Bob Ross - Lakeside Cabin (Season 10 Episode 13)

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welcome back I'm certainly glad you could join me for this the last show of the 10th Joy of Painting Series so I tell you what let's start off and have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me while they're doing that let's go on up here we have our standard o 18x 24in canvas it's covered with a nice thin even coat of liquid white it's all slick and wet and it's it's ready to go so let's start I'm going to start out today with some phthalo blue on the brush just tap the brush right into the blue just tap it in like so okay let's go right up here let's build us a happy little Sky we just take this blue and we'll make some little crisscross Strokes like so maybe we'll leave some areas open we'll we'll have some fun we'll play a little bit just leave them open to that blue I'm going to add the least little touch of midnight black just want to there yeah make it a little darker in places there we go blue that'll Touch of black there we are now the color is automatically blending with a liquid white and it gets lighter and lighter and lighter down here toward the Horizon and that's exactly what we're looking for okay now then while we have that on the brush Good Old Blue on the brush let's come right down here and let's put maybe there'll be a little water down here let's start right down here okay come across this way we'll have a little water down the bottom of this painting what the devil we can do that if we want something about like so okay let me wash the brush and we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner shake off the excess just beat the devil out of it all right now with a clean brush we go back in here and very gently just blend just blend just like so see those areas we left now are nice little light areas we could stop right there and have nice Cloud looking effects in the sky maybe we'll make a happy little Cloud today there here we're just blending the paint out and very lightly we'll go across it to take out the brush Strokes and down here same thing all the way across that little light area that we left it remains right there see it looks like a little little Sheen of light is going to be playing across the water when we're done okay and then we can wash our brush again that's the fun part of this take out all your frustrations and hostilities just like that okay happy little clouds we'll grab a 1in brush and let's go right into titanium white just pull that brush right through there we can even go down here and get a the least little touch of the bright red least least little touch don't get don't get crazy with it it's very strong a lot of pain in the brush okay let's go up here now if we're going to have a cloud that lives right there let's just go right in here using little circles you could do this with a fan brush or a 2in brush whatever I just happened to pick up this one and let's just lay in all kinds of beautiful little clouds just start to let your imagination go crazy just think like a cloud just float around the sky have a good time that's all and when you're doing this just just sort of relax and be calm and peaceful enjoy the lot just really really should should bring you a lot of lot of good feelings here should make you happy painting should really make you happy if it doesn't make you happy then you're doing the wrong thing there we go let's shoot we just put another layer here just make a decision how many clouds you want drop them in no big deal might even put one up here that'll give you a lot of practice and if if there's a secret to this it's practice just practice anything that you want to be good at you practice and it's the same with painting the more you practice the easier it gets the more fun you have with it pretty soon you don't even have to think about how you're loading the brushes or oh because you know what's going to happen all you have to think about is composition and effects that's when it really becomes fun it's when you no longer you no longer have to spend all your thinking time thinking about now how do I load this brush or how do I load the knife that will become automatic here I'm just blending take out the Little Brush Strokes Corner the brush just sort of wind this up mix it up just mix don't overdo don't overdo if you blend too much they'll just they'll just disappear they go away and leave you you'll be sitting there all by yourself but if that happens s you can go right back and drop them right back in it's no no problem at all lift up this just sort of fluffs them makes those nice little fluffy edges just fluffs them up look at that that a super nice easy way to make some fastic little clouds and I beat the brush just to knock the excess paint off of it so I'm lazy and it's easier than cleaning the brush all over again there we go not a beautiful little sky that quick I knew you could do it there we are now we can wash our brush just shake it off okay we're in business now let's see today let's use the old round brush I'm going to go right into some vany brown some dark Sienna Sho we'll grab a touch of this Prussian Blue Just a Touch because it's very strong so we got both Browns and a little Prussian Blue there it is now then had to make some decisions maybe we'll have a yep let's have a little a happy little tree that lives right here on the corner I want to do maybe maybe we'll do a little little country scene today there we are so we have a lot of little trees back here this round brush is super super for doing little background treeson see but I start at the bottom and work upward that way it gets lighter and lighter and lighter as it goes up so the dark area down here is where all the Shadows are that's what down here not as much light will get through so you want that darker so by starting there and working up your brushes your brush is just running out of paint that's all just make a decision look at there tree just grew on me just grows and grows and just however many trees you want in your world that's how many there should be that's how many there should be maybe right here you knew that though didn't you okay well we got Tree City right here in a matter of minutes and we could literally just about fill all this in with with color there we go and I'm tapping quite firmly you can probably hear that it's really tapping quite firm in here we said there was going to be some water but don't worry about it anything that comes down in here shoot we just turn it into Reflections don't worry about it it's no big deal at all we can we can fix any old thing that happens and some of the instructional vide tapes we make we show how to correct as well as how to make these things and that's to be able to correct is is probably as important as being able to paint so we devote a lot of lot of energy to showing you how to do that all right now then take the liner brush little paint thinner on it and I want to thin this paint till it's like water turn turn that brush and pull it out to a nice sharp Point look at there see how sharp it is good let's go up here now here and there we're going to put in the indication of a little tree trunk wherever wherever there is one and maybe there's some out here no no worry just there see just relax and enjoy just sort of let this happen H think like a tree there we go little more thinner anytime your paint won't just slide right off the brush add some more thinner thin paint will stick to a thick paint thin to thick okay that gives us a indication of a lot of happy little trees out there tell you what let's take I'm going to go right into use the same old dirty brush I'll go right into some midnight black and then some yellow tap that brush tap it load a lot of paint same old dirty brush I'm using the color it's already in the brush to mix with this there was a little bit of blue in that so that helps it turn green there okay now right up here let's go start here just touch and let all those little sparklers just jump right off the brush just here's a little one right there working layers work in layers there we go little round brush just does some fantastic things see make individual trees back here we can dip into a little yellow ochre little Indian yellow and then here and there I'm going to jump on the bright red there's another little Bush well he's a pretty little devil he lives right there there we go maybe out here there's another one here's a little piece over here see think about the limbs projecting out and causing see there's little clumps here there's just not a solid green mest they not just hit at random see look at the shapes pay particular attention to the shapes when you're doing these don't just don't just hit it random think about what you're doing look at look at the trees in your yard take a trip to the woods go out and talk to a tree make friends with it see look at all the little layers of stuff there we go there just all kinds of little things happening there we'll put another one right in there that one's got a little more red in it it just really jumps out at you pretty little rascal pretty little rascal just layer after layer after layer okay I'm just wandering all over here just dropping all kinds of maybe there's one right here well if I'm not careful I'm going to cover up everything I said was going to be water I get carried away these little rascals are so much fun to make and they're so pretty sometimes I just get carry when don't know when to stop okay let's come right in here this is going to be water let's grab this and turn it into Reflections pull it straight down straight down straight down like that see there that fantastic now go across and that easy you have instant instant Reflections it's very very simple we'll just use that same old brush I'm going right into some of the Browns again let's just let's just lay in a little bit of color here we can begin creating all kinds of happy little things these are just the Browns at least little touch of Prussian Blue but not much mostly Browns just all kinds of things going on there there we go see we just throw this on like yet it doesn't make any difference all we're looking for right here is just color just applying color to the canvas you could really put it on with a paint roller if you wanted to we'll start a whole new style of painting there we go and that quick we got the canvas all covered up and it's ready now then if we want Reflections just decide where the little land masses are going to be pull it down go across maybe under here see there see there that easy you can create all kinds of little peninsulas little projections out into the water whatever whatever go back to my round brush get a little color on it and let's put a happy little Bush right right about there there we go I know I know what let's do out here on this little body of water let's build us a little cabin just a tiny little house it's out here we'll take vany Brown and let's go right up in here and decide where our house is going to live if he's right here touch and pull just give it a little pull there we go like that over on this side all we're doing right now is just blocking in color so we don't care just blocking in color little place to go and hide when everything gets too hectic and go out here and just just have a good time by yourself listen to the birds take some red little dark Sienna maybe the least little touch of white into that o nice color maybe a little more red there we go okay let's go right up here we this sort of a rustc color roof maybe he had a 10 roof and it rusted on him okay little touch of that color right down the other side of the roof there we go now then the least little touch of a light color see just enough to make that stand out so you can see it well least little amount let's get the small knife I'm going to take some white with a touch of midnight black into it there we are pull it out very flat cut across and once again we have our little roll of paint let's go up here touch it pull it straight down it's is just sort of a grayish color and the more you pull it see it's going to pick up that brown so you can take it to any degree that you want it to be now then on the other side I want it a little darker so I use the same color and add a little more black to it see pull it out once again that's little roll of paint this is a small knife see it sneaks up into these little areas boy just right up in there and it's a little bit more flexible a little bit more flexible okay tell you what let's find a little brown and we'll give him a door we'll put the door over here you can put the door anywhere you want it on your cabin take a little white just go right around the edges sort of outline it maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe right there is a window little brown and there's another window looks like two big eyes looking at you this is a Halloween house now chop off the bottom we'll do a we'll do a house ectomy right there yeah that must be a Halloween house okay where's my fan brush there it hides I'll take a little yellow little yellow reach up here and grab a little black that'll make a beautiful green color just work it right in right into the brush pick up a little yellow ochre too a lot of color just go up here now we can go back here and begin pushing up some nice nice little nice little grassy areas right around the house see just give it a little upward push just a little upward push that easy there we go we can just make all kinds of little grassy areas look at that look at that and we'll use the other side to brush see and what we left there let's use the little knife and we'll sneak right back up in here we'll make that a little path so we can come down here and you can come down here and catch that big fish that lives over here there we go all right okay over here we'll put in some happy little grass areas like so just wherever you want them I tell you what there's a nice one tell you what tell you what I see maybe that's just a perfect place to have a little path so let's do that let's do that you know while I'm putting this little path in some of the questions that we get asked over and over probably one of the most common questions that I hear is is there any editing done to the shows uh all the time I get to ask do you actually paint the pictures this quick or is it video magic there is no editing absolutely no what you see is what happened even the mistakes they're in there too there is no editing at all none whatsoever sometimes Maybe be better if there was but I think that's what I like about this it's it's very spontaneous and we just do it okay I got a little brown and white here and I'm going to go back and just put the indication of at least little bit of least little bit of highlight right along there okay that easy we got a little path now then to push that path into the painting let me grab a little more of the black the yellow make some green now then let's begin bringing some grassy areas down into the path that'll help set the path down into the painting make it look like it belongs there and not many people come down this path the bushes and the grasses about about to reclaim it couple more years and you w't be able to find this one if you don't use it nature comes and takes it back there we are that comes right on out just all kinds of little things there see that easy that easy by by making this go upward it'll look like here's a little little bump there change the lay of the land so it's not all just flat maybe this path sits down in in a recessed area so just by see how that goes around little simple things like that keep your painting from being boring there we go use these little things to your advantage and then we can take the knife in here and there we'll just scratch in a stick or two and usually in the dark areas all kind some of them come right over the path hope you can see those they're there sometimes they're hard to see I'll turn the knife this way and make them a little bigger so they stand out see there we go and back in here even you might see a few little things now then let's take a little little brown and right up in here we'll go with this one maybe there's some little areas like so like so this is here I'm just using the small knife little brown and white we can come back and make it look like here's a few little stones and rocks and all kinds of happy things little liquid White right pull it out very flat and let's come along here put us in a little water line right on back here just a little water line right here this sort of cleans up the bottom and and gives you a division breaks it up breaks it up now sometimes I use a much darker color but for television purposes this shows up much much better much much better there we go you know what I didn't put any grass over here in this land area don't want him left out so we'll put a little bit right there make another little Peninsula give him a water line look at that that easy that easy we got him little sticker twig here and there Let's Have Some Fun Shoot we're doing so well here doing so well here let's take the old fan brush load it full of brown maybe there's a happy tree maybe maybe maybe maybe yep yep you're right he lives right there right there big old tree There He Is We just using the fan brush maybe he's got a friend right there right there wherever you want it it's up to you could be another little one hiding in there now we can take our liner brush paint thinner on it right into the brown and let's put an armor to out here on the tree just a little armor too there we go here's one over in here wherever you want them paint should be as thin as ink thin as water there they are wherever just as many or as few there we can go right into a little bit of the light color and put the indication of some highlight here one side of the trunk is usually lighter because of light striking it and bring it all together just like that we'll put some grass on these little foots now round brush we'll go right into some of this brown little touch of the Prussian Blue just tap it right in there tap firmly okay let's go back up here now maybe maybe there's some happy little leaves that live up here just tap them on isn't that simple there well as this last show draws to a close I'm sort of sad to be leaving you for a while but I'll be back we already have plans for the next series so we'll be back we will be back you're too good a friend to go away and leave for any think the time we'll be back let's go up here with a little bit of yellow just let that Rascal shine out here all kinds of beautiful little things happening and I really would like to thank you for inviting me into your home I feel as if I know you and if we're good friends it does wonderful things to my heart to know that you're watching the shows and that you're having fantastic success I'd also before I go I'd like to thank the entire crew here for another job well done they're fantastic people there we go so from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting God bless and I hope to see you very [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 2,104,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, happy trails, bob ross inc, asmr, mountain, free, happy accident, alaska, tv show, paint, coloring, brushes, happy trees, stream, ocean, bob ross joy of painting, full episode, kappaross, joy of painting, drawing, steven ross, bob ross painting, beauty is everywhere, livestream, bob ross asmr, twitch, painting, the joy of painting, pbs, wildlife, bob ross, chill, bob ross full episode, bob ross marathon, bob ross twitch, pastel, landscape, oil, snow, canvas, lake, host
Id: 1l_TsfCIb_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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