BMU Revival 2018, Dr. Tolan Morgan

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I want to summon your senses and invite you intellect to the book of second Corinthians chapter number four second Corinthians chapter four it is there at the Holy Spirit is highlighted for us this familiar context of Scripture beginning with verse number six second Corinthians chapter four verse number six I want to try to lift up this doctrine of passage where the Lord orys for God who has commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God not of us we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down and I've destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body I want to take this text the treasure within we see it in the Lord's Church if you and I decided that we wanted to get some pictures put into a frame we would go to the store and buy some new frames and those new frames would be accompanied with paper pictures those vendors who sell frames often sell them with a fake paper picture inside of the frame to give the buyer an idea of what that picture would look like in that particular frame frames then are often sold with fake paper pictures in them you're interested in the frame you'll have to buy it with the paper take it home unwrap it and then remove the paper picture out throw it in the trash and put a real picture of some kind of event or person that has sentimental value place it inside the frame and the minute you do that the frame means nothing because it has something real on the inside [Music] [Applause] when you buy it it's a real frame with a faith picture but once you get it it's a insignificant frame with a real picture and once you put a real picture in the frame in order to preserve the picture you got to preserve the frame ladies and gentlemen when you and I got saved we meant nothing until something real got on the inside of us and now we have to be preserved by the Lord in order to preserve that which is on the inside of us somehow suggests to us that the real value of that which is external is contingent upon whatever is on the inside there's not much of value on the inside then there's low value for that which is on the outside and that is Paul's message to us tonight as he writes to the church at Corinth a church he started planted founded the church that has now turned against him this this particular letter written by Paul is what many identify as his most autobiographical of his books and he has to be autobiographical in this particular letter because the Saint said the church at Corinth had been infected and perverted by the infiltration of false teachers who have come into the church at Corinth and their first strategy of bringing this church to naught is to bring reproach against its founding pastor they have infiltrated the church and have raised issues of reproach against Paul the first issue with Paul is that he is not a real apostle [Applause] the second issue with Paul is that he is not a man of his word because he has changed his itinerary said he was gonna make a trip there and was not able to make the trip there and they have manipulated his alternative itinerary to suggest that a change in his itinerary has come against his personal integrity and their third challenge with Paul is that they are accusing him of stealing money they have raised reproach against Paul that he is pocketing money that was raised for the poverty-stricken Saints in Jerusalem it is very clear that this is a serious problem because as he writes this book Church the undeniable reality is that he's writing the book to address folk that came to Jesus through him who have now turned on him they are accusing him of not being a real apostle they're saying he's not a man of his word and that he has taken money that was ministry allocated and pocketed it for himself and thus he writes this book to vindicate his Apostleship and take a stand of integrity against the attacks on his character starts in his book by sharing with us how though you may be attacking my character your attacks are not Valley but I am not so high and haughty that I would suggest to you that I am above reproach all I'm trying to tell you is that you've attacked me in areas that are not true but I will remind you that I'm just an earthen vessel carrying around valuable treasure might I suggest to you the night let me just preface this and tell you that you're going to be bored with this sermon tonight because because the church doesn't like doctrinal silence [Applause] so if you already sleep it just go ahead on and leave it's important ladies and gentlemen that when you look at a passage you must understand the history behind the passage in order to grasp and understanding of what is happening in the passage here's what Paul is simply saying I'm not guilty of what you've accused me of but I'm not coming off like I'm perfect I'm just carrying around treasure in an earthen vessel and what you need to understand is that what is really valuable about me is on the inside what I'm carrying around is the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ and in order to understand that we have to understand this person this this treasure this this this entity this individual called Jesus Christ what is Paul really saying he is saying church that I am valuable because I am the habitation of the God of heaven Jesus lives on the inside of men and if Jesus lives on the inside of me then all that is of God lives on the inside of me this is a this is this is a powerful statement ladies and gentlemen because what he is saying is that the God who spoke the cosmos into being by the command of his voice now lives on the inside of him he who is to be to be housed lives on the inside of him who is that I and I wouldn't know him if it wasn't for Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ according to Matthew chapter 3 verse 17 is the son of God that means he is God's legacy John chapter one this Jesus is the logos of God he's the word of God which means Jesus is what God had on his mind John chapter 1 verse 4 he is the light of God John chapter 1 verse 29 he is the Lamb of God John chapter 3 verse 16 he is the love of God Colossians chapter 1 verse 14 and 15 he is the likeness of God Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 he is the life of God in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily Jesus Christ is the legacy of God he is the logos of God he is the light of God he is the Lamb of God he is the love of God he is the likeness of God he is the life of God because he is God and because of all that he is is inside of me I knew you'd be bored with this look doctrinal speech tonight and I just proved because I've been talking about Jesus for five minutes and you still sitting there looking at me like I'm talking about nobody one day the church will get happy again just about Jesus no cars no cash no crib is no man no woman just plain Jesus what one day we gonna go back to get happy about Jesus but who is the love of God the Lamb of God the legacy of God the likeness of God the light of God anybody in here thank God that Jesus yeah I knew you'd be bored sigh I get excited talk about it because there's something got his name sees all my guys Kong's on maderas power in the name of Jesus if I'm at a wig I'm alcohol listening the matter funeral I'm gonna call his name if I'm praying over my food i'ma call his name if I'm baptizing somebody I'm gonna call this man his people are getting saved at the neck it's and all this you call your name nobody get half as mad you call your name some people get mad but if everybody called Jesus name something begins to happen when they talk about the name of Jesus he is the divine content that is on the inside of you and I and here is the tension of this low text he puts the divine content in a defective container [Applause] the bougie people on this side let me talk to these football here let me try it on again I said he puts the divine content in a defective container not all of y'all who know you ain't all that and a bag of chips you testify that that's why you get happy cuz some reason someway somehow God continues to put the perfect in the imperfect the unlimited in the limited the unbreakable in the broken I was ahead some help it God some way continues to put this fine content in a defective container listen to what I say say we got this treasure in earthen vessels God in Liars in whoremongers cow in okay let's see one thing I don't like about church folk y'all holy but you ain't honest you trying to act like that that you just cause you in church and dressed up you don't have some imperfections so let me talk to about 15 real people imma be number 16 who testified that's why you get hacked about God because you already know you're not good enough for him to be inside of you and effective contain go in earthen vessels [Applause] there's some options with this earthen vessels there's some options with this earthen vessels it looks like it looks like pot it looks like it is this allusion to taking treasure and burying it in earth or taking treasure and putting it in pottery where it cannot be easily discovered but that interpretation is wrong this is that this earthen vessels has nothing to do with earth or pottery because if you read the context it has to do with how your house light come on I thought it had some Bible readers right here because the knowledge of God light so it has nothing to do with pottery it actually is an allusion to laps that these earth and vessels ladies and gentlemen are designed that carry light without concealing it I try to give I want you to carry him but I don't want you to have it because I don't want you to be guilty of having an affair with Jesus okay y'all still actin brand-new the whole issue is to carry him but let him be known and it's to many of us we are not in a relationship with Jesus we're having an affair with Jesus and we come on Sunday morning to get our fix and then we go back out in the world and nobody knows we love Jesus but if you really love Jesus something about him all to stick out oh okay oh look look look look boy went to btus Vacation Bible School got home from Vacation Bible School his dad asked his son what you learned today he said I learned about Jesus then what'd you learn about Jesus they said he's supposed to be living on the inside of us but they had this big poster of Jesus and I got confused because the poster was broken bigger than me and so I asked my teacher I said if he's supposed to be inside of me and I'm small any supposed to stick out still slow if Jesus is on the inside of you something about always stick out he ought to come out your mouth he ought to be in your feet he ought to come up your heart he ought to be on your mind something about Jesus Oh so I've got to learn how to carry him and not concealed him but that I carry him in such a way that his glory emits and exudes out of my life and all I'm trying to tell you that while y'all are dogging me I'm a defective container trying to carry around divine content every now and then you all to see sticking out in my life that's the that that's the front part of the text show that you ought to just take home but I'll just sneak in this back part because it's gonna shout me I ain't gonna shout you it'shat me he says I'm gonna prove that this relationship between the divine content and the defective container works I know it doesn't make sense because the last thing God ought to be choosing is defective containers but i'ma proved to you that this relationship between the content and the container works listen what Paul does he says I got the treasure in verse 6 and 7 I'm the container in verse 8 and then in verse 9 he gives four list of events that reflect how effective the relationship is between the content and the container he says this hottest thing work he said this hottest thing work he says we are troubled on every side let me translate it in in the Greek it literally means we are we are closed in into a tight place but we're not him then okay it's like how y'all sitting right now you're sitting real close to somebody but just because you're closed in don't mean you can't get out we're troubled to own every side yet we are not distressed all right he says we are perplexed but what but not what in despair let me translate that for you he says we're at a mental loss that's perplexed but it doesn't mean we don't have a way out it means that when your mind has lost ways of trying to get out your mind don't match God's man God always supersedes human psyche and when you don't lose your way mentally he's always got a way out okay that didn't get you watch what he said he says we're troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair we are persecuted but not forsaken this one means we are chase but not left behind okay you missing weird chase but not left the hell it means somebody's behind us but we left the Hank or somebody with us [Applause] [Music] behind you trying to push you to a certain direction but God says I won't let you run alone cuz I'm not gonna forsake you alright you missed it and here come the fourth one we are cast down but not destroyed still slowly when they threw me down I should've shot but the reason why I didn't shatter is because I got trapped on the inside and you thought the left was keeping the treasure when the truth is the treasure is keeping the left tuckson even tell your neighbor the reason why I'm here right now is because what I'm carrying on the inside is actually carrying me [Applause] nice down but not destroyed okay still missed it still missing Pass pass pass that's baton when I was when I was a little fellow one Christmas my mom mom bought me a punching bag okay thanks thank you Pastor we lie cause they actin brand-new for Christmas pump it up and when you hit because on the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] praises you should've been dead already but you [Applause] I'm not keeping the treasure the treasure is keeping me I can't get no help in here I'm keeping God God is keeping me [Applause] okay all right [Applause] good Perkins I've been trying to work y'all through this little lesson to get to one point I got one point pass I've been trying to talk get y'all to one point Paul says I've been cast down but not forsaken and we like if we keep this text in his historical context Paul is saying the treasure of God is on the inside of me to help me survive search firm [Applause] still smoke he is addressing people in a church he started who are backstabbing him lying on him saying all kind of bad stuff and he said the reason why I'm still standing is because I survived ministry injury and the who tried to cast me down was folk who the who tried to break me people I brought to Jesus the who tried to destroy me I gave some benevolence money to is that people who trying to kill me people who I bought a car for oh you don't want to say that now but the real testimony of this taxi is you are survived charger that's what you have not been destroyed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm in the Bible see some of y'all shout over what your enemy has not been able to do but the truth of the matter is you won't tell the truth that your enemy was in your church I got some passes in here man right now because they haven't had to survive some stuff you said about I got some members in here right now who I lifted my hands as a testimony that I still go to the church I got hurt in touch your neighbor tell your neighbor that's me if you have a survived Church hurting this is your testimony how they slay me I'm still going to church I'm still shouting in they face I'm still leaving the choir I'm still hanging on the ministry I could care less about what you say to me cuz guess what I survived ministry injury [Applause] some of y'all in here right now gotta give God praise as you get the shout in front of who you know dog anybody in here had to do with my dad and son welcome hang on you look don't even know you know [Applause] [Applause] I quit I quit we'll try this again tomorrow I quit I quit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all mr. Texas let's go home on this just grab your neighbor by the hand and tell the neighbor you missed the whole sermon if you missed this the trouble came in verse 8 the treasure was in verse 6 still misty I'm a trout my Mogan the trouble came in verse 8 the treasure came in verse 6 still slow in that corner right over there the trouble came in verse 8 the treasure was in verse 6 which means for those of you who can do the math God put the treasure in [Applause] before the trouble ever came which is the reason why you survived the trouble cuz God always give the solution before the problem shows up goodnight this it this it hit man hit the body did the Bible look at verse 10 he said they never figured out that while y'all were attacking me in my own church what you never figured out was a bear in my body the marks of the death of Christ look at verse 10 that the life of Christ may be made known in the same box I'm a travel mug in because you mention marks on me so that his life can be made known [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you were trying to kill me and what you didn't know was in your attempt to kill me you was bringing out the very thing you were trying to kill and the very thing you were trying to kill you was giving life to [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] don't play me I know why you still here because of you it's because who's on the inside of you anybody here thankful you got Jesus anybody here thankful you got a treasure if you got a treasure then give God praise but the treasure that's on the inside I said give God praise but the treasure that's on the inside they thought they took you out but you [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Greater St John Church
Views: 30,036
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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