Most Hated & Misunderstood Bluey Character (Psychology of a Toddler)

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muffin is a character that is often centered around controversy within the community who what's up with you Muffin there's usually two polarizing camps people fall into when discussing her either they absolutely love her or they absolutely hate her but I want to talk about why I feel like she's the most misunderstood character in this series oh and it's all about what the show is choosing to represent with her muffin healer is a character that is commonly seen acting out in behaviors that seems inappropriate and sometimes this leads to the audience even blaming her parents on her actions due to their parenting style seeming to be a little lenient especially on Stripes front uh well got to run and while her actions do seem worse compared to other characters we get more screen time on like The Golden Child bingo I feel like we often forget that muffins actions and choices are ones meant to represent kids in her age group instead of being a quote unquote devil incarnate I know a bit harsh but those armor words whose sole purpose is to be evil I start talking about Bluey due to my history of working with kids in a therapeutic setting which has inspired me to start this series and with muffin being the age that she is the writer purposly packages her with the same difficulties that parents often experience with children Age 3 to 4 with a majority of her showcasing being when she was three she's only three and these acting out moments you see in the show and even in real life or normal are usually stemmed from quite a range of things that I'll get into a little bit but before we get into the flamingos and tutus of the video I need a Tut don't forget to like com subscribe you have no idea how much helps me out to get these videos out to more fans like you and let's discuss why muffin is the most misunderstood character in blue am I special Muffy you're the most special kid in the whole world oo interesting ooh I can play however I want puppy what's up gang muffin's not playing properly did she say why she says cuz she's the most special kid in the world oh okay hey m w what is that it's a cone tricks are you sure about this it's a bit of tough love that's all all right it's just I think she's feeling a little embarrassed about her cone what why can't you just not suck your thumb I don't know I just can't she will one day hooray just don't give up on her [Music] okay to start it's important to briefly go over why kids this age act like muffins sometimes ah as stated before muffin has a lot of moments where she's acting out and these acting out moments you see in the show and even in real life life are normal and usually stems from them just beginning to form their understanding on their emotions self-control uh muffin don't suck your thumb and not to mention testing social skills can't talk a lot and a lot of testing because of this it can almost seem like their emotions are on a giant wheel never knowing what it will land on next with what they encounter sometimes the reactions are in line with what you would expect and sometimes they a curve ball throwing stuff like this that is mine it's all mine although really challenging to deal with it's all relatively normal children at this age don't yet understand the concept that others have feelings and causes scenes that make muffins seem egocentric for example in charades where they're playing you guessed it charades majority the episode is centered around muffin wanting her performance of a ballerina to be perfect but I want to do the ballerina in her mind she needs a tutu to complete the look I need a tutu she needs music to dance it needs to be more or less disregarding the entire concept of Shades and disregarding the obvious frustration this causes everyone but once again these actions that come off as Thoughtless and mean-spirited are in part of a young child's no filter mannerisms that are developmentally natural for them to have and it isn't because muffin is a bad child in fact muffin is a character that is on occasion shown to have a caring personality within the same episode where she holds the popsicle for socks since socks is unable to and even feels bad in the episode granny mobile where she plays the role of a grouchy granny a little too well hurry Co Lou graty granny is a bit too grouchy are you sure there isn't another type of Granny there's going to be bad moments and good moments in every developing child which is shown purposely muffin and bouncing these can be really difficult during this age because sometimes it feels like the bad outweighs the good and can make the parenting process really delicate especially when it comes to know how to discipline which is usually where people's viewpoints are the most polarizing for muffin it's undeniable that the way your child develops is hugely attributed to the way you parent your children and unfortunately there is not one correct way to do it how come she can say it and we can't because different families have different rules and the tricky thing that comes with it is learning how to respond to your children when acting out occurs for muffin's case there are plenty of viewers who watch and feel like it's necessary for stripe and Trixie to choose a different approach towards muffin I'd argue that the way stripe and Trixie are presented is decently accurate to real life and even have great examples of managing muffin's behaviors but the difficult part that comes with parenting your own muffin is finding the balance on how much Freedom you give of them with both Trixie and stripe being opposites in this Balancing Act to start with stripe in the episode Library stripe makes a mistake while driving and goes through a yellow light D he tried through an orange light causing stripe to scramble for a reason why he didn't listen he says because it was a special situation this was a special case oh now kids are little sponges and will often copy the actions of their parents so when asking her dad am I special stripe says something muffin takes quite literally Muffy you're the most special kid in the whole world o interesting to muffin she now correlates the idea that if something or someone is special they they don't have to listen to anyone essentially copycatting what she saw her father do which was him not listening to the rules of the road causing her immediately in the next scene to do this hello hi muffin oh wipe your feet in the tail honey it's a B I don't have to a chly I'm special okay carrying over to the kids game Library where she refuses to listen to any rules and just does anything she wants the library rules are you can do free books out at a time uh muffin that's too many books I can play however I want I have to stress that this new mentality of hers might seem a bit harsh but for her it's completely innocent she's just doing what she saw her father do and in the eyes of a child their parents are indiv idual that can do no wrong and eventually this leads to a boiling point where the kids refuse to let muffin play where we get a scene that is critical to analyzed her striped parenting style because after muffin says this Lou isn't letting me play libr oh we get a quick glance from the two looking at each other and with Chile realizing stripe isn't going to do anything she is forced to take initiative and confront not muffin but Bluey Louie yes Mom can you include muffin in your game please we are but she's not playing properly I love this small detail because parenting another parents kid is a slippery slope that seems correct logically but not only does this lead to conflicts between parents it often doesn't yield the same results that would occur if stripe talk to muffin so with Chile knowing this she is forced to play smart by talking to Blue acting as a peacekeeper and rightfully gives stripe a side eye when stripe gives too much Freedom with this line well everyone has their own way of playing blue which once again allows muffin to continue her chaos [Music] puppy as for the episode muffin cone it's a lot more subtle but it's a rather beautiful one once you realize the deeper meaning where muffin is having trouble stopping a bad habit uh-uh muffin don't suck your thumb I want to do what I want which leads to muffin being heavily restricted by Trixie what is that a polar opposite to Stripes methods of giving all the freedom that muffin wants like in library with once again muffin acting as a sponge to her parents with her mother this time but it's a bit more subconscious where while muffin is having trouble with her thumb sucking Trixie is also having trouble staying on her diet with both taking any opportunity they can to feed into their behavior muffin already has this wall that prevents her from doing this bad behavior so problem solved but this wall is also preventing her from truly learning and causing muffin to become overly upset with her situation I just can't which is a con of Trixie's parenting Style with this being paralleled to the Trixie where Chile attempts to build a wall for Trixie which is trying to take away the chips I can resist but for both Trixie and muffin the solution isn't to restrict access because they aren't going to learn this way restricting access to deal with your struggles doesn't allow for growth instead you need some form of freedom to allow yourself especially kids to healthfully learn self-control both episodes library and muff con shows what happens when you lean into two too much Freedom or too little freedom but both beautifully coales with their endings where in library stripe has to confront muffins Behavior directly you know how I said you're the most special kid in the world yes well you're not oh but also in a calm manner giving us a rather tender moment I mean you are to me and your mom we love you more than anything but you're probably not special to everyone else oh okay so you have to follow the same rules as everyone okay okay Dad thanks kiddo with stripe taking this talk to heart as well for himself and is shown listening to the rules of the road good one Dad thanks princess while with muffin cone Chile has to once again be the Peacekeeper like and library after she sees muffin being upset oh choosing to confront Bluey again where we get to hear a very important lesson from Chile I think she's feeling a little embarrassed about her cone well why can't she just not suck her some she will one day just don't give up on her okay what I really love about the delivery of this is that it almost feels like Chile is talking to the audience who might be in the same shoes as Trixie reminding us that although it's going to take time don't give up on the muffin in your life but this also serves to encourage the girls to help muffin by redirecting her attention from her thumb and to play well then we're going to think of a game where your cone is okay really yeah thanks buoy yeah the Restriction is still there sure but she's so preoccupied that she doesn't even focus on her thumb like she did before and while it's hard to say if Trixie ever learned her lesson with muffin like stripe and muffin did together in library we can see muffin in the ending car scene calling her dad's attention before sucking her thumb hey Dad look at me when before she tried to do it sneakily subtly showing that she learned some self-control for her habit and his is only doing it briefly to instead have the same fun she had before with her cone con of Shame once again it's all really a balancing act that you have to do when helping your children at this age in really all ages but I'd argue that it's the hardest around muffins age because at this age they don't entirely process punishment in the way that you'd hope does that make sense no okay just do your best kid instead it's usually best to lead by example and that's exactly what the Healer family does including stripe and Trixie they show understanding and forgiveness she doesn't know any better yet we have to teach her and they focus on building love and Trust to help muffin grow it's just that sometimes parenting a child at this age can be extremely exhausting and delicate so it can be normal for a parent to feel like they're doing something wrong due to the lit's almost unpredictable nature which is represented in the episode phy talk quite well muffins spends the entire day hogging a tablet when muffin's little sister socks wants a turn and Alo stripe tries to set boundaries I'm setting a timer on my phone when it goes off it socks his turn Okay Muffy muffin doesn't want to hear any of it eventually comes the time where the timer goes off and still muffin doesn't want to listen causing one of the most creative Chase scenes in the show until they get to the bathroom where we start to hear an extremely touching scene with stripe and Trixie squabbling on how they should parent and which one is right we don't do time out anymore what since when I read a Blog you didn't tell me cuz you're never here the difficult part about the scene is that this is a situation that will most likely happen to everyone at some point it's impossible to 100% always be on the same page especially with parenting and when it gets to a boiling point like this it can make it even harder to agree on a solution both parents feel the need to set boundaries by their standards and this standard can change rapidly like when Trixie says we don't do timeout anymore what since when I read a Blog you didn't tell me because she's trying to do what she feels is best based on experts but hasn't communicated it with stripe but this small little difference is causing a big conflict between the two and I really feel for stripe here when he starts to avoid eye contact and says something from the heart I feel like you hug all of parenting oh it's clearly something that is hard for him to communicate if you look at his body language and they both in the end just want what's best for muffin but as the mic gets muted we are left with only music and body language to tell the rest as the two parents share a very special moment [Music] together finally coming to an agreement together to catch the little rascal and just before they capture her she accidentally flings the phone into the air and into the pool as the two parents showcase their reforge Alliance saying muffin's discipline in unison muffin yes time out okay the way the studio uses muffin to showcase the sometimes unpleasant trees of toddlers is honestly rather refreshing it's hard to find a show that chooses use a toddler character as a catalyst for showcasing different parenting Styles positive discipline and while still allowing toddlers to act like Toddlers and not be perfect the studios at Blue really strive to Showcase everyone in a realistic Manner and could be a really great learning opportunity for learning behaviors in children if you really take in what they are showing like all toddlers muffin isn't conflicting with others because she wants to be a troublemaker it really stems from so many different things and leads to why I feel like she's so misunderstood by so many individuals that might just be looking at her on a surface level I really implore you all to check out some episodes with muffin and maybe give me your own thoughts on how she is portrayed and maybe even tell me if this video helped change your mind on the character I'm always a sucker for hearing your thoughts because you buddies always have something interesting to say reading your comments is honestly one of my greatest Joys due to how varied and thought out your opinions are sometimes so I always have a blast reading them and please join me next time as we anal I everything Bluey once again I'm being spontaneous with my video ideas so I don't want to promise one idea quite yet but don't forget to hit subscribe so you don't miss there any new video that I post at this point I just want to showcase some of the amazing fan art I was sent from the ever talented artists in the community all of their handles will be on the bottom left of the screen with the first one being from Bud pixels now bud pixels is an artist in the community that uses pixel art as their medium for all their art which is absolutely incredible they they make these amazing fluent animations that are just absolutely top tier considering he's only 18 I wish I was this going at Art when I was 18 it's incredible but you can see here I'm literally in front of a jack Shrine with a jack plushy figurine in the casing as well as the Healer family on the actual Shrine as well with the signature thumbs up pose sh Jack there and this next one is by Risa and I just got to say I love this art style it's extremely cute I've had other people react in a way that makes it seem a little creepy so maybe you can give me your opinions on it but I think it's really cute and I love that the nose is a little heart me holding a little Jack plushy it's just extremely cute they drew My OC in a really really adorable way and I just love their art style and this next one is by Sammy and I'm a big sucker for seeing different ways how people draw fur and the way they draw the fur is really unique I haven't quite seen an artist do it in this particular manner but I I think it came out really good and I really love the expression that they communicate with my face as well as eyebrows it really sells this happy feeling that just honestly makes my day look it up and this next one is by Cardinal as you can see here it is a handdrawn piece I always love getting a handdrawn piece because usually the medium that most people draw with nowadays are digital so seeing one on paper is just a little special for me and I think this art piece is just really nice I'm holding up a nice little peace sign giving a nice little smile it just gives some nice Vibes I think it's very very nice and I just have to say if I haven't shown your fan art yet don't worry there are quite a bit of fan art pieces that I'm trying to get to some newer art pieces are being shown some older art pieces being shown so I'm trying to get you all them equally as fast as I can but if you'd also like to send me your art please send me a DM on my Twitter here and I just have to say I appreciate all the talented artists that sent me their art of course you can check out their Pages down below with all their links being down there and I just want to say also thank you to the members to support me to keep making these videos as little as $5 bucks a month which are brick and glacius Hogs me Jonathan tsuga Mr Kitty Zack Striker Zachary stwt snowy Tom of Essex Jonathan Pate Enz gorum fluff paw and Tyler from Texas and if you'd also like to support me make sure to click my link in the comments description or in the top right to become a member and as always don't forget to like com subscribe and I hope you all have a great day byebye ready [Music] bangard a
Channel: Pugly
Views: 381,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey, bluey analysis, bluey review, bluey season 3, Season 4, Muffin most hated, Muffin misunderstood, Toddler Psychology, Bluey Best Emotional Moments, Bluey Adults, Why you should watch Bluey, Bluey Lessons, Bingo, Bandit, Chilli, Video Essay, Bluey Disney, Bluey Disney Jr, Bluey Disney Plus, Bluey Sad Emotional Deep Moments, Bluey Tiktok, Most Emotional Bluey Episodes Moments, bluey full episodes
Id: 6Cz3XOoaNCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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