Reporter Chameleon +More | Super Rescue Team Collection | Best Cartoon Collection

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Baby [Music] Bus [Music] wow it's a ghost run [Music] hi everyone I'm reporter chameleon and I'm here to investigate a mysterious ghost case now come with me and take a look [Music] huh [Music] there's no ghost here [Music] H am I mistaken [Music] ouch coo what's the emergency chameleon a reptile can change his color according to the temperature or his mood he's a reporter who covers mysterious cases just now he got hurt by accident while doing his job he needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] w [Music] Mr chameleon Mr chameleon Mr chameleon ghost stay away from me Mr chameleon we're super Rescue Team Super Rescue Team it's so good to see you oh no what's going on with me don't worry I'll give you a checkup start [Music] analyzing here's the result Mr chameleon's pigment cells are damaged so he can't change his skin color I see leave it to me super recovery [Music] machine it's all done uh it doesn't hurt [Music] anymore yay I can change my color again wow Mr chameleon you said ghost when you oh the ghost yeah I saw it it was so scary it's impossible there's no such thing as a ghost but I got a video of it look at [Music] this something's wrong meum meu let's go uhhuh super Rescue Team catching a ghost aha this is going to be an exclusive hey wait the flowers are all ruined yeah what a Pity something's over there let's go have a [Music] look huh it's just Fallen [Music] food it's the ghost go away Mr chameleon go away huh super for Rescue Team it's over there let's go wait for me oh stop right there the ghost showed up and super rest te is chasing after it now my camera I got it [Music] a oh no it's going to run [Music] away it's a squirrel later guys hey hey oh watch [Music] out he's in danger super [Music] [Applause] [Music] speace Kiki we're all right what's scary isn't the Ghost it's the squirrel I'm so sorry guys Mr squirrel why are you pretending to be a ghost and scaring people this Valley was full of flowers but more and more people came and ruined the flowers and place I was afraid of losing my home so I disguised myself as a ghost to scare them away I see we're all responsible for protecting nature and the environment Miss Mr squirrel will help you hi everyone this is reporter chameleon's exclusive the most beautiful flower Valley in the world let me show you around hi I'm putting up a warning sign hold on please don't pick or touch the flowers I'm [Music] sorry let's start our training don't even think about [Music] scoring [Music] hey such a shame if only my arms were just a little longer oh [Music] emergency K what's the emergency gib a kind of primate is well known for his long arms wow his fingers can touch the ground he's good at climbing and jumping which makes him the perfect worker in high places he's a repair man at the amusement park today heing a final safety check at the amusement park before its grand [Music] opening hey names your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's go [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] Mr Gib where are you Mr Gibbon I'm here my arm Hur hurts so much don't worry we'll give you a checkup right now start [Music] analyzing here's the result Mr Gibbon has some scratches on his arm and his muscle is strained too got it I'll treat him right now H there are a lot of scratches leave it to me and super recovery [Music] machine [Music] recovery [Music] complete I feel much better now thanks you're welcome I need to check the ferris wheel I'll have a yummy banana to start my [Music] work [Music] [Music] wow hold [Music] on that's amazing Mr Gibbon it's like you are flying through the air this is strange why am I hearing children's laughter the amusement park isn't even open yet let's go and find [Music] out wow it's a pirate ship be quiet nobody knows we're here we can't be found mhm what's [Music] this huh let's ride it wow oh no the pirate ship isn't fully installed yet watch out so now oh no the ship fell into the water help us somebody help [Music] [Music] us please check them out for me and find a good spot to get them out copy that I found two spots ahead of us that will work Kiki I'm coming to help you get ready W okay [Music] Kiki right here got you great don't worry you're safe [Music] now Ticky watch [Music] out oh no it's a waterfall hold on tight super [Music] speed k k meow meow over here rides and the amusement park are not safe until they're fully installed you should never play on them I'm so sorry we'll never do that again thank you for saving the children have some yummy [Music] bananas wow I wish it became night so I can get Santa's giip me too I can't wait oh we're running out of time to deliver the gifts where is Rudolph oh no Santa Rudolph is in trouble he's not feeling well and I think he needs help what quick call the super Rescue [Music] Team what's the [Music] emergency reindeer with branches like antlers on their heads are good at long distance running Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer is the head reindeer of Santa sleigh but he's having hallucinations and can't see clearly in a sudden he needs your our help we're on on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] ah I'm feeling sick H why am I seeing two Bridges I feel so dizzy H what should I do Santa's still waiting for [Music] me is that the rescue bus Rudolph what happened I was about to meet Santa and deliver the gifts to tonight but for some reason I felt dizzy suddenly don't worry we'll get you checked right now okay [Music] MH [Music] oh Rudolph has food poisoning food poisoning a Rudolph what did you eat just now I ate some of the mushrooms over there huh H it's flyer Garrick if you eat this type type of mushroom you will hallucinate your vision becomes blurry and you feel dizzy and sick H what should I do don't worry Rudolph I'll treat you right now hey start [Music] shrinking what's happening Kiki you must be quick he's not in a good condition he might throw you up got [Music] it [Music] H found them check this out super [Applause] [Music] recovery done oh no I have to get out of here [Music] [Music] AR you okay I'm okay just a little dizzy how is Rudolph doing I feel much better now thank you guys oh I have to go and meet Sanda [Music] now he hey what's the matter the bridge still looks a little scary we'll cross the bridge with you great thank [Music] you R keep going there's nothing to be scared of watch out help help [Music] help help we'll save you right away it's an emergency we need to go headquarters help K Rudolph is is going to fall off the bridge we need Hank to help us copy that Hank kiky needs your help please move out right now good it the great hang can solve any [Music] [Applause] [Music] problem [Music] [Music] pink the blue can collapse at any time please saay Rudolph quickly goed [Music] [Music] out are you okay yes thanks to Hank good job Hank of course I can solve any problem huh quick run there's a snow slide snow [Music] slide quick hide somewhere safe there's a rock there come on hide behind the rock ah my [Music] bell ah where's Rudolph he was right behind [Music] meol really watch out super [Music] speed [Music] py Kiki Kiki are you okay we're [Music] fine W great everyone is safe let's go and meet Santa right now okay let's go but it's white everywhere now I can't see the road what can we do my eyes can see ultraviolet rays I can see the way even in the snow great I'll put on the bell for you let's go right now okay thank you you're [Laughter] [Music] welcome I hope Rudolph is okay Santa Santa I'm back huh sorry to keep you [Music] waiting Rudolph thank goodness you're okay I heard you got into trouble on the way yes but the rescue team helped me hello Sant super Rescue Team thank you you're welcome goodbye goodbye super res team keeping you [Music] safe hi I'm kinki the leader of kinki and muumuu Rescue Team whoever's in trouble will be there to help be [Music] [Applause] careful w w [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay wow Momo I didn't know you could cook I have so many talents that you guys don't know about let's eat now okay try the most delicious food in the world stir fried carrots carrot buns carrot soup deep fried carrots steamed [Music] carrots H emergency we've got to go [Music] don't go you haven't eaten the food stay and finish [Music] it woo K what's the emergency elephant mammal he has a long trunk he's a firefighter but he has some trouble while putting out a fire he needs your help Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] a [Music] wow help us [Music] help are you okay why is the rescue team not coming yet H the fire is getting [Music] bigger the rescue [Music] bus you made it help me I start coughing when I suck up the water don't worry we'll help you right now let me take a closer look thank you now my trunk will be fine start analyzing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] results are in his trunp trunk is blocked blocked oh then I'll go inside his trunk and find out what's [Music] wrong so dark in here wow where's the [Music] blockage even [Music] further it's so deep but I have to go further woo wo wooho woo meum Mew he's got some gum stuck in his trunk huh the wind is so strong the gum is blocking his Airway so the elephant can't breathe well aha I'll handle [Music] [Music] it Mr elephant what's wrong my trunk it's so [Applause] itchy Kiki how's it going ha problem solved wow that feels better oh thank you so much is anyone there please help me help the sound is coming from under there I'm going to [Music] scan it's Grandpa Turtle we have to help him right now ouch ouch it hurts terribly be careful he might get hurt more we can handle this okay I need support from the headquarters Kaka we have another problem we need pilot Momo's help copy that Momo we have a support request from Kiki please move out now copy that here comes the flying Momo [Music] [Music] n Momo move the sideboard grab a Turtle trapped underneath no problem on it fly up up up up I go flying even higher up up up I [Music] go oh no I can't see clearly help Momo Momo de to the left [Music] okay [Music] come on watch out K me super [Music] speed Kiki are you okay I'm okay how's Grandpa [Music] Turtle I feel dizzy I just went to buy a bottle of soy sauce then this happened well you're fine now Kiki and Mio Rescue Team thank you for saving [Music] me thank you all firefighters oh thank you it's all thanks to your help and don't forget Mama of course thank you yeah [Music] [Laughter] yeah woohoo yeah wo Kik and M Rescue Team keeping you [Music] safe huh welcome wow he's so tall Mr giraffe I want to tell I want a dinosaur all right I'll get them for you here you go thank you mrff my Dino Dino okay Dino Dino uh [Music] oh hold on for a second [Music] [Music] Mr giraffe oh my neck hurts so much I will call Super rescue team right [Music] now flamingos look so elegant uh-huh I love their long necks W [Music] emergency Kaka what's the emergency giraffe the tallest mammal on land today he hurt his neck while doing his job he can't move and is in a lot of pain now he needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come [Music] please hang in there super rescue team is on its [Music] way super Rescue Team please help Mr giraffe don't worry uh-huh start [Music] analyzing [Music] here's the result two of Mr giraffe's neckbones are broken it looks really serious huh I'll treat him right now super recovery [Music] machine [Music] oh it doesn't hurt anymore huh my neck is all right now yay that's great what's wrong Mr giraffe I don't like my long neck huh isn't it good to have a long neck not at all I have lost a 100 jobs because of my long neck what what once I worked as a driver at a farm la la la and once I worked at a cafe [Music] but I'm going to lose my job again Mr [Music] giraffe [Music] there's a fire let's go elephant firefighter we're here to help you super rescue me everyone cover your nose and mouth with a wet towels and follow [Music] me this start life [Music] searching huh people are trapped upstairs H H oh no help help meu some kids are trapped on the third floor and the door is blocked I need more time copy that we'll figure something out oh no it's too narrow to get in higher higher huh the ladder can't reach huh our kids are in danger what should we do I think I can do it elephant firefighter I think I can reach it let me try Okay please do what you can mhm look he did it come on slide down my neck SL down it's too high Don't Be Afraid look my neck looks like a long slide doesn't it oh wow mhm come on just slide I'll catch you wow that's great kid it's your turn come on watch out oh no super speed y they did it yay super Rescue Team thank you we couldn't have done it without Mr giraffe's help I never thought that my long neck would be a help actually your long neck was a great help really would you like to join our team your team you mean I can be a firefighter sure we need a good teammate like you I'd love to H I got a new job congratulations on getting a new job [Applause] y attention all citizens the typhoon is coming please be careful shut all windows and prepare for the typhoon 1 1 2 be careful guys thank you no problem the typhoon is coming go back home everyone be careful thank you m emergency let's go back to headquarters [Music] CA what's the emergency wood CH he has hard Claws and he's a great farmer but today while harvesting crops before the typhoon comes he got hurt he needs your help we're on it super rescue te let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] Mr wood truck super Rescue Team please help help meou my hand hurts so much don't worry I'll give you a checkup start [Music] analyzing here's the result Mr w ch's hand is hurt and his claws are broken too Mr Woodchuck digs the soil with his claws he can't do his job if they are hurt oh no I need to harvest my crops what do I do don't worry leave it to [Music] me start shrinking [Applause] I found the wounds super recovery [Music] machine [Music] huh recovery complete [Music] huh I feel much better that's great I can work again wow you're awesome Mr Woodchuck huh [Music] oh no the typhoon will be here soon I don't have much time we'll help you Mr Woodchuck huh there are still many crops left to harvest we need support from headquarters Kaka we have another problem ask Momo and Hank for support copy that mom Hank Kiki needs your help move out right now copy [Music] that great come help us harvest the [Music] crops [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay yay we did it no not yet there's one more H what one more look at this wo such an enormous radish this is my precious super radish come on let's pull it [Music] out it's too big we can't pull it out oh wow it's so big huh come on Han help us to pull it out leave it to me nothing can stop super strong Han y yo yo yo look it's moving pull it hard everyone yooo yooo wow let me help you pull it out yo yo yo yo come on everyone pull it out pull it out pull the r [Applause] we did it oh no the tyon is here everyone into the barn he huh hey the ti frood has pass don't forget to go and get your food [Music] everyone thank you Mr Woodchuck bye super Rescue Team thanks to you I was able to harvest all of my crops Mr Woodchuck can you teach me how to grow big radishes of course awesome if I had a radish like this I'd be able to make radish dishes for a month what radish dishes for a month fried radishes Tean radishes radish soupish CED radishes [Music] here's your pizza enjoy wow that was fast thank you Mr flying squirrel oh I need to hurry I'll be late for my next delivery huh watch [Music] out [Music] Mr flying [Music] squirrel wow smells [Music] great I ordered a p come have a bite everyone wow it looks so yummy h Huh emergency I'm going to eat them [Music] [Music] all Kaka what's the emergency flying squirrel a mamal he's good at gliding and works as a delivery man but I just got an emergency call he got hurt while doing his job he needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] a Mr flying squirrel hang in there please super rescue team's on its way look the rescue pass Mr flying squirrel are you all right it hurts so much don't worry we'll get you checked right now start analyzing [Music] here's the result he got hurt in his patagium what's patagium it's the flap of blue skin between flying squirrel's wrists and ankles the patagium helps squirrels glide through the air and they can't Glide well if they heard [Music] it oh I see then I'll give him treatment right now the pagum is so elastic huh there are so many wounds super recovery [Music] machine it's all done oh oh I feel much better w w wo [Music] E I feel so [Music] dizzy thanks oh no the pizza for the hot air balloon carnival hasn't been delivered yet we'll help you out really sure sure [Music] yipp wow look at those hot air balloons so beautiful and they look so fun to ride wow there are so many things to eat H why isn't the pizza here yet the carnival won't be right without pizza pizza I want some pizza me too me too sorry kids the pizza isn't here yet a how about we go play over there okay the rescue [Music] bus wow it comes to deliver my pizza Mr Dow here's the pizza you ordered please enjoy it thanks kids are waiting for the pizza hey kids the pizza is here the pizza is here yay let's see Pizza let's E Pizza we can't go [Music] down H oh no the kids are in [Music] danger [Applause] help oh no the balloon is out of control I need to call the headquarters Kaka there's a new problem here we need pilot Momo's backup right now copy that Momo Kiki needs your help please move out now got it here comes flying [Music] Momo Momo is here easily done good job [Music] m a it's time to shake again huh what's wrong oh no ears leaking from the balloon stop help watch out super [Music] [Music] speed everyone's safe now kids you need to be careful never run around like that again we won't do itry thank you super Rescue Team it seems our hero is hungry let's have some pizza together huh wow [Music] finally so [Music] yummy gray donkey this is air traffic police officer bat a flock of birds are in front of you get out of the way what birds oh no I can't see anything don't panic just follow my directions steer to your right copy that that go down thank you Mr Bat no problem that's what I do gray donkey is ready to land copy that clear the runway [Music] yay perfect Mr Bat is amazing he stopped another accident Mr B are you all right my my ear really hurts hold that K yeah no way watch me he hey good job you did great [Music] [Applause] emergency Kaka what's the emergency bat the only flying mammal in the world he sends out ultrasonic waves receives the Echoes by his ears and the location of the target he is an air traffic controller also known as air traffic police officer but he's feeling unwell and can't do his job right now he needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] Mr Bat Mr Bat oh the rescue [Music] team Mr Bat what's going on control tower control tower Great Wolf's all ready to land my ear hurts so much I can't do my job don't worry let me give you a checkup start [Music] analyzing here's the result his ear got swollen and infected so it couldn't work well got it I'll give him treatment right [Music] now [Music] where's the swelling huh oh it's so deep what's going on just a few moments Kiki's doing his best to help I'm sorry it just hurts so [Applause] much [Music] huh why is there so much water in Mr bat's ear water maybe it got into my ear when I took a shower I'll take care of it now to reduce the [Music] swelling it's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] done how do you feel Mr Bat much better now thank you so much control tower control tower Great Wolf's low on fuel requesting Landing control tower squirrel's requesting takeoff wasp is requesting Landing requesting requesting Landing was requesting Landing don't worry just leave it to me Mr best I'm so glad you're okay start checking the runway gry wolf land on Section [Music] B squirrel ready to take [Music] off was land on Section C Eagle land on Section a leopard land on Section [Music] D yeah y all CLE wonderful wow you're amazing Mr Bat yeah you really are control tower control tower Shiva dogs requesting Landing Sheba dog's requesting Landing Sheba dog this is the control tower the runway is all clear to land copy that oh no control tower I have a problem with my engine uh stop all Landings and takeoffs right now sha do needs to make an emergency landing attention ground staff get ready for the rescue operation let's go help them too uh-huh ground staff help the passengers with emergency evacuation this way this way please go [Music] everyone come on oh no be [Music] careful ground staff be careful of falling debris everyone be [Music] careful leave [Music] here no oh no I'm out of the runway stop watch out super [Music] speed oh we're safe we're still alive we're so [Music] lucky Captain Shea Captain Shea Captain Shea I'm fine great thank you for saving me bye-bye super Rescue Team bye-bye super Rescue Team keeping you [Music] safe folks we've had a lot of Tremors recently so we need to be prepared for impending earthquakes our volunteers are giving out emergency gifts to all of you today hi whiskers here you are thank you hey wait a moment I need one for a caterpillar friend too caterpillar then take this one thanks emergency we've got to go now [Music] bye bye hey caterpillar I brought you an emergency [Music] kit uh caterpillar why did you roll yourself up like that Kaka what's the emergency rattlesnake reptile he's one of the earthquake rescue team members his job is to find missing animals this morning he had an accident while handing out emergency kits he needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah I'm sorry it's okay it was just an accident but I still have some emergency kits to hand out I need to hurry it's all right super rescue team will be here soon see they're here Mr rattlesnake how do you feel now I feel a little dizzy and I can't see clearly H don't worry we'll help you let me take a closer look start [Music] analyzing [Music] here's the result the pit organ seems to be injured hit organ Mr rattlesnake is very shortsighted he has small holes between his eyes and nostrils which are called pit organs they help him detect animals nearby since they are very sensitive get to heat ah I see I'll fix you now thank you start [Music] shrinking where is [Music] it huh I found the injury light [Music] wave Mumu I'm [Music] done I Can See Clearly Now why is the house shaking oh no it's an earthquake earthquake earthquake what do we do don't panic protect your head let's go to a safer place this way hurry everybody be careful it's dangerous there hide under the table there's not enough space under the table M we can go hide in the bathroom hurry go to the corner [Music] it's stopped come with me all right let's go let's get out of [Music] here during an earthquake don't get in the elevator use the stairs [Music] there's an Aftershock the open area there is an emergency shelter hurry now we're safe kiky look let's go and see if anyone's [Music] hurt how is it have you found anything there's no one here kiki come over here here I think I heard a whistle Mr rattlesnake is our life detector he can help us I got [Music] this ah over there oh caterpillar wake up look at me I'm scared whiskers is in there we've got to help him out it's urgent I'll call headquarters for help Kaka whiskers is trapped inside a building we need help copy that than Momo Kiki needs your help please move out now super Rescue Team let's [Music] go Momo and Hank are here there might be aftershocks we need to get whiskers out quickly no problem I'm on it [Music] activate super propeller fly [Music] and now's our turn [Music] yep you've come to save me oh no it's the Aftershock run oh a super [Applause] sa huh where are [Music] they look isn't that Kiki we're fine [Music] y [Music] huh super Rescue Team you've saved everyone thank you for being so [Music] brave what's the matter whis got aill I can't find my friend caterpillar don't cry look oh got a billar thanks Kiki wa he's waking [Music] up oh wow he turned into a [Music] butterfly [Music] super Rescue Team keeping you safe
Channel: BabyBus TV - Kids Cartoon
Views: 736,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BabyBus, babybus tv, Kiki, Miumiu, Mimi, Timi, cartoon, for kids, babybus cartoon, baby panda, kitten family, meowmi family, BabyBus English, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, kids stories, kids videos, kids songs, babysongs, baby cartoon, animation for kids, new episode, super rescue team, magical Chinese characters, good habits for kids, math kindom adventure, yummy foods family, safety tips, babybus sheriff labrador, babybus rescue team, baby shark
Id: Ldvx8Jv7xvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 36sec (5316 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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