Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends S1 Full Episodes! | 90 Minute Compilation | @disneyjunior

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[Music] spotting [Music] Spidey will do it all they're your friendly neighborhood spiders [Music] oh spiders [Music] [Music] Spidey to the power of three yeah no one's beat my top score yet hey that was my power up miles nope nope you two and Gwen yeah hi Peter everything okay in here kids remember to play nice sure thing it may we're just excited about the game well I'm heading to the store I hope you all save some room for dessert what flavor ice cream would you like you know my favorite flavor cherry vanilla please chocolate chip is my fave pistachio please oh those are all delicious I'll be back in a Jiff thanks anime we can't wait right yep by the way chocolate chip is way better than cherry vanilla or pistachio what pistachio is the best chocolate chip stashio hey time out you don't need to fight about it because everybody knows cherry vanilla is the best uh oh the Spidey alert that means trouble in the neighborhood come on let's see what's up two web quarters [Music] [Music] better [Music] in [Applause] hey Tracy what's up ah it's Rhino what's that bad guys as tough as a rhinoceros he likes to steal and ran anything in his path good idea Tracy let's see if the security cameras caught anything hey I can do that ah looks like Rhino stole a big bag of gold from a bank and we need to stop him Tracy you ain't back in web quarters in case we need some help from here Brandon won't even see me come and want to use my cloaking power so he better watch out for me you mean my super spider power spin I can glide in team let's use all of our powers together get ready the Spidey swing [Music] okay Spidey team hunt three one here I go hey Tom miles ahead of you get it because my secret identity is Miles [Music] all right we need to track down Rhino let's look for some Clues that'll tell us which way he went check it out a giant hole in the wall and these Rhino shaped footprints hard to miss these Clues Hmm this must be where Rhino ran through the bank and some of his Footprints lead down the street those are good Clues I wonder if there are any more aha I just found one of the stolen coins so maybe Rhino went that way way hmm only one way to find out we need a higher View spinning webs to swing ahead we'll see who's a better detective in spots Rhino first where did Rhino go I'll use my spotty mask to zoom in for a closer look there found him okay here's the plan what if we sneak up on Rhino and right we'll use my super Club appear yet I'm pretty sure I've got a better way to sneak in I'll use my web wings and glide down faster weapon cloaking is better hey team I know you're excited but let's all stick to the same plan huh Fort spin go go spider go spider hey sneaking up on Rhino together won't even see me coming with my cloaking power thanks to my wings catching Rhino will be easy ah the little spiders got stuck at each other's Labs hey you whacked me you mean you webbed me I can't see you when you are invisible get out of my way spiders Spidey to the rescue you'll never catch me now I'm gonna go steal more gold coins you okay yeah that was close thanks Spidey Rhino get away I'm sorry no I'm pretty sure that was because of me no it was my fault hey we're a team remember and that means working together not arguing with each other we're going to need all our powers to stop Rhino like your cool gliding power and your amazing cloaking power there you go you both the powers that are strong but they're even stronger when we stick together yeah [Music] [Music] hey there go all three spiders [Applause] foreign okay let's figure out where Rhino went go see you're a great detective see any clues look over here Rhino dropped some more gold coins yep something as big as a rhinoceros definitely Rampage through here Rhino said he was planning on stealing more gold coins hey Tracy show me a map of all the banks in the area please [Music] thanks Tracy aha there's a bank two blocks away ready to wrap up this rhino problem spin you use your cloaking power to keep him busy go see and I swing into weapon I'm on it haha right you can't stop me spider so crawl back where you came from nope but I will disappear huh What Now You See Me Oh now you don't amazing how he does that huh now it's our turn to help him out with some of our own spider powers I'll catch you yet where'd you go spider looking for me yeah let me take that off your hands there now you're stuck rhino uh or maybe not oh look at that I stole those coins fair and square I don't think so Rhino can't [Applause] my hot dogs and pretzels yeah don't forget to catch up in mustard here you go oh thank you okay Team new plan we need to keep Ronald away from all those other people so no one gets hurt how about a game of keep away yeah over here Rhino give me that yeah I can't jump that high oh yeah oh my God time to give up never give me back that gold these coins aren't yours they belong in the bank hey Rhino guess who spins webs and keeps on winning huh team Spidey all right hunt three one two three huh yeah whoa I'm dizzy make it stop that's a win for your friendly neighborhood Spidey team now to return the stolen coins yup let's swing out [Music] I wanted that goat off of me forget it Rhino you don't stand a chance against team Spidey foreign 's ready for ice cream oh he made it just in time for dessert look they had all your favorite flavors cherry vanilla chocolate chip and pistachio thanks anime and I bet those flavors work great together just like the three of us you said it definitely amazing this is delicious Panther patience [Music] oh wow M.A almost at the Museum black panther is gonna be there and have been waiting to see him all week and may yes I know Peter it's all you've been talking about for days oh look why one of these souvenirs a toy for boo boot play with right yeah Bootsy will love it a squeaky toy that looks like vibranium black panther is going to show off a real piece of it today it's the strongest metal in the world black panther bought a sample of it from his home in wakanda if we don't hurry up and go inside I won't get to see it whoops whoa slow down Peter we're gonna be at the Museum all day what's the rush if you don't have patience you're gonna make more mistakes like that I know but it's hard to have patience when I'm this excited can I go now please yeah yeah go go oh just hold on to bootsy's cat toy will ya I'll be looking at the folk art while you're seeing Black Panther and his vibranium cool thanks Aunt May I'll meet up with you later oh wait what about my goodbye hug ah he's still rushing sorry excuse me please [Music] thank you everyone it is good to be here I am black panther king of wakanda today I brought this piece of vibranium to show you all how very special it is behold the strongest most powerful metal on the planet wow [Applause] oh it's stockark that was a smashing demonstration black panther my vibranium correction it's my vibranium now mine oh strong vibranium she could cause lots of trouble Black Panther's gonna need some help from Spidey I better get into my super suit and get out there fast [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm so smart I've created a way to supercharge my tentacles yeah the vibranium really charged up my tentacles now now so strong no superhero can ever stop me we'll see about that go webs go whoa nice of you to swing by Spidey oh and thanks for stopping Black Panther for me [Laughter] Spidey I was hoping we'd see each other today but not like this sorry black panther guess I wasn't kind of a rush to help out it's good you're here we must catch this villain it's dark oak she's clever and she always wants more power and now she has the power of my vibranium we must get it back we must find her unless she finds us that was impressive how did you know that was about to happen my spidey sense it's a feeling I get whenever danger is really close by like over there hey playful mood how about a little game of kids hey be careful with that horse it's really valuable yes and some of it's really heavy like this statue I've got you oh thanks black panther you really are as strong as they say the vibranium in my suit makes me even stronger we need to get that chunk of vibranium away from dark oak before she gets stronger too then we have no time to lose come on spidey wait up I love my new vibranium powered tentacles he's biting try this on for size hey it's a perfect fit uh sorry this is one mask too many [Music] this dinosaur bone should slow you down black panther coming at you Spidey God rej teamwork [Music] I am okay yeah whoa I really rocked that landing and saved mate [Music] where are all used we've lost her how will we Advocate my vibranium back now I know Doc Ock she's probably still here trying to steal anything valuable she can get her tentacles on let's split up and look for her good idea but if she's found we need to try to defeat her together now that she's got my vibranium she's too powerful to fight alone if I find her first I'll wait for you so we can catch her together oh with all my new power I'll rule the world now I just need a crown aha oh now I can take anything I want and not even Spidey and black panther can stop me that's what she thinks I'll wait here quietly until she moves then I'll go find Spidey to help me full black panther I'd wait for him but I can't let her get away put down that Crown Doc it's not yours and neither is that vibranium Spidey no ever give up good I'm unstoppable now [Music] that was a close one too close I thought we agreed to do this together Spidey you need to have patience slow down and think before you Rush In someone's coming it's not dark oak that's a relief but you're right I have been rushing too much gotta work on that sorry black panther apology accepted but dog has gotten away again Doc Ock is greedy she has lots of power now but she's bound to want even more she's probably still in the museum somewhere so we wait if we have patience she will come this way sooner or later right she'll come looking for more vibranium and then we'll catch her but I don't have any more vibranium with me so just leave that part to me here it is it's just a cat toy that looks like vibranium we bought it for my cat Bootsy but it might help us catch Doc Ock I must say it looks very realistic a little squeakier than the real thing but if we can convince Doc Ock it's a real vibranium we can catch her she's coming okay Spidey patience this time it's a good thing you brought more vibranium with you black panther yes do me a favor to check to see if the museum doors are all locked we don't want dog Hawk to steal the rest of the vibranium if she gets her tentacles on this she'd be so powerful that nothing could ever stop her nothing could stop me I like the sound of that okay Spidey patience wait for the perfect moment then make your move sorry dog not this time oh yeah says who [Music] with another piece of vibranium I can rule the entire huh it's a toy you tricked me to me and the Trick's not over yet huh my power it's gone excellent work Spidey your timing was perfect all it took was slowing down and having some patience and don't forget some great teamwork I salute you my friend oh a Conan salute Cripe back at you black panther oh yes I should have been patient and waited until I came down huh anyway I'm glad we could get your vibranium back no I think this one is for your cat Bootsy [Music] listen time to meet up with Amy there she is hey Aunt May oh Peter there you are I had a terrific day at the Folk Art Exhibit I even got to see black panther he waved to me wow that's great anime so what about your day remember what you told me about being patient and not rushing I think I finally learned my lesson what a great day thanks Sammy oh and thank you for that great hug now let's go home and give Bootsy her new toy [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] freeze it's team Spidey I can't remember a day it was ever this hot as soon as we get to the pool I am jumping right in just think about all that nice cool water [Music] looks like we'll be sharing all that cool water with a whole lot of other people well that nice thing about a public pool it's big enough for all of us okay maybe the pool can wait let's go get some ice cream ice cream got your cold delicious ice cream Don't Mind If I Do oh that's just what I needed it's Rhino stealing ice cream on a hot day like this we'll stop him go let's go miles [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up a whole truck full of ice cream and it's all mine this ought to keep me cool oh so cold so cold oh rain freeze hold it right there ice cream thief and litterbug these sticks belong in the trash huh leave me alone team Spidey all I want to do is cool off it's hot it is hot but stealing is not cool it's over Rhino stop you again [Music] what's with the drippy webs the web stamping your webs don't work in this heat spiders I win [Music] so long spiders try and keep cool you know I will [Applause] I've never tried using this red formula on such a hot day before I didn't know this could happen we've gotta stop Rhino somehow but how do we do that without webs let's get back to webquarters so I can make a new formula one that won't melt in hot weather all right and ah there we go check it out I made a whole new web cartridge nice Tracy I need some water please now let's see if it works foreign wow it looks like it's made out of snowflakes I made it cold so the webs won't melt in the heat yeah you did check it out and turn this water into ice there's no way rhinos getting away now speaking of rhino Webster any sign of him yes Rhino located downtown switching to Street camera oh mine all mine you gross that guy really needs to work on his manners he'll have plenty of time once we web him up I've got new cartridges for everyone and Rhino may have an ice cream truck when we've got these my ghost copter my techno racer and my web crawler Tracy [Music] come on [Music] down chewy chunky chocolate rocket or ooey gooey caramel crunch oh yeah I have to choose they're all mine excuse me I'd like to buy some ice cream please oh money give me that Daddy it's Rhino hey give that back I was getting some ice cream for my kids not anymore the ice cream's all mine and now your money is too [Music] foreign 's gone I'm starting to get hot again [Applause] [Music] oh lemonade that ought to cool me down move it you spiders your droopy push Getty web won't work so you can't stop me anyway you're wrong about that Rhino you've done enough scaring and stealing for one day time for you to chill hey oh what is this oh wow this is so cool kind of nice huh didn't see that coming hey wait a minute this this is this stuff is too too cold [Music] what's happening to our web they're cracking like icicles I win again now you got no weapons to stop me and I can cool off however I like see ya oh no that's more like it and I'll take the rest to go hey what do you think first ice cream now lemonade I was taking every way there is to stay cool well at least there's still the public pool yeah and he can't steal that or I don't think he can anyway but hey what if we convinced him to try to hog the whole pool to himself our ice webs might be too thin to hold him down but I bet they'd freeze the pool solid just like that glass of water back in web quarters exactly and there's no way Rhino could break free from a pool of Frozen water one Rhino sickle coming right up go go yeah I'll stay cool all day with my yummy lemony [Music] time for a refill ah say what my stolen lemonade stood out all over my stolen ice cream truck oh I should have put on its seat belt [Music] you off Rhino oh no you don't thank you Rhino can't take the heat ah spiders I've had enough of you I'm taking you down [Applause] thanks ghost spider spit we're heading your way get ready to lead Rhino to the pool ready hey come back here big guy over here look at you instead [Applause] you spiders knock it off I spilled my lemonade making my getaway from you three and now you got me all heated up again and you're only gonna get hotter oh this heat there's gotta be some way to cool off I could steal a hockey ring oh oh come on in let's play yes the water feels so good you three think you're so smart there's a swimming pool right here I'm chasing everyone out and you can't stop me oh my you can always count on Rhino not to share yep everybody out of the pool area Rhino coming through [Music] I got a whole swimming pool all to myself I'll be cool for the rest of the day we can make the pool even cooler for you shall we oh thanks that feels good what the football's Frozen it's a baby block of ice [Music] on the right side at least you're not hot anymore [Music] snow cones get your eyes cold snow cones on a day like this afraid not you're welcome to a snow cone we're sharing with everyone oh here you go oh thank you teams buddy thank you team Spidey you're welcome you got it it'll be a little while before the pool melts and you can all get back in but meanwhile there will be plenty of snow cones for everyone who knew we could make snow cones out of ice webbing turns out it's not just gold it's delicious too [Music] easy situation welcome whoa careful Tracy I'm making a new extra sticky web formula I've got to mix the ingredients perfectly or it won't work right just eight drops of this chemical one two [Music] three four five six seven and whoa that's some catchy drumming I almost messed up my formula listening to it hey Peter what do you think of my newest beat sounding great Gwen thanks all right just three drops of this chemical this time I really need to be careful one two [Music] what a mess [Music] oh no oh sorry Peter here let me help what happened I was almost done mixing my new extra sticky web formula but when you hit that symbol it surprised me and I dropped it everywhere yeah and Tracy too I knocked my chemicals all over the place I guess I got a little carried away I probably should have just waited till you were done that doesn't seem fair seems like there's gotta be a way we can both do what we like at the same time or find a way to take turns we'll put our heads together and figure something out I like it oops huh look at that never seen that before something must have gone wrong with the formula let's give it a good pull on three one two three it's too sticky yeah we're really stuck whoa but you can unstick us right um sure I think I wish I didn't use up all of our web off good idea Tracy I'll just tear it apart with these pliers [Applause] didn't even scratch it what about you Tracy you're a super strong little robot oh yeah maybe she can shop Through It Go train [Music] gotcha nice try Tracy are you okay this is some seriously strong stuff and we are seriously stuck together webs up Spidey alert what's up Webster Green Goblin and Rhino are heading for the central bank [Applause] getting unstuck we'll have to wait we've got a bank robbery to stop time to swing together together go let's go foreign this is gonna be harder than I thought we need to figure out a way to make this work you're right let's go let's go maybe we should agree on who goes first good idea but let's start off a little higher what if you go first and then I'll follow you okay one two one two one two yeah okay the climbing worked now let's try swinging how about you shoot your web first then you shoot yours and we keep taking turns got it ready we can do this let's Spidey swing okay you're next that's more like it now let's go stop a bank robbery little customers move along my not so little helper and I are robbing the bank and we'll need to make a quick getaway there won't be any getaway for you Gabby great green gobble snitches it's the spiders but what's this one spider's little hand is stuck to the others that's weird doesn't bother us you're going down now that's what I call perfect timing quick Rhino the safe first I gotta tee shot these spiders get out of here spiders you're messing up my crime that almost hit us we've got to help each other out what this is ridiculous just give me the safe and let's get out of here you're not the boss of me gabby I have the safe and I say we stay and beat Team Spidey oh God I have to do everything myself I have the safe now let's follow that thing so long hey Bobby where you going I thought we were gonna share the loot from that safe meet me at our secret spot we'll split everything there oh I promise I really do we've got to stop him [Music] what a victory [Music] he's too high up for our webs to reach him quick we have to see where he's going Bobby's flying away with the safe in that direction and I see rhino she told Rhino to meet him at their secret spot so we go where Rhino goes and he'll lead us right to Gabi we'll catch them both go let's go now you now you [Music] foreign what's this hey hey the spiders are following Rhino now no gobbledy's wobbledygook I'm gonna have so much loot I'll buy I'll buy all the stuff I want yo-yo and and a bunch of donuts and oh change of plans Rhino huh look behind you [Music] ah big deal I'm a real fast runner no no they're following you to our secret spot you have to lose them stop telling me what to do you lose them what no you seriously have to lose them you never listen to me it's like when like when ends what are they saying looks like they're arguing good thing we work together better than they do yeah or we'd still be stuck in web quarters just get rid of them I'll be waiting for you at the secret spot ah I guess I have to get rid of them after all [Music] he's trying to lose us we can follow him from the rooftops [Music] I'll lose those guys in no time this could take a while uh we could end up following him all day and meanwhile Gabby's got that safe we've got to get it before he decides to keep everything excited for himself well what if we convince Rhino that's exactly what gabi's doing they have been working pretty horribly together I bet Rhino would believe gobby's double crossing him and Rhino really really into his loot he'll forget about trying to lose us and run right to their secret spot looking for us hmm stay bats spiders I'm gonna get rid of you two and go collect my loot oh you think there's still any left for you what oh gobby's been bossing you around all day you think he cares about you he left you behind so we would catch you I bet right now he's got that safe open and he's taking everything out for himself I'm the one who busted into the bank and stole it that's right you did but do you think Gabby cares you're right he always gets his way he's just down for himself well I'm not gonna let him get away with it I want my half of the loot yeah one for me one for Rhino two for me one for Rhino three for me one for rhino you give me what's mine Dobby oh hi Rhino that was fast did you lose Fighters surprised to see us go quick to the glider I want my half of the loot you're not going anywhere since your partners you really should stick together [Music] next time we're doing it my way no my way my way no my way my way my way my way and there you go that should be the last of it so you invented another formula to dissolve your sticky formula science is cool speaking of which I've had enough science feel like playing some drums Peter you know me so well I think now would be the perfect time foreign [Music] [Music] thank you they can find Great Heights to do what's right the Spidey team is on the scene swinging spinning [Music] wood spiders [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] trick or Tracy hey Peter are you excited to go to the Halloween parade today yep I guess you are too miles I can't wait to see all the costumes the music is my favorite part oh no spider what's the trouble Tracy screen Goblin where is he looks like he's near the Halloween parade he must be planning some mean tricks well we have to stop him before he ruins everyone's fun but how are we gonna protect the whole parade thanks Tracy this map shows us where the parade goes for the city huh what if we each swing to a different position and keep a lookout for Gabby yeah I can guard the front of the parade from a street over here I can stand watch from a Lamppost in the middle and I can be on a rooftop here at the end that's a super Spidey plan Gabby won't be able to play any Halloween tricks on our watch I'll bring Tracy in case she needs to show us the parade map again ready my little Spidey bud [Music] okay it's Spidey time [Music] [Applause] [Music] in position and on the lookout I'm almost in place hang tight hook laughs hit [Music] what's this a little robot what a treat okay team I reached my position over ready to help me keep a lookout for Green Goblin Tracy huh Tracy see come on Tracy where are you Green Goblin oh what a night what a nice fry that means that this must be one of your precious Spidey Bots she's not yours gobby give her back if you want her BS Tracy spider team there's a problem I'm going to find Green Goblin Spidey I can't hear you what problem Green Goblet he's here Tracy Green Goblin where is he no time to talk I've gotta go [Music] I think spidey's going after Green Goblin we should help him I'm swinging over we'll look for them together don't worry Tracy I'm coming for you excuse me sorry aha found you Gabby huh oh sorry you're not Green Goblin my Halloween costume though oh thank you what how will we ever find Spidey and Green Goblin In This Crowd let me try calling him again Spidey come in Spidey [Music] yeah the parade is starting I can't hear anything over the music you know I love music but it's really not helping right now we just have to keep looking yeah we do we'll find them huh since everyone's wearing costumes those spideys will never find me now let's see Spidey try and stop my biggest Halloween trick ever give me that back don't you press that don't even think about it [Music] [Music] where is Tracy Green Goblin stop pressing buttons [Music] look there they are Spidey definitely needs our help you're right let's flip out give me back that remote yes that's better good give Lucy back let me think about it okay I thought about it I'm keeping your spidey butt I don't think so Bobby yes just in time I'm so funny it's funny because you Spidermans think you can stop me and my greatest Halloween trick ever we like treats better than tricks Gabby tricks are much more fun like my pumpkin pranks no I think it's time to rain on this parade with my Goblin dude grab a pumpkin everyone yeah yeah spin let's rev up the rest before they Splash we've got this Spidey go save triple from Green Goblin stay fish team [Music] I'm having so much fun you won't get your spidey bot back and you'll never catch me oh where'd he go a giant pumpkin float [Music] now you're trapped right where I want you you won't get away with this Green Goblin I don't see how you'll stop me while you're in this sticky situation why am I stuck in a pumpkin no oh not just any pumpkin it's the biggest pumpkin prank that ever was isn't that right you leave her alone Bobby I'm coming for you Tracy no we're all coming for you you're too late spiders my Unstoppable pumpkin float is going to Splat Goblin goo all over the parade and ruin Halloween me and your spidey bot here will have a front row seat Tata Ghost Rider you get that remote I'll get Spidey out on it so fast gobby get off my glider I'm not going anywhere until I get that remote now to get you out of here there's no time you have to stop this pumpkin before it reaches the parade you're right I can use my super strong wax to stop it oh the little spider thinks he can stop my giant pumpkin with webs I don't think so now it's going even faster no no one ruins my plans to ruin Halloween hey Bobby give me that remote [Music] hurry we have to find a way to stop this pumpkin okay I've got another idea [Music] give it a break already break what a good idea what are we gonna do we're running out of time I didn't get the remote from gobby he hit the brakes and threw me off his glider the brakes that's it maybe we can break the pumpkin go [Music] this will take two of us I need her hurry oh that was close amazing work team you spiders may have stopped my giant pumpkin prank but I still have your precious Spidey pot Tracy quick get me out of here okay team it's gonna take all three of us to rescue Tracy maybe you could both keep Gabby busy while I swing in sure I'll confuse him with my cloaking power so he can't see me then I'll Glide in and surprise him great plan that'll give me a chance to flip Tracy back no sign of those pesky spiders I guess I get to keep you after all little Spidey bot or treat [Music] don't worry I'm coming for you yeah gotcha I'm really glad to have you back too now where's Green Goblin coming your way back to you oh you shouldn't have tried to ruin the parade entry [Music] yo why did I have to make this goo so sticky yeah so so get me out of here I don't think so Gabby you're not going anywhere oh I mean Goblin almost ruined the Halloween parade but now he can't thanks to our teamwork oh welcome back Tracy you know we can still check out all the fun costumes everyone's wearing in the parade she thinks we're in Halloween costumes happy Halloween [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] will do it all fear your friendly neighborhood spiders [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how pretty you are but first we need to get you ready this catcher will have some tough competition Aunt May if we want Bootsy to stand out May maybe I could fluff up a preferabit great idea Peter good thing I packed bootsy's brush in my bag while you brush her I think I'll take a stroll and check out the other kitties in the show okay have fun Now where's that brush huh a brush has to be in here somewhere [Music] all right Cal with my new and improved octo Sizer I can make anything super small or super big ah don't worry I'm not going to make you small it's why we came to this wide open Park so I can make you bigger than big [Music] [Applause] found it Bootsy Bootsy Bootsy oh where'd you go [Music] now sit still Cal are you ready to get super sized excellent goodbye little cow hello super cow [Music] that cat got in the way [Music] I can't wait to see the cat show I think my favorite cats are those striped ones that look like cute little tigers how about you miles hmm probably the ones with white paws like Bootsy Gwen miles boy am I glad to see you Bootsy ran off I could really use a little help [Music] since we last saw her how'd she get so big [Music] docock she must have something to do with it yep it's time to Spidey swing [Music] some amazing friends together [Music] [Music] spider [Music] spin [Applause] [Music] hey leave them alone that's my little octopot stop right there dock what did you do to Bootsy this yes I have a little cow to catch so don't try to stop me after her use that device of hers to make Bootsy big hand over that Gizmo Doc Ock you'll never get my octo sizer come on I bet that device doc Rocky used to make Bootsy big can make her small again we'll have to get it from her to find out [Music] okay ghosty and I can catch boots and I'll catch dog let's swing out [Music] let's see yeah well hey where do you think you're going spiders hand over that octo-sizer dog never yeah I won't let you or your pesky spider friends get in the way of me and my cow taking over the city ah I'll get you next time huh whoa got it here you go I think you might have lost this thanks [Music] [Applause] Bootsy put the tiny octopot down gently [Music] okay doc hand over the Octo Sizer so I can fix this oh you spiders aren't always in my way I Peter Bootsy huh it's almost time for the cats cats again they must have walked over to the show area oh I'll just go find them just wait here [Music] thank you whoa Kitty she really loves to play huh yeah too bad we don't have a giant cat toy hmm that's it we can make a cat toy what if I spin a giant web ball and we use it to get Bootsy off the street and away from these cars come on Bootsy okay go see to that fire escape let's make sure the web ball leads Bootsy away from traffic come here bootsy bootsy aha there's that giant cat CH whoa hurt let go Spidey no give it a book oh you broke my octo Sizer your octo-sizer is what you're worried about that cat can't stay super size forever oh here kitty kitty kitty come and play oh [Music] we're coming don't worry we won't let you fall oh is more important than that silly cat so you want Cal back and I want Bootsy back what are you getting at I don't have all day well I think we have to work together here if I help you fix your octo Sizer you can shrink Bootsy back down to size like I want and it'll be easier for you to get Cal back like you want okay can't believe I'm about to agree with you but okay try to keep up once we shrink Bootsy I'm gonna take that octo Sizer before you supersize anything else [Music] we're here to help you brought Doc Ock here but she's a villain trust me the Octo says it broke when I was trying to get it from her so she's gonna help fix it then we can finally shrink Bootsy and I can finally get my little cow back well our webs are holding Bootsy but not for long all right Spidey we need something to stick the octave Sizer pieces back together I have the perfect sticky solution my webs that should hold it oh no my web broke oh mine too without our webs she's losing her balance boots you shrink Bootsy and I'll save her I'm coming Bootsy this is for you cow thank you yeah gotcha oh you're welcome Bootsy and hey this looks like growing big and shrinking back down already made your fur nice and fluffy yeah yeah isn't this nice now let my little cow go cat cows come to me ah tricked you spider pests I only helped you so I could get cow back and let me guess supersize him using the octa-sizer I just helped you fix yes exactly not before Cal gets to say goodbye to Bootsy hell no come back here I think this will be safer with us either next time spiders thanks team you were a huge help now let's get this fluffy little kitty to the Cat show [Music] and me hey oh there you are Peter I was looking all over for you and Bootsy I'm sorry I took off without telling you but Bootsy got out of her basket and ran away good thing miles and Gwen help me get her back thanks kids Bootsy does get a bit curious oh ready boots look how fluffy you are see awkward spotty flipped the Octo Sizer away from her I know can you imagine what would happen if she still had it thanks for all the help today that was almost a real catastrophe good one Peter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] friendly neighborhood spiders [Music] a very Spidey Christmas Peter miles come on I don't want to be late I'm coming as fast as I can when wait up there it is whoa now that's a Christmas tree I can't believe my mom and I got chosen to light the tree this year Tracy I didn't even know you were in there she didn't want to miss the fun just remember everybody knows who has Spidey spots so while I'm Peter and not Spidey stay down and out of sight that's really neat that you brought her along well it's the holidays like they say it's the season of sharing right Peter there you are hi Aunt May hi kids oh better get going oh Gwen your mom is waiting over there with miles's parents it's so exciting that you and your mom are lighting the tree this year sure is oh hi Mom hey Dad hey buddy just in time they're getting started they're getting started hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us for this year's annual tree lighting ceremony I am deeply honored that the city has given the privilege of lighting our community's tree to me and my daughter Gwen [Applause] thank you I'd say this ceremony has become our favorite family tradition it sure has so should I do it now Mom what do you think is it time to light the tree happy holidays everyone three two one uh what's wrong Why didn't it work everyone carefully head toward the exits all right stay with us don't panic now come on those robotic tentacles they came out what tentacles oh I definitely know who's behind this hahaha oh hello everyone or should I say oh no no duck Ock what do you want why I've come to grab some presents thank you this one's heavy come on follow me we can hide over here while we come up with a plan stay in here Tracy you'll be safe stop her and we could have stopped that tree it's definitely Spidey time let's go webs go [Music] miles [Music] [Music] ghost spider [Music] in [Music] [Applause] I'll be taking this if you don't mind look at that fancy bow come in come in this is detective Stacy at the Central Mall you need to give that to me detective Stacy never mind everything's fine oh these look nice hey you give that back duck Ock why should I no one ever gives me a holiday gift so I'm taking everyone else's not so fast you know it's better to give than to receive or in this case here you go ma'am yes thanks now you're in trouble go get them team Spidey figured you three would show up sooner or later we're not gonna let you spoil the holidays Doc Ock oh I think you'll be too busy to stop me thanks to my not so little helper not you cow huh remember thank you thank you foreign thanks Spidey we can't let Doc Ock get away with this you better stop that tree first before it hurts someone oh this isn't yours thanks goodness thank you no more stealing for you [Music] oh those tentacles can break right through our webs oh yes filling up my goodie bag must have attached them to the tree when the ball was closed but all those robotic arms would still need something to control them something like that that definitely does not look like a regular ornament actually it looks like something knockoff can make so if we grab it off the tree the tree will shut down I bet it will let's go webs go yep that'll hold it for a few seconds quick go see do your thing I'm on it look out [Music] it now to take down dog good thing I'm all done with my holiday shopping whoops like I missed a goodie bag go open my parade come on team uh where'd she go oh no she got away with all those presents she totally ruined the holidays Tracy where are you Tracy [Music] she's in Doc Ox sleigh what keep out of sight Tracy we'll be right there Tracy was hiding in a gift bag and doggo grabbed it we've gotta get her out of there first we've gotta find our and I know just how to do it I built Tracy with a chip inside that'll tell me exactly where she is found her oh yeah yeah we can save Tracy and all at the same time let's Spidey swing I can't wait to open all my presents what do you think we got cow I hope I got some PJs oh I just can't wait to find out let's sit down on that roof [Music] this one looks promising hmm how about this one or what's this [Music] aren't you [Music] uh-oh is right you're in big trouble now you're the one who's in big trouble doc what how did you find me oh who cares [Music] foreign looks like you won't be spoiling the holidays after all good job Tracy you were the perfect little helper well so much for my holidays I just wanted some presents what you got me a present you wanted it to be a surprise a wrench to help me build my evil machine oh cow I guess I guess off the counts let that be a lesson for you Doc Ock even count knows the holidays are for sharing not for taking and now thanks to Spidey spin ghost spider and their little helper Tracy uh holiday gifts have been returned our beautiful tree is back to normal and I'd say it's time to light it up what do you say Gwen I say happy holidays everyone oh just look at it it's beautiful happy holidays Peter happy holidays Aunt May and you too Tracy foreign [Music] hey you didn't start building our snowman without me did you oh miles we never do that anyway we just got here where are you uh on the other side I can well don't run you might slip on some ice don't worry I'm not running that fast see you soon just a quick step here and a little hop here and my calm link Peter Gwen can you hear me oh man it's broken I really should have slowed down I'll ask Peter to fix it for me later he and Gwen are waiting so I've got to get going what a wonderful day for some snowman fun fun for me anyway oh I'll start with that one well hi there what a nice snowman you've made Green Goblin you leave us alone only problem is he's just standing there when he could be chasing you away go get him snowman ruin their winter time fun A Snowman it's moving run Matilda run that's great oh Green Goblin Peter Gwen oh yeah it's broken oh look another snowman well it's not much fun just watching him stand there tis the season for Green Goblin to have all the fun watch out people here he comes looks like I've gotta handle Gabby myself everybody runs nice snowman's go controller works like holiday magic sorry folks no wintertime fun today [Music] no more controlling snowman for you miss me go get him of course some Spidey too girl we try to spoil my butt you'll never Escape I control everywhere they go I can really use some help from the rest of Team Spidey if only my calm link weren't broken I could call them broken that it if gabi's controller were broken he couldn't control those snowmen anymore just need something to break it with [Music] no right on target my snowman go controller you ruined it I can't make them go where I want to tally spoiled my fun now I'm gonna stop you from spoiling anyone else's fun for a long long time yep oh man I lost them is everything okay he's not answering that isn't like him Peter and Gwen I'd better tell him what happened hey guys hey miles where were you well we called on the Comm link but you never answered I I kissed it I fell and broke it but then Green Goblin showed up he had this controller and he Zapped people snowmen and they started moving he could make them go wherever he wanted what it's okay gobby won't be zapping any more snowmen now I smash his controller and he ran away I think the Snowman all stopped so where's the controller now um actually got me through it away I was too busy trying to chase him down to grab it we shouldn't leave Tech like that lying around oh well I know exactly where it is come on uh do you hear that I hear something something big I'm seeing yeah but I don't believe it okay somebody supersized that thing the snowmen were not that big before what's that stuck in the snowman's head that's gobby's broken controller the wiring and that controller must have gotten all scrambled up when it broke but it's still controlling the Snowman maybe the controller works like a magnet so it's pulling all the Little Snowmen into the big one you don't see that every day turn time to spite again [Music] [Music] [Applause] ghost spider [Music] spin [Applause] ACH there you go that snowman almost ran over a squirrel I don't think it knows what it's doing after all it's just three big balls of snow let me see if I can get its attention I hit him with the snowball and it didn't even notice I don't think it has a mind of its own Bobby's controller is making it move it still seems pretty dangerous oh it's dangerous all right we've got to stop it now we'll rub it up so it can't move and then pull that controller off of it I think it's been working it's slowing down oh that thing's not easy to stop well at least gobby scared most people out of the park good then just about everyone should be safe from that Snowman out why did I throw away my controller I love my controller I can fix it it'll work better than ever if I can only find it oh I think I found it do you hear that sounds like help me please well I know he's a super villain but we've still gotta help him let's go webs go oh it's still chasing me [Music] remember me I'll see if I can keep it in one place good and I'll get that controller off him yeah it's frozen in place I can't get it out all right can you smash it not likely I built that thing to last I broke it with the pine cone it was a really hard pine cone you got this party oh look the snowman's breaking through my webs it's reacting to the controller if I could take it apart I could maybe shut it off it's headed for the city is there some way Spidey can open up that controller I'll never tell there's a slot spin spider that carrot it must have fallen off a snowman it's frozen solid will this work it just might it'll never work yeah it worked oh pumpkin seeds okay okay which wire do I pull it's a green wire or the uh of course Green Goblin made it they're all green wires oh no I need to think of something fast is it this one maybe this one ah there's no time to guess I just need to pull huh yeah you stopped the giant snowman from destroying the city you totally did it Spidey we did it thanks for your help team we'll have to let everyone know the park is safe again yeah yeah they should be out here having fun and then maybe we can finally build our own snowman you know I think I'm done with Snowmen for the day how about we go get some hot cocoa instead yes with teeny tiny marshmallows great suggestion I love those things well someday when you stop getting in trouble for misbehaving you can have Coco with teeny tiny marshmallows too [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 15,333,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, spidey and his amazing friends, spider man, spiderman, hulk, avengers, black panther, miles morales, gwen stacy, ghost spider, peter parker, rhino, green goblin, ms marvel, miss marvel, marvel, doc ock
Id: k3zMUkBKjKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 43sec (5863 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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