Bob Ross - Country Charm (Season 9 Episode 10)

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hi welcome back glad to see you this time tell you what let's start out and have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting and we'll go on up here and get started now I have my standard ole 18 by 24 inch canvas up here this all covered with a liquid white and slick and it's all ready to go so let's do the same thing today today I think I'll start out with a little touch of phthalo blue and we're just working into a two inch brush and to that I'm going to add some midnight black so we have phthalo blue and midnight black tap it into the bristles you're looking for a nice even distribution of color there you can see it all the way through the bristles by tapping that'll help us sure that happens let's go out up here let's have some big fluffy clouds in this painting and I like to make clouds so it's a lot of fun go right up here and begin making little crisscross strokes just sort of bounce them around let them play yes like so little X's little X's maybe right in here I'm just going to sort of leave some areas open and in those open areas we'll go back and we just sort of slip in some clouds so just sort of think about maybe where you want before you want your clouds to be and leave that area open maybe we'll have another little cloud that lives right in there somewhere all right just some happy little things like it and I want this guy maybe to be a touch darker than normal because I want the clouds in this particular painting to be very bright and really stand out so the way to do that is to make you sky a little darker than normal a little touch darker now we don't want to turn it into midnight but little darker okay now there's several wasted to make happy little clouds now we could just go back in here with with white paint and draw in some beautiful fluffy little clouds but maybe today I'll play a little bit I'll go into some of the midnight black and I'm going to reach right down here get some bright red and go into the black with it so I have bright red and midnight black just mix them right on the brush just just tap it tanks go right up here now then this is where you have to start making some decisions where does your little clouds live or big clouds we're gonna have use just the corner of the brush and tight little circular patterns little circular strokes and just lay in where you think where you think the shadows will be and by putting these dark shadows in here it'll once again make your light colors just really jump out and sparkle you need dark in order to show light painting is nothing but games of dark against light light against dark back and forth over put a few little things right in here just like so okay let me wash the brush hey once again we use odorless thinner to wash your brushes hmm shake that off and just take out all your frustrations like yeah you can just beat the devil out of it now then want to use a one-inch brush and go right in to a titanium white and I'll reach down here and grab a little touch of the bright red mix it right in pull this brush in one direction load a lot of paint into it a lot of paint casts go right up here now then now they're using little circles again begin laying in some basic cloud shapes now you really need to sort of look at your shapes you don't just throw a bunch of white paint on the canvas and hit it with a brush and expect clouds to appear yeah you have to sort of plan these clouds sort of look it look at what you have and think about the shapes that you want remember that clouds maybe maybe you're one of the freest things in nature they just float around the sky and have a good time they're just in tight little circles laying in the basic shapes very very basic there we go now if you pick up too much of the under color clean your brush there's no rule says you can't clean your brush several times the only rule that we have is that there is no rules you do whatever whatever works for you we just want to show you how to make some of these effects work the way you make them work is up to you if you watch some of the other shows we've shown you some some of the fantastic paintings of people over the country you're doing and they take the basic idea and adapt it to their situation or their area and oh it's unreal it's unreal some of the beautiful beautiful paintings people are doing and we get letters all the time from people that say never painted before in my entire life till I started watching you show it you made it easy and it it makes all this worthwhile because it does work hmm I have one friend who is 90 something years old and she just started painting and she she tells me she started a whole new career she just had her first one-man are chill or one lady art show I guess had caught it but she's 94 now in that a beautiful age to start a second career now I'm beating the brush on the on the ladder here just to take out the excess paint so I don't have to go through and rewash the brush are we making some big fantastic clouds today can't happen with a clean dry brush we want to fluff these clouds so grab them and just lift upward in big circular strokes don't lift straight up or to look just like it's room like it's raining up that'll sort of bother you and the paintings done there we go big fluffy clouds one here maybe there's a storm on the way then with a clean dry brush very gently very gently just blame the entire sky all are you doing here is caressing the canvas just just graze it just enough to take out the brushstrokes mmm hey yeah we can have some fun let me wash off this brush give it a good chief I just like to beat the brush there's a lot of fun now when you're doing this at home I really recommend you you don't do this in your living room you start beating that brush you're going to redecorate your whole house in just a matter of a minute or two ah probably one of the best little things going is what what's made to to go in a garbage can is called a brush beater racket pick up one of those put it in the bottom of a garbage can and it will not only save you save your house it'll probably save your marriage there we go I mix it up a little bit of the midnight black with yellow ochre midnight black and yellow ochre maybe we'll add a little bit more blue to that I want a little bluish you in there there we go a little darker than I want so I'll put some white with it okay we're getting a nice little color there all right let's go right up in here let's put some happy little Samba happy little Hills back here and all I'm gonna do is take the fan brush and just tap just half with it and use the roundness of the fan brush to your advantage that makes those nice little help nice little hilltops I'm tapping and sort of pulling downward just a little bit let's see all those nice little nice little Hills there we go Jenna let him float her head on off my butt about there and end wiki begin putting some shape in this way this is a super way to make the beautiful beautiful hills that you have hole like in a Carolinas and all down that area gosh is a pretty country in their beautiful Catterick we've did some classes in there and spent some time in not only the some of the most fantastic people in the country in that area but the scenery Oh scenery is unreal my spinner about a week and third was at Asheville somewhere around Asheville some of the most beautiful country and beautiful people now then you can lift gently upward here and there it'll it'll make it look like the trees we we back in the distance tiny little strokes tiniest little strokes barely barely caressing the canvas now that I want to create the illusion of mist down here at the base of this off but not 2 inch brush I'm striking quite hard with a top part of the brush really ready get in there and take out all your frustrations but just the base I just want to cause a misty area here I don't want to burn these so let it fade right into the liquid light right into nothing so that it just literally just disappears like so and then very lightly very lightly give it little upward lives here in there okay yeah maybe I'll tell you what let's do let's put another layer foothills in there I had a little more of the yellow ochre to debt and load that fan brush full just load it full James going back up here maybe this little Foothill maybe he starts right here and comes right you know you can do this with a one or two inch brush today I just felt like doing it with it with a fan brush the principles are exactly the same no matter what brush you use there see all those happy little things hmm now once again I'm just gonna very gently lift it up for it a little bit create that little fuzzy look like a little trees we back in the distance okay I'm back to my two inch brush that's clean and dry and once again I want that miss the effect in there that's a very very important that we have that mist it's the only thing that you have to separate all these different layers of foothills and avoid coming straight across banging like it here when you're causing this miss it'll cut it off very straight and bother you you want it to be soft but you don't want to see a distinct line there just like so now once again short tiny little strokes lift up written and you can just make a layer after layer after layer a beautiful little foothills shoot let's let's do another one that's a lot of fun I'm gonna take a little bit of the dark sienna and mix it right in there stark Siena's a it's a very nice color very nice color it's a little bit darker than then burnt sienna it's quite unique say Oh merciful let's go right up here tell you what let's have a we'll have another little range little foothills and they live right in here just make a decision drop them in now if you want to show things that are a little more distinct you can begin turning the brush side words and tapping in some things that when you're done will look like more like little individual trees here and there so just sort of let your imagination go crazy and do whatever makes you happy but each layer as you come forward should get darker darker darker darker then a bit darker that helps create that that all-important illusion of distance in your painting okay then once again back to my two-inch brush and we'll just begin tapping that just begin tap okay already you have three very distinct layers now all those big strong clouds sitting back there big thunderstorm maybe is coming now fill up all the little streams and make them bubble as they come down the hills I'd love to hear little streams bubbling okay tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add the least the least little touch of thinner to my brush and I'm gonna go right into some of this dark Sienna let the least little touch of dinner and let's just play a little bit maybe we'll just put a little color in here I just put the finger in so it'll slide on much easier most of this is gonna be covered up I'm just looking we'll add some van diaper I'm just looking for some dark colors so my life covers will show up and I put them on there just Van Dyck Brown dark sienna and don't worry about it just just just sort of throw it in fact it looks a little better it's sort of rough and I'm still using these little X patterns look this crow and I'd quickly get her at our foreground laid in listen happy little things in there I like the brown tones the earth tones are so pretty and warm these browns and greens are very warm colors they'll warm up an old dead room and they make people happy when they look at them in it and that's important in a painting it should should give people a nice feeling when they look at it painting should make you happy with you whether you paint or you buy paintings or you just look at paintings they should really make you happy I'm going into yellow ochre the least little touch of SAP green some Indian yellow all those nice colors I'm going to add some dark Sienna to that oh yes here we go that's what I'm looking for maybe a little more yellow tube right there Stark Sienna mixed in there okay let's go right up here maybe I didn't hear there's some happy happy little little grassy areas take right down by cap just like you just tap them in Nathan look at all the different planes that just like stair steps but that helps create once again that tremendous illusion of distance in your painting and of course when I turn her ass not happy bug but if you should be that's what sells the painting it puts a happy book in your pocket now then maybe let's do some nice trees I think today I'll use the oil round brush I'm gonna go right into the midnight black and SAP green and we'll throw some Browns in there too both Browns SAP green midnight black just tap firmly with this round brush tap it firmly let's go right up here maybe there's a nice little tree and he lives right here right here there we go there we go once again all we're looking for here it's just a nice dark color so our light colors will show up again by making this tree big it pushes all that back push that brush down just tap it tell you I probably got this old brush going alright we got it going same old colors maybe oh let's put one right here what the heck that dark color against that white cloud is gonna really stand out beautifully back to rule light against dark dark against light that's what gives you painting feeling makes it stand out contrast in it makes it so pretty okay I still get excited about this they have so many paintings still get excited about it and probably one of the the most asked questions and that I get over and over is what in the world I do with all these paintings that we're doing on the television shows most of them we we donate to charity organizations and PBS stations all over the country and they in turn auction them off and they make a happy buck for the stations and stuff and that's nice help them out a little bit I'm gonna go right into some of the yellows and I'm using the round brush yellow let me grab some green up here and I just want to tap it now this yellow is a little thinner than my other colors I like a thin yellow so I don't have to dilute it and yellows normally always highlight load the brush full let's go right up here come right in here and go right above the dark and just begin tapping in all these beautiful little highlights look at their look there and we're home form and shaped inside of your trees don't just throw it on at random think about think about there's limbs inside of this tree and they project out towards you the light strikes them and makes all these things happen beautiful little things work on one tree one bush at a time okay another one those right there and then you just put as many or as few as you want big thing is don't kill all these dark areas in here see those dark areas maybe maybe they're more important than the light areas must have some fun today I'm gonna go I got to do this I get it it is fun I like to make little cabins and little shacks in the woods let's do one pull the paint out very flat this is Van Dyck Brown cut across get our little roll of paint okay now then make a big decision where does your little house live I think he lives right there there and here's the other side of the roof there we go now these are very simple little little houses and little cabins but if you learn to do them then big big buildings are just little buildings that had a shot of vitamins the principles are all the same no matter what size your building is see and it doesn't matter right here all you're doing is blocking in color we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents learn to work with whatever happens whatever happens ok that gives us a basic shape to work with and we can add some white to some dark Sienna pull it out very flat once again get that small roll of paint on the knife hmm let's go right in here just barely touch and pull it down like so now the other side here we'll make it by just pulling down like then you have some dark color come across gives us a door we need a door for a little house there we go got to have a way to get in and out little bit of light color around the edges that fixes him up now in taking clean pointed knife we'll just go down make it look like little little boards in this Shack tell you I'll take a little bit of the blue color just make the indication of a little window there now with a knife you can cut this off just cut it off and create pleat all kinds of shape and then let's come right in here just use a little bit more the dark Sienna this pop had the indication of some little things happenin up here on the roof that easy and easy I want to keep this roof quite dark laughter yeah maybe this will help help us stand out we just take some a little bit of light color and come right along here just highlight the edge a little see it makes it jump right out at you right about it now then go back into our yellows we'll pick up a little bit of this bright red - what the heck tap it get a lot of paint in the brush okay now then continue on with our little our little grassy areas here just like kiss wherever you want them to go pick up some of the greens and browns and all kinds of colors it's a nice simple little painting that I think you're really really enjoyed doing it works well and it's pretty when it's done there we go there we go all kinds little things and then let's let's use a small knife today go right in here and just miss some frowns lay in touch of color and that'll end up looking like a little path you got to have a way to get to the door there okay I'll take my one-inch brush and go through some of the yellows and all those pretty colors one direction let's go back up here and we'll put in some little bushes moonshiners right up here there they are this is a kind of place my mother would like to live she lives in Florida where it's nice and warm and don't have any big mountains she would like to like to have a little house out here yeah take the fan brush go into some of the Browns and I'm just gonna sort of bounce it around and like it looked like dirt and stuff out here saying you can bring it up wherever you want it go right I don't often to know where we don't know where that goes Kim what a knife just scraped in a few little sticks and twigs gives you some finishing touches let's go over to the other side here play a little bit with yep I'll take my round brush go right into my yellows and greens and let's highlight the tree on this side I'm just tapping once again put in some basic shapes don't just hand it random I know you get tired of hearing me say that but it's very important very important creat create the illusion of shape in the trees don't just throw them in go out and spend some time talking to a tree make friends with it study it that's how you learn what makes a tree look like a tree and a bush look like a bush and trees trees are nice people and you get to know that you'll like them do you like them there we go see just layer after layer after layer as many or as few as you want there's one right there some pretty colors happen there all right and then put it in height once again just take this gray pin just all these little sticks and twigs they really help create the illusion of distance because they show different planes it really really helps tell you what let's do here let's take we'll use the old filbert brush today we used it mainly in our seascapes but we can use it here let's make a happy little tree I like this brush for making little trees like yes give him some arms however many you want and not a super way to make a little tree and you can take your Lander brush and put all kinds of little tiny limbs on there just as many or as few as you want now then with her round burst we'll tapkins some happy little leaves and that easy we got a fantastic tree there like so yeah yeah put a few little highlights on there okay thank it gives us a nice little painting give you some ideas to work with and we'll call this one finished so from all of us here happy painting god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 275,385
Rating: 4.9064178 out of 5
Keywords: bob ross twitch, lake, full episode, chill, pbs, free, bob ross painting, alaska, canvas, snow, happy trails, joy of painting, bob ross inc, happy accident, steven ross, bob ross joy of painting, pastel, beauty is everywhere, tv show, landscape, painting, drawing, mountain, art, bob ross marathon, host, the joy of painting, oil, twitch, happy trees, ocean, kappaross, coloring, bob ross, asmr, bob ross asmr, paint, stream, bob ross full episode, livestream, wildlife, brushes
Id: 9wp8NRzCJnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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