Pipi Rabbit Ate Too Much Ice Cream 😰 | Healthy Habits | Kids Cartoons | Sheriff Labrador

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go go go go let's go sh it going don't eat too many cold [Music] treats it's so [Music] hot wow ice cream hey it's empty empty empty and empty they're all [Music] empty there's one [Music] left bu them all bu them all sir all of them please I couldn't even buy one peee rabbit bought all of them fantastic I'm going to eat them all peee rabbit eating too much ice cream will make your tummy hurt no it won't bye-bye huh yo on a hot day like this we should eat lots of ice [Music] cream my tummy's rumbling oh [Music] well ouch [Music] a my tummy HS I need to go to the bathroom wow finally got one move aside move [Music] aside OU watch out hey peee rabbit you shouldn't run around like that Doby I think he's looking for a bathroom because he has a tummy a the bathroom where is the [Music] bathroom occupied there's another one over there under repair there it is come on seriously I got to find another bathroom now welcome to poop me's adventure oh it's a bathroom I want to try here you go next here you go oh [Music] watch out wasn't he looking for a bathroom why did he enter the [Applause] [Music] maze why am I back here [Music] again why is going to the bathroom this hard help me oh no peee rabbit needs [Music] help sorry there's an emergency my tummy hurts so much ouch where's Bey rabbit what's going on someone farted his [Music] face it must be peee [Music] rabbit over there my tummy hurts so much rabbit come on we'll get you out of [Music] here [Music] hurry I feel much better oh no I have to go again I'll never eat so much ice cream [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids cold treats are delicious but you shouldn't eat too much at once if you eat too much of them you might get a tummy ache or diarrhea you might even vomit or get a fever which is not not good for your health remember don't eat too many cold treats a trap inside the toy y norwal amusement park is so much fun free noral toys for everyone W it's a naral plush toy Hey kid what want a plush toy it's free wait is it really free oh it sure is if you like it I can give you more here take me this is great let me open the [Music] door [Music] it's time to sleep you have no idea that I'm watching [Music] you oh good night sweetie good night narwhal he fell asleep it's time to [Music] move I think the passcode goes like this that's [Music] right I'll take this and these too I need to go to the bathroom you're the lady who gave away the toy you got me you're coming with me Sheriff Labrador all the doors and windows were closed but things were stolen and my grandson is missing please help don't worry there's no case that I can't solve let us check out the scene [Music] first the windows are not broken the door locked fine too then how did little duck [Music] disappear this is strange I feel like there are many eyes staring at [Music] me Doby are you okay I'm fine huh why are there so many Narwhal toys we got them from a woman on the street on the street a its eyes look a bit strange papion please give them a check here's the result there are cameras inside the Toy's eyes what cameras Oh than everything inside my house has been recorded cameras have been detected inside all the other Narwhal toys too oh my this is so scary looks like some someone used the cameras to monitor the lock password and then opened the door and took little duck papion find the source of the signal that controls the cameras I'm on [Music] it found it it's coming from the plush toy Workshop let's go la la la what a lucky day where am I it's so scary I want to go home home you can't go home H why are they moving I'm going to take a [Music] look oh it stinks ah that hurts I better go back [Music] first let's follow [Music] her let me go help even the police can't save you you're wrong police laor it's okay now stop right there you'll never catch Dr antel jump over the middle I'll make an even tighter Nest let's see if you can get through it get down you made it again watch this what's that what should we do [Music] the horns are the key let's go [Music] [Music] up hey what are you doing 3 2 1 p oh no there's no way out oh ouch antel you're coming with us Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids some bad people might put cameras inside toys to watch others without them knowing and that's a crime be careful and tell your parents about it too [Music] W strange smell in the apartment uh all done gas off time to eat oh where's Little Bear time to eat sweetie coming were you playing in the kitchen no I wasn't the kitchen is a dangerous place for kids to play in uhhuh let's eat [Music] wow it looks so yummy yum I think I smell something strange strange smell I can smell it too I feel dizzy honey I feel dizzy too I look perfect today what's that smell I need some perfume let me smell it again it got even [Music] worse what's that smell it's stinky against [Music] that Mr Turtle what's going on the apartment smells stinky I can't stay here where is it coming from could it be Mr skunk uh I I just have a bad stomach it's just a [Music] f but it wasn't me um it's not Mr skunk this smell is a gas leak here's the result there's gas in the air everyone leave this place now we'll take care of it first sh shut off the gas valve papion go find the source of the gas leak Doby we'll tell the people in the building to evacuate got it Gastly Gastly Gastly please evacuate now what G [Music] Le I have a c that can't smell anything thank you for letting me [Music] know let's go [Music] oh no the trash smells especially bad Miss it's not the trash it's a gas leak oh what did you say a gas Lake Daddy Mom mommy wake [Music] up help found it Sheriff lavador the gas is coming from this house ah we need to hurry leave it to me wait forcing the door open might cause an explosion let's cool it down first got it okay help open the windows now and let fresh air come [Music] in oh the gas stove is on no wonder the gas was leaking hurry take them away from [Applause] here you finally woke up what happened to us you didn't turn off the stove so gas leaked from it what I did turn it off it was me I just wanted to play with the stove children shouldn't play around in the kitchen and kitchen items are not toys to play with I got [Music] it Sheriff labrador's safety [Music] talk kids you should never play with gas stoves they can be very dangerous if you smell something strange and suspect a gas leak tell your parents right away open the windows to ventilate the room and don't turn on or turn off any electrical appliances quickly get out of there and call the emergency number can you remember [Music] that monster on the street daddy hurry the show at the Rainbow Theater will start soon okay but always safety [Music] first [Applause] monster woof hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador I saw a monster on the road it was so scary a monster we'll be right [Music] there huh where are they [Music] huh sh Labrador a monster showed up on the road all of a sudden and I had a car crash because of it it was so scary Don't Be Afraid little donkey there's no such thing as a monster but we saw it please find the monster don't worry there's no case that I can't [Music] solve [Music] huh huh I found some [Music] Footprints they came from the other side of the guard rail over there the person that caused the car crash must have jumped over the guard rails to cross the road do you remember what the Monster looked like it hair was like a bird's nest a bird's nest its nose was red and its mouth was very big like this exactly that's how it looked the monster looks so scary I don't think it's a monster it looks like the clown from The Rainbow Theater a clown there will be a clown show at the Rainbow Theater tonight we were on our way there Doby let's go look over there the monster is a clown my goodness you're late you need to be on stage right away don't worry I took a shortcut I'm never late gorilla you broke the traffic rules you're under arrest oh no stop right there [Music] W police is this a new show wow W yeah yeah yeahoo ouch [Music] ouch [Music] get [Music] him don't go over the guard rail later oh watch out that was so scary gorilla you broke the traffic rules you're coming with us to the police station I'll never go over the guard rails again as a shortcut Sheriff la door safety talk kids we need to follow the traffic rules always use sidewalks wherever you go and don't go over guard rails as a shortcut if you do you might get in a car accident and your life might be in danger as well remember what we've learned [Music] today safety on a rainy day I love rainy [Music] days [Music] monster it's the chick brothers let's [Music] go let me go please let me little chick it's us huh H Sheriff lavador there's a monster a monster that's right a monster it went whoosh and passed by it was so scary go home now kids Doby let's go have a look okay huh h Doby let's split up [Music] here e there is no monster around what that sound monster Mr maret Mr Marmet have you seen a monster around yes I saw it just now what's that sound huh a a monster and bet it ran down the street it was so scary H was it making sounds like whoosh whoosh yes that's right that's it watch The [Music] Sound I'll go have a look what are you doing you scared [Music] me I'm so sorry Miss cow in a raincoat look so much like the monster but the monster was much darker a raincoat and much darker h got it the monster might just be a pedestrian in a dark raincoat oh I see oh no it's hard for a dark raincoat to be seen by passing cars it's very dangerous we need to go find it right [Music] now almost home oh it's so slippery watch out oh no pH that was [Music] close why do I keep slipping and [Music] falling oh what's that I can't see well the rain is too heavy watch out watch out stop the car [Music] now I'm sorry I couldn't see you the rain's too heavy Mr Wolf running around in the street wearing a dark raincoat is really dangerous I'll never do that again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids be careful and walk slowly on rainy days so you don't slip and fall also dark colored umbrellas and raincoats can make it harder for drivers and pedestrians to see you so please wear something with bright invisible patterns to avoid getting in a traffic accident please remember these tips don't touch wild plants 10 9 8 7 where should I hide huh right [Music] here ready or not here I [Applause] come found you oh ah H found you too coming for you little [Music] rabbit H found you little rabbit what's wrong so itchy I'm so itchy my hand hurts huh huh I think I got [Music] bit oh it's a Monster Run something's going on what's wrong kids Sheriff lobor there's a biting plant over there and a fit little rabbit let me have a look oh he'll looks serious I'll take her to the hospital so biting plants are real Doby let's go have a look wait for me [Music] now nothing can bite me let's go look over there okay where is it h found it hey ah they are Just [Music] Sprinklers Doby what's going on there's no biting plant the biting plant see my gear I'm not afraid of you hey ah it's giant hogweed don't touch it it's toxic what [Music] [Music] toxic that hurts [Music] ouch use a basket hey got you got you ouch got you got [Music] you woo finally got it how did it dig a tunnel and run away look these are Mr maret's Footprints what's going on I'll go up and take a look huh found it over [Music] there Mr Marmet don't touch that plant I'm going to take this beautiful plant home we need to stop [Music] [Music] him I'm so itchy what's going on oh no watch [Music] out ow I can't stand [Applause] it pedestrians ahead 1 2 [Applause] 1 flying claws launch [Music] uh watch out hey [Music] ah oh [Music] no hey watch out don't touch [Music] [Applause] [Music] it Mr marmy ah hurry take him to the [Music] hospital Sheriff labrador's safety [Music] talk kids there are many different wild plants outside some plants have thorns and some plants can be toxic it's best not to touch them if you touch them you might get hurt or even endanger your lives please remember [Music] that the dangerous manhole cover three little children jumping and having fun hello hello where are you now I I I I'm huh little rabbit little rabbit where are you ow ow it [Music] hurts woof hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador little rabbit is missing we can't find her anywhere please come help us don't worry kids we'll be right [Music] [Applause] there shador we were playing with little rabbit here and suddenly she disappeared I'm so scared don't worry we'll find little rabbit right there's no case that I can't [Music] solve the footprints are only on the manhole covers hey kids what game were you playing just now jumping on the manhole cover it's so much fun stop jumping on manhole covers can be very dangerous watch out Doby uh it sticks huh look at this it's little rabbit's ribbon don't get close to the manhole I'm going down to help officer Doby find little [Music] rabbit it stinks down here this way's blocked little rabbit would have gone this way somebody help me please the tunnel splits here which way should we go let me [Music] listen [Music] that way no stay away from me little [Music] rabbit go away go away Sheriff labador don't worry little rabbit we'll get you out of here oh no the Wastewater is coming this way let's run it's moving so fast Doby use those boards [Music] [Music] kids remember never jump on manhole covers again it can be very dangerous it was so scary down there we'll never do that again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids don't step on manhole covers on the street and keep away from them when you want you might fall down and get hurt if you step on a broken or worn manhole cover also the complicated sewer pipes harmful gases Wastewater cockroaches and mice under the manhole cover will make it hard for you to climb back out woof walk your pets on a leash wow yummy ice [Music] cream oh go chase butterfly [Music] Lulu come on it's for [Music] you ouch oh no my what happened your pet bit me how could this happen it hurts so much your Lulu bit me so hard but my Lulu never bites people look this is proof then let me take you to the hospital no oh just give me some compensation compensation how much e it was so expensive we gave everything we [Laughter] had found a new [Music] [Music] Target what happened my Lulu never bites people but just now I bit a lady with curly hair we gave her everything we had they all been a lady with curly hair that's strange all your pets are not on a leash which is dangerous seems like a bad person is taking advantage of this to trick you always our pets from now on let's go investigate this [Music] now why isn't the suspect showing up Doby like this watch me be careful don't let anyone know the suspect might Target pets without leashes this one has a leash and this one too I found it oh [Music] ouch are you all right look your pets bit me because they aren't leashed do I look all right huh but look they are leashed yeah I don't care this one bit me so you have to compensate me you sure definitely this one but this one is so old with even no teeth how could it bite you what it was definitely your Lulu that bit me it hurts so much you have to compensate me huh a colored pen oh it hurts what you dropped your pen the fight was fake police you lured pets with food and pretended to be bitten to commit fraud you're coming with [Music] us now you found out but you'll never catch Dr antel it's you [Music] again that doesn't work on us [Music] anymore papon flying [Music] Labrador oh no [Music] come with us to the police station oh Mission failed Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids when you take your pets outside always keep them on a leash it can prevent your pets from getting hurt by wandering around or eating dirty food also it can prevent them from hurting other people we all need to raise our pets safely please remember that dangerous Fallen power lines roller let's go my big [Music] Dino huh what's that [Music] sound what's that there's smoke coming out what's going on [Music] [Music] help something's wrong what's wrong with the dinos watch me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey labador there's a thin and long monster making crackling sounds over there and it's glowing too our Dino started acting weird after touching it how is that possible I'll go take a look I'm coming with [Music] you looks like it got burnt a thin long and crackling monster could it be oh no Doby and papion might be in [Music] danger the crackling sound it must be nearby Doby's over there stop right [Music] there my feet are numb what's going on let me help you don't there might be electricity around Doby electricity Doby put your legs together now hop over to me like a [Music] bunny like a [Music] bunny Sheriff Labrador what's going on I suppose that long thin and crackling monster that the kids mentioned is a power line a power line mhm when a power line touches the ground it electrifies the ground nearby and if you come close your feet will feel numb in that case you need to put your legs together and hop away just like a bunny or else your life might be in danger and if you see someone get shocked don't touch them or you'll get shocked too that was close we need to find the power line now to prevent further accidents huh little won show time little wanton find the Fallen power line around [Music] here t t [Music] [Applause] t oh no the telephone pole is about to fall we need to evacuate everyone right now here's your balloon [Applause] [Music] yay Watch [Music] Out Hold On To [Music] Me [Music] that was so [Music] scary Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids when you see a fallen power line on the ground make sure to stay away from it if you happen to enter an electrified area and your feet feel numb don't go any further lift one foot or put your leg together and hop away from there just like a bunny if you see someone get shocked you should never go near them you should ask adults for help please remember these [Music] tips no littering no [Music] mosquitoes sh sh go away [Music] so many mosquitoes help stop following me oh no so many mosquitoes run what's going on my head my lips my neck that's so itchy what happened to you Sheriff Labrador mosquitoes are everywhere in town it's so scary look at what they did to us please help us they're coming Doby let's go take a look got [Music] it now they can't fight me Doby hurry up okay more and more mosquitoes are coming looks like their breeding ground is over [Music] there let me check it out you can't fight me my bottom ow my face help there are too many of them let's go they're coming hide in the Box oh that's so scary there are too many of them what should we do papion we're surrounded by mosquitoes we need your help mosquitoes leave it to me puppy always has [Music] away happy [Music] h wow papon why aren't they coming after you because I'm wearing mosquito patches and bracelets here you [Music] go now they can't get close to me hey look over there the mosquitoes are coming from there ew it's [Music] stinks mosquitoes are still breeding they are most likely to breed in dirty and wet places like this no wonder there were so many mosquitoes in this town who on earth made this [Music] [Applause] mess [Music] hey I'm not scared of you [Music] oun what's going on let's go [Music] huh ouch oh ouch help let's go [Music] Pap watch me [Applause] I'm so sorry hurry up [Music] hey Mr bison make sure to keep your surroundings clean from now on I will and I'll never litter again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids mosquitoes in summer are annoying not only do they bite but they can also spread diseases mosquitoes usually breed in dirty and wet places so we need to keep our houses clean also we need to keep our town clean and don't Litter please remember that earthquake evacuation finally got it sir this is for [Music] you what's going on oh no it's an earthquake make sure everyone's safe got it run stop stay calm everyone cover your head and find a safe place to hide oh little [Music] dog hurry under the table Hold On [Music] Tight Watch Me Hide near pillars in corners and under counters stay away from the windows they could [Music] collapse [Music] [Applause] restrooms are good places to hide cuz they're small and sturdy then I'll just stay here ohuh did it stop oh there could be aftershocks let's evacuate through an emergency exit now line up and don't push others this way the elevator it will be faster hurry hurry it's here oh stop elevators can break down at any time so we need to use an emergency exit I got [Music] [Applause] it oh that was so scary it really was thank you for getting me out oh you're little chick yes I'm little chick oh where's my little [Music] dog little dog little dog miss duck what's going on my little duck is missing what huh hey might still be in the building papion stay here and keep everyone safe got it Doby come with me let's go up through the emergency exit huh little Duck's Footprints Doby this way hey little duck little duck [Music] huh are you okay Toby I'm fine it's little duck come out please just leave it watch out it's an aftershot hide now oh no they're in danger it stopped let's get out of [Music] here [Music] watch out let's [Music] go oh [Music] no Pap hurry up [Music] oh sweetie Grandma sweetie I'm so glad that you're safe Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids if an earthquake happens when you're in a mall bookstore or exhibition Hall Don't Panic stay calm if you're far from an emergency exit hide in a safe place nearby hide under sturdy counters or furniture or Crouch down near a pillar or in the corner of a wall covering your head stay away from Windows shelves Billboards and hanging lamps they might easily collapse or fall down wait until the shaking stops then evacuate the building through the emergency exits never take an elevator or an escalator and leave your [Music] belongings amusement park [Music] safety wow an amusement park come on let's go okay tall enough come on in it's our turn you're not tall enough you can't go in if we were just a bit [Music] taller coming through coming through [Music] [Applause] I'm so sorry a monster something's going on Sheriff Labrador there's a monster running around it's so scary a monster it's tall like a tree and it walks all wibbly wobbly it has such a strange voice too and its head can spin around like this that sounds strange Doby let's go check they said the monster is tall should be easy to [Music] find someone tall and wobbling around ah don't move [Music] gotcha Doby this is Mr giraffe not the monster I'm so sorry Mr giraffe we're looking for a tall monster have you seen it around huh uh yes I have it was walking weird and headed that way thanks Doby let's [Music] go [Music] come on in wow can I go in now [Music] oh oh what a tall kid wow everything looks like so much [Music] fun a l Blom let's write that [Music] first over there that hurts H H they're the weasel Brothers I think they did that because they can't meet the height requirements of the amusement park it's so dangerous we have to stop them be careful pH no need to pretend to be tall anymore time to go stop oh no they've already left that's so dangerous we need to hurry w wow look at those dinos [Music] oh oh no that's not safe go [Music] faster Watch Out w [Music] [Music] brother that was is really close kids we will never do that [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety [Music] talk kids many amusement park rides have height requirements that's because if you're not tall enough the safety gear might be too loose or too wide to protect you and it might lead to a safety accident please remember that don't get in strangers cars wow wow wow a big cake hey kid I have more in my car want to get in and try some wow yes please huh hey kid could you show me the way to the park please [Music] [Applause] sure Hey kid your mom has asked me to take you home but I don't know you according to the report someone has been kidnapping children and driving away lately huh oh no we need to find who it is I'll search around in my helicopter wait I have a good idea boohoo my bunny [Music] boohoo [Applause] booh a suspicious car on your mark Bo hey KY don't cry I'll give you a new toy wow do you like it yes I do could he be the kidnapper ha he fell for it let's follow him [Music] h on H on Sheriff Labrador and with the children great stay with them until we get there don't worry Don't Be Afraid kids I'll get you out of here ouch it's a good day today h it's the police stop the car stop the car now you won't catch [Applause] [Music] [Music] me huh he got away don't worry we have papon's GPS [Music] [Music] tracker ah found him right here right in front of us oh no what's going [Music] on stop the car right now I'm going to get you get out of the car there's nowhere to run huh you think you can catch me watch [Music] out byby hey there's a boat let's follow him there stop get off me Doby speed up oh I am exhausted papion time for Plan B papon always has a way let me find something else [Music] aha it's j I can't stand the smell stop oh no nobody can run away from me sh Flor don't worry you're safe now we will never get in stranger cars [Music] again Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids you should never get in strangers cars even if they give you toys or snacks or they say that they are friends of your parents you should always say no also if a stranger forces you into a car call for help keep that in mind who stole the golden scissors with my wonderful scissors I'm going to make you look stunning [Music] mhm perfect wow I love love it yeah my hair looks nice wow my daddy's awesome your golden scissors are awesome have a nice day next Mr Tony please style my hair just like this no problem with my wonderful scissors I'm going to make you look [Music] stunning where are my scissors sloth Mr sloth huh where did he go H oh where are my golden scissors my scissors where did they go Mr Tony what's going on Sheriff Labrador someone stole my precious golden scissors what they're stolen yes please help me if I don't find them I'll have to close down my salon don't worry there's no case that I can't solve Mr sloth and the golden scissors disappeared at the same time right exactly sloth usually takes care of the golden scissors he must have stolen them oh cool [Music] oh I waited a month to get my haircut here I'm going to find him right [Music] now what are you doing I'm sorry I'm sorry Mr sloth is slow to act and has been in the bathroom for a while he wouldn't have been able to steal the golden scissors are you saying that they disappeared on their own every crime leaves a mark there must be clues that we've missed oh this looks like a child's hand print uh huh H these are my daughter's clothes where is little horse she was just here H oh no little horse might be in danger now what we need to go find her right oh dear my sweetie the trace has stopped here let's split up and look for her C be [Music] that little [Music] h my hair little horse where are you little horse huh are those hairs they're my [Music] daughters I ruined your clothes I am sorry watch out [Music] oh sweetie are you all right daddy little horse scissors are very dangerous look your doll got hurt please be very careful okay okay I will remember that Mr Tony please keep your scissors away from Children of course of course I will Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids Sharp Tools like scissors and knives are very dangerous because they can easily hurt you never play with them when you do arts and crafts make sure to use safety scissors also parents need to keep all Sharp Tools out of the reach of children remember always Safety First don't copy dangerous ax super Cake Man ha hey what are you doing Doby I'm super cake fly cang Go Cake be careful you shouldn't copy dangerous scenes from TV like that you could get hurt okay hey hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador I need your help my brother fell downstairs please come and save him what Doby let's [Music] go [Applause] it's no use changing like super cman [Music] brother brother little chick brother chick why did you do such a dangerous thing [Music] I I was trying to be like super catean it's very dangerous you mustn't do that okay watch me go keep little hamsters said they were going to try this go Sheriff labador there's a fire in the forest kids are stuck there oh no it might be the little hamsters papion come take us got it t always has a [Music] [Music] way huh come on up guys H Sheriff Labrador I found the kid location let's land now got it the fire is too strong we can't land papion find a place where there is less fire go be and I will go down there okay put on your fireproof cloak and follow me hey this [Music] way wait go k man help it's no use acting like super catean what should we do watch out Sheriff Labrador let's get out of [Music] [Applause] here [Applause] heyy watch out this way tapion we need your help got it the fire is spreading so fast hurry under the clo I'm [Music] coming where is [Applause] [Music] papon everyone come on [Music] up hold on tight we will never copy dangerous a again Sheriff labrador's safety DET talk kids you shouldn't copy dangerous scenes from TV only people who have trained a lot and no special stunts can do them so they're not for us to do if you try to copy them you could hurt yourself or Worse please remember [Music] that beware of fake medicines oh oh oh you got a cold you need to take some medicine no no I don't like [Music] medicine OU are you all right my leg oh you got hurt let's go to the hospital I'll be fine cuz I have a magic spray huh with just one spray it's all better W that's amazing does it work on a cold of course I have a cold too just one spray and you'll feel better right away Daddy I want that magic spray oh I have two extra bottles would you like to buy them but it's a little expensive no problem I'll buy them all it's quite expensive though it really worked I'll go trick [Music] others my son Mr hippo what happened I used a cure all magic spray to treat his cold but it got worse magic spray there's no such thing in the world someone must have tricked you who sold you this medicine it was a lady who passed by Mr hippo you've been tricked by her take your kid to the hospital now let's go find the lady everyone come and have a look magic spray look everyone I just hurt my arm arm with just one spray it's all better wow sorry but first come first [Music] serve all right all right no need to rush here you go I'm sorry all sold out wait we haven't bought any yet oh oh [Music] that's it everyone don't worry I'll go get some more let's follow [Music] her it smells bad Doby are you still wearing the same socks for days ouch huh they're not stinky at [Music] all the smell's coming from the ditch over there she's making medicine with dirty water I'm going to get ready oh no the wound is gone I'm going to draw it again the wound was fake time to make a lot of [Music] money why coming back coming now everyone can have them do smell so bad oh you guys don't understand the smellier the better my lips have been swollen for a long time I can't W any [Music] longer don't drink it listen everyone the medicine is fake it can't cure anything at all nonsense you saw it right the medicine healed the wound on my arm she's right that was totally your trick [Music] papion the wound was drawn with a colored pen huh so she is a fry and this medicine is made with dirty water from the over there that stop you're under arrest for selling fake medicine now you found out you'll never catch Dr antel it was antel again chase her got you you won't [Music] Escape you think that I'm easy to catch [Music] ouch help it's B antel you're coming with us to the police station Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids there's no magic medicine that can cure everything in the world when you don't feel well you should go to the hospital and get help from the doctor please remember that big fire in the dino [Applause] Park wow [Music] wow it's so the T-Rex is awesome I want to take a picture with a T-Rex yeah roll oh oh help help it's pretty [Music] fire my Dino is dangerous [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] help let's go watch out hurry up everyone Mo good job papion help them get to a safe place uh-huh got it Doby follow [Applause] me over there hurry I don't want to watch [Music] out don't panic everyone cover your mouth and nose and move away from the smoke bend down and go this way Sher laor a fire breathing T-Rex took little chick what a fire breathing T-Rex let's go little chick little chick little chick it really is breathing fire no something's wrong with the parts in its mouth help me oh no little tick is in [Music] danger let's follow it help [Music] let's get out of here oh no look over there I can't hold anymore we need to think of something this way and please don't push papon huh I'm coming wow such a big T-Rex have go up to the back of the T-Rex and turn off the switch got it leave it to me ow here it is there's so many buttons it's a piece of cake it must be this one it finally stopped why is it moving again watch out help me please sorry that was the wrong button I'll try [Music] again huh it won't move again [Music] will Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids if you're ever in a place where a fire breaks out don't panic don't try to save your belongings just get out of there right away when evacuating cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth and avoid Thick Smoke please remember these tips
Channel: Sheriff Labrador - Kids Cartoon
Views: 10,633,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sheriff Labrador, Labrador, safety sheriff, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, funny videos for toddlers, kids cartoons, police cartoon, cartoons, cartoon video, cartoon, kids safety tips, play safe, Sheriff Labrador's Safety Talk, Sheriff Labrador cartoon, kids videos, rescue team, safety tips for kids, safety cartoon, detective cartoon, educational videos, sheriff labrador new episodes, labrador dog, healthy eating habits, animation, pipi rabbit
Id: qrb3LDs0wq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 12sec (5952 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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