Bob Ross - Quiet Mountains River (Season 12 Episode 7)

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hi welcome back once again i'm certainly glad you could join me today i thought today we do the little animated opening the little painting you see at the beginning of the show that just sort of pop pop pop and comes on you know it only takes a couple of minutes to to paint that picture but it takes a lot of fantastic people a long time to animate it and make it come alive for you so tell you what let's have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint this picture let's go on up here and get started i'm going to start out today with an old two inch brush and go right into a small amount of alizarin crimson just a small amount and just tap it into the bristles and just going to come here and they're using little little crisscross strokes the canvas is already covered with a liquid white so it's all wet and slick and it's ready there just here and there just here and there now this won't be an exact duplicate of the little painting that you see at the beginning of each show in this series but it'll show you how it was made maybe a little touch right in here wherever you want it okay now then without cleaning the brush i'm gonna pick up the least little touch of phthalo blue it takes very little i'll make a lavender color it takes very little blue it's many many times stronger than the alizarin crimson okay now here and there we're going to drop in a little bit of this lavender color and i'm still using the little crisscross strokes still using them there just all kinds of happy little things happening here and in your painting you make any color that you like if you would like it more into the bluish tones then use that because painting is very individual you should really paint what makes you happy we all see nature a little bit differently and the way that you see it is exactly the way it should be painted okay that gives us a nice little sky let me wash this whole brush and as usual we wash our brushes with odorless thinner and i really recommend you use overlays thinner if you use regular paint thinner that stinks you're going to be the most unpopular person in the house in just a couple of minutes now then with a good clean dry brush all i'm going to do is blend this guy together a little bit still using little crisscross strokes blend the entire sky now in this painting we're going to have a little bit of water so how we have this whole dirty brush going i'll go right into a little bit more of the phthalo blue just a small amount and our water is going to be oh somewhere in here i don't know exactly don't know exactly it doesn't matter doesn't matter just just drop in some color like so okay tell you what let's take a we'll use a one inch brush today and you could do this with a two inch brush or a fan brush and go right through the titanium white i'm ready to be right back reach down here and get a little touch of the bright red so i have a little bright red and titanium white let's go right up here now then let's build us a happy little cloud that floats around the sky and just make tiny little circles here just tiny little circles just like so just let it sort of bounce around just wherever you want to okay we'll do several layers of clouds maybe there's another cloud that lives right here and clouds are very free they just sort of float around and have fun all day there it's how easy they are to make though there we go there he is just sort of just sort of let him go wherever you want him wherever you want it okay maybe right in here but always using little circular patterns you don't want your clouds to be all flat so use these little circular patterns all the time it'll keep them fluffy there okay now then with a clean dry two inch brush i want to just blend the base of these clouds gently gently gently just blend the basin i'm not touching the top yet i'll touch the top in a second but right now just the base like so now i beat the brush just to remove excess paint so you don't have to go through the whole cleaning procedure now i'm going to fluff those up just grab them lift them big circular strokes lift them lift them there you go see there beat the brush again and then very lightly very lightly just blend the entire sky ain't that easy you got a sky full of fantastic clouds that easy all right now then let's build a mountain gonna build a mountain so i'll take some black alizarin crimson lizard crimson a little bit of phthalo blue and i'm looking for sort of a lavender color here now that just looks black if you want to find out what color you have put a little white there and test it like so and that's pretty good that's about what i'm looking for we can live with that all right so we take a little this and let's come right up in here and decide where our mountain lives and our mountain lives right here and all you do is push it right into the fabric just your basic shape and really use a lot of pressure a lot of pressure the only thing you're worried about is a nice outside edge you don't care what's happening in here at this point okay maybe there was another little peak right about there and as i say once again this will not be an exact duplicate never never can you paint the exact duplicate that is close enough to show you how it was made and you can do your own thumb there we go okay scrape off all the excess paint i'll just use a two inch brush and pull that out now because the canvas is wet i'll just wet that paint will literally slide on there see there just pull it pull it we want it to get lighter and lighter toward the base okay then just over here we'll just pull that one right on off the canvas it's fantastic that you can move a whole mountain that easy okay we can wash that brush out now shake off the excess cover the crew and we're in business okay tell you what here let me get a little bit of titanium white with the least little touch of the bright red and at least little touch cut across and get our little roll of paint see you just pull it out flat and cut across okay now then just let it barely touch the canvas here just let it graze just flow right down the side of this mountain just let it flow wherever you want to highlight think where light's going to strike just let it flow right down there all kinds of little things happening over here on this old big one there it comes there it comes see there it's that easy just let it just float right down there no pressure though absolutely no pressure none whatsoever it's just that little roll of paint touching the canvas no pressure you want the paint to to break and have all these holes in it that's what makes it look like rocks and stones and all kinds of little things happening i'll grab the small knife here and get in some of these little areas i'm going to take a little touch of payload blue mix a little white with it phthalo blue and white there we go and we'll grab the least little touch of dark sienna and then right through so you have two colors loaded on the knife there a little dark sienna little phthalo blue and white now then let's go up here and touch and just pull down because there's two colors loaded on the knife you'll get all kinds of little effects automatically automatically still no pressure though no pressure don't over blend it put it up here and try to try to get away from it try to leave it alone let these colors just sort of happen and you can do this with any color combinations that you want you can load three four colors on a knife at one time if you want to but it's a super way of making some beautiful little effects with no effort just no effort there we go okay maybe maybe in here somewhere wherever you want just drop them in and here and there use a little bit of dark color and you can sort of bring those edges out make them strong where this deep shadow is in there add a little more character to it make all kinds of things happen be brave look at there okay now then back to our highlight color white with a little touch of bright red in it and let's begin bringing that down and out there just let your imagination go you can create some of the most fantastic mountains it's just just a matter of letting your imagination take you there a little bit right in there shoot maybe maybe there's another little dick right there a little doer oh he needs a little shadow under it and he becomes an individual that easy okay you can also get carried away and cover up your whole canvas with nothing but mountains and that's all right there is not a thing in the world wrong with that let me put a little shadow right behind that little peak when i was first learning to paint i used to take an old canvas and paint the entire canvas with nothing but mountains and that's the best way i've ever found to learn just paint the entire canvas from top to bottom with mountains and i used to have a huge putty knife and i just scrape off the entire canvas and start over do it again that's the way to learn if there's any secret to this or any style of painting i've said it over and over it's just practice that's only secret i think it's the only secret to anything in life anything in life because you can have anything you want anything that you want if you're willing to pay the price and the price to paint is is practice so there we go just blend that out and another nice thing if you ever think about it i heard somebody say one time you could have anything that you wanted if you just helped enough other people get what they want same color just pulling it out getting our little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife let's mix our little footy hills in here and for that i'm just going to push in some of this dark lavender color i'm just really pushing it very firmly that's sort of a nice saying though because if you help enough other people you will you get whatever you want you can have anything you want but you have to help enough other people get what they want i think that's a fantastic philosophy to live by you don't have to hurt anybody just rub the bottom of this and you can make a lot of people happy now just with a knife today just going to use a knife you can put in some basic little shadows and stuff it see it looks like things are happening in there but you've really done very little little white titanium white and you can create that illusion of mist you can paint entire paintings just using the knife i think in one of the earlier series we did that we painted an entire painting only using the knife once you make friends with that sound of gun you can't believe what it's capable of doing okay tell you what time to get crazy take a two inch brush and go right into some van dyck brown should we get up a little alizarin crimson into it a little touch of dark sienna not a whole bunch of paint just just enough to get the bristles loaded with a little okay now then let's begin putting in our land areas here this is where you begin worrying about the lay of the land or the the way the land flows the angles in it now it starts becoming important there we go just begin deciding how you want this to go there figure out where you want to save some water there we'll have a little bit of water right in there but this really is not all that planned you just sort of sort of look at it and each painting is different your painting will be different in my painting don't try to just copy what i'm doing here that's not no fun shoot this is freedom this is the most freestyle of painting that i've ever seen and i think i've tried most styles of painting we don't use any patterns we don't we don't sketch we just sort of let it happen you visualize a scene in your mind just visualize it and you very very soon with a little practice you learn to take that scene that you you saw in your mind and drop it on canvas and that's what we want to teach you here there okay all we're doing here is just applying a base color a dark color we need the dark in order for the light to show so it's no big deal now then let's take we use the same old dirty brush what the heck i'm gonna go back into some of my yellows here i got cadmium yellow yellow ochre we'll reach down here get a little touch of the bright red and just tap that brush tap it right into the color okay let's go back up here and let's begin putting in all kinds of little little grassy things all you're doing is just tapping downward now because you have that dark under there we'll put a little sap green with that too here and there because you have a dark your light color shows up if you put light against light you have nothing dark against dark you have nothing but when you put light against dark or dark against light then all these things just explode it's beautiful there we are you know what's so fantastic i get i get so many letters from people all over the country that are painting and enjoy success and oh it's it's fantastic especially especially from young people i can't believe the number of young people that that are painting and they they have truly truly found the joy of failing but there we go and we travel all over the country doing demonstrations for charity groups and pbs stations and all kinds of organizations so if we get to your neighborhood come out and see us come out and watch a painting being done i think you'll enjoy we put on shows that are two or three hours long and gives us a chance to talk with everybody and meet some of the most fantastic people so now we'll take just a fan brush and i want to clean up this water so all i'm doing is just gently rubbing it just gently rubbing it just going to clean it up a little bit there now a little touch of liquid white and i'm gonna go right into titanium white i put the liquid white in there only to thin the titanium white so it'll stick easier now then we can go right up in here stay there and just put all kinds of little happy things floating across there it's a super nice way to make like a little little river or pond that's way back in the distance there and wherever you want it to go that easy okay let me find another fan brush i have several of them going here i'm gonna take a little sap green oh little van dyke brown a little crimson okay just load it up here i'll put a little black in there too what the heck black sap green little crimson let's go right up here maybe there was a few little trees that are far far away setting up here just use a corner of the fan brush push upward drop it in drop it in and wherever you want them just here and there there just breaks it up a little bit maybe there's one here see there but it looks like little patches of trees that are growing far down in this valley there okay shoot let's get in the foreground that's the fun part i'm gonna go take a little two inch brush i'm gonna go right into some black just all the dark colors some brown crimson whatever sap green just basically all the dark colors and now you have to grab a little blue too what the heck a little prussian blue right there now then you had to make some big decisions i think here was a big tree that lived does now live right here push bend the brush bend the brush there we go bend it there's another one just sort of visualize these in your mind and just push them in using quite a bit of pressure quite a bit of pressure right down through here see there and this sort of helps push everything back creates depth in your painting distance push it in get strong with it use a lot of pressure here just trying to push that paint right through the fabric this is when you have to have a good steady easel good easel my easel is made from from a platform step ladder now then tell you what tell you what i'm going to load a lot of paint into the bristles and bring this big brush to a chisel edge very sharp both sides but it's a very sharp brush there you can see it good let's go up here maybe i think there was a yeah right about here now then all i'm going to do is take and push just push we'll make a big old tree lives right there there he is see how easy he is to make you can do it you really can do it can do anything another big tree right there as i say if we if we do get to your area when we're out traveling around and doing demonstrations come see us and if you'd like to know who when we're going to be in your area we have a little mailing list if you'd like to be notified drop me a just drop me a postcard with your name and address on it and we'll put you on the mailing list and when we come to your area we'll drop your card and let you know we're going to be there okay i'm going to take a little titanium white a little touch of dark sienna get that small roll of paint on the knife now i'll go right up in here just put the indication here in there of a little tree trunk every so often just here and there maybe on the other side here we'll put wherever you think one should be and what's really neat you can just take the point of the knife and go up here and scrape in put all kinds of little stick and twig indications very simple just scrape right through the paint let some of the light show through now when this is done most of these will be covered up but a few of them will show through and people think you worked with your little one-haired brush for extended periods of time to put all this detail in there secret okay now then take some van dyke brown little dark sienna mixed together and let's put some land in here just let it sort of flow downward just flow downward like so okay now then i'm going to take some white some dark sienna at least a little touch there pull it out cut across now that just let the knife sort of bounce get nervous this is where the people that are a little nervous have a distinct advantage distinct advantage so you just let it sort of bounce there so it makes it look like all kinds of little rocks and stones and rough places and a little little ground squirrel lives in there you gotta have a place to live too okay let's put some highlights on this i'm going to dip my brush right into the liquid white go into cad yellow and reach up here and grab a little bit of black because black and yellow as you know makes a beautiful green color load a lot of paint pull the brush in one direction let's go up here now then let's begin highlighting this tree go slightly above the dark and begin just pushing in all these hundreds and thousands of little leaves push bend the brush and don't just throw these in at random think about limbs in the tree think about where the little bird sits up here he's got to have a place to sit there work on individual individual limbs a little more of the liquid white i put the liquid white in there only to thin the paint just to thin it because that 10 paint will stick to that old it's thick paint okay here comes one seal they live right here in your brush all you have to do is just push them out push them out every once in a while a little ending yellow a little bright red oh that's a pretty one that is a pretty one sparkles like that one now you can use the brush sidewards and just push it upward and see there and make all kinds of little grassy areas just all kinds of little grassy things wherever you want them don't cover up all your dirt just some of it okay a little more color let's come right out here oh there's a nice little sparkler same but do one bush at a time i know sometimes it looks like when you're watching here i get carried away and just do a bunch of them at once but they're little individuals each one has a personality each one's my friend shoot sometimes i give them names even do one at a time one at a time take some indian yellow little bright red let's put just a little something on this tree we don't want him left out there we go just a little bit a little bit of highlight on him too okay add a little touch of paint thinner than the paint down a little bit more and this rascal right oh there we go sparkler again these are nice colors they really just they make you happy make you happy here comes another one wherever you want them just drop them in there right on down and once again use that brush sideways so you can push in bush after bush after push so wherever you think okay i'll take the old fan brush there was a little path that lived right here so just scrub it in like so a little white to highlight it and that easy you got a happy little path and very quickly there was an evergreen tree that lived right there just put him in and i think with that this painting will be about finished i hope you've enjoyed seeing how the little animated opening was made i hope you tried at home from all of us here happy painting god bless and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 414,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream, happy accident, wildlife, livestream, paint, bob ross asmr, asmr, coloring, brushes, twitch, ocean, happy trees, snow, joy of painting, happy trails, bob ross painting, canvas, alaska, chill, full episode, free, bob ross, lake, beauty is everywhere, pastel, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross full episode, painting, pbs, steven ross, bob ross inc, oil, bob ross twitch, host, bob ross marathon, the joy of painting, drawing, art, mountain, tv show, kappaross, landscape
Id: Leiw-FtADZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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