if I show you I'm just gonna do all kinds of things let you see what can be done policy maybe I just put all kinds of bumps look at that just put them out here wherever you want wherever handle yeah you're saying Bob you have really done it this time it may be right I may have to we may have to scrape this one off and start over again but the fact that you can should give you should give you tremendous confidence just the fact that you don't make any mistakes that you could zip this off and create a whole new world with it and it helps you get over the fear of canvas over the fear of painting but you can't do any wrong okay anyone take some white a little touch of the dark sienna and the least little touch of blue paste a little touch hose out flat cut across once again are a little roll paint now then let's just let this knife just sort of bounce along and just hit the higher points just here and there just here and there don't overkill we don't lose all that beautiful dark that you put in here don't overkill just let it bounce a lot look at that mmmk helps to make little noises make little stories up in your mind there what's the old saying you don't have to be crazy to do this but it certainly helps there we go okay and just wherever you think a little light would hit we've got all these gobs of paint out here in the water so let's just do this hmm that knife just bounced along and play it'll just leave it Aleve paint all over the place there we go maybe should I sign some more little things here in here your world so you do whatever whatever you like okay and we just I just grabbed this little one-inch pressure I'm gonna go here and there underneath this pull some of this down if this is water then we're going to have a certain amount of reflections in it we don't have to reflect every single thing not hearing there and you could do this with a fan brush or whatever brush is handy I just have to grab this one just pull some of these down now the paint that we use and I've mentioned this over and over throughout the series is very firm if you're using a paint as oily you're going to run into mass problems when you do this you're going to be unhappy with me find a paint it's a very firm very dry because I want this to work for you I want you to be upset when you try okay let me grab a fan brush here tink go right in to some of the yellows grab some of the SAP green just load the brush full of color yellow ochre Indian yellow all the yellows and the Reds a lot of paint a lot of paint in the brush don't be afraid to put some in there go up here now then just gently push upward and we can begin making little grassy areas that come right down and sort of brings all this together if you have trouble making it stick add a little touch of the paint thinner to your brush and it'll stick very easy don't get too much don't get too much thinner takes very little ever to thin the paint down see all these little grassy areas once in a while tap into the right rib just keep on going there there we go there we go there we go seeing a little bit hair in there wherever you think they were to be that's where they were to be and there's no limit to the east you can put them everywhere that you want as many or as few it's up to you it's up to you now then what are we gonna do with this mess we have here this is where we can really have some fun for I start that don't take my knife go up here and just scratch in a few little sticks and twigs and all these little bushes all you're doing here is just scratching through the paint and allowing some of the canvas to shine through but you can make many many little sticks and twigs and it helps create different planes in your paintings adds to that illusion of distance of depth pay your great dividends in your painting career okay I'm going to right into right into the liquid white and then into titanium white I'll reach up here and grab a touch of the blue just a little bit of blue blue who we are okay load the brush full of paint now I put the liquid white in here to make the paint a little bit thinner it's a little thinner and by having it thin that'll stick to this thicker paint without creating mud now watch here come right up here and watch lucky here here comes a happy little stream around here and it's going to bounce and play it's just having a great time don't kill all these little areas streams just bubble along and they make one of the nicest sounds of nature there comes a bounce right over that little stone tune works right around here let your imagination go think think about if you were water what you would do here where you would go where you would go Jane let me add a little more paint to my brush come right on back up here grab it and pull it right over see this is a thinner paint and it'll drop right over look at that look at that here we go comes right here soon Falls over there sink waters just floating along here and all of a sudden somebody pulls the plug in it just falls over just falls right maybe look at here see there yeah a little splash at the base of that and that neat high just runs right over that rock and maybe do just like yeah you can make all kinds of happy little things just think about the sound a little bubbling stream makes us it works its way down it goes over all the rocks it it's to one of the nicest nicest sounds in nature just bubbles and churns and has fun I've always wanted a house right beside a little stream so I could listen all night to all the little sounds it makes there we go there we go back see static plate loops there kink right over the top let some of that round that you put in there show through I need to chew through I'll get a little more blue on my brush come right in you say there see there there's no end to this you can go anywhere you want to go with it anywhere there's one I hit a little blue blue ball blue flu and their little more blue on the brush like so and push up wherever wherever now I'm continually and adding the liquid white to this to keep the paint in very thin very very thin if you have a thick paint you can't run over all this just absolutely won't do it you'll wipe the brush off I guess that you build up a paint on there I can't I can't find where the bristles are there we go start over with some new blue and just go right on back in here I'm pretty though this is the place where you really let your imagination take over how would you want this water to go wherever water just floats on here yes has a good tap there it comes say and drops right over there splashes turns there a lot of lot of fun Derrek Lee who just goes everywhere if you don't make those little noises overwork right okay let me grab a double round brush here and let's go right up here maybe let's close on this side of the painting you had a happy little string ed easy a few little bushes and stuff right here some browns and greens and blacks crimson whatever now decide where you want your land it goes over something just cover it up to world do you do whatever you want to do with it just like so maybe comes right on down here okay then I add a touch of liquid wine go right into some color grab some green here tap that brush firmly firmly okay let's go out up here now that lets just drop some highlights on some little bushes and stuff the room this side of the stream will make these bright enough thing stand out and pull apart from the ones in the background see in that fantastic that you can do so much there have it having us take some brown and we come right in here and begin again picking out rocks um all kinds of little things that are going on wherever you think they should be little touch you the highlight color just bounce it along here's a big old rock whatever you want whatever never then our fam bested hairs all the yellows and the greens on it we can come right in here and put us in some little grassy areas just like the head on the other side come back here King maybe maybe maybe maybe right here on my album this give a little Bush you decide and it creates a whole nother plane because you can see that grassy area and then bushes in front little tricks like that really help increase the depth in your painting there just push up all kinds of little things here so I'm right down in here like so back to my fan brush that had the stream colors on it and you can bring that in here just sort of clean up the edges and bring you a little stream altogether and right here you know me rain here would be a super place to have an old tree maybe an old dead tree it lives right about here right about here oh he's a tired old tree he's had a rough life Ralph rough life wherever you wanting to go excuse mahram a second I come this way you know is we're winding to an end here on this last show of this series I'm painting his tree I'd just like to take a moment and thank you thank you very much for allowing me into your home I've made literally hundreds and hundreds of fantastic friends and I enjoy your company and I hope you enjoy mine and hope you continue to watch let me hear from you very special people very very special and if there's things that you want that I'm not doing drop me a line let me know put a few old branches out here on this whole dead tree and let him go just like so don't have too many left just a few here and there but I hope this shows you that we don't make mistakes you can take anything it happens and create a pretty nice looking painting from it and you can do it too and so on behalf of the whole crew here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and I'll see you the next series Oh Oh ah production of this program is made possible by a grant from Michael stores serving America's heartland and the Martin F Weber company
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,182,635
Rating: 4.9338126 out of 5
Keywords: kappaross, livestream, mountain, oil, wildlife, free, bob ross, bob ross asmr, bob ross full episode, brushes, art, stream, paint, chill, drawing, happy trees, alaska, snow, pbs, happy trails, host, ocean, the joy of painting, pastel, landscape, twitch, joy of painting, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross painting, happy accident, painting, canvas, coloring, lake, bob ross marathon, tv show, bob ross inc, bob ross twitch, steven ross, asmr, happy little accident, happy accidents, happy little accidents
Id: Fw6odlNp7_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2016
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