Moto X Step Up: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2017

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a beautiful day outside and inside as we get set with a lifeproof motox step up final and we have a brilliant step up lift step for battle as we take a look at the setup Cameron Steele alongside Mike Mason and down in the dirt getting assault info is crispy ly looking forward to what should be a massive step up competition talking about what we've been seeing in practice the athletes have not been afraid to air it out yeah I've been around this stuff a long time and this is by far the biggest setup I've ever seen now that the lips mass and we're looking at about 15 feet to 19 feet to the landing perfect dirt I think it's going to be an awesome event the king so to speak of step up has been Ronnie Renner 11 total step up medals seven of them gold but last year he left with no hardware frustration definitely a big part of what he left with and I think coming back with a vengeance this year yeah definitely know Ronnie's not you said not being on the box at all and he's used to being right to hunt take that thing up another notch so this is going to be a huge man he needs to really reduce a lot of Redemption from last year split Gold's last year and one of those winners was Jared McNeil lots of style very familiar name when you're talking about best whip which will also see today in the X Games but he is a huge factor coming in let's talk about how it's going to go down for those you've been around step up for a long time you'll know if but let's explain it yeah basically there's a path lean they all get to him to try and clear this bar you get the part the first time you get another one hit that one you're done heat rounds double elimination like I just said both of these guys want to get over to think first try though because it's not going to just keep beating yourself up over and over on this make the landing brutal and the first try is definitely the goal for sure and you get two tries at every height and we get a good look at our athletes a couple of them there and you know there's sometimes there's big energy and big fun and sometimes there's big stress and let's take a look at the lineup what do you got here Mason what are you thinking the outside of Renner I mean we got to talk about big deal and Padma for sure yeah McNeill Padma your double goals from last year underdog could be Chris Foster rice is always up there he's a good rider I mean this feels stacked it could be anyone like I said with this setup here it's perfect we're going to see good highest here we could be breaking some records for sure our only rookie in the field of course is Foster and he is the only one that doesn't have a next game step up metal as well so everybody else decorated as we get started with round one at 28 feet is what I understand our first height will be and talk a little bit about the setup the jump itself running into the face with posture get ready to go yeah this is one of the most intense events when it comes to moto you know you're the dead stop and then you're basically getting that 450 up is passing go and then you're running into a wall and trying to bunny hop over the bar basically so what are we got here we got co-sponsor life through moto I step up ready to go that's Chris foster from Canada brings it in he is our only rookie and smoke pop get ready he's actually never competed and step up I talk to him a little bit before teaming now based on the lip and the setup that you see 28 feet shouldn't be a giant task for any of these riders now 28 feet this is basically just a warm-up for these guys you know get everything going get X Games underway and but once we start getting to the 30s that's where you'll really notice these guys stretch stretching to get over the bar he's clean way over in the height now it's not always the height to get them sometimes it's the trajectory you know hitting your front wheel catching it you know those different nuances you've got to be careful to not only get the height but get everything you need to get over the mark yeah I've seen it a hundred times of these guys that they'll hit the bar on the way up but they clear it by 10 B you know so if there's a lot of interview you've really got to get that front wheel over it and then engine coming down you don't want your back wheel getting into it as well Hudson is now up from Temecula California and he has three X Games step up medals of course he was gold at foz de iguazu brazil that guy's ricky shot actually just switched by Stewie was on the Kawasaki 450 last year we going on to this year boy I said it was good no problems no problem and I was talking to Hudson a little bit before the comp started and you know just super calm super stoked on the equipment and all the athletes have the same thing to say about the setup they love the setup yeah you can really tell that this setups good this year you know none of the athletes look super stressed about it I mean they were doing a little work to the lip which there's a new rule implemented now you can't touch the lip at all once the event starts so they were all out there you know put in extra hours after practice everyone looks good that prompt saying this could be a record-breaking day today our hero Ronnie Renner again he left last year with Bill Hardware big frustration we talked about the legendary status of Renner 11 step up metal and Renner focus 40 years old still out there hair in this thing that's a present renters had quite the career you know he knows he's getting down to the end of it for sure so I think he wants to start you know adding up some battles hopefully get one here today if you haven't seen it before you brutal as we move along right now the landing is not intense but as they start soaring as we raise the bar it gets very tricky yeah once you get to those mid thirties you know 34 35 36 there that's what the landings gonna start to hurt that's where the pike can actually get away from you a little bit you know you come off this thing a little front end high trying to not hit the bar on your way up and sometimes you can't correct it it'll just stay front in high and you land and blow shoulders out all kinds of stuff so these guys got a lot on their mind right now beyond Cassini coming up next and he has a interesting style with his front wheel on his bike something different talking about not one to hit that bar yeah yeah he went with the Moodle guys we got a suite ready to rock and roll at X Games he's ready you know I'm back to his equipment he went to a 19-inch front wheel and I guess it's just mainly to make sure he's not hitting the bar on the way up but I don't know what that would actually do to the motorcycle like those feel different or you know what it's going to do once you're getting into the mid-30s there Massimo be on Cassini locked and ready to go 19-inch for a wheel talked about that generally front wheel yeah once again not a problem awesomo is always one of those guys he could he could be the dark horse in this thing and come out of the metal you know he gets up there but just have to see how this thing turns out all the way from Italy to compete he has two metals in step up there's a good look at that wheel and also going with the seat bounce technique taking off sitting down kind of trying to preload the shock a little more and get a little more hides out of that and as you can see kind of getting the bike a little sideways just to make sure you clears that bar some guys will go straight up and over and some guys like to get it sideways it's really personal preference both of them work just fine leave or Padma in the gate yeah Padma he's kind of the go-for-broke type of guy you know you're you think he's out of it and he just keeps clearing the bars I'm out he's been really impressive over the years and it came with the gold medal last year tied with McNeal see what he has I don't think he would have any problem getting over this thing sometimes as the bar isn't that high yet sometimes you catch them slipping a little bit like they get tangled up they don't have a good run in and that's something we'll talk about more and more as we move on to the comp the run in right now it doesn't look like a problem because the bar is not high but once you start need to needing to have that grip and acceleration to get the height then it starts to become more tricky yeah you can hear these guys right now they're really low in the RPMs on the bike and you know at 28 feet on a 450 you don't need a whole lot more spar to get over it but once we start getting to the 30 the dirts really tackier so when they're going to take off that bikes just going to want to pull out from under them so once we start getting higher they're actually get into the meat of that power you're definitely struggling a little more and a good look at the overall setup here lifeproof motox step up look at Jared McNeil from Australia and 25 years of age you've got all types of bike skills if you want to see something really wild hang around for best lifts later today right now this is actually its first time on the 450 while showing off had to take the hand off just to just you know getting the competitors heads a little bit but yeah last year he was on a 250 two-stroke says he's loving the 450 I think it's a you have to be on the same equipment as everyone else can compete with some of these guys are getting on the bigger bikes I think the blue is smart it looks like to me that 40 feet could be no problem the record of course 47 feet from Renner in 2012 it all depends on the setup and how they're getting their run ins we'll see how it goes but it looks like it's going to be massive and we're going to have the second round when we return Jared McNeil has over houses everybody in the comp is going to get more difficult as we raise the bar more lifeproof moto except up when we return people are pumped as we get set for more life proof motox step up moving forward and the bar is coming up and so is the tough action which would be the running is going to be very tough as we take a look at our course information mace Witte on here I don't know what I got everyone looking good right now you know I mean as you can see right there we got the 30-foot run in takeoff right about the hall blanch about 60 feet tall this is definitely this is definitely one of the biggest events I've ever seen a step up you know everything was perfect the lip is perfectly smooth sometimes you have the problem where it kind of troubles away a little bit you know it'll get a little bit of holes in it it kind of takes away from the guys confidence but with this stuff it it's perfect it almost looks like a cement without there that's what I'm thinking we're going to see the height that we see today step-up has been a part of the X Games since 2000 and it isn't quite the thing I like about it it's simple they clear the bar they make it it's like a high jump for dirt bikes but I get you shopped at it you know that's cool gotta get a couple you've got to get over the bar yeah you doesn't matter how you do it and you got to land it yep you have to we have change that over the years you definitely have to land and right away yep no ghost riding the whip and getting away with it you have to land a thing and you know we're up at about 31 feet now so we should start to see the guys getting a little closer to the bar but I still think we got a couple more rounds in us before we really get to wedding I don't think it's gonna get serious we start getting closer to 35 36 that's that's my feeling I'm thinking 35 going to be the number where we start seeing Chris foster holds on to his silver medal in real moto which is another tool discipline of X Y a real Moto's awesome is a you have a 90 second edit I believe it is do what everyone with it and you can see the run it actually looks like the grip is solid I mean no one's really pressing right now because it's not the bar has a great bit risen that high but it's a it's good even tougher but it does look like they have a really solid running yeah yeah that's the good thing is it's not going to look like they're pressing either because it's not hard packed they're not spitting out going up the lip you know this is a good tacky run in all I think ought to do is just make sure they get the initial Drive they're going straight at the lip and from there you're good to go in the gate the reverse gate backed up to it of course Bryce Hudson's up next first so let's see how music plays into his riding routine and this moves as soon as you put your helmet your goggles on all the problems in the world kind of go away [Applause] you're in the air you're in the zone you're not thinking about anything else I think music plays a big part in pushing your limits as an action sports athletes as long as you can pick the right kind of music that can really transform what you're trying to do my name is Bryce Hudson music moves bryce demeanor is just cool calm all the time every time you talk to me just smiling and laughing yeah he's such a mellow guy that's what's weird when you see him get so hot on the floor it's like just talk to the person you'd never think you that kind of guy a beast on the motorcycle Dixon line everybody has their own line and style we'll start diving into that a little bit more as it becomes more critical but the athletes were able to shave in and work on the face of the jump a little bit and started but now that we're in comp as you said me there will be no more touching the course and Mike you have 8 X Games medals you have it in step up now step up why not only did summer X Games like 2008 step up and it was one of the most scary events my life I think I hit the bar bribed second round here right yeah we're on some strokes back then to that so it was hard so Hudson smooth and over no one's had to take a second run yet don't forget to have a second shot if they need it here at lifeproof Moto X step up this is a man Ronnie Renner 18th step up appearantly he's been around for a long time you know he's done so much good for the sport not only a step up but just in freestyle moto and as a whole you know I'd really like to see him do the thing like I said he's definitely getting up there you know he's one of the pioneers of step up and flowers fighting the kind of guys have really built this event into what it was it's a push to push the limits each year you know I think at one point they are up at 47 feet in Staples Center now just amazing high a zone and we've seen some amazing names along the way the legends are dominated like Renner and clower spikin but also Jeremy McGrath Ricky Carmichael Renard was going to whip up and over no problem now you can tell right now these guys 31 feet is no problem for and they all look really calm and now keeping their cool you still want to take this issue like you said just one little lapse of concentration or anything going up to the thing and you Nick the bar with different wheel there you can see they're pretty close to going up it's not so much the actual height going over it but you just want to make sure you get that front wheel up and over the bar rather up and over clean lots going on here at the x-games Minneapolis what a beautiful Stadium Wow US Bank Stadium just I mean so beautiful well put together the fans love it everybody had pocket has just been like on point and Stoke seeing different events excess outside all these different disciplines inside it's been a lot of fun already at Massimo young Cassini is ready to go and like you said he's kind of a dark horse he comes in hot he puts it together yeah he does he could be the guy at any time and you know with this setup and everyone feels so confident it's really hard to pick out who's going to be the favorite this thing so can't count Moss haha that's for sure he doesn't experience and the thing he knows what to do and the 19-inch front wheel versus the standard 21 maybe not a huge advantage but mentally it puts him in the game as well comfortable within your confident with your mentality that's one less thing you're worrying about when you're going up to the lip you know so like I said the only thing I would wonder is just how it floats if you get kind of firm in height when they start get into those higher Heights you know like how's it going to react so sure he's done some testing with the zone and I just don't have their winging it I don't think anybody's winging it at this point step up is seriously you guys are on point and talking to Jared McNeil's crew they they have secrets they're not sharing and kind of the overall vibe it's like you've got that race feeling where people don't want to tell you what they're doing yeah for sure these guys all built their bikes specifically for this event so they're not going to go around and share their prepare speakers but with winging it let's go back to that too is a lot of these guys don't practice a whole lot of home but this isn't exactly an event you want to just keep eating stuff up with over and over so a lot of these guys probably had a week or two under their belt another kinda coming out and seeing how the deal well training is a huge part you see Padma starting on the far to our left side other and he does yoga meditation daily you know like you said you can't smash that lip every day you can't take those landings but he gets in the zone a different way yeah yeah for sure you're not taking care yourselves a huge aspect of anything that's where whether it's freestyle or step up best trick any of that stuff you know you definitely want to keep your body healthy because the sport beats you up no matter what and Padma actually just got back on the bike you know he he had a hand injury over here but I think he started riding in May so he's only got two months going right now as you can see the way these guys land even at 31 feet I'm sure that hands taking a little bit of a beating you know still factually healing and all that for sure right now let's go down to the third member of our broadcast team Chris Delia's down with some more information guys speaking of the super secret formula for these bikes I just caught up with Jarek McNeil and he told me that this bike is essentially bone stock a little adjustment to the suspension no adjustments to the engine and he did with some new foot pegs on there now that what he says I mean what do you guys think Chris job you know out was talking to his tech we talking to John earlier and he was a very clear that they've been working pretty hard on the bike but maybe that's all part of the mind game not sure which way I think no matter what he did to Mike it looks to be working just fine for sure nothing stock Bluff is a little hard but I'm with you I don't think they just you know bar finds the dealership put some foot pegs on it I'm not buying again I'm not feeling it but again it's all part of it you know you don't want to let out your secrets or maybe you want to give misinformation or maybe you just want to get their heads maybe you really didn't do nothing that bike but you know they're locking it down and not let anyone see anything they can get that some guys head people at home if you don't understand this bar is going to keep going up and up and up until there is only one person who has cleared that height the question is how high will they go and it looks like they're going to be sailing because 31 feet is absolutely no problem this is a good look at what X Games all about on the outside XS come in check out the live proof good smash it with a hammer and meet some of your favorite athletes Jared maquila signing autographs earlier and now hear that you work and things are getting serious people in case you didn't know we're back inside live truth Moto X step up here at X Games Minneapolis then a lot of fun here in Minnesota and I got to tell you it gets serious now because the bar I think the officials are saying hey 28:31 not a big deal but now we're going to 35 and you're looking at the man Ronnie Renner who's put it together many many times and he's gunning to get back to gold let's check out a little bit more about his ex career watch this Renner is ready to go if you get over this bar he takes the gold [Applause] [Music] [Applause] medalist my first X Games was 2001 had no idea I was even going to go into X Games and the first time I ever saw step up I wasn't even attracted to it I said there's no way I'm going to do that I saw Tommy flowers who was the king of it at that time yardsale himself and I think broke his collarbone right in front of me and I'm like you're not going to catch me alive doing that to chose later they needed guys to fill in to make a couple extra bucks and I was hungry I needed money so I started doing step up and that night I ended up battling with Jeremy Steinberg I think he got me but it showed that I can do it it was like kind of easy for me once I won in 2007 is a good feeling you know you can't help more of that got beat by bite in a couple of years and learned my lesson on setup and preparation and then 2012 through 2015 I won every year so in 2016 I came in just as confident I put in what I thought was the right preparation to leave there with no hardware it was kind of a pretty good low um I'm looking for redemption you know I don't come to these things not looking for anything but a win I'm not happy with a silver I'm not happy with bronze you know there's it's not like there's 20 guys going at it there's six to eight dudes and I don't think there should be a podium at that point go for the gold [Music] yeah Ronnie there you can see just a professional at all cost you know he does what it take to win the thing he's taking it very serious and got the hardware to prove it for sure we talked about it already lemon-thyme medalist seven gold the stat says he doesn't practice because of the too harsh on the body but Renner is ready to go as we move on to the third round and we raised the bar four feet as we said we are now 35 feet it's going to get more serious and that is one of our top five height in the history go back to 20 flowers in 2000 35 feet was that height the fourth of the highest final height and right now of course it's Foster's turn and take the shop first yeah and just looking back our wish two feet over that right out of the gate and foster says okay I'll trade for that no problem you know I've seen this guy that is his real motor parts all that stuff this guy can fight skill by skill can ride a dirt bike so that's why I was kind of thinking him as my underdog even though he wasn't technically in until I believe this morning but he had the skills to do it and a good look compressing coming off the lip once again doing the steep bounce technique off a lot of guys have went to that you know for years it was just kind of stand up a pretty load into it but I feel like the Steve bounce is really getting at the preload they need that to spring them up and over it spring them in a more vertical sense straight up popping off the lip get your suspension compressed and let the springs do the work if they pop off the top adding your weight sitting down on the bike is a difference-maker yeah exactly exactly if you're standing up you just pretty much use your knees and kind of try and preload it but sit down you can actually blow out that shock and get the spring off the top of the lip and now it's up to Hudson at 35 feet I have this feeling AirAsia 35 feet Pesce Hudson's loose wave it at the camera looking relaxed out there I think there's everyone going a couple feet over no monsters with a couple feet over it'll bomb so I don't think everyone should be just fine at 35 it starts to come down to how they get out of that reverse gate [Applause] easily up and over those landings are starting to get a little more harsh you can see every time we go up the landings are getting a little more hard so you guys want to get over it on that first try and just you know save their body for one that the heights go up Wow he's got that by a good six feet I am no it's not more and as you can see the higher they go huh starts to lose a little control of his bike not it bad wait just you're just dropping straight down there's no forward momentum whatsoever so that's where when you do get higher if you come off that lip you really don't have much room to manipulate the bike that's where it gets a little dangerous no stress don't look down no he's got he has no stress whatsoever a little bit of fan social media calling it epic I would say that is a solid statement it has been unbelievable so far we have so much more to go not just here at step-up but so many more disciplines to go and before we move forward with Renner let's get down to Kristine thanks guys prepping for the face of this jump is really important to them before they actually get ready to go if you can see the center of the jump that was Roenick rowdy runners work right there it actually starts in the middle and then certain severe right now he hasn't really utilize it yet but that's a pretty deep rub there and I think now that the height has up a little bit he's going to start using that it might be key to his jump Thank You Christy for sure as you see he's got kind of a turned in lip and he was you know there's a little bit of frustration and a little bit of back and forth between athletes down there because they can't shave the lip on he wants to shame a line across which he does and then some of the other I was like hey he just he just shoveled across my line yeah there you can see use it gets over the bar no problem but that was a perfect view you can see the lip it just looks like a wall these guys are just running into that thing and bringing them up like I said that you know Brian Manley and Matt McCall those guys open hospital it this weekend and everyone looks comfortable on it yeah mentioning Brian Manley taking it back to the days of before the freestyle motocross competition out in the hill locked to you well the cliffs the step ups manly definitely one of the most talented dirt bike riders I have rode with and he has a touch for the dirt when he's in the tractor he can really put together he and Matt have done a great job here at the X Games Minneapolis and Renner no problem I wouldn't say he had the height that Hudson did but he doesn't need any more than just to get over the bar yeah Ronnie's smart like that he knows where he's got to be and you know like I said what the landing is getting harder and harder as they come down he's probably just trying to save his body a little bit smart move if he asked me that remove forty-year-olds of all the way from Italy Massimo young Cassini and he has of course a bronze medal from last year and run that smaller front wheel we'll see if it comes into play and your call Indrani you know old at forty seven and he is easily up and overall I thought I thought when they with it get a little more gamey but once I saw him starting sorted no I think there's no problem sinking we're getting into the forty oh yeah I think there's no problem there like I said just the running is perfect that's tacky dirt all the way up and you can hear these guys they're not even getting into the power yet they're just kind of violent up to it hitting the lip and taking off and I definitely see 40s no problem today and we've seen all kinds of stuff up comps over the years I mean we've seen them where people are eliminated all those everybody's eliminated in the first jump yeah you know it just depends on the condition the setup as we said the lip is great and when you talk about the lip there's a transition then there's the face of the lip and what's cool about this to talk to the riders is it it feels like to them you can get your whole bike into the transition whole bike on the lip and sometimes if it's a little more teak that makes it much tougher but this is smooth looking yeah this is smooth they have plenty of time to navigate their bike through the lip you know sometimes there's been times where they just run into it they're taking off and that's where you see you guys get from in high all they got plenty room to work with the bike I think we're breaking records today interesting the record from 2012 Ronnie Brenner 47 feet we've already surpassed the fourth height in the record books for a final height with Tommy flowers from 2000 and Tommy just this awesome we found of talented dirt bike rider as all these guys are he really brought the step up to prominence and he had so much domination as we've seen from Ronnie in more years past and just again to say I'll get the slip is usually at 35 feet you're getting someone hitting the bar once you know maybe still clearing it but hit the bar once or guys getting close and these guys are I don't even look like they're trying right now they're just going right over it I'm thinking now maybe you know 38 39 40 feet is where we'll finally start to see guys struggle a little bit copy that after looking at Jarrod McNeal he actually build his own jumps back home let's take some time to hear more from him about how he does it you know kids grow up with video games and they just stuck to a TV screen and all of the kids it always was out in the sandpit as a young age like just playing around digging dirt with shovels and things and moved into equipment so when I get into an excavator or a piece of equipment I'm just like zoned in and you can't stop me I don't eat I just as soon as I start operating it's like all day long my parents owned a 600 acre dairy farm and what I've eight years old and that brought an excavator so being operating equipment on the farm net since I was a young kid and you know you ride bikes and you go to the tracks then you enjoy it so when you actually get down in the gritty you know dirt and actually build stuff yourself from your bare hands like sit on a machine or get a shovel or pick up a hose and water and actually put time into writing in another Avenue like building jumps and things like that I think you get more enjoyment out of riding a dirt bike as well [Music] a little bit more about Jared and I can tell you from experience that I love driving the equipment build the jumps for about eight hours and after that it starts to feel like work but if it's definitely something more in tune with the dirt as you're building it here is mcniel for 35 feet you think included I think he did Mason I wanna know at the top of the polls are because he was all the way up over those things on that one well we might just find out a little bit later and remember we're going to keep going until they're all eliminated but one and here's a good look and he has the height right about there is where he starts crossing the bar just checking out the bar saying hello to it no big deal bring your in Lander saw he's good to go I've heard all about little packets off at any rate at this point may feels over everybody has cleared 35 feet the question is how high will we go when we get back they're going to raise the bar and the intensity will increase will find out what happens when we return to lifeproof leather-like step up from Minneapolis and just like that it gets more and more serious the bar and lifeproof motoi step up is now at 39 feet as we rain to the fourth round no one has failed an attempt yet no one's had to take a second run and we're at the second-tallest level we have ever been in an X Games history of course the record of 47 feet Ronnie Renner from 2012 the second highest winning height was Ronnie Renner at 38 feet six inches in 2013 and right now we've gone to 39 so that's pretty serious and it's time to struggle right now no one's going right over this is a four foot jump so now he's going to get more serious we're going to see people breaking traction possibly maybe they'll prove me wrong but you think this thing's going to the record I think it's going to the record for sure we've seen McNeil just audio almost all up at it without the bar even be in there so it could be to the record but yeah this is definitely the part we're going to start to get deep and there we go we have our first head the landings are going to just start getting brutal from here oh now once you get you know you're around 40 feet he came in calm with traction you just need more of a burst yeah if I have enough he didn't get it on the lip he actually hit it right going up yeah catches it with his front end so I just didn't get that pop you know and that's what gets hard about this is you could still clear the hide but it's hard to actually get up and over that bar and we talked about Christmas we got in when Axl Hodges withdrew and so this is his first time ever competing and step up he has great Pike skills as we talked about hails from Canada silver medal in real moto a year ago and right now he's the first rider to take his second attempt now just to be clear if he does hit the bar he's not eliminated if so someone else clears the bar yeah yeah he's not out yet but you know I think he's learned you learn from your mistakes pretty quick maybe he thought he just could get enough to get over it and now just let it rip and see what happens but either way I don't think it's a disappointment because you know he was a last-minute addition has no practice man has never done this event in a competition so he's doing great and if it came down to a tiebreaker at some point it could come back to number of attempt so even if he cleared this level now he has one missed attempt that could go against him in a tie-break situation yeah for sure what do you think he's going to make it I don't know he hit that thing pretty low on his bike you know he has knowledge cleared it's fairly naked so you can have to really get into it on the lip here do to get over the things let's see what kind of drive he gets off and reverse gate honestly - with the dirt being so tacky the higher we get it's going to be harder because that bike doesn't want to break loose and get into the RPM it's kind of baggage going all the way up the lip so that's one thing we got to look out for do is is just getting the drive into it it also takes the desire which we know he has but you have to get your mind active the landing is he cleared it but he was he was running high that was a momentary hold your breath for both you and I and I'm sure for him yeah anytime that front end comes up high venue it's definitely holding your breath and that's what I'm talking about the higher you get the harder it is to manipulate that bike but it just takes off right out from under him and he is just holding on for dear life right there Oh once you get out of source on step up there's not much to do about your hanging on and luckily Lansford the landing still at all steep here that it's going to help these guys out a little bit but he didn't clarify much certainly he was he was definitely going into the pole was his problem not necessarily the height but he got the pop he's up and over he had to take a second attempt that's the first time we've seen that at 39 feet things are getting serious yeah it's getting heavy now we're starting to see these guys really have to push themselves brides Hudson was clean one round to go he looked like he could definitely get another four feet out of it and I think he I think we're gonna see a little bit clearer for husband's deployment yeah Hudson has a lot of experience with this stuff and he should be good to go but it still comes down to getting the drive I mean you could be the best at the sport we drive no problem and over by a couple feet and laid a nice and hard there's your ticket on the back revved up that Marigny quite the adrenaline rush begin up that high and falling straight down no any clear as far as always a good feeling whoo yeah he's close but he's clear yeah see this is the point where they're driving into the lift so hard now they're starting to get close to that bar on the way up not so much actually going up and over it but just you don't want to hit the bar with that front wheel all the way left in the gate for Renner and man he is all the way to the side renders more of a whip style guy he likes to go up and over at kind of sideways that's probably why he's going from you know left to right to try and get that good company pocket for him to get over this bar and we talked about it before the cop he did some work face looking comfortable he thought he doesn't look he would render circuitry rattled a little bit yeah for sure he's definitely a visual guy you can see one extent of all I will spit at respect as he got out of there and I'll problem he has the hype of the brow oh that was a big hit hit his face off for stealing that visor all buckled up like that that he made a fine right there in the landing just still takes a toll and he that's this event it's so hard on the body he has a lot of height but he's pushing into the bar Souter see now yeah all that Heights not going to help him if he doesn't get more vertical pop yeah he needs to get up a little steeper on that thing but that's what I'm saying - incorporating the web style let's take a look at this shot provided by Pacifico from the spider cam Oh does not look like it's going to feel good see in it it's crazy to see Lance find he's not front-end hire you know front end low or not that he landed finally just dropping from almost 40 feet is there's no smooth way out of that at all someone needs help with that visor that we can't running that thing notice the content his crew right there Mario helping them out sure he'll get on that visor for you yeah an anthem Oh with that I think if I will right and we'll see if it makes it easier for him to get that up and over he doesn't need as much trajectory if we have smaller front-wheel in theory yep yeah we're about to find out work for him not over a thousand he way down that he went up and over no problem that started to fall over towards the bar he's done that you got it and relieved I see now that it's getting more serious you started to see the body language of course the impact we saw one myth so far from foster take another look and you know what if he didn't have that small wheel on the front he might have nicked that and he was cutting it close there for sure he lain together his suspension seemed to absorb that landing pretty well he looks pumped man but you said a relief once you're up there you know you clear the bar you see they clear the bar and then you're just staring at the ground for what feels like ten seconds you drop straight down to it leave more Padma left here with the tied gold medal and pawn mall has been very serious about step up you cannot be a six total step up metal to gold you can definitely see the higher it gets the more fidgety they get before they take off you know start it didn't look like he had a great take off there not a great Drive but he cleared it no problem he had a foot to spare there at least that's a good mental note for him when he goes back even though he cleared it you still make that note and he's even calling it out right they're probably thankful to get over that one for sure he has the vertical pop for sure it's the forward movement of the he may be looking for later but great presence of mind readjust the body clicks the rear brake let's talk about what clicking the rear brake does yeah clicking the rear brake just trying to bring that front end down just a tad whenever your front end ie just stop the back wheel from rotator should the whole your bottom down and if you notice to pong ball with a straight route he went straight up and over instead of how he was trying to wiggle and at 39 feet Jarrod McNeal don't forget you're going to see Jared McNeil is the best lip later on as well where he's not afraid to take home some gold medal yeah yeah known for his wit but I think right here he's putting the staple on step up look at that hello look at that style going over the bar it's like he's at the top not the heart could go to 50 feet yeah that's the height that I met all these max on that thing and he's getting over and over often you can tell McNeil you know he has a heavy racing background and you can just when he takes off it's like he's just coming out nice and smooth couldn't go 250 that is the question the record is 47 feet everybody up and over 39 we'll see where shows when we return to Minneapolis there is a lot of unbelievable content to check in with as we move to round five you are inside the US Bank Stadium here in Minneapolis x-games 2017 this is the lifeproof motox step up and you are looking at Chris foster our only rookie in the field everybody has cleared 39 feet our highest is 47 this is now the second highest of all time for a final high deface this is where it is going to end we this is where it's going to be the former record for the second highest was 38 keep six inches and we are now at 43 feet how students yeah just about sad that we're going to take you guys get eliminated mess around this and getting up there if you had to pick right now two riders that you think have looked the best the most spot on who would you pick I'd probably dinner in McNeil right rather and McNeil I actually I think a call out has to be sending therefore Hudson has looked really solid as well but I'm with you and look at the compression the bottom out and this will be the second time the Fosters had to take a second step now remember he was an alternate and got in so he may not have been training as much as the other athletes when it comes to step up and like many of them say they don't really ride practice because it's so vicious yeah and so we'll see what foster comes up with this is only the second time we've been above 40 feet yeah I need this morning around when I walked into the venue look at this live we were going to have some on some some big heights going you know the things get crazy it's it's tacky out there they're getting a good Drive and Olympus perfect the year that we went to 47 feet Brian Deegan was eliminated at 40 feet so third place he was a bronze medal at that time I saw Brian Deegan here by the way yeah one of the originals of the 1999 X Games in San Francisco for freestyle moto G ramiz den Berghe is also here I heard Larry linkogle is here Oh lay on there and you know for us we can hear us with oh that isn't necessarily the forest because we see that he might be locked up in the air yeah and the alternative to that is no good okay no good at all it's going to hurt dropping out of the sky at 43 feet look at that when that sucks you know to put your body through all that and still hit the bar but pause we gave it a good effort man you know he didn't even know he was in till this morning and to come out and get the 43 feet I don't think that's not to be too bummed out about so we have our first rider that has missed is not eliminated until somebody clears that height more facts coming in about step up and all-time top for Heights which one of those is you want to try to tackle Nathan probably goes to 35 feet I think about right i mean i still would make it that high but that's probably only what I want to try Tommy flowers back in 2000 our first ever step-up competition Tommy one of those riders that came from that born and bred desert rider Aki Wells Palm Avenue a couple spots where there was big cliffs and step ups Tommy skill and style unbelievable and Tommy really extended his career you know he wasn't as much as the freestyle tricks we've gone Tommy really started to focus on that step up and shout out to Tommy flowers for sure ptoo was there at 99 for reef out in the park isn't kinda makes it happen and Klaus is definitely gotta put stuff up on the map with the bike stall there I'm nervous going right yeah well you know that's the little things right it is hope that doesn't mess with his head too much 43 feet looking for our first ride you could hear his mic just didn't get up there not necessarily anything he did wrong just you know want to hit that tacky dirt the 450 didn't want to break loose on him it definitely looked like you did not get the pop he was looking for he was hard on it I mean you saw and he hits with the back tire on the way up just barely Clips it look look at outside of his he went babe is it yeah it is like I said that when you start getting higher you really start losing control over your bike and you just kind of long for the ride and Matt bitin hate speaking a legend he's watching X game step up one of your buddies closely I don't miss the blackening though ya Biden he's had some his fair share of hard landings yet shoulders his shoulders I mean I think if it wasn't for bite and shoulders we'd still see him competing here yeah for sure you know that's that you're with McGrath when you have the dual shoulder kept coming down popping it back in and going for it that was a that was a pretty memorable X Games for sure I mean maybe not for him but for the people watching you know show too much hard financially had heart and skill I mean you won against Jeremy McGrath seven-time Supercross Champion guy with Mike's skills for days Hudson with the second attempt remember he's not eliminated till someone cleared that if he doesn't make it but I have a sneaky suspicion he's getting over this one he just needs to get that drive done right here oh I don't know if I like that run and you got it [Applause] here's Mike actually get to the RFP and pick up away quicker than it did earlier the Panther pitch now that fans are into it and you know on TV you can actually tell how high this thing is but you know from the stadium here looking at that bar is way out there and hugs is look at the takeoff up and over 43 feet he is I mean he is up over the front trying to pop that height yep shifts his weight up and over to bring the bike down in the upper together it's kind of weird to watch it on double screen yeah yeah Hudson but yeah you can definitely see the celebration now these guys every time they cleared it's like a victory to them and you'll see now let's take these fired up you'll see now Foster's name is cross out as eliminated because now someone has gone up and over court he was in the 40s up like I said nothing to be bummed about yeah now pay attention now the attempts could come into play later and right now for Ronnie goes let's get it down to Christie what is going on down there well guys Ronnie just came back I think maybe he checked in with medical and I didn't get a chance to talk to him but he was holding his back earlier I know that fall was hard on him and I wasn't sure if he was going to come back out for this but he just popped out and here he is on the run it looks like he's ready to go hopefully it's okay yeah this is where Ronnie's just got a real eye strain on adrenaline she knows it's not the middle of the thing but he really wants this and right now sure his back hurts but once he gets up in the air he hears the fact Brian Hudson is only the third rider in X Games history to clear over 40 feet there we go Oh mister now that doesn't count as an attempt I was raised your hand keep doing that but that does not count against Renner because he did not send it off the lift and Ronnie doesn't look good right now he looks like he's a pain uh you know I'm wondering if he keeps considering that maybe this isn't a good idea this events not one that you want to have painted either like this back starting it's only gonna get worse you know the higher that goes hope for the best or hope it's not too bad and here's a look at it start you can see the wiggle I just don't think you had it ever it looks like he just wasn't really committed coming out of there you kind of just started to roll if it had to back out last minute rather holds the record for height to 47 and do the little tests there get the starting area all straight now this is the hide where it gets really critical if you got to make sure you're lined up good everything spot-on because once you hit that lip you're just hold on redder the question is how does he feel and can he get the pop that he's looking for she's definitely in pain but like I said he's just got to try and put it what's going on down there talking to Mario I would love to say his last name how to pendulous I believe that he is part of his crew and Ronny definitely not feeling comfortable yeah my except that's not the event where you want to have an issue you look at the bar at 43 feet right now no no matter if you close it or not and drop from that height and that bags father that's that let's take a look at what happened with Renner this is what happened earlier yeah over the bar fine everything was good just bounces bottom right off his feet just probably just compression you know just and of course we already heard that he visited with the x-games medical personnel and looks like he does I think I looks like Ronnie who's going to call it that's a bummer man he looked great then and we felt get he wanted Redemption but sometimes the body just disagreed to again with taking a look at Renner unfortunately looks like using a pole from the event we haven't got that officially yet but Ronnie definitely making a smart decision I think yeah yeah like I said this this is the event if you're any kind of issue you don't want to push it you know if you're backing on get shame and it's this is a smart move it there's always next year welcome people the world as we get set to continue the life group motox step up here at minneapolis of course x-games minneapolis has been unbelievable so far as we get a good look at Massimo Bianco CD we are at 43 feet high on the step up which is basically a high jump for dirt bikes everybody gets two shots Chris Koster eliminated Bryce Hudson took two shots to get up at over 43 feet and unfortunately for Ronnie Renner an injury at a lower height has forced him to withdraw so Hudson the only rider up and over at 43 with three riders left to go including Italy Massimo Bianco fini [Applause] never got the dry money like I said you can tell right would hear the mic where where they're going to know we've got another attempt at it but that's get high and I'm sure these guys are starting pretty stressed out Cameron's filled calling the action alongside my good friend Mike Mason eight times X Games medalist actually nine time if you're going to break it down but he just missed straight up just that was a mess yeah hit it with this front wheel and then even if it's front wheel that nitty concede he didn't have the height they're a lot of it I think just was you know the initial drive I want to do it does he want it that's the question at 43 feet and got to really want it yeah that's where this is getting down to the crunch time where these guys it's they got to be willing to risk everything and I know I gave me that extra medal that was a specialty event but there was a metal and of course bringing us all the reports from down on the floor here at US Bank Stadium Kristy Lee we talked to her a little bit later but right now we're trying to find out if anybody's got anything for Bryce Hudson and if it ended at 43 feet this would be the second highest height for a win at X in X Games history the highest ever is 47 feet which was Ronnie Renner in 2012 only three riders in X Games history have ever gone over 40 feet Renner and bite to 2012 deed was eliminated at 44 third place Bryce Hudson is the third rider that's made it over 40 feet at a next gate step up yeah that's awesome that's not believable like I said when you're up in the stands and watching on TV it's one thing but when you're down on the floor looking up and seeing how high that as far as actually off the floor it's it's it doesn't sound like he's getting all the poppy did he fix it on the way up yeah yeah she just he that might even just be a set up issue you know maybe his bike was steered a little too low or something cuz he could tell he was trying they're really committed but he just never got the RPMs he needed the on Cassini is eliminated take a look he has a pop he gets the height but dixit all the way up the small front wheel he got it back to the drawing board for next year and you can see big contact actually never had the height of the rear now I think both the Sam's heat heat gave it a good effort the pulpit amp she just did quite having speed to get it and he is officially eliminated which leave Hudson has cleared it took him two tries at 43 now the two riders that shares the gold medal one year ago leave more Padma and Jared McNeil and McNeil has looked really spot off the pot balls been clean yeah Padma he's always a guy you think he's going to hit it and then somehow he gets alright so he's never out of this thing he's got some metal you've got some experience like I said at this point it's just down to how much you want it and if you're going to commit to this thing you know no pot balls going to give this best effort and Padma has brought home the gold two times six overall step-up medals now for a few years there they didn't give us silver bronze they did at first then they started going only gold and now they're back to all three yeah I think three is the way to go these guys aren't it you know they're like right now we're up at 43 feet I think all three of these guys deserve to share the podium for sure and the tiebreak is based on number of attempts little shaky out yeah oddball he's ugly get the drive shaky right out of the gate there cut off a little sideways just never had it so it's up there look at how high it straight up in the era it's up there is probably a huge understatement yeah it feels like it's in the cloud yeah and we're saying that from the booth you know we're like eye level with the bar so if they keep if they keep going much higher they're going to have to hang the bar from the ceiling here at us a stadium miles Richmond one of the guys that have been around freestyle motorcross for many many years and of course he's telling it we go for they're going for it best landing and step up ever well you know what happened with that tweet there yeah 2012 I was actually in step up and I pulled out of it to keep my speed settled and I sort of focus on that and miles was the first alternate I thought it was being a good friend let him get in there get the pvp how many pro Kadima yeah tough without miles super talented good attitude good style and the step up definitely bit back that day it did it bad but he's recovered well has a lot going down he's a good boy so Hudson has cleared pod wall is looking for his second attempt and Jared McNeil is watching on leave that we deal with that high five - Bryce Hudson yeah these guys actually changed weather so I'm sure they're both kind of root for each other probably get to see all their hard work kind of starting to pay off the question now Kim Padma get up and over 43 feeder does this become a battle between the two training partners I think pod Walcott a he's just got to get the drive out of the game he gets that I think he's fine I want to get to the live and here we go I don't know never it didn't seem like ever got the drive yeah he just can just tell there's something guys are bikes marking up you know the dirt is so sneaky that they're for having a little bit of trouble breaking that thing loose oddballs eliminated he saw Jeremy Stenberg down there thrown some high fives around got him with the front wheel on the way up and pawed ball from the Czech Republic eliminated and Hudson sight I don't think Hudson wants to go again if he doesn't have to right I would want to go again about them I'm not sure they've been raising it in a giant increments I think if they do have to raise borrow go to smaller increments yeah I think from here on out it should go up a little bit at a time but what do you think McNeill look spot-on and practice and he isn't soaring it you think you've got this one yeah I think you gotta I got confidence in an I mean first shot first shot I'm feeling it as well but it all comes out of that Drive that's where we've seen the problem everybody's maybe just a little too hooked up yeah like I said McNeill he's you know he's got a good racing background all of his previous attempts he's taking on super smooth good Drive into it one one step up metal and it's the right color gold gold medal from last year and I know he wants to add to that so see how this one goes for me 43b first attempt from Australia Jared McNeil oh yeah no problem not a problem right there [Music] the fans love it and I want to point out with Shane he has a racing background you can hear it what do you get ready to take off he gets his bike into the RPMs he's not trying to take off and then get it up there you know he's actually got something red before he even takes off kind of like a you know I started a race so that's helping him a lot talk about the style reaching for it I've never seen such good style and stuff um honestly it looks like he's out there just practically professed whip right now always looking down at that ground spotted landing and you can even see he's starting to panic a little bit when he's coming back down this just oh that's a long fall he had he's got out of the river and he's got all kinds of room front wheel the back wheel he had no problem lifeproof moto like step up has become a - rider battle for gold Jared McNeil from Australia Bryce Hudson from the United States they're not only friends but they train together so interesting I guess we can clearly say that the training has been working and taking a look medalist from one year ago we already talked about it reveal a pod Mull sharing that pod mod now eliminated and we will move forward raising the bar one more foot and that's a big foot that's 44 44 44 feet deep that's huge the question is who will finish with gold who will finish with silver I wonder now going back to them being friends at the regret train together a little bit you got to wonder but hey they're at the top of the highest level in step up why not you with your buddy yeah yeah exactly I'm sure now I mean it's still a scary event but I'm sure they're a little bit of pressure off of it kind of let's see you take something home I have a feeling in the next round or two this thing's going to be decided husband from the United States McNeil from Australia and Hutchins tolls again I work for last time I think he'll be alright it took him two attempts at 43 we'll see what happens on his first attempt at 44 [Music] No there was kind of a weird zone there at the take-off where he didn't have the Rebbe tried to get to it but never got the drive never got the pop and that's what I was saying earlier about McNeal is when he does his next run listen to his bike when he's taken off he's already got a rep where these guys have kind of just been trying to roll straight get their bike guided where they want to go and then get it in the RPMs I think McNeil's got the right idea right now that's why you're seeing him go away over this bar and Hudson didn't have the height on the rear either now that was just a complete mess just lack of speed going into it good shot of Brian Deegan one of the bureau you sport he was there at the first-ever X Games we talked about that and hibbett Stenberg both down there talking to big deal I'm sure they're pretty early but they just get to watch the fashion they're actually risking their life you've been talking about let's talk about how I hit those landings are also got a good shot of Biermann who we're going to see later in best whip let's talk about these massive impacts we've already seen it take its toll on Renner but so hard on the body yeah yeah and Renner is the perfect like I said he landed just fine there's no you know it wasn't add a controller out there but just drop it to the sky like that just to press you so hard these guys are out the line 44 feet that's just execve attempt for a husband go little wheelie into the live I think that's I like to take off better though he had the bike up there he tried now it's all on McNiel shoulders to get this goal bottom line if McNeal clears and one of his two attempts he's the gold medalist yep Hudson will be silver but if McNeal hits on bolt attempts we'll start talking about tiebreaks yeah or extended attempts would go first I think McNeil's got this up no he I think McNeil's got this thing is that he might be asking to put it at 47 to see if he hits the record just get the record real quick and we've talked about the all-time heights throughout the competition you're getting good look now 43 feet cleared is the second all-time height and look at that right there 47 feet that's insane because we're at 44 right now and it is way up there maitain also cleared at over 43 feet just remember that so right now Hudson is cleared 43 McNeal on his first attempt he clears it here this is gold medal then lifeproof motox step up as long as he can to get drive out of this gate I think you've got it I agree with you I think gold going to back to back big deal Oh pitiful really going in no problem and no problem [Applause] [Music] they've got so much talent on a motorcycle and a favorite coming it's to the best lip yeah a little bit later on another event tonight but I want to say that switching that 450 for this event was huge for I don't know if a two-stroke would even have to count over 44 feet McBeal never hit one never had to take a second attempt he now holds the second height record in X Games history Ronnie Renner still holds it at 47 feet for the win in 2012 but today Jared McNeil clears 44 feet for the gold at Minneapolis 2017 the lifeproof Moto X step up and officially the metal count will will come up for Renner he with the tie rig he will take the bronze metal Pat is right there I think you're very excited that's gotta be a good feeling no need on that door and let's join in on the excitement with Christian oh man lots of excitement going on here Jared congratulations back-to-back gold medals what did realize that's what happens when you practice that's all I'm going to say I'm so stoked right now this is amazing two gold medals let's get another two best whip voted for me and then I'll go quarter pipe big area tomorrow as well so yeah looking forward to it let's get three gold that was absolutely insane but there even a brief moment in your mind where you doubted that did practice I was going over the bar anyway they need next year they enough to make high poll so when they make a lot polls next year we'll go home so yeah I'm not not noticed there it is the gauntlets been thrown up taller pull over next year guys there's your gold medal Gerald McNeil it's true don't fight there MMR
Channel: X Games
Views: 2,991,239
Rating: 4.6654482 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, moto, dirt bikes, motorcycle, motocross, moto cross, moto x, freestyle motocross, freestyle moto x, X Games Minneapolis, X Games Minneapolis 2017, Summer X Games, Summer X-Games, X-Games Minneapolis, X-Games Minneapolis 2017 Moto X X Games, Moto X Best Trick X Games, Best Trick X Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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