Bob Ross - Lost Lake (Season 13 Episode 13)

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hi I'm glad to see you today you ready to do a fantastic little painting super tell you what let's have run all the colors across the screen that you needed home to paint along with me while they're doing that let me tell you what I've done already we have our standard old canvas up here it has liquid white all over it and it's ready to go so let's do the same thing I'm going to start out today with the old 2 inch brush and go into the smallest little amount of alizarin crimson just a little bit and just tap the bristles into it and by tapping the bristles that assures a nice even distribution of color all the way through the bristles okay let's go up here now maybe today we'll have a little pink in the sky just a small amount I sincerely suggest that you start with a nice little touch of alizarin crimson you can always add more but it's a Sun we're going to try to take it off a little bit goes a long way goes a long long way and the crimson is continually blending with a liquid white and it gets lighter and lighter in value the more you you work it and I'm just using a little crisscross strokes here just like so there okay yeah that's sad easy let's go we won't even wash the brush shoot we just go right into a small amount of phthalo blue a little blue once again takes very little paint just tap hey now let's go up here and we'll still still use a little crisscross strokes and then just put in a little bit of blue around this pink now be careful be very careful the blue is so strong they will absolutely consume your pink their blues probably a hundred times stronger than the crimson there we go okay a little bit over here you're like so jazz put it in use a little crisscross strokes that's all it takes there we go wherever you want it and you just have a little stringy cloud here and there if you want one maybe you don't want one but if you do that's all there is to it you put all kinds of happy little things in there there I like to do skies there's so many beautiful effects you can make there we go now then let me wash the brush that's the fun part of this whole technique why steal a brush shake off the excess hmm and just beat the devil at it add it with a clean dry brush clean dry brush here all we're going to do is blend this together where the blue and the pink come together just blend so you can't tell where one color stops in the next color starts there we go Jenna's blended together and maybe as usual you know if you painted along with me I'm such a fanatic for water I put water and everything I paint I will have a little water in this one too so while I have the old brush going here put a little more of the phthalo blue on it a little bit more and maybe we'll have some water in here I don't know where it's gonna be let's just put this down here and we'll make that big decision later add a little black to that so it's darker face a little little touch of midnight black we just fill this in you mess up a mind later midnight black and paler blue there we go now that wasn't so hard was it okay okay let's have some fun that's has some fun maybe today let's do it Mountain that's to admit we'll take some black and some blue take a little alizarin crimson and some Van Dyke Brown just maybe a good dark color good dark color pull the paint out flat cut across it so we have our little roll of page your head out of the edge of the knife now that you have to make a big decision where does your mountain live in your world you decide maybe there's a peak there get a little more paint maybe this comes up see and just push him very firmly and put your Mountain wherever you want it wherever you want that's exactly where it should be there we go and we just let this wander right off scrape off all the excess paint just get in there get tough with it you're not going to hurt it now what take a 2 inch brush grab that and pull it just pull it have a little trick I want to dis to the mountain the background back here but I want it the same color only lighter so with the color that I've pulled off this mountain watch here we just go right back in here and just take the brush and we'll tap in the indication of a little mountain that there's we back in the distance it just sort of lays up here in the sky and floats around very soft and very quiet that way it's the same value Longridge lighter there see they didn't that sneaky now then we can go ahead and pull this cover right on there and we've got the base coat for a big ol fantastic mountain right there just let this blend right on off till it just looks like it's floating right along in there that's just right just perfect and then we can wash your brush again of course the camera people hate it when I wash brushes here there so we get them all right let's put some highlights on this and for that I'm going to use titanium white just plain ol titanium white I'll reach over here and get the least little touch of the black and put in it just so it Gray's it down a little bit makes it a little bit grayish pull it out as flat as you can get it just Oh get tough with it cut across and we have our little roll of paint once again and with that now that we can begin deciding where light would shine through there just let the light come through and bounce and play and have fun wherever you want there we go no pressure absolutely no pressure see touch just let it come on down now if your mountains in your area or a different shape change them all I want to do is show you how to make a mountain I know this is not the shape of the mountain everywhere but if you can make one mountain you can make a million mountains and maybe maybe maybe in your area there isn't any mountains then leave it out if that's the way you want your rural to be I like mountains because they teach you how to use these knives and if you learn to use these knives you're in business and we'll take some white a little bit of Prussian blue just a small amount is very strong reach over here and get the least little touch of dark sienna and just mix it Marbley and I've got the small knife here let me wipe it off so you see okay now cut across and you get two there we go get that little roll of paint and there's a multitude of colors happening they're the same as there is here now then let's put some shadows in here I just touch no pressure no pressure no pressure bet it just glide right down the side of this all right down the side let all those little colors just happen maybe maybe they don't all show up but in here would be looking close up you can see all those different colors the same as they were in the paint now they're on the mountain so you just putting a basic shape here pull it down pull it down there now then see this peak here he needs his own individual little shadow that way he'll stand out there we go we could take air in there a little touch a dark color and go back in add in little accents there see it makes those areas deep and dark mysterious that's where the mountain goat goes to hide well and I lived in Alaska we saw so a lot of mountain goats and all sheep and all those beautiful beautiful animals there we go you know it's sort of sad no aegis this is the last show of the 13th series the last one but we'll be back we've already started working on the next series it's hard to believe is my gosh there's the nearly there's nearly 170 shows now if you if you haven't had the opportunity to see them all and you'd like to give your local station a call they have access to them just give a call tell them you want to seal take a 2 inch brush and just tap follow the angles to create a little mist down here at the base there we go you know and I started this I'd never believed we would have this mini television series that there's many fantastic people who would watch this and I'd like to thank you for making this one of the most popular how-to shows ever and owe it all to you you're fantastic and from the very bottom of my heart I thank you for allowing me to be part of your family and to come into your home's each week that's so special there now see the nice misty area at the base of this that's what we're looking for and we're ready we find this brush use the oval brush today I'll take that I had some mountain color left here I'm going to add the least little touch of SAP green to it least little touch and some white there we go maybe a touch more of the SAP green yeah that's nice okay clean off my knife let's take the Oval brush today it's fun to use I'm just going to tap it in here and tap it right into some color it's easy to distinguish it has a has a black candle maybe there's some little footy hills and they live right here little foothills just happy little foothills and because it's purchase sort of roundish on top it makes all these beautiful new shapes almost automatically almost automatically they're another thing the television series has done it's allowed me to introduce a lot of new products and a lot of new ideas that I never had the opportunity to to share with you things like the black gesso the plexiglass palettes liquid black liquid clear oval brushes all these things are things that I designed and I was allowed to to show them to you and that's fantastic I hope you enjoy them anew they make your painting life much easier and bring you many ways of doing whole new effects that you never had before okay now we'll take and pull down there even the knives I designed and worked on each and every one of them and change the shapes and made them all different ways till I got them just the way that I wanted them and I hope they work for you okay I'm going right in - right I didn't - a little bit of the CAD yellow and I left the dirty color on the brush so it turns green when you touch it now same brush I won't go back in here and just tap the indication of a few little highlights here and there don't want too much detail this is too far away too much detail would work against you because when things are far far away all you see is basic shapes basic colors there we go maybe over here add a little yellow ochre some of them I'm not gonna put anything on just leave them like they are a little Indian yellow all different colors of green different planes that fantastic and it only takes a second okay now then it's back to my knife we'll take a little touch for Van Dyke Brown and just scrape in the indication of a water line like so so now we have foothills overlooking a happy little lake take a little liquid white and put on the pallet and we'll pull that out as flat as I can get it just really pull it out get this get strong with it take the knife and cut across and with that go up here and you can just cut in a little water line just a little light area under the dart and it separates that makes it stand out there does nice things maybe there's a happy little ripple here now keep these basically straight and if you've paid with me before you nothing we talked about it all the time now then we find out will fan brush there we go I'm gonna mix up Lois mix up a bunch of color black Prussian blue Van Dyke Brown there's some crimson some SAP green whatever big pile of color just we don't have to over mix it just something like so clean off my knife let's build some happy little evergreen trees we'll do that with a fan brush just pull the brush right through the paint like so okay let's go maybe there it is right here there is a little evergreen just take the corner of the brush back and forth back and forth I think I've mentioned before I had a lady in class one time she called these Z trees like Zorro and that's sort of a good analogy you just sort of make little Z's work back and forth there I've got old and decrepit now I don't I don't teach too many classes we send my son Steve he goes all over and teaches and we have other fantastic teachers travel all over the country I let him do the teaching there we go back and forth there maybe maybe in here let's just put the indication why just kill up my little lake that's the indication here and all I'm doing is tapping down room just tapping down right we're gonna push that little lake right back into the distance maybe here and there so tree that's a little bit a little bit more detailed in here there there see there okay look at mine either one right there and you put as many or as few of these as you want tell you what I'll have another big one over here when I said I was covering up the lake I wouldn't kidding would I keep going is just gonna be a mud puddle left out there another big tree I'm sorry we don't know how big it is behind all these evergreens that are living here it may be a huge lake there we go okay that's too slow shoot that's has some fun go to the big old brush it will take that same color mixture pull the brush through the paint in one direction one direction now then let's have some nice big trees and stuff over here let's just take his brush push in the bristles pin the bristles don't let them slide don't let them slide Ben there we go there we go can do you can do anything that you want to do all you have to do is believe anything that you believe you can do you can do you can see we can fill all this up you could use your shoe to put this on there doesn't matter this is a good place to practice your brush strokes all I'm doing here is putting in background color just putting in the dark so the light will show there we are there we go just we just fill all this up okay see there we put all this water down here and all this left is a tiny little like tiny little e and that's what's so fantastic about painting like this right in the middle of the painting you can change your life you have total and complete freedom when as traditional painter I never felt free here I feel free pull the paint out flout cut across and once again we have our little roll of paint let's go up here put the indication just here and there some little tree trunks just wherever you want them just brown and white brown and white they're scratch through the paint make the indication all kinds of little sticks and twigs and stuff there people think you work for weeks putting all those in that's our secret sire a secret then we'll get a plain one-inch brush see here we'll dip it into some liquid white and go right into our yellow reach it pin here I get a little of that dark color is using because it has blue and it'll turn green our Golden Rule then paint sticks to the thick paint so I stuck it into the liquid white first only to thin the paint pull the brush in one direction okay hmm now then let's begin putting all kinds of beautiful little leaves on these put some sparklers up here work in layers always working in layers completing the most distant layer first and coming forward forward forward forward and you can put a layer after layer after layer just beautiful little bushes don't let the brush slide the other thing that causes a lot of problem is just hitting at random don't hit it or him though let's go over the other side here what this one left out don't hear it random think about it think about it there we go say there's branches and limbs inside this tree and each one of an individual has its own personality there okay little more the liquid white a little more of a dark color to make a dark green maybe there's a happy little Bush yep you're right it is right there there we go wherever you want wherever there's another one take you up super wait to make some little grass here it's all this light that off a little we use the same old dirty brush 2 inch brush and I'm going right into this yellow it's dirty it's got all those colors on it so it also is going to turn green just tap now then maybe maybe there's just soft little grassy areas that live right back in here all you have to do is tap and the more you tap these a softer the other come till they look just like velvet laying out here they're layer after layer once again start us start in the background and work forward always working forward there we go okay just work in layers work in layers there okay and it must have some on the other side to bring this down it comes right on down I can't see there just let it flow right out of that there we go okay didn't it fantastic we go brush like that you can make something it looks so delicate and so soft and you can you really can but notice here we're worried about the lay of the land I want this to look like it sort of comes down and this is where you create that illusion these little grassy areas give the indication of the way the land flows tell you what let me find my fan brush here it's getting put some Van Dyke Brown on it and just load it for to us looted flow may be back in here there's just a happy little path it comes right along here maybe on around wherever you want it just a little path I'll just take the same brush and add a little white to it just a little titanium white and just let it graze that there and that easy we got a nice little path pay you on it maybe maybe there's a little stone over here and maybe there's also a little stone right here wherever you want a little stone just drop it in take a little brown and white little highlight all these stones and they'll stand out as individuals and then we can take just a clean knife straight you put the indication of some sticks and twigs and all these little things in here and same thing on the other side scrape right through I can't tell you what let's get crazy pick Van Dyke Brown on the fan brush a lot of paint let's go right up here maybe here we go this is your bravery test right through there we'll put a happy tree trunk and if that's not enough dad didn't challenge your bravery that's do one over here a bigger one on the other side and we'll have a nice tree on each side like that we can take her knife a little bit of brown and white and let's just put the indication here and there some highlights on these trunks all I'm doing is just touching just touch it there let's go the other one need a little bit on this one don't him lift out like so now to our liner brush i'ma dip it in paint thinner and then go right into the brown I want this paint to be as thin as ink then is a turn to turn it that brings the bristles to a nice point then we can go out here and let's just put the indication of some nice tree limbs on this I will put some leaves on this so you don't have to put too many we're gonna cover up most of them anyway but if you have trouble making the paint flow add more thinner or thinner there we go let's go in the other one give him some arms to God I have an arm here so you can stand up and wave at the Sun talk to the mountain birds got to have a place to set you know one of the earlier in one of the earlier series I showed a little Robin that I was raising and we're still getting calls about the little Robin and then on the next series I'm using the oval brush here on the next series I showed a little Robin being turn loose so in case you didn't see that particular show the little Robin grew up and we let him go and he's doing fine as far as we know there we go just happening some some nice leaves on these old trees there okay let me grab my other oval brush with green on it or put a few highlights and this little painting will be about finished and once again I'd like to thank you for allowing me back in your home for another series and I look forward to the next one coming up my gosh the next one will be number 14 and if you'll have us we'll be back with you there we go and with that I think we have a finished painting and I'd like to tell you on behalf of the entire crew here it takes a lot of people happy painting god bless and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 780,834
Rating: 4.8884325 out of 5
Keywords: bob ross marathon, bob ross painting, beauty is everywhere, pbs, oil, tv show, lake, steven ross, drawing, paint, kappaross, canvas, painting, bob ross asmr, snow, alaska, bob ross inc, wildlife, pastel, stream, happy accident, mountain, free, chill, host, asmr, bob ross full episode, livestream, bob ross, bob ross joy of painting, happy trails, ocean, coloring, brushes, landscape, bob ross twitch, happy trees, the joy of painting, joy of painting, full episode, twitch, art
Id: 9-ATP8xyDM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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