The Curious Case Of Spongebobs Garage

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foreign Street might just be the most recognizable house in all the television everyone knows who lives in a pineapple under the sea SpongeBob's house is so iconic and its interior is proof of great design choices every room in SpongeBob's house is memorable and most people will probably recognize each one of them upon entering the house we see the living room which is beautiful and so nostalgic there are two other doors in the living room one leading to the kitchen and one leading to the stairs to the second floor there is also a laundry room somewhere I think it's on the first floor but the second floor has iconic rooms such as the bedroom the bathroom the workout room and the library which is definitely the coolest one and then we of course have the roof which is seen occasionally and I think that's all of SpongeBob's house there isn't anything what SpongeBob has a garage hey so if you didn't remember that SpongeBob had a garage I don't blame you not even the official SpongeBob Twitter knew about it the garage is definitely the part of SpongeBob's house with the least appearances but we actually see SpongeBob's garage as early as the second episode of the show Reef blower in this silent episode SpongeBob goes to get his Reef blower which is well in his garage he opens the garage door and we get to see a tiny glimpse of the inside we do not see much but it looks to be quite a big room now why he has a garage is a good question we all know bro does not know how to drive at all now either it's here he keeps his little pedal bike thing the the unicycle that he rides sometimes but what I like to think is that he is just so determined to get his driver's license that he already has a garage like how people get cars before their license just as motivation having money helps I guess now SpongeBob's garage is not a one-time appearance thing we see it next time just a few episodes later in Noddy nautical Neighbors when SpongeBob and Patrick are blowing bubbles in SpongeBob's backyard which we have never seen foreign obviously we got a garage door like here but what is that other door next to it Spongebob doesn't have a door from his living room to his backyard right so where does this door lead I'm pretty sure it's uh not to the garage actually it's probably just where the door in his kitchen leads to since the door is next to a window to the outside don't remember him ever using this door though [Music] as we can see SpongeBob still has a garage here but when he finally gets his driver's license briefly in season 2 no free rides he Parks his boat on the street this doesn't make a lot of sense from a reality perspective but like a lot of things in this show it's just here for convenience Mrs Puff needs to sneak up and steal the boat for the plot so of course SpongeBob is gonna park outside if SpongeBob needed to take his car to work for some plot point he would park his car in a big parking garage that would magically appear near the Krusty Krab that's just how Spongebob works I'd better take the shortcut [Music] but then if we jump very much forward all the way to season 11 we can see two things one the show is not as good anymore and two there is another episode where SpongeBob gets a car in Drive happy he doesn't get his license but instead a self-driving car which doesn't require a license and where does he Park his car oh that was the best day of non-driving ever coop is there anything I can get you one glass of oil triple foam conditioner I'm fine good night Mr SquarePants good night Cube [Music] in the parking spots that has never been there before it's also so funny that for some reason it just needed to be on this side they removed Squidward's house from the episode for these parking spots it should be right here right why didn't they just put it on the other side like the other side of the house where there literally is nothing but sand or even better why not just put it in the garage oh yeah because SpongeBob needs a reason to bring his car inside the house when it starts raining and it can't rain inside the garage you see what I'm saying the reason we have barely seen SpongeBob's garage is because SpongeBob as a show retcons anything for plot convenience I guess we'll have to wait for an episode with the right setup to finally see the inside of SpongeBob's garage except we already have [Music] you know you know Patrick being in a band gives you the Liberty to dress with a little more wow should I put this yeah in Crabby Road the second episode of the season 6 premiere SpongeBob Plankton Squidward and Patrick start to band together and just like that one app guess where they go to practice that was terrible in one shot we see from the outside as the garage door is rolled up and funnily enough the door next to it is gone here and that door was not a one-time thing it has appeared after nordynolical Neighbors in season 9's the Fishbowl but then in Bonnie Hunt two seasons later we see the garage without the door even if this is confusing SpongeBob's second window at the front of his house disappears in like every other episode and like we discussed not even Squidward's house is safe what's important is that the garage is here and we get a good view inside of it oh that's it SpongeBob yeah so I was almost right about the bike thing he has a bike here but it isn't his unicycle but a random bike like the one Squidward right sometimes I was first about to say that if this was a season one his unicycle would be here instead but I was surprised to see that the unicycle shows up throughout the run of the show even in this season but this other bike is here anyway maybe he stole it from Squidward and we also have the workbench and the tool hanger thing that we saw in the garage's first appearance in Reef blower which is cool that's about it honestly they spent half the episode in here but it's always more zoomed in shots the shot from the outside is the closest we get to an overview of the garage the best kind of lyrics are the ones that are deep in revealing thing only only take a recipe I once searched for my innermost Secrets all I found was this something really interesting we see in here though is that there is a door that's not the garage door now having a door from the inside of the house to the garage is kind of normal but what makes it interesting is that they enter through the garage door now this is also normal for bands practicing in garages especially when it's like in someone's family house so they can just move in and out easily without having to like actually enter the main house but SpongeBob lives alone and he does not feel like the type of person to like force his friends to enter through a specific door what I mean by this is that every other time in the show when Patrick goes to SpongeBob's house he enters through the normal door why wouldn't they all just go for that tour It's gotta be faster if they got a door right here inside the garage like you just walk through that door instead of walking all the way around the house unless this door leads somewhere else because realistically where in the house would they store it like open to like we said before the living room has two doors one leads to the stairway and the other to the kitchen there is no other door here so it can't be from here you go to the garage then the kitchen has the door that leads outside this being the inconsistent tour next to the outside garage door and another door in here that leads to the stairwell at least sometimes yes what's for breakfast that's right so what I was thinking is that this door in the garage leads to some other room we haven't seen because without any doors on the bottom floor it shouldn't be able to lead into any of the like known rooms now there are two arguments for why this wouldn't be a new room firstly the very inconsistent nature of SpongeBob's house and the show as a whole if they open this door in the episode it would probably just lead right into the living room and it would either just be a new door or he would come through one of the existing doors because doors are inconsistent with where they lead as well going by just the early Seasons it should be possible to go on like a whole route through the entire house like you don't have to go through the same door twice to go through the entire house and out again and the second argument Caleb ties into this because a few minutes later in the episode after Squidward gets buff enough to join the band he runs to the rest of them but unlike them he enters through the main door instead of the garage door no we don't see him enter the garage from like entering the house but they start playing their instruments off screen so it's safe to assume Squidward got to the garage through the main door so as I was editing um I realized that there is another episode that shows the inside of SpongeBob's garage which kind of makes a lot of things the things I've said the redundant but we're gonna talk about it anyway right here wherever it fits in sharks versus pods in season 9 SpongeBob goes into the garage through the door like the door we've been talking about we don't see him enter the door but it's presumed that he got to the garage through this door so in the garage we see the tool bench the hanger for the tools above that there is a like some paint stuff there's some paint stuff in another place we have what I think is a unicycle here it looks slightly different but it's I think it's a unicycle and then he has a license plate which kind of proves my theory about that he has he already has a license plate he already has a garage without even having a car um so this was really surprising we still don't see him enter through this door though I'm gonna just go back and check no what we do see however is that there is a fur door here um a door on the other side of the room so it's a closer to the main door that you enter the house through it's a door with the like a swimming ring or whatever it's called on it that from how the episode plays out here you'd think that's where he enters um the garage but that doesn't make any sense with how its positioned you see it's like right next to the window so if you go there you should just you should just be on the outside um but SpongeBob is not a show that makes sense what I thought was that this door leads to his second bathroom because in some episodes he has a second bathroom that's on the like first floor I'm gonna have to go back into editing and check this but for now this is like a big Discovery for me like when I'm almost done editing the video so of course this got even more confusing because the second bathroom thing was something I read about on the SpongeBob Wiki when I first researched for the video so I went back and figured out that it was in the episode Gary takes a bath which was the episode I used that screenshot from then I went back and watched the episode and okay I'm just gonna pull it up here so I make sure I don't say like anything wrong but we see I'm gonna play the clip on screen because we see the door with the swimming ring in the background a SpongeBob throws the toy then Gary runs forward on the first floor and then he gets to the bathroom so now not only do we have the door that you enter the house from the two doors that usually are there this new door with the life ring and also this it's not even a door it's just an open bathroom that's on the first floor and I thought that was it like okay so we don't know what's behind this door with the life ring it gotta be the garage but no because later in the episode when SpongeBob does the whole uh pirate thing you know the classic don't drop them joke when they are going treasure hunting then he opens this door and then there's stairs there so now the stairs are in this store but in this episode like right before we also see that wait okay look at this screenshot and tell him it's not super confusing now it's in the kitchen and then and where does this door lead where does this store lead like the one oh I have no idea what's going on this got like I'm going down a rabbit hole so that's basically the Canon explanation for this weird door in SpongeBob's garage it leads to the rest of his house even though we still have no idea which room you will enter upon opening the door from the garage and its Mysteries like this that's so interesting to me with this very long running show there is a similar thing with SpongeBob's library that I would like to take a look at in the future as well but for SpongeBob's garage door it's gonna be unsold until we finally get to see the inside of the garage again but I think the main thing to take away from all this is that this man has a garage without a car
Channel: Awe
Views: 468,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OzZbCAJmrig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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