Bob Ross - Sunset over the Waves (Season 11 Episode 10)

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hi welcome back certainly glad you could join me today and today i thought we'd do something a little different i really think you're going to enjoy this one let me tell you what i've already done up here i've got a black canvas as you can see and i've created this black canvas by painting it with a nice even coat of black gesso and i just paint the whole canvas and then let it dry onto that then we've added layers of color and it's still wet like right in here i have indian yellow an indian yellow is a transparent yellow it may look a little green on your screen because black and yellow as you know make green then we have alizarin crimson on the rest of the canvas and i've just put a little piece of masking tape across here to sort of separate the horizon i thought today we'd do a happy little seascape and the big thing that i want to show you today is how to do a fantastic sunset sky very easy i've had so many letters come in saying how do i do a sunset sky and i want to show you one of the easiest nicest ways to do a very effective sunset so i'll tell you what let's have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting and while they're doing that let's go on up here and get started let's see there's yellow right here so i'm going to dip my two inch brush right in to some of the liquid white i have a little liquid white on the brush decide where the lightest area of your sky will be that's where we want to start and just begin making little crisscross strokes and see how all of a sudden that yellow just appears and begin blending outward just outward start in the light area and blend outward i love these black canvases because color is so exciting on them it just sparkles okay just right on out right on out look at that see how color just absolutely comes alive if you were working on a white canvas you'd work yourself half to death to get this kind of effect now if you were doing a landscape with this guy you would not need this piece of tape there the tape is only to keep a straight horizon since i'm doing a seascape today i would like for the horizon to be straight and makes your seascape a little more pleasing okay then we'll blend the top part of it in up here there we go just making little crisscross strokes just back and forth little x's little x's i think i mentioned on one of the earlier shows that's why the teacher used to grade my paper in school once you just went across it little x's everywhere there now very lightly we can just blend that okay see now already you have one fantastic sky you could actually make a sunset of out of the sky just the way it is now i'm gonna wash the brush give it a good shake and just beat the devil out of it now that let's go into some titanium white straight titanium white with a two inch brush and just load quite a bit of paint on the brush now let's go back up here and now you have to make your first big decision where's your light area you're going to be in here decide where you want the lightest part of your sky to be in and maybe right here and then i'm going to take this straight white this is titanium white and begin blending outward never going back to the center because i want that center to be the lightest part of this painting outward outward outward outward there we go just straight titanium white now you can do this as many times as you want to achieve a desired lightness as many times as you want the only thing that i'd really suggest to you is that each time you do it clean your brush be sure it's very dry you don't want to take paint thinner up into your sky it'll stain your paint and absolutely destroy everything you've done see now if you want to go back with a little bit more of the titanium white just load the brush up good dry brush and go right back into your light area and work outward see and that easy you can make one super little sunset okay now then clean the brush one more time i like to paint this painting because it gives me an opportunity to clean the brush and splatter all the cameramen okay now then with a clean brush very gently you can just blend this out and then you have a nice light area right in the middle of your sky better put your sunglasses on for this one it is going to be a bright one righty as i say you could you could leave this pretty much the way you have it and have a pretty nice little sunset but we're gonna we're gonna play a little more here let me take some crimson lizard crimson and midnight black mix it together and put the least little touch of blue into it just the least little touch and then i'm going to put a little bit down here and take some white and make sure what color i have that's pretty nice i'm looking for a very dark lavender type color okay that works out pretty good right there not bad now then we'll take a fan brush and i'll load a little paint into the fan brush just back and forth like so and let's put a happy little cloud or two in this guy and you sort of make a determination here where does a cloud live maybe one lives right in here just wherever you want them wherever you want them just drop them in there we go lose a little circular stroke so you can just go back and forth a little bit like so just like so and maybe it comes right across this light area that'll give you the impression that there's a sun back here somewhere but maybe it's behind the cloud okay maybe he's got a little doer out here just make a decision and drop in i use lavender because lavender is sort of a neutral color you can put that in on top of the yellow without without big disasters happening there we go and maybe down in here there's right at the horizon there's a few big clouds that are playing around like so wherever you want them this is your sky so you you make the determination where you want little clouds or big clouds to live there's one wherever okay same old dark color same old lavender color let's go up here at the sky maybe there's some big rolling clouds up in here that just sort of roll around and i don't want to completely cover that i want some of it to show through just i'm just turning little circles with a brush just really grinding that paint in there and there's not a great deal of paint on the brush at this point okay a little more of the diameter maybe there's a maybe there's a little cloud that hangs down here whatever just whatever you want it's really freedom here just make a big decision and throw it in there we go wash the old brush and with a nice clean dry brush i want to very gently just blend this entire canvas this will remove any excess paint just very lightly very lightly okay now take my fan brush again i'm going to take some titanium white and a touch of the cad yellow just a touch load the brush pretty full of paint just go up here now maybe we want to highlight a few of these you can just tap in a little bit of color where you think light would strike here just wherever wherever and you can have as many or as few of these as you want okay maybe maybe up here now here if that's the sun it's going to strike underneath so don't forget that that'll sort of that's a gotcha maybe maybe right in here now up in here we're just going to have a few places that light's going to strike some of these little clouds this is a bottom of little clouds just little things that are happening wherever you think they should be there we go but don't put too much very quickly you can you can eat up your whole world here with these little rascals just a few okay then back to our good clean dry brush and now just gently gently blend all this together just blend it all together it'll make all kinds of little highlights in your clouds see there and as i say and your in your painting you put as many or as few of these as you want and you can keep working these and they'll get darker darker darker or you can leave them quite bright it's really an individual thing painting is an individual thing everybody sees nature through different eyes and the way you see it is the way you should paint it it should just make you happy there we go okay isn't that a wild beautiful little sky now then now then i'm going to reach over here and i'm just going to pull this masking tape off see that leaves me a nice straight horizon but i need to take a little crimson on my brush and fill in this area here because there was no paint under that tape i'm just bringing it right up to the horizon like so and then i think let's do a seascape today with a big crashing wave and i get so many so many requests for the big strong waves the crashing waves so we'll do a lot of those okay one of the easiest ways i have found to paint little seascapes is just take your little filbert brush and we'll put a little just a little paint a little white in it now you have to make a big decision where is going to be the major wave where does he live and in my world i want it to sort of be under here so we'll have him coming down like so now you don't have to do this but you'll find that it helps you a great deal in laying out your seascape that's all you need and then here comes the wave over that way and that'll sort of give you something a guide it'll keep you out of a lot of trouble okay let me grab my old fan brush and get him washed here i have several fan brushes going so i don't have to wash them continually now then go right into titanium white very thick a lot of paint on the brush okay see there both sides are loaded okay let's go right up here now then let's make a decision where the waves behind here will be in my world i think there's going to be one right here like so that easy and maybe there's another one and he lives yep it does now right about there wherever you want them whatever you want this is really an individual thing you decide where your little wave should be and you put them right there now when you're doing this the only thing that you're concerned about is the dark area in here back here watch watch watch this is so exciting because it works so easy just take your brush and make little little strokes like this clean brush and just allow that to blend back and it makes the little trough in between the waves isn't that neat see that easy that easy but you want to save this little dark hair edge that's very important we'll do this one back here just like so just like so see now the sudden it'll begin making sense watch the brush now then come right along here do the same thing we'll add some white paint and bring it right along this major wave and to paint and then very lightly can blend it back just blend it back see once again what you're worried about is this dark edge you're not you're not concerned with this when you paint it on it looks like you you're all worried about this but this is the part that's important this is the easiest way i have ever found of painting some very very effective and nice little seascapes and in here same thing we just want to blend that just blend it blend it if you build up a lot of paint on your brush stop and clean your brush okay and a little bit more of the white and back here right along here you have to make a big decision now where's your horizon gonna be and then you can just start making just little doers like that way back in the distance far far away and start in the light area and work out so you pick up the colors on the canvas and it automatically gets darker darker darker darker darker darker darker let the canvas work let the brush in the paint work shoot i'm a lazy painter i look for easy ways to make super effects start in the light area and blend outward outward out okay and then we can take some more white let's do the fun part oh we got this white going here this wave is going to come here and it's going to crash over see you don't make those little noises that won't work kind of make those little noises here it comes here it comes this is the fun part grab it and pull that stroke there the angle is very very important very important okay clean my brush again now then the thing that most people really enjoy doing is this eye right here or the transparency whatever you want to call it so we'll just take white on the filbert brush and go up in here with a filbert and just scrub it just really scrub it in scrub it in scrub it in and then work outward so once again it gets darker darker darker darker darker darker because you're picking up more and more that color is just wherever you want it to go and we can wipe that off clean it be sure your brush is good and dry because you want to keep this paint as firm as possible now you can do this step as many times as you desire once again to achieve a desired lightness now you can begin worrying about some of the shape here see just something like so now then be sure you have a super dry brush and we can go right up in here and just use the top corner of the brush and blend this you can make it so soft and so nice just blend it think about the shape now angles become very important this water is coming up and curling over so we want to begin thinking about that now it becomes important so you can pull that right out see and already you're beginning to get that feeling that it's coming around in there and it's just just gently gently blending it out there angles there we go and then right on back see how easy this can be these big crashing waves do not have to be complicated you can make them complicated if you want and that's a lot of fun too but this is a very nice way of doing seascapes that are quite effective if you're after that happy buck well you can sell these rascals okay and we can just keep on going here i'll tell you what let's do let's do the really the fun part back to my filbert we'll take some more titanium white on it now everybody can't wait to get into this big crashing foam load your brush full of paint so there's a lot of paint there and you go up here and you just sort of push it so that on the end of that stroke see it makes all those little foamy things just think where it's splashing out here we'll have a big stone there it's nice to have big stones for it to crash on and just sort of come right on around right on around maybe it breaks right up above there right around there we go add some fresh color on there sparkle those edges they're going to be up here in the light i want to sparkle them right on around just like so nice clean brush or at least i wiped off the excess paint i didn't clean it then we can blend this in allow it to pick up that dark color it's very dark color it's underneath and that'll create all these nice effects okay then we'll take a nice soft two inch brush and just the top corner and very gently two hairs in some air two hairs in some air just blend that all you're doing is just blending that very lightly you don't want to blend all of it out but you can make it to any degree of smoothness that you want very very simply okay now let's make let's make some big decisions here tell you what let's get crazy let's have a good time maybe maybe there's another little crasher and he lives right here so you can put as many of these as you want and then just sort of let this flow back this water is just sort of coming in right here like that while i got this old brush going we can begin showing some of the foam that's climbing up the wave here you can do this with your filbert or your fan brush whatever this is where you begin bringing all this together though and it creates the angles in your wave see this is what begins giving form and shape and over here darker darker darker darker okay now we said was going to have a big stone here for it to crash again so i'll just take the knife and we'll use van dyke brown just plain old van dyke brown cut off our little roll of paint let's go right up in here and let's make a happy stone that lives right here i don't know if he'd be a happy stone or not if i had big waves beating on me all day i don't know if i'd be all that happy but anyway he lives right here right here see and you can push that wave right back just like so now that let me find a clean fan brush here i'm going to dip it into paint thinner and go right into my bright red i want this paint to be very thin very thin it's almost it'll run there it's very thin okay now then we just use a bright red today and then go right up here and barely touching you can begin shaping and forming all these little rocks see there all kinds of little things maybe there's one over here now you can also do this with your liner brush take your time i don't know if that's showing up too well there oh there you can see it but you can create all kinds of shapes that easy that easy then we'll take our little filbert brush and this water is going to be hitting here and splashing and little churny things are happening darker darker back in here then we're beginning to get all kinds of foam laying back in here just make up little stories this is your this is your world so however you want it all these little things are happening but remember this needs to come up if you're going to make it look like a little happy little wave right there then maybe let's take some brown shoot let's put another little stone right there so you can have that water turning in through there you could have a little stone over here just wherever you want them wherever you want take a little bit of the bright red and just let that fall right over there it's a super super nice easy way to make very effective little little seascapes there's a little bit of foam right there we could even have a little little bit of foam around the base of this it's just sort of up to you if you feel there should be some there then drop it in drop it in now then take the liner brush with paint thinner on it i want that paint to be very thin this is a mixture of little cad yellow little cad yellow with white and then you can go back in here and you begin adding in all the little sparkles see right under here it's going to be bright so begin highlighting all these and the more of these you put in the more interesting and more life your painting will have but you save these bright bright ones for right over under the light and then as you work away put darker ones mix up some red and white and go from there see these are the pretty little things that you like okay now them more thinner and i'll just take white and at least a little touch we'll use some bright red there so i'm making a a pinkish color and with that we get over in here a little bit saying you can make all the little doers from over in here and just continue that right on out come right along here right up over the top of this wave like so and bring a few of them down and through here see this is the little details that really make your painting very interesting okay now we take a little bit of a darker color you need a little dark edge in here i just use a little lavender so you need that little dark edge to separate that eye transparency and blend it in a little bit that really makes it stand out really makes it stand out and then you put all these little foam things in here wherever you want them wherever you want them i hope this has showed you how to make a fantastic seascape in just a couple of minutes the big thing here is the sky this is a super sky try it with landscapes seascapes just experiment with it you're really going to enjoy it and from all of us here i'd like to wish you a happy painting god bless and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 357,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pbs, livestream, bob ross full episode, full episode, snow, drawing, bob ross marathon, wildlife, happy accident, pastel, bob ross painting, tv show, bob ross, art, beauty is everywhere, happy trails, landscape, asmr, bob ross asmr, paint, bob ross joy of painting, stream, coloring, bob ross inc, painting, joy of painting, happy trees, lake, canvas, bob ross twitch, twitch, steven ross, ocean, alaska, chill, oil, free, mountain, brushes, the joy of painting, kappaross, host
Id: c4b_B2F1eZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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